All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 175 Sixth-order creation, the beginning of the Book of Changes

These souls fell from the sky, carrying an extremely strong thunder aura on their souls. The thunder aura was so strong that it almost turned these souls and countless thoughts into pure yang and crossed to the other side.

Of course, with the current accumulation of Xu Chenzhou and others, it is naturally impossible to ascend to heaven and become a yang god in one step.

The reason why they have such a strong thunder aura is that they have just escaped from the depths of the thunder tribulation and carried the infinite power of the sky thunder.

In a moment, the souls of several people sank into their own bodies, and a powerful momentum gushed out, stirring the sky.

The boat of good fortune in the sky is now soaring in a sea of ​​good fortune composed of good fortune aura. Countless dark yellow good fortune auras rise and fall, constantly impacting the protective magical powers of Xiao Shihao and others.

These countless good fortune auras are the supreme magical powers condensed by the Taoist of good fortune, carrying the mystery of the reincarnation of heaven and earth and the creation of all things. It can almost be called the supreme magic method to reach the other side.

If it weren't for the extremely mysterious Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, which had a hint of the mysteriousness of the Supreme Saint's Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which could allow one to enter the eternal calamity without being stained by dust, Xiao Shihao and others would definitely be assimilated by this infinite aura of good fortune and refined into a part of the boat of good fortune, and would definitely not be able to withstand such a powerful attack.

However, with such a powerful force, Yang Pan and others now looked extremely ugly, and even a little puzzled.

Yang Pan's face was ashen, and he could hardly believe his eyes: "Legend has it that among the ancient scholars, there was a great man who had studied hard all day and never touched any Taoism, but he had an extremely deep accumulation. When he was old, he suddenly broke out of his shell, and his soul went deep into the blue sky to survive the thunder tribulation. In an instant, he became a creator from an ordinary person and possessed boundless magical powers.

I originally thought that this was just a legend, a rumor deliberately made up by the saint family to highlight the power of their ancestors. I didn't expect to see a similar scene today, and there was not just one such pervert, but a group of them."

Hong Xuanji's face was not very good either. Usually, this Qian Dynasty Grand Master always had a stern face, like an extremely cold iceberg that never melts. There was no expression on his face except majesty, like a man made of iron. Even when Mrs. Zhao was beheaded by Hong Yi in front of him, Hong Xuanji did not lose his composure.

But at this time, his facial control was out of control. He stared blankly at the location of the physical bodies of Hong Yi and others, with disbelief on his face.

Li Zizai kept groping for the black and white beads in his hand: "The records of the ancient philosophers are of course true. Li Sheng of my Li family was such a person in the past, and these are clearly recorded in the family tree.

Although these people in front of me are not as well-accumulated as the ancient philosophers, they can become the creator from mortals in one day.

But the breath of Hong Yi's soul, every thought is crystal clear and round like a thousand pearls and colorful gems, and the breath of his thoughts reveals a power to control the void and shuttle through Xumi. It is obvious that he has already achieved the six-tribulation ghost fairy. This is too outrageous."

And on the ground, the souls of several people have returned to their bodies.

After Xu Chenzhou returned to his body, he sighed: "What a pity, the spring thunder is too short. I just survived the sixth thunder tribulation, and the thunderclouds have dissipated. If I am given some more time, it is not impossible to survive the seventh thunder tribulation."

Hong Yi also sighed: "Indeed, with the help of discussions with you, I have a deeper understanding of the Yi Yi Dao, and have accumulated a lot of knowledge. After surviving six thunder tribulations, my soul still has spare energy. It's a pity!"

Xu Chenzhou looked at Hong Yi and nodded slightly. There are only three friends in the chat group who can survive six thunder tribulations, namely him, Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao.

The Yi Yi Dao mentioned by Hong Yi is naturally the Book of Changes.

The Book of Changes that Hong Yi studied in the original timeline is exactly the same as the Book of Changes in the main world, without any difference.

After Lu Mingfei joined the group chat, the original Book of Changes appeared in the scripture resources in the group chat.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not choose to give the Book of Changes directly to Hong Yi, because he knew that this would not help Hong Yi, but would cut off Hong Yi's path.

For the Taoist practitioners in the Yangshen world, knowing the truth is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the process of attaining the Tao. The accumulation in this process is the main factor that can make their souls transform, and it is also the root of their ability to survive the thunder tribulation.

For Hong Yi, knowing the content of the Book of Changes is not very important, because directly seeing the finished Book of Changes is no different from seeing other scriptures for Hong Yi.

He can only absorb nutrition from it, but he can't rely on the finished Book of Changes to become the last son of the ancient philosophers and obtain the fortune of the Yangshen era.

It's not that there are no scriptures that can rival the Book of Changes in the world, but how many people can see the scriptures and suddenly realize it?

Even in the original timeline, after Hong Yi united thousands of great Confucian scholars to create the Book of Changes, the Book of Changes spread throughout the world, but it is not clear how many people can understand the truth from the Book of Changes and compete with Hong Yi in cultivation.

In fact, what is really important is the process of summarizing the contents of the Book of Changes from scratch. This process is the real reason why Hong Yi can become the son of Yi.

So Xu Chenzhou did not give Hong Yi any specific content about the Book of Changes except telling him the word Yi.

But this does not mean that the members of the chat group cannot provide help to Hong Yi. Although they cannot directly provide the original text of the I Ching, the group members will have their own insights after reading the I Ching.

The Book of Changes is a very magical book. It is concise and concise. Just one hexagram has thousands of interpretations.

After a thousand people have read Hamlet, they may not have a thousand different Hamlets, but after a thousand people have read the I Ching, they will definitely have a thousand different understandings of the I Ching.

Therefore, in the process of Hong Yi deducing the I Ching, the group friends who have read the I Ching can naturally inspire Hong Yi from different perspectives. In addition, in the chat group, there are cultural heritage from different worlds and various mysterious scriptures. , and even the sermon transcripts of saints from the prehistoric world. These various cultivation materials are more than ten times richer than the cultivation resources on Hong Yi's original timeline.

In the original world, the process of deducing the I Ching was not actually the credit of Hong Yi alone. He only wrote the initial prototype. In addition, there were thousands of family heads and countless great scholars who participated. He worked hard and gathered countless classics from the entire world of Yangshen to condense the Book of Changes into one.

However, the resources of Hongyi at this time are not inferior to those in the original timeline, and even far exceed them. With the guidance of the group of friends who stand on the finished Yi Jing, Hongyi at this time does not need the participation of those great scholars at all. , relying solely on his own strength, he was able to deduce most of the Book of Changes.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou was surprised to find that most of the I Ching had many differences from the original version, and some places were even more subtle than the original version. One person deduced this king of scriptures, the scripture of scriptures, which also caused Hong Yi's soul to accumulate incomparable richness.

In addition to Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao is also in a similar situation. In the world of Lu Mingfei and Misaka Mikoto, Zhang Sanfeng exists. Naturally, there are also the records left by Sanfeng, and even the specious Tai Chi that has been passed down. With these transcripts, the group friends were naturally able to communicate with Zhang Junbao from a high position, inspire him to think, and allow him to digest all the rich resources left behind in his original timeline in the shortest possible time.

It's almost like a future self has traveled to the present to guide you in your practice. It's almost like cheating.

This is also the reason why Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao were able to survive six thunder tribulations but still had some unfinished business.

It is because they have almost completely inherited what they have learned throughout their lives from another timeline.

As for Xu Chenzhou, let alone that. He has the spiritual core of both Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi, and fully accepts their thinking patterns. If he can't survive six thunder tribulations with this level of cheating, then Just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Except for the three of them, Yang Chan Misaka Mikoto and Han Li only survived five thunder tribulations. When they were about to survive the sixth thunder tribulation, the thunder clouds had already dissipated, but this also made several people There is a hint of Sixth Thunder Tribulation in his thoughts, and he can be regarded as a half-step Sixth Thunder Tribulation level master.

After surviving six thunder tribulations, the souls of several people were extremely powerful. They had just entered the physical body, and within a moment they had completely adapted to the changes after the tribulation.

Xu Chenzhou raised his head and looked at the young generals Xiao Shi Hao and Lu Mingfei who were constantly rising and falling in the air of creation, with a sharp light in his eyes.

"As expected of Emperor Qian Yang Pan, he was so decisive in his killing. His and Hong Xuanji's plan was far-reaching. They should have accumulated their strength and missed every detail, so that great things could be accomplished.

But now that we have only exposed some flaws, he immediately and decisively exposed the boat of creation, and even united the power of several saint family heads to kill us in one fell swoop. "

Han Li looked at the heads of the sage families with disdain and said, "These people may seem to be from high-ranking families, but in fact they are short-sighted and not worth mentioning.

Yang Pan's ambition has been clearly revealed, and he has revealed his plan to devour the world and wipe out aristocratic families.

These four families cooperated with Yang Pan and seemed to have found a way out. In fact, they were treated as a sharp blade by Yang Pan, seeking the skin of a tiger and seeking their own death. "

Hong Yi smiled slightly: "These saint families are just worried that I will settle accounts in the future, and they want to cooperate with Yang Pan to tide over the crisis temporarily.

In fact, they didn't know the pattern in my mind at all, nor did they understand what I wanted. "

In fact, although these saintly families were against Hong Yi, Hong Yi did not have murderous intentions in his heart. Hong Yi's own philosophy was that everyone is like a dragon. It was under this vision that he was able to write The Book of Ten Thousand Scriptures. Wang Yi Jing.

After joining the chat group, his vision further expanded. For him now, his biggest ideal is to take the entire Yangshen world to transcend to the other side and become a truly top-level world.

To achieve this, it is unrealistic to rely solely on his own strength, so except for those hostile elements who are really stubborn, all other characters are in a category that can be united.

In the original work, Fan Yuntao, Wang Lingshan and others also once opposed Hong Yi, but in the end they were convinced by Hong Yi's methods and joined the team of great Confucians who compiled the Book of Changes with Hong Yi.

While everyone was still chatting, Misaka Mikoto became a little anxious. She looked up at Xiao Shi Hao and others in the sky, her eyes full of worry: "Oh, don't talk so much, hurry up and save Xiao Shi Hao and others! "

In fact, what Misaka Mikoto didn't know was that in the eyes of Xu Chenzhou and others, although Xiao Shihao and others were in an extremely violent ocean of good fortune at this time, it was not necessarily a bad thing for Xiao Shihao and others.

The good fortune aura carries the power of the law from the Taoist of Good Fortune, but due to the cultivation of Yang Pan and others, the good fortune aura cannot exert its full power, which is just within the tolerance range of Xiao Shihao's skills. The confrontation between the two seems to be a battle of strength, but in fact it is a battle of laws between the good fortune aura and a trace of mystery of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. This experience of confrontation between laws is extremely precious to Xiao Shihao.

The golden light of the Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique outside Xiao Shihao's body became more and more condensed, and runes kept emerging, causing the golden bell cover outside their bodies to gradually appear with a breath of Xuanhuang, the world, and the immortal breath.

Obviously, in such a high-pressure battle, the potential of several of them was constantly stimulated, which made their mastery of Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique rapidly improve.

However, it was normal that Misaka Mikoto could not see it. Because of the cultural barriers, the cultivation method in Mikoto's practice group was more difficult than that of other group members. In addition, in order to save her sisters, she had always focused on the practice of Yangshen Taoism, which made her not particularly familiar with other cultivation systems.

Hearing this, Hong Yi smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, I know, let's go now!"

After that, Hong Yi's body turned into a long rainbow, and under the power of the soul, he soared into the sky and flew to the giant building ship in the sky that could cross the other side at that time.

Hong Yi at this time was completely different from before the tribulation.

He just appeared in the void, and countless thoughts came out of his body like a rainstorm, forming a dazzling river of thoughts in the air.

The sky and earth were the same color. In an instant, it was like the Milky Way in the sky falling into the mortal world. These bright thoughts carried the aura of thunder that had just passed the thunder tribulation, which was extremely fierce and powerful, and condensed into a word. This word was extremely vast and had infinite changes. At first glance, it was just a simple word "Yi", but if you look closely, this word "Yi" keeps changing. In just a few seconds, it evolved into all things in the world and infinite sentient beings.

The word "Yi" slowly descended from the void and suppressed the sea of ​​creation. The sea of ​​creation, which was originally boundless and turbulent, gradually became calm with the arrival of this word "Yi", and there was no longer a trace of waves.

Hong Yi flicked his sleeves and stood in the void!

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