All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 174 The power of the primordial world returns after overcoming the calamity!

On the ground, Champion Hou, who had been lurking for a long time, finally saw an opportunity. Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shi Hao flew into the void to stand with Yang Pan. Now was the best time for him to take action.

The champion used all his strength to activate the heavenly horn divine armor on his body. With the blessing of the armor left behind by the god of war, the champion's speed was increased to the limit in an instant. He seemed to turn into a ray of light and cut through the sky. , like a sharp sword, pounced on Luo Feng and the three people standing behind everyone.

Lu Mingfei also noticed this scene, but at this time he was besieged by three heads of saint families at the same time. He was really unable to support him and could only reluctantly instigate a clear light to block the three of them.

But this has no effect on the champion. Although the champion's cultivation is only at the peak of the Martial Saint, his equipment is good.

Not only does he have the champion, but he also has the Panhuang Life Sword left by the Holy Emperor Pan. This divine sword carries the destiny of heaven and responds to the people's hearts. It is simply the direction of the people of the central world for thousands of years. It is as thick as a mountain, and the champion is just light. With a light wave, a general trend of humanity and the aura of growth of all spirits surged violently as the sword pointed, directly cutting Lu Mingfei's Qingguang in half.

Immediately afterwards, the Panhuang Life Sword in the champion's hand flew towards Luo Feng and the others. In an instant, an extremely majestic aura pressed down on the heads of the three of them like a mountain, as if to tightly restrain the three of them.

The Panhuang Life Sword is such a terrifying artifact. With the blessing of this long sword, the three people who had just joined the group chat were naturally unable to resist the shackles of the champion, and were immediately trapped in place by him.

The champion's purpose was not to kill people. In his perception, the cultivation level of Luo Feng and the others was too low, and there was no difference at all between killing and not killing.

On the contrary, if these three people can be captured alive, this is the only way to truly threaten Hong Yi.

After sponsoring the three of them, Champion Hou did not restrain himself. He looked at the bodies of Xu Chenzhou and others who were protected by Lu Mingfei in the clearing realm.

There was light flowing in his eyes, and he was constantly calculating in his mind. If he could control the physical bodies of a few people, he could even exchange his physical bodies with Hong Yi and others to obtain their martial arts, Taoist skills, and various treasures. , this is the choice that maximizes benefits

The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind. As long as he can control the bodies of Hong Yi and others, he will get the greatest benefits.

And after receiving the benefits, he can also choose to break his promise. With the Panhuang Life Sword, he can grind all the bodies of these people into mince with just one sword.

However, at this time, the physical bodies of Xu Chenzhou and others were being protected by Lu Mingfei in the Clear Sky Domain. Even Li Zizai, who was comparable to the Creator of the Seven Tribulations, could not break through Lu Mingfei's Clear Sky Domain. Even with the Panhuang Life Sword in hand, Champion Hou also felt that he had nowhere to start.

But this does not mean that the champion has nothing to do. He has hostages in hand, and he has many ways to control Lu Mingfei. As a time traveler, being evil and ruthless is standard. In the face of benefits, the champion will not care about face.

After making the decision, Champion Hou raised the Panhuang Life Sword and placed it on Zi Shou's neck.

"Boy over there, if you don't want me to save the heads of these three people, just let go of the light around you and hand over Hong Yi's body to me.

Don't worry, I don't have any bad intentions. I just want to use Hong Yi's body to make a deal with him. "

When Lu Mingfei heard this, even though the battle was still going on, he couldn't help but be shocked by the champion's shamelessness.

The champion Sima Zhao's heart was well known to everyone. He took away Hong Yi's body and said he had no bad intentions.

"Brother? Did you drink too much last night and you're still awake? How dare you say such things! Don't even think about it!"

Champion Hou laughed: "Don't speak too early, I have long seen that the relationship between you guys is quite good.

Now the lives of the three of them are in my hands. If you don't agree to my promise, all three of them will be dead in an instant.

And if you choose to give Hong Yi's body to me, not only will I not hurt the three of them, but I also promise you that I will never hurt Hong Yi's body. As long as he agrees to my conditions later, I will definitely give him his body. Hong Yi's body returned to Zhao intact.

There are two choices, one is to lose three friends, the other is to save the lives of friends. How you choose depends entirely on you. "

As he spoke, the Panhuang Life Sword in the champion's hand shone again, and an extremely sharp sword energy came out of the golden sword, cutting a bloody mark on Zi Shou's neck.

Champion Hou has a very ruthless character. He has three hostages in his hands at this time, so he doesn't mind killing one first to show Lu Mingfei his determination.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu, who was standing by, had a faint light in her eyes. She stepped forward gently and said, "I'm afraid there is something wrong with what the Marquis is doing. Hong Yi and others are going through a catastrophe. At this time, the body is undefended." At this stage, asking for Hong Yi's body at this time is taking advantage of others' danger, which is not the behavior of a gentleman. ""

The champion's eyes were fixed on Su Mu, and his eyes were full of unabashed possessiveness: "Miss Su's words are wrong. I am a member of the army, so naturally I am not a gentleman. What I do naturally follows the way of a military strategist. A soldier is a soldier." It’s a trick, if you don’t stick to trivial matters, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Su Mu took another step forward and said with a look in her eyes, "I think you'd better listen to my advice, Mr. Hou, otherwise I'm afraid something will happen that you don't want to see."

The champion didn't care about Su Mu's words. Instead, his eyes wandered up and down Su Mu's body, from the fair and attractive wrists to the delicate and soft earlobes, and then looking down, he saw the pair of exquisite lotus flowers hidden in the embroidered shoes. The feet even make the champion forget to leave.

"Okay, Miss Su, I know your origins. You are a saintly girl. Ordinary people will naturally not dare to offend you at all and will obey your words. But I, Yang An, am not afraid of you.

And I heard that your saints who are too noble have the habit of looking for people with great fortune as their spouses in the secular world. For example, the saint Meng Bingyun of the previous generation found Wu Wenhou and Hong Xuanji for marriage. As for this generation, apart from me, Yang An, among all the outstanding people in the world, who else can be worthy of you, Miss Su? We are all one family, so don’t go against me. "

Hearing the words of the champion, Su Mu's eyes flashed with anger: "You know that I am a saint of the Supreme Way, but you still dare to say such frivolous words, you are simply looking for death."

During that time, Su Mu's body exuded an aura that was supreme and transcendent, as if he was about to take action in an instant.

But at this moment, Zi Shou, who was pointed at his neck with a sword by the champion, said softly: "Sister, you don't need to interfere in this matter. I want to see what he can do to me."

Hearing Zi Shou's words, the champion was completely angry. He was obviously just a newcomer who had just practiced, but he already had his sword pointed at his neck and still dared to be so arrogant: "Boy, you are seeking death, challenging my patience. Bottom line, I tell you to give your friend three more seconds. If you don't hand over Hong Yi's body, your death will come."

But seeing this scene, Lu Mingfei was unmoved at all. He didn't even bother to look at the champion. He concentrated on fighting the three heads of the saint family, as if he didn't put the lives of his three friends at all. On the body.

Because Lu Mingfei knew that he didn't need to worry about the safety of the three group members at all. As long as they were willing to request to return to the chat group at any time, it was impossible for the Champion Hou and the Panhuang Life Sword to stop the actions of the chat group.

This is also the reason why they brought three new group members with almost no ability to protect themselves to the world of Yangshen. With the forced return of the chat group, as long as they don't encounter something so terrifying that they can kill three people in an instant, or even even If the opponent's thinking ability is frozen together, then their safety will be guaranteed.

Seeing that everyone was completely indifferent to him, as if he was a clown who had been holding back for a long time, the champion finally wanted to kill him.

A murderous aura like mountains and seas surged in his body: "Ignore me, right! Boy, you saw it, it was your friend who didn't care about your life. He was the one who killed you. After you die, Don’t blame me when you get to the underworld.”

As he spoke, Panhuang's Life Sword shone brightly, and the terrifying humane sword energy shot out from the sword's edge, slashing Zi Shou's neck.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the little boy in front of them, who looked white and clean, as if he had just stepped into the path of cultivation, suddenly burned with a boundless flame that could destroy the sky. Two huge flames. The composed wings spread out from his back, and then a dark black battle armor with red stripes appeared on Zi Shou's body.

Zi Shou quietly stared at the champion in front of him, with flames flying behind him and a powerful aura escaping from his body. "Who gave you the illusion that I have no ability to resist?"

Then red light flashed in his palms, and two long swords that looked like they were piercing blood appeared in Zi Shou's hands.

The two swords crossed each other, and the flaming sword energy flew across the sky, colliding fiercely with the sword energy of Panhuang's Life Sword, making the entire void seem to turn into a sea of ​​fire.

It is true that two weeks of joining the group chat are not enough for Zishou to develop the combat power to fight against the champion, but the problem is that Zishou is not the only cheat in the chat group.

Your champion has the Heavenly Horn Divine Armor and the Panhuang Life Sword. Will my Phoenix Armor be weaker than yours?

After Zishou learned about the future he would face from Xu Chenzhou's mouth, he was not afraid of the future of failure. Instead, he chose to share his life with the Phoenix Armor without hesitation, thereby gaining the Phoenix's Primordial Realm divine power. .

Zishou has lived in Chaoge since he was a child. As the royal family of Dashang and the future king, he has witnessed from an early age how the human race has been tortured by the gods. They are just like pigs, sheep, dogs and horses, living an inhuman life.

The idea of ​​resisting the gods was not a temporary idea. In fact, it had been planted in Zishou's heart since he was a child.

This state of mind is also very consistent with the rebellious will of the Phoenix Armor. It instantly makes Zi Shou and the Phoenix become very close, which also allows Zi Shou to easily control the power of the Phoenix Armor.

Although due to time and physical factors, Zi Shou at this time could not fully exert the full power of the Phoenix armor and was not enough to join the frontal battlefield, but it was enough to deal with the champion who also relied on the power of the artifact.

The two pairs of flaming wings behind him suddenly waved, and countless fire feathers fell from the wings, turning into flaming swords, blowing toward the champion with the phoenix fire that could burn everything.

This move is the strongest move of the Phoenix Armor, Fire Feathers Across the Sky. In the original timeline, he once relied on this move to fight against three great gods at the same time. Although Zishou did not fully exert the power of this move at this time, the flames that burned the sky seemed to be able to burn the sky and turn all things in the world into nothingness. Even the Panhuang Life Sword, which carries humanity, is somewhat unable to resist such a terrifying attack.

Of course, this is also because Guanjun Hou has no way to exert the full power of the Panhuang Life Sword. If this sword is in the hands of the Holy Emperor Pan, let alone Zishou, even if the Phoenix is ​​reborn, it will be killed by a sword in front of the Holy Emperor Pan.

As everyone fought fiercely, time gradually passed. Yang Pan and others saw that they could not achieve results for a long time, and they became more and more anxious.

You must know that the spring thunder comes and goes quickly. If you can't quickly take down the few Hong Yi party members in front of you, when they return from the tribulation, the power comparison will immediately reverse.

Yang Pan stood on the Boat of Fortune and shouted, "Family heads, I know you all have your own thoughts, but this is not the time to care about it.

The Boat of Fortune has infinite power and boundless fortune, and can cross the other side to kill everything.

But the Boat of Fortune has not been completely repaired now. Please come on board and push the Boat of Fortune with me. With your participation, the Boat of Fortune can show its strongest form, push the fortune of the Taoist of Fortune, and suppress everything.

I am the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven has his word. I am the Supreme of the Nine Cauldrons. I promise that I will not only not attack you, but I will take down Hong Yi at that time. I will share the benefits of them with you 30% and 70%."

The heads of several saint families showed hesitation and looked at each other. They actually did not believe what Yang Pan said, but they had no choice but to believe it now, because they had already entered the game today. If they could not defeat Hong Yi and others, with the degree of evil of these people, not to mention themselves, even the saint families behind them might not be able to withstand the revenge of Hong Yi and others.

So the heads of several saintly families encouraged their spirits, and in an instant they turned into countless crystal-clear and brilliant thoughts, which sank into the Boat of Fortune. There were billions of runes in the Boat of Fortune, which were densely covered in the hull. Each rune was engraved with the power of the Great Dao, like the end of fortune. These runes were originally not controlled by anyone, so the true power of the Boat of Fortune could not be fully exerted.

But now with the thoughts of the heads of saintly families joining in, each thought could control hundreds of thousands of runes. In an instant, every rune on the entire Boat of Fortune was glowing, and streams of dark yellow fortune energy hung down from the sky, and in an instant, the entire sky of Yujing City became an ocean of fortune energy.

In an instant, the offensive and defensive situation reversed. Xiao Nannan, Xiao Shihao, and Lu Mingfei were already strong enough, but they still seemed a little unable to cope with this terrifying king of artifacts.

However, everyone also noticed that the thunderclouds in the sky had gradually dissipated at this time.

It was already sunset, and the orange sunlight shone through the clouds onto the ground, casting shadows.

Following the sunlight, several souls carrying an aura of boundless terror slowly fell from the sky.

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