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Chapter 171 The Ship of Fortune, the King of Divine Artifacts

The head of the Fan family could no longer maintain his arrogant demeanor at this time, his pupils shrank slightly, and there was fear in his eyes.

Just kidding, any one of the people in front of you can match the five of them working together, and their magical powers are endless, one is more terrifying than the other, and it is simply more amazing than the magical skills passed down by their family of saints.

If they can't run away now, when Hong Yi and the others come back from the disaster, they will really be doomed this time.

Although they did not use their real bodies when they came this time, and the body in front of them was just an incarnation formed by gathering thoughts, these more than 10,000 thoughts were already most of their strength, not to mention that they still had They carry the patriarch's sacred artifact with them. Once they lose the ancestral artifact and lose the power of more than 10,000 thoughts, they may not be able to secure their position as the patriarch among the patriarchs.

Seeing that Lu Mingfei had trapped five heads of saint families, Xiao Shi Hao showed an extremely excited expression on his face.

"Brother Mingfei, you did a good job. Leave the rest to me!"

As he spoke, Xiao Shihao rushed into Lu Mingfei's death barrier, raised his palms, and countless runes condensed. White fairy lights with an aura of death fell from the sky, and the body protectors outside the five family heads Taoism collided together.

Just when the five family heads were extremely frightened, Fangyuan, who had disappeared among the crowd, appeared again. Behind Fangyuan, there were these three figures with terrifying auras.

Just after Hong Yi showed his true power, Fangyuan just ran away with oil on his feet.

Just kidding, although Fangyuan's temper is a little fierce, he is not stupid. He can't defeat the five masters. He, a little shrimp who relies on magic weapons to have the power of the second thunder tribulation, is mixing something up here.

What's more, this time he didn't come alone. Of course, he chose to run away and bring in reinforcements.

The three people around him were the reinforcements he brought. They were the head of the Fang family, the head of the Li family, and the head of the Liu family.

These three family heads were wearing the same simple robes as the five previous family heads, as if they did not live in the present world but had traveled directly from ancient times.

These three family heads respectively inherited from Fang Zi's "Heaven and Earth Circles", Li Zi's "Tongyuan Theory of Revealing Saints", and Liu Zi's "Great Wilderness Yin and Yang Fu", each of which is no less than the Six Paths of Brahma, Taishang The unique miraculous power of the Alchemy Sutra.

What's even more terrifying is that the head of the Li family carries an aura that travels through space and travels in all directions. His expression is as calm as if he has entered a state of Dagang with no desires or pursuits. This kind of aura can only be passed through. The aura that can only be possessed by an expert ghost immortal who has experienced 6 thunder tribulations.

It is obvious that the head of the Li family is in a different realm from other heads. He has survived the sixth thunder tribulation and entered the realm of the sixth-order ghost immortal. You must know that the head of the Li family is a sixth-order ghost immortal, and he also has in his hand With the blessing of the magic weapon left by the Dharma Saint, the head of the Li family's combat power is not inferior to that of a peerless master who has experienced 7 thunder tribulations.

The ghost immortal who has suffered seven thunder tribulations is called the Creator. His thoughts have reached the number of one yuan, and he has the supreme power to create things in the void and travel through the sky.

Each of their thoughts contains a small world, and they have great magical powers to create all things. It can be said that masters with six thunder tribulations and less and creators with seven thunder tribulations are completely two-dimensional creatures.

As soon as the head of the Li family appeared on the scene, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

He saw the five family heads trapped in the death barrier with disdain in their eyes, as if they were looking at a group of idiots.

He said softly: "These old guys really don't have the brains to seek skin from a tiger, so they dare to stand out. It's only their own fault that they ended up like this. You can't blame others."

Although the saint families abide by certain rules and are allies, there is still competition between them.

After all, with such a long heritage, there must have been many conflicts over the course of time.

Just like between the Fan family and the Li family, due to the hatred between their ancestors, the heads of the Fan family and the Li family have always disliked each other.

In the decades since they became the head of the family, they have been competing with each other. It was not until the head of the Li family took the lead to break through to the Six Tribulations Ghost Immortal that the dispute was settled.

Even if placed in a saint's family, the cultivation level of the Six Tribulations Ghost Immortal can already be regarded as the pillar of the family.

The head of the Fang family on the side smiled softly: "After all, they are also members of our family. There is an alliance made by the medieval disciples. If we can help, we still have to help."

The head of the Li family nodded slightly: "It is the right thing for all schools of thought to help each other. Besides, according to Fangyuan's description, the forces around Hong Yi are unfathomable. If you want to take him down, you will need these old guys. s help."

As soon as he finished speaking, the head of the Li family stretched out his hand. Countless thoughts in his body kept jumping in the air. Every jump seemed to be able to incite the void and shake everything. These thoughts kept turning in the sky, and in an instant A black and white Tai Chi diagram is formed at the junction of Yin and Yang.

The head of the Li family wears a bracelet with forty-nine beads on his wrist. The beads on the bracelet are very interesting. One is black and the other is white. There are a total of twenty-five black beads and twenty-four white beads. The black and white bracelet began to rotate slowly the moment the head of the Li family took action, projecting a black and white halo that disappeared into the Tai Chi diagram.

This bracelet is the saint's magic weapon left by Li Zi. With the blessing of this magic weapon, the power of the Taoist skills of the head of the Li family instantly expanded to the level of the Seven Tribulations Creator.

This Tai Chi diagram carries the artistic conception of chaos, as if a diagram can separate heaven and earth, recreate yin and yang, and everything in the sky and on the ground will be reduced to chaos in front of this diagram.

Li Zizai, the head of the Li family, had countless thoughts in his mind, and the Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of Lu Mingfei in an instant.

The black and white Tai Chi diagram rotated, and a chaos enveloped Lu Mingfei's body, as if to train him into a chaos device and return to the innate state.

The power of this Tai Chi diagram is extremely terrifying, with the breath of creating all things and the end of the universe. At this moment, Lu Mingfei understood why the ghost fairy of the Seven Tribulations was called the Creator. This breath of creating all things can indeed be called the Creator.

Under the cover of this chaotic Tai Chi, Lu Mingfei felt an extremely strong sense of crisis.

He whistled crazily, and the dragon characters seemed to carry the breath from ancient times, distant and mysterious. The clear light around him kept flashing, blocking the chaotic breath of the Tai Chi diagram ten meters away from him.

But it was obvious that as the Tai Chi diagram continued to rotate, the range of Lu Mingfei's law domain became smaller and smaller, as if the clear light around him was also refined into chaotic energy by the Tai Chi diagram and no longer existed.

Seeing the appearance of the head of the Li family, the five heads of the family trapped in the death barrier showed extremely fortunate expressions on their faces.

Even the head of the Fan family, who had always been at odds with the head of the Li family, felt like seeing a relative when he saw the head of the Li family.

"Okay, okay, Brother Li, help me. Today we will take down these evil beasts first, and then we will take down the rest of Hong Yi's evil party together."

The head of the Wang family, Wang Lingshan, was also greatly encouraged by what he saw. He forced himself to calm his mind and actually entered a supreme state of no joy or sorrow, no desire or demand.

He stepped on the Yu Step, his body turned into seven stars, his thoughts split into seven or eight figures in the void, and then condensed into one. After this series of operations, every thought of the head of the Wang family expanded rapidly, from the size of a bowl to the size of a football, as if he had taken a powerful pill.

Then he slapped forward with a fierce palm, countless air currents scattered and overflowed, like a blade in the air, and countless sparks were rubbed with the air. In an instant, it was like a meteor falling to the ground, and the sparks condensed into a brightly feathered fire phoenix.

Although this fire phoenix was not as magnificent as the Taoist magic he had used before, it was extremely fierce, and the flames condensed on its body seemed to be able to burn through the sky and the earth.

Drops of blood oozed out of the palm of the head of the Wang family, and these bloods turned into blood rain in an instant and merged into the phoenix flame. In an instant, the wind and fire were raging, the wind borrowed the fire, and the fire helped the wind, and the phoenix flame became more fierce.

This palm is the supreme unique skill of the Wang family, the phoenix's swan song, the blood rain in the sky.

In an instant, the head of the Wang family seemed to have realized the realm of six thunder tribulations. If he could break free from Lu Mingfei's death barrier and go straight into the sky, and survive the thunder tribulation with Hong Yi and others, he would be able to achieve the supreme realm of six-tribulation ghost immortals in an instant.

Yang Pan, who was in the palace, stood up from the dragon chair when he saw the appearance of these three old guys. He knew that the opportunity was not to be missed.

At this time, Hong Yi was surviving the tribulation in the air. Now was the best opportunity to cut off Hong Yi's forces and divide and defeat them.

The power displayed by Hong Yi in Beijing this time was simply earth-shaking and shocking.

Not only was his own strength comparable to that of a ghost immortal who had experienced six thunder tribulations, but even each of his friends was such a shocking master.

It can be said that the power around Hong Yi at this time was completely enough to shake the rule of Daqian.

This made Yang Pan feel extremely terrified. As a king, he really could not tolerate the appearance of such a giant in his sphere of influence.

How can a person sleep peacefully on a couch? Moreover, Hong Yi is a man with ulterior motives. If he cannot suppress Hong Yi, Yang Pan will not be able to sleep peacefully from now on.

This time, the gathering of Fengyun in Yujing City gathered countless masters, all of whom came for Hong Yi. Although many of these masters also have ulterior motives, as long as they can unite their strength to suppress Hong Yi, then this group of masters will be a useful force for Yang Pan.

As Yang Pan made up his mind, his soul suddenly rushed into the void. After a moment, a terrifying giant ship slowly sailed out of the void.

With the appearance of this giant ship, bursts of thunder came from the sky. This thunder was not naturally formed, but the terrifying movement caused by the violent friction between this giant ship and the void. The thunder was so violent that it was countless times more magnificent than the previous spring thunder.

This building ship has 18 floors, and each floor is more magnificent and magnificent than the previous one.

Hong Yi's pleasure boat was already the most luxurious ship in the Yangshen world, but compared to the huge ship that appeared in the sky, Hong Yi's pleasure boat was as shabby as a beggar.

Seeing this huge ship, even Lu Mingfei couldn't help but exclaimed. This huge ship was as big as an aircraft carrier on Earth, enough to accommodate 100,000 people at the same time. It was simply a miraculous sight.

And the most terrifying thing was the aura on this huge ship, as if it carried the supreme luck of creating everything, creating everything, and opening up the world.

Wherever the giant ship went, the heaven and earth trembled. Huge waves spread in all directions as the giant ship sailed. The wind stopped and the rain stopped. Even the infinite energy stirred up by the supreme skills of the sage family master was suppressed by the breath emitted by the giant ship, and no more wind or waves could be raised.

Yang Pan stood quietly on the deck of the giant ship, with his hands behind his back, as if he was the god king of creation, the master of all things, and was riding on this giant ship to patrol the eight directions and rule the world.

This is the king of artifacts owned by Yang Pan, the supreme magic weapon, the boat of creation. Before this supreme magic weapon, the sage magic weapons held by the heads of several sage families became ordinary in an instant, as if the local rich man who was domineering in the countryside saw the emperor and his true colors were revealed in an instant.

As soon as the giant ship appeared in the air, it drove towards Xiao Shihao and Lu Mingfei. The wind and waves it caused were like substance, and the clouds in the sky were blown away.

Hong Xuanji saw this scene, his eyes flickered slightly, he knew that Yang Pan's open use of the Boat of Fortune in public meant that he had already decided to kill Hong Yi.

This also made Hong Xuanji slightly relieved, because the pressure from Xiao Nannan was too great. Even if he had penetrated more than a hundred acupoints in an instant, he still couldn't pose a real threat to Xiao Nannan.

He could even feel that the little girl in front of him had been letting her go, because Xiao Nannan had been using his Wheel of Life and Death, and Hong Xuanji could feel that there was an extremely fierce killing intent hidden deep in Xiao Nannan's soul. He knew that once this killing intent was released, the whole world would change color.

However, even if Xiao Nannan was ten times more terrifying, she would never be the opponent of the King of Divine Artifacts.

Although the Boat of Fortune in front of him was not yet complete and had not been completely repaired, the power it possessed was already able to suppress the four seas and eight wildernesses, making the world bow down to it.

With the appearance of the King of Artifacts, the Champion Marquis, who had been hiding in the shadows, also slowly walked out of the shadows.

At this time, the Champion Marquis had already put on the Heavenly Horn Divine Armor, holding a golden long sword in his hand, with mountains, rivers, sun and moon printed on one side, and sun, moon and stars printed on the other side, as if he was the master of humanity.

Unlike others, the Champion Marquis hid in the dark and slowly walked towards Luo Feng, Ying Zheng, and Zi Shou who had not made a move.

The Champion Marquis could feel that the weakest among Hong Yi's group of friends were the three little ones in front of him. Not only did they not make a move, but they also had only a very weak aura on their bodies. It was obvious that they were novices who had just embarked on the path of cultivation.

After the previous confrontation, the meticulous Champion Marquis had hated Hong Yi to the core. He could not intervene in the frontal battlefield, so he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to capture Hong Yi's friends and use them as threats.

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