All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 176 Hong Yi's Great Wish to Change the World

Zhang Junbao followed closely behind, and countless thoughts evolved into a black and white Tai Chi diagram in the void.

"Tai Chi and the two yin and yang, before the Tao, reversed and returned to chaos."

The Tai Chi diagram slowly rotated, and countless creation energies were absorbed into it by this Tai Chi diagram, purified into gray chaotic energies, and the vast and boundless sea of ​​creation was slowly eroded by Zhang Junbao's Tai Chi diagram.

The actions of these two people alone suppressed Yang Pan and his party, who were originally arrogant, in an instant, and even suppressed the King of Divine Artifacts, the Boat of Creation, so that they could no longer stir up a wave.

After going through the six thunder tribulations, the combat power of Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao has undergone a earth-shaking change.

Every time a cultivator in the Yangshen world goes through a layer of thunder tribulation, his thoughts will have an additional layer of change, and each change can make the soul have infinite magical uses.

The two of them already had hundreds of thousands of thoughts, as vast as the Milky Way, and now all these thoughts have survived six thunder tribulations and can interfere with the material world, which has made the two of them advance to the realm of immortals and gods.

Logically speaking, no matter who sees such immortal power, they must be terrified at this time and want to surrender on the spot.

Even a master at the level of the creator cannot achieve such a terrifying power, and can actually subdue the boundless ocean of the aura of good fortune created by the boat of good fortune in an instant.

Hong Xuanji's face was ashen, with an icy aura that would not melt for thousands of years, and he stared coldly at Hong Yi who was standing in the void.

"Rebellious son, I really regret not killing you with my own hands, which led to such a disaster today.

A few days ago, you made a big fuss in the Marquis' Mansion, killed your mother and hated your father. I thought this was the most crazy thing you could do, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated you, a little beast.

The one standing in front of you is the emperor of the Daqian Dynasty, the father of the people, and the lord of all people. You treat the emperor like this, do you really want to rebel?

Facing such unfilial father, you are unworthy of being a son, facing such disloyalty to the emperor, you are unworthy of being a minister.

Without a father, without a monarch, without loyalty, without righteousness, without shame, and with wolfish ambitions, you deserve to be punished by the world."

At this time, Hong Xuanji wished he could travel back to the past and twist off the head of this rebellious son in front of Meng Bingyun.

Who would have thought that in just two months, this rebellious son in front of him would grow from a weak and pedantic scholar to a man who was capable of subverting the imperial court and the troubled times of the Daqian Dynasty.

Hong Yi's face was as gloomy as water. He lowered his head and looked at Hong Xuanji and said indifferently: "The king regards his subjects as grass, and the subjects naturally regard the king as an enemy.

If you hadn't first indulged my wife to kill my mother, and then robbed the two universe scriptures left to me by my mother, and most importantly, sent Wu Laogou to capture me as soon as I got a little bit of power, wanting to keep me in the mansion and raise me into a waste, how could I have taken action against the Hong Mansion.

If it weren't for my mother, you would still be a cowherd in the countryside, how could you have achieved what you have today, become the world-famous Wu Wenhou, and the Grand Master of Daqian who controls the yin and yang of the world.

You seem to be raising me, but in fact it is just to make up for the indulgence of my mother.

What kind of dog there is, what kind of master there will be.

Hong Xuanji, you are like this, and your master Yang Pan is not a good thing either.

I, Hong Yi, think that I have no debt to Daqian at all. At that time, killing the bitch King Zhao was just to avenge my mother, which was reasonable and legal.

As a result, just after returning to Yujing City, His Majesty sent several patriarchs of saintly families to attack and kill me, and even personally drove the boat of good fortune to crush me into blood foam. In order to kill me, he even ignored the thousands of ordinary people in Yujing City and regarded them as grass.

Such behavior is really a cruel king, comparable to Shang Zhou and Xia Jie, which is really hated by both humans and gods, and despised by the people of the world. Such tyrants should be killed by everyone. "

Hong Yi's words can be said to be quite harsh. The history of the Yangshen world is different from that of the earth, but there are also some similarities. Therefore, there are two tyrants in history, Shang Zhou and Xia Jie. Being compared to such tyrants is undoubtedly the greatest insult to Yang Pan, who is determined to be the eternal saint emperor.

In a few words, everyone put almost everything on the table clearly.

The people who were protected by Lu Mingfei in the clear light also showed indignation on their faces, and they cursed the tyrant and supported Hong Yi, because they were the people who were regarded as grass by Yang Pan.

Only Zishou, who was still fighting with Guanjun Hou, showed a trace of grievance on his face. After joining the chat group for so long, he already knew who Shang Zhou and Xia Jie were referring to, and also knew the atrocities of King Shang Zhou in history, such as wine pools, meat forests, and burning snakes. But hearing someone say bad things about King Shang Zhou still makes him feel a subtle feeling.

At this time, the changes in Yujing City had already shocked the world. The scholars and powerful ministers in the entire Yujing City had also rushed to the vicinity, watching the various things happening here from afar.

However, no one in this group of people spoke out to support Hong Yi. Instead, ministers kept flying into the void under the guidance of the Boat of Fortune, landing on the Boat of Fortune, and joining Yang Pan's camp.

This is normal. At this time, Hong Yi has neither the feat of shocking hundreds of saints with his writings, nor has he compiled the Book of Changes to achieve an immortal feat comparable to that of the philosophers of the Middle Ages. He also does not have the support of Prince Yu to weave a complicated network of power between the court and the public. He can only be regarded as a lonely man.

It is absolutely impossible to encourage those vested interests to betray Yang Pan with just these few words.

But the current Hong Yi doesn't care about the opinions of these people at all.

In fact, in the original timeline, Hong Yi has always been relatively restrained towards the Daqian Dynasty. Even in the end, he supported Prince Yu to take the throne and did not change the dynasty.

This is because the original Hong Yi has been growing up in the Yangshen world. Although he himself did not feel it, in fact, he was deeply influenced by Confucianism in terms of his worldview and thoughts.

This influence is very terrible. As a modern person, it may be difficult to imagine, but in fact, living in such a dynasty, whether it is loyalty to the emperor and the country, or the divine power of the gods, these things are engraved in the bones.

You know, a self-dominant hero like Hong Xuanji not only created the domineering and unique unique merit of the Wheel of Life and Death, but also wrote Neo-Confucianism and became a great literary figure of a generation. He has an extremely deep foundation, but he is still extremely loyal to Yang Pan.

He even promised Yang Pan that once Yang Pan passed through nine thunder tribulations and became a Yang God, he would be willing to sacrifice his body to help Yang Pan achieve the supreme achievement of all time.

What kind of loyalty is this? Of course, there is the incomparable harmony between Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji, and the affectionate relationship between the monarch and the minister, but it is also hard to say that there is no influence of Confucianism on loyalty to the monarch and the country.

But now Hong Yi is completely different. You must know that after Hong Yi joined the chat group, he not only learned the cultivation system of the heavens and the worlds, but also absorbed the ideological works of different worlds, especially the ideological works left by the great men of the Dragon Clan World Earth. For Hong Yi, it is like a sharp axe that split the old shackles in his mind.

How can there be no bloodshed in the reform? The peaceful evolution brings the shackles that still have residual poison.

This time, Hong Yi not only wants everyone to be like a dragon, but also wants to lead the whole world to become the dominant world among the heavens and the worlds.

To achieve such a grand cause, a truly efficient organizational structure must be created.

After being influenced by the works of great men, what Hong Yi wants to do this time is not the small fights in the original works, but to set off a truly earth-shaking change.

Hong Yi was calm and did not refute what Hong Xuanji said, because he knew that all the truths were only in the fist.

While speaking, Hong Yi stretched out his hand and the word "Yi" once again produced infinite changes, stirring up the sea of ​​​​creation, raising waves one after another, almost overturning the boat of creation and taking it into his own control.

Seeing this scene, Yang Pan was not afraid: "Hong Yi, Hong Yi, you have repeatedly exceeded my expectations. You can survive the thunder tribulation in an instant and gain such a powerful force, and even compete with the real boat of good fortune.

Even if you have obtained the past Amitabha Sutra of the Great Zen Temple, and your soul has the power of past immortality, this achievement is still far beyond my expectations.

But if you think you can defeat me in this way, then don't think too much. I am the emperor, the first person in the world, and I have more cards in my hand than you can imagine."

After saying that, Yang Pan shouted: "The future is immortal, and the vacuum is immortal."

Then two rays of light burst out from Yang Pan's eyes. These two rays of light pierced the sky like aurora, and they were extremely sharp, with the domineering power of ruling the eight wastelands and four seas, the nine heavens and ten earths.

Countless thoughts flew out of his body and condensed into a boundless human-shaped halo in the void. This halo flickered slightly in the void, and a breath of uncertainty and endlessness was revealed all over his body.

And not only that, with the appearance of the Lord of the Future, Yang Pan's thoughts were also exposed in the void. On each of the crystal thoughts, there was actually a breath of creation and the birth of heaven and earth. This breath can only be possessed after achieving the Seven Tribulations Creator.

Yang Pan not only hides the Boat of Creation, but also has cultivated to become a Creator in secret. His scheming is so deep that it is simply shocking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. If there is no Hong Yi, with this person's mentality, plus the assistance of Hong Xuanji, a loyal minister, I am afraid that he can really achieve the immortal hegemony of swallowing the universe and suppressing the eight wastelands.

But even if Yang Pan has the magical powers of the Creator, he still has no ability to resist in front of Hong Yi at this time.

The endless thoughts in Hong Yi's body turned into one will after another, constantly combining in the sky, and changed into endless things in a moment. Sometimes it turned into an exquisite pagoda with endless Xuanhuang Qi hanging around it, descending from the sky to suppress the Boat of Fortune, sometimes it turned into a nine-leaf sword grass with endless murderous aura around it, and the sword Qi was crisscrossing, slashing at the sail of the Boat of Fortune, and sometimes it turned into a small green bottle, which was covered with ten thousand years of time and infinite passing breath, washing the Boat of Fortune, making it extremely mottled and old.

These things are the shadows of the supreme existence that Hong Yi came into contact with in the chat group. After achieving the sixth-level ghost fairy, the essence of Hong Yi's thoughts has made a leap forward. He can actually simulate a trace of the power of these existences with the Great Dao of Yi that he has comprehended.

Although Hong Yi's changes at this time can only show one ten-millionth of the power of these existences, it is still difficult for the incomplete Boat of Fortune to resist.

When Yang Pan obtained it, this boat of good fortune had already been broken. Even if Yang Pan invested a lot of manpower and material resources, his cultivation as the creator and the resources of the Qian Dynasty were far from enough to repair this king of artifacts.

At this time, under Hong Yi's attack, the boat of good fortune became more and more broken, as if it would disintegrate immediately in the next moment.

At this critical moment, changes occurred again.

In the dark, there were streams of essences emanating from the boat of good fortune, constantly sinking into the body of the future master.

In theory, the future master condensed by Yang Pan's practice of the Future Immortal Sutra has not yet obtained the essence of the two ancestor dragons transformed from the soul of the Great Emperor Lietian in the Changhen Demon Palace, and has not yet had the energy and breath to calculate everything.

However, as these auras spread, the Ship of Fortune not only began to repair itself, but also made Yang Pan's aura rise rapidly as if adding fuel to the fire. The figure of the future master he condensed became more and more fierce, and the light around him kept spreading like the light of the sun, crystal clear like crystal, and he actually entered the realm of great success in an instant.

Hong Xuanji saw this scene, and the eyes of the ship flashed: "Evil son, did you see it? The emperor is the emperor, the body of a celestial being. At this time in danger, even the heavens are helping, allowing the emperor to break through again and again. In an instant, even the future master can be achieved."

Xu Chenzhou stood in the air, quietly watching the scene in front of him. The infinite energy that entered Yang Pan's body was carrying a trace of the aura of fortune.

The Ship of Fortune has been broken to this extent. If it has the ability to repair itself, it will definitely not wait until today to start.

Obviously, the reason why Yang Pan was able to make such a breakthrough in the crisis was that the Taoist of Fortune behind him took action.

Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji are important chess pieces of the Taoist of Creation, and they are also the key to his eternal layout. At this time, the chess game has not been set up yet, and the Taoist of Creation will never watch his chess pieces end like this.

These old monsters in the Yangshen World seem to have died one by one, but in fact, these are all illusions. As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff. They are just sleeping in the long river of time and can reappear in the world at any time.

At this time, Hong Yi suddenly rose up and obtained such a terrifying magical power in a short period of time, but the opportunity they prepared for their chess pieces has not yet arrived. With the rise and fall of one, the balance of the chess game is about to be broken. It is no wonder that these old monsters intervened in this game regardless of their status.

As for this matter, Hong Yi, who had already learned about the future development of the Yangshen World from Xu Chenzhou, naturally knew it very well.

He looked at Hong Xuanji and smiled coldly: "Is the heaven helping you? Hong Xuanji, oh Hong Xuanji, you must have gone crazy studying Neo-Confucianism. You really believe in the absurd statement that heaven and man are one. Do you mean the Taoist of Creation? You and Yang Pan are just chess pieces of the Taoist of Creation. Now the chess game is about to be overturned, and the old guy jumped out in a hurry, and he became the Supreme Being you mentioned, the Heavenly Man?"

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