All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 172 Lu Mingfei's choice, I am still a hunter

At this moment, when the Boat of Fortune appeared, the heads of several saintly families showed extremely horrified expressions in their eyes. They looked up at Yang Pan standing on the deck of the ship, as if they saw a real dragon.

A real dragon flies above the nine heavens when it rises, making clouds and rain, and hides in the abyss when it falls, hiding and sneaking.

Yang Pan has a divine weapon like the Boat of Fortune, but he has kept it secret. He is so forbearing, and who knows what terrible calculations he has.

With such a divine weapon, Yang Pan is no longer afraid of the power of any saintly family. Unless all saintly families unite together, and dozens of masters with more than six thunder tribulations act together, it is possible to shake this boat of fortune.

Several heads of saintly families seemed to see Yang Pan's ambition to wipe out all the families in the world and establish an unprecedented dynasty with all opposing forces.

But at this time, the heads of several saintly families no longer cared about Yang Pan's ambition, because they knew that before they wiped out all the sects in the world, Yang Pan still had to rely on these families to stabilize Daqian's rule.

So even if Yang Pan hid such a powerful strength, he would not attack them today.

But if they could not cooperate with Yang Pan to take down Hong Yi today, with the strength of Hong Yi's group, once they returned, today would be their death.

Yang Pan's means of attacking the Boat of Fortune were very simple, so simple that it was a little pure, that is, the simplest collision. With the size of the Boat of Fortune, a simple collision alone was already a terrible disaster like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.

Although the size of this huge ship was very large, its movement speed was extremely agile. The hull only turned slightly in the void, but it had actually traveled hundreds of miles and hit Xiao Shihao and Lu Mingfei in an instant.

With the speed of the Boat of Fortune, even a master of human immortals could not avoid his collision.

The huge ship broke through the void, split the wind and waves, and the air waves it brought up seemed to be able to destroy everything.

With the power of the Ship of Fortune, if it really hit Xiao Shihao and Lu Mingfei, the aftermath would sweep away everything within a square circle of 100 meters.

In the most prosperous area of ​​Yujing City, Yang Pan had no scruples at this time. He had neither the dignitaries in Sanhua Tower nor the ordinary civilians living next to Sanhua Tower in his eyes.

It was just a few people who died, what could it count for? There were only more than a thousand residents within a square circle of 100 meters. With the power of the state machine, he could easily pin their deaths on Hong Yi and others.

For Yang Pan, these people were just ants. He was the emperor, and all the people in the Qian Dynasty were his subjects. They were fed by the emperor, so they should naturally worry about the emperor and die for the emperor.

With the supreme and powerful power of the Ship of Fortune in his hands, Yang Pan was confident that he could suppress the world and stop the people from complaining.

These ordinary ants died, but as long as this attack could kill Xiao Shihao and Lu Mingfei and weaken the power of Hong Yi's forces, then the death of these people would be valuable, and they would sacrifice their lives for the country, and they could be proud of it even if they died.

For Yang Pan, this was an opportunity that he absolutely could not miss. He would not encounter such a good thing in the future where a group of people formed a group to survive the tribulation and left their bodies behind.

This time, not only could he kill the powerful masters in Hong Yi's forces, but he could also destroy the remaining bodies of other masters.

Although it was only the aftermath of the boat of good fortune sailing through the void, it still set off a terrifying storm. Under the huge wind pressure, the impact,

For a while, screams were heard continuously. There were children being crushed under the ruins of brick and tile houses, and there were women being pierced through the body by wood falling from the sky. The originally prosperous Yujing City turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant.

Lu Mingfei raised the big sword in his hand, and kept slashing forward with the terrifying sword energy. The clear light around him kept flashing, and he was in a fierce confrontation with Li Zizai's two-yin and yang Tongxuan Qi.

Facing the impact of the Ship of Fortune, Lu Mingfei opened his lips slightly and chanted a difficult and obscure dragon script.

"Divine Shadow: The True Form of the Void."

In an instant, Lu Mingfei's body began to twist, as if he was going to escape into the void and disappear into nothingness.

After joining the group chat, under the influence of Xu Chenzhou, Lu Mingfei had long understood the importance of the ability to escape. After developing the Death Barrier, the second word spirit developed by Lu Mingfei was the true form of the void for escaping.

This true form of the void was developed by Lu Mingfei after gathering all the law fragments in his blood that could control space. It can allow him to escape into the void in an instant, and can also move in the void, a thousand meters in an instant, like a ghost.

And the most perverted thing is that this word spirit allows him to stay in the void for a long time after escaping into the void. If the opponent he faces does not have the corresponding space ability, then there is nothing he can do to Lu Mingfei.

However, this ability also has a disadvantage, that is, after escaping into the void, Lu Mingfei will be separated from the real world. Therefore, although Lu Mingfei is absolutely safe in the void, he has no way to affect the material world. In other words, after escaping into nothingness, Lu Mingfei is like entering an observer's perspective, only able to watch but not move.

Just as Lu Mingfei's body was about to escape into the void, he suddenly paused, let out a long sigh, and then canceled the action of escaping into the void, allowing his body to appear in the material world again.

The reason why Lu Mingfei stopped escaping into the void was not because he was worried about Xiao Shihao and the others. The group members all had their own life-saving trump cards. If it didn't work, they could return to this world directly and run away instantly. As long as they were not killed instantly, they would not encounter any danger at all.

But when Lu Mingfei was about to escape into the void, he saw the painful wailing on the faces of the people around him, which made Lu Mingfei, as a hunter, really unable to sit idly by.

In the eight years in the Monster Hunter World, he had fought against the ancient dragon with his teammates countless times to protect the village. The belief of protection had already penetrated into Lu Mingfei's bones. In addition, Lu Mingfei himself was a very kind person, so he couldn't watch civilians die in front of him without being moved.

At this time, the Ship of Fortune had already arrived above Lu Mingfei's head, and the distance between him and him was less than 500 meters. With the speed of the Ship of Fortune, it would hit Lu Mingfei's head in just a moment.

At this critical moment, Lu Mingfei chanted a dragon text again: "Guard, purify the law domain!"

At the moment of chanting the dragon text, an extremely powerful Yuxu magic power emerged from Lu Mingfei's body. Under the effect of this Yuxu magic power, the golden light in Lu Mingfei's eyes instantly became like the power of the sun, as if there were really three suns in this world, one in the sky, and the other two in Lu Mingfei's eye sockets.

This is Lu Mingfei's way of cultivation. After initially experiencing all the cultivation paths in the chat group, Lu Mingfei found that the most suitable cultivation path for him was the Honghuang Immortal Path.

This does not mean that the cultivation paths in other worlds are not as good as the Honghuang Immortal Path, but that the spiritual energy cultivated by the Honghuang Immortal Path can have a wonderful chemical reaction with the dragon bloodline.

Because the reason why the word spirit can play a role is essentially that there are law fragments in the dragon bloodline. The higher the purity of the bloodline, the more law fragments there are in the bloodline of the mixed race, and what drives these law fragments to play a role is a strange power in the bloodline. Lu Mingfei named it the power of dragon.

In the traditional concept of the dragon world, this kind of dragon power is innate, and it is almost impossible to train or enhance it.

The power of the hybrids of the dragon race mainly depends on the strength of their bloodline. Although acquired training will help to enhance the power of hybrids to a certain extent, it is difficult to cross the class.

Even if a B-level hybrid trains hard, his physical strength is definitely not as good as that of the salted fish S-level who slacks off all day.

The physical strength is still like this, not to mention the words that rely more on the purity of the bloodline. The power of the flame spirit of the hybrid with stronger bloodline purity is even greater, and it is almost impossible to change it by hard work and practice.

However, Lu Mingfei found that this situation became completely different after he practiced the Honghuang Immortal Dao. The Yuxu mana cultivated by the Honghuang Immortal Dao is as simple as eating and drinking water when activating the law fragments.

If the process of activating the law fragments is compared to an engine, the dragon power activating the law fragments is like diesel, with low efficiency. Then the Yuxu mana is like rocket fuel, efficient and violent.

The essence of this power seems to be generated for the purpose of manipulating the rules.

After practicing the Honghuang Immortal Dao, Lu Mingfei can use Yuxu's magic power to enhance the power of the law fragments in his body. In other words, the stronger Lu Mingfei's immortal cultivation is, the stronger his words will be.

This is why Lu Mingfei's seven dragon hunting methods were so powerful before, and he even faced the Seven Tribulations Creator head-on.

At this time, Lu Mingfei mobilized all the strength in his body, sacrificed all his cultivation at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and invested all his magic power into this word spirit.

The Zhenkong Law Domain, which was originally only ten meters away from Lu Mingfei, spread to a hundred meters after receiving the support of Yuxu's magic power.

The area within a hundred meters around Lu Mingfei seemed to have entered his domain. All the forces in this barrier were under Lu Mingfei's control. Whether it was the dust in the air or the invisible spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they were all controlled by Lu Mingfei at this moment and turned into his power against the enemy.

Countless wailing civilians were also pulled by the clear light and gathered around Lu Mingfei, and were firmly protected behind him.

The huge light shield collided fiercely with the boat of fortune in the sky.

The clear light barrier kept shaking, and spider web traces like broken glass appeared on the periphery of the barrier, as if it was severely damaged in the collision and almost shattered.

And Lu Mingfei's face turned pale in an instant, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth.

The king of artifacts is the king of artifacts, worthy of being one of the most terrifying powers in the world of Yangshen.

Although the Ship of Fortune was not as terrifying as it was in its heyday, its attack was still incredibly powerful. Even if Lu Mingfei used up all his spiritual energy to stimulate the power of the Word Spirit to an unimaginable degree, he was still no match for the Ship of Fortune.

Lu Mingfei's actions shocked everyone present. They did not expect that Lu Mingfei could confront the power of the Ship of Fortune without using any magic weapon. This showed that the power that this person had just burst out was comparable to that of a Creator at the peak of level seven.

There were not many such terrifying people among the various families. You should know that Meng Shenji, the world's number one master, had reached the peak of seven thunder tribulations before he disappeared, and he was already the overlord of the universe.

What people could not understand the most was that this person could have escaped into the void to avoid this terrifying attack, but he gave up escaping for those ants that no one cared about at all, and instead spent a huge amount of power to support such a terrifying barrier, and did not hesitate to suffer serious injuries to protect the civilians.

Especially the head of the Saint Family had no way to understand Lu Mingfei's behavior, and they even suspected that Lu Mingfei's brain was broken.

In the history recorded by their family, there have been too many terrible disasters in more than 10,000 years, such as snow in June, three years of cold winter, famine in the world, and only two layers of people died. There were also wars that lasted for decades, and the people became two-legged sheep, and nine out of ten houses were empty. But in a few decades, the people in this world will be like weeds, which can't be burned by fire, and will grow again when the wind blows.

So in their cognition, there is no difference between ordinary people and weeds, they are just as lowly and cheap.

The Seven Tribulations Creator is so noble that he is not inferior to the Supreme Emperor. Even if he is placed in the Saint Family, he is still a top figure. He is simply the most respected and the king among kings.

But Lu Mingfei did not regret his actions at all. He really couldn't watch so many civilians die in front of him. Although he was no longer in the Monster Hunter World, he still felt that he was a hunter.

In fact, even if this scene was placed in front of other members of the chat group, some of them would make a completely different choice from Lu Mingfei.

For example, Han Lao Mo, in the face of such a situation, he would definitely choose to frown and retreat behind everyone.

For example, Xu Chenzhou, for Xu Chenzhou, if it was some help that he could do, then he would definitely not mind doing some good things, but in the face of the attack of the Ship of Fortune, Xu Chenzhou would never take such a big risk for a stranger.

Of course, if the person involved in the crisis was an important person around him, Xu Chenzhou would never step back.

However, there will be group members who make the same choice as Lu Mingfei, such as Misaka Mikoto. With Misaka Mikoto's personality, it is absolutely impossible for her to watch ordinary civilians die in front of her without helping.

Although the saints were very surprised by Lu Mingfei's behavior, they would not be soft-hearted.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Especially Li Zizai, who had just been fighting with Lu Mingfei for so long, he had long known the difficulty of this kid in front of him. At this time, Lu Mingfei finally revealed such a huge flaw. How could Li Zizai miss this rare opportunity?

In an instant, Li Zizai made another move. The black and white bracelet on his wrist kept turning. Between the flashing of the clear light, his thoughts jumped, and the huge black and white airflow formed countless black and white spears in the sky. These spears rushed towards the clear light around Lu Mingfei.

And Li Zizai not only attacked the weakness of the light shield, but also separated countless spears and stabbed the civilians behind Lu Mingfei.

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