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Chapter 177 Thousands of holes open at the same time, so what

But Hong Xuanji didn't care at all about what Hong Yi said: "Even if Taoist Taoist Creation really takes action, so what? As long as we can win, we will win and lose. This has been the case for thousands of years."

As he spoke, the aura on Hong Xuanji's body became stronger and stronger. The aura of creation not only submerged into Yang Pan's body, but also poured into Hong Xuanji's body.

He closed his eyes tightly, as if there were mysterious figures one after another sinking into his mind, and stars were shining on his body, like a starry sky densely covering the human body, every time The star points are all so bright, mysterious and mysterious, extremely wonderful, as if they contain the greatest mystery of the universe.

"The Xuanming of Creation, the heaven and the earth, is very good. It turns out that the Boat of Creation contains the greatest secret of Taoist Creation, the map of one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven acupoints!

It seems that you, a rebellious son, have gone against the grain and been worshiped by heaven and man. Therefore, under the influence of heaven and earth, the emperor and I can get such opportunities. God wants you to die! "

As this aura of creation continued to activate, Hong Xuanji looked up to the sky and roared, with a look of ecstasy on his face. He actually understood the secrets of the remaining 800 orifices in the human body in an instant.

With the previous experience of attacking acupoints in battle, Hong Xuanji no longer hesitated at this time, and immediately began to continuously attack the remaining more than 800 acupoints in the body with the help of the Qi of Creation.

Of course, Hong Yi would not sit back and watch these two people break through rapidly. His countless thoughts flickered, transforming into various forms in the void, displaying various creations, and constantly attacking the ship of creation in front of him.

But it is a pity that the air of creation continuously gushes out from the boat of creation, which can resist all his attacks.

Hong Xuanji's acupoint charging speed is extremely fast, and he is protected by the energy of creation. Even if Hong Xuanji makes some mistakes when charging acupoints, he can still use the energy of creation to repair his body. This allows him to use extremely arrogant means to continuously attack. Pressing the acupoints in his body, Hong Xuanji's aura became stronger with each acupoint opened. Gradually, Hong Xuanji's aura continued to strengthen, and was not inferior to Yang Pan who had become the Creator next to him. .

You must know that if he can open all these acupuncture points in his body, then Hong Xuanji will be able to become a peak immortal and become a giant at the level of the Creator.

And the most terrifying thing is that despite Hong Xuanji's rapid breakthrough, his foundation is still extremely stable.

If he were an ordinary human being, he would not be able to take advantage of such an opportunity. Under such a rapid breakthrough, not only would he not be able to control his sharply increased power, but even his martial arts foundation would be eroded, even after the breakthrough. The potential is exhausted and reduced to a useless person who cannot be improved.

But Hong Xuanji was different. With Hong Xuanji's talent and qualifications, he had spent more than 20 years at the peak of the Martial Saint, and his accumulation was extremely profound. Whether it was spiritual will or martial arts accumulation, Hong Xuanji had far exceeded his current cultivation level.

Seeing the two people in front of him blatantly cheating, there was no fluctuation in Hong Yi's eyes, only the light of a pearl of wisdom shining in his eyes.

He had long expected that these behind-the-scenes beings would not kill their chess pieces in the vast world so easily.

And it's not just Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan who are behind them, champion Hou Yangan, eight-year-old prodigy Fangyuan, and Li Feiyu who is following Fangyuan, all have beings from ancient times behind them.

It's just that the beings behind them were all suppressed in the place of origin by the ancients, and their thoughts, bones, and perceptions of the avenue were refined into an existence that could surpass the king of all artifacts, the Bridge to the Other Side.

Therefore, these beings have no way to take action directly, and Taoist Creation is different from these beings. As the overlord in ancient times, even the disciples cannot suppress him.

The reason why Taoist Creation helped Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan was just to maintain a balance, create a great struggle, and cultivate a true overlord before the end of the era, so that he could see the hope of transcending the other side. It didn't matter to him Whether it is the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of the world, or the various disputes in the entire world, they have no meaning at all. The only pursuit is to set foot on the other side of the realm above the Yang God.

Hong Yi's cultivation suddenly increased and became so terrifying, and Hong Xuanji, who had just penetrated more than 300 acupoints, was like a baby in front of Hong Yi. This was obviously not in line with what Taoist Creation wanted to cultivate. The mind of an overlord.

Hong Yi also understood this very well. He knew that Taoist Creation would leave after helping Hong Xuanji break through to the peak of human immortality, and would not interfere in the subsequent battle.

So Hong Yi didn't panic at all, but calmly watched Hong Xuanji continue to make breakthroughs.

"Taoist Taoist Creation blatantly cheated on Hong Xuanji. He gave him a map of one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven acupoints, and also used the Qi of Creation to help him break through quickly. But this also gave me an advantage,"

The countless thoughts in Hong Yi's mind flickered like stars, and his spiritual thoughts were constantly transmitted through his thoughts like lightning. He calculated it billions of times in an instant, imprinting all the details of Hong Xuanji's breakthrough process in his mind.

"Hong Xuanji's breakthrough is so rough that every detail is as clear as fire in my eyes. When he breaks through an acupoint, it is like clearly placing the method of breaking through this acupoint in front of me."

It's just a pity that Hong Yi's martial arts cultivation at this time has not broken through to the realm of human immortals, and is still at the peak of martial arts. Therefore, even if the breakthrough map of 1,197 acupoints has been clearly understood, but Hong Yi has no way to turn this knowledge into power for the time being.

After all, in the Yangshen world, it is quite difficult to practice both martial arts and Taoism. To become a human immortal, one needs to unite the body and soul, but practicing Taoism requires the soul to leave the body and polish the thoughts. These two paths are fundamentally contradictory in terms of practice.

Although there are various ways to break through this obstacle, it is difficult for Hong Yi to meet this condition in a short time.

Xu Chenzhou and others watched Hong Yi and the Ship of Fortune fighting in the void. The thousand changes of Yi Dao stirred up endless brilliance in the Sea of ​​Fortune, and the waves that spread out could destroy everything and create everything.

But they did not help, but only blocked all the aftermath and protected Yujing City from being destroyed.

Because Xu Chenzhou understood that as long as the Taoist of Fortune intervened, even if they all took action together, they would not be able to do anything to the Ship of Fortune.

This old thing is an absolute overlord in the Yangshen world. Relying on their current cultivation, it is too difficult to compete with this old and immortal ancient overlord.

Even if they wanted to help, they had to wait until the Taoist left.

Soon, the fortune energy that was constantly gushing out from the boat of fortune gradually weakened, and gradually only a tattered boat was left above the sky, with worn sails, mottled decks, and even half of the harp broken, without any of the majesty of the previous king of artifacts.

However, Yang Pan, who was standing on the boat of fortune, looked at the broken king of artifacts without any sadness, but was full of joy,

because at this time, the incarnation of the future master behind him had reached the realm of great success, and the light of infinite wisdom was shining on his body. Countless neon-colored rays of light shuttled through the future master's body, and he could calculate billions of times in an instant, calculating all the possibilities of the world.

The aura of Hong Xuanji standing beside him was also rising. He stood with his fists clenched, one in front of the other, as if he was holding a huge round wheel, like a god who controlled the heavens. He truly had the supreme aura that dominated the world. The round wheel kept rolling, and the life and death of the heavens, countless laws, were all held in his hands.

In the rapid breakthrough just now, Hong Xuanji actually had the energy to further improve the boxing technique of the Wheel of Life and Death of the Heavens, and completely developed it into a version that was suitable for 1,197 acupoints, so that this peerless boxing technique was not only high-level in terms of boxing theory, but also truly integrated the most essential martial arts of the Yangshen world, with infinite power.

This kind of martial arts talent is simply unprecedented. It is difficult to produce a martial arts genius like Hong Xuanji in 30,000 years and 100 million years. No wonder he can become the son of Daqian and be regarded as his successor by the ancient overlord, the Taoist of Creation.

Although Hong Xuanji's fist intention of the Wheel of Life and Death was lofty before, it was actually superficial. After all, even if he was the Grand Master of Daqian and could control yin and yang, he was just an ordinary human immortal. No matter how strong his fist intention was, he could not show the overwhelming momentum of the God King of the Heavens who controlled everything.

But at this time, Hong Xuanji had reached the peak of the human immortal realm, pierced through 1,197 acupoints in his body, and developed the full potential of the human body. His combat power at this time was even stronger than that of the overlord-level creator. In the world, almost no one could match him. With such strength as a foundation, Hong Xuanji's fist intention was truly formed at this time, almost able to shake the void and break everything.

And the most terrifying thing was that Hong Xuanji's mental will was extremely calm at this time, as if he had entered a state of neither thought nor non-thought in the dark. The whole person seemed to be standing on the void, but in fact he had transcended the entire universe. In that instant, he had touched a trace of the mystery derived from flesh and blood.

Hong Xuanji stood immersed in the void, quietly watching Hong Yi: "Evil son, what do you think? You didn't expect that you would win, but in fact, today is your death.

Not only have I broken through to the peak of the human immortal realm, but now I have also touched a trace of the mystery of flesh and blood. Once I break through, I can kill you in an instant."

"Evil King Fist" Hong Xuanji had already made a move while speaking. He punched out, and a fist intention penetrated the void, like a white rainbow piercing the sun, covering the sunlight in the sky together, as if the universe was broken, the void was annihilated, all things were created, and time was disordered.

Before this fist intention hit Hong Yi, Hong Xuanji changed his body again, turning into a dragon, penetrating the void, and actually blasted away the countless thoughts of Hong Yi in the sky. Countless energy lingered on his fist, as if a meteor was running back and forth in the sky, and in a moment he shuttled in front of Hong Yi.

"Three thousand worlds, destroy the soul." A very strong fist intention came, and it merged with the original fist intention, turning into a stronger fist force. The extremely surging martial arts fist intention kept washing Hong Yi's soul.

Hong Xuanji's attack was ruthless, extremely decisive and vicious, and he wanted to kill Hong Yi directly before Hong Yi could react.

The two kinds of boxing he used in this instant were from the ancient evil king and the emperor of the mountains and seas, two ancient supreme giants, and they were all supreme skills for the soul.

Ordinary people who practice Taoism will die in an instant after being hit by a punch, and fall into an endless sleep.

But Hong Yi was not panicked at all. His Yi Dao had already achieved a small success, and his divine thoughts could be transformed into thousands of kinds, and even derived a series of pure yang auras, which were no longer as fragile as the thoughts of ordinary ghosts and immortals.

His countless thoughts kept turning in the void, and in an instant they evolved into a crystal-clear shield. This shield was engraved with countless runes, and there was a black and yellow aura flowing around him. Hong Yi actually turned it into a shield in an instant. The various runes of Xuanhuang Exquisite Possession Technique evolved and were engraved on the thoughts.

Hong Xuanji's boxing skills that could kill ordinary ghosts and immortals were completely destroyed when he hit this shield, as if this shield could protect everything and be immune to all disasters.

Behind Hong Xuanji, Yang Pan closed his eyes tightly and did not take action. His thoughts kept beating, and he carried a silent and calculating aura of the future, as if he had merged with the future master behind him. As one body.

"Xuanji, please hold on for a while. I have used the magical power of the Lord of the Future to speculate on hundreds of millions of futures. At this time, I already know the way to win. When I take out all the accumulation of these years, I can repair the boat of creation. , then you and I, the monarchs and ministers, will work together again to sail the fully restored boat of creation, so that we will surely be able to suppress Hong Yi and others and create an era that belongs to you and me, the monarchs and ministers. "

While Yang Pan was speaking, countless thoughts flew into the void like a river of stars, and then precious materials fell from the void one after another, falling on the boat of creation like rain.

These materials are placed in front of ordinary cultivators. Each of them can be called a treasure, a peerless treasure that can make an entire sect go crazy. However, at this time, they fall in front of Yang Pan. Each of these treasures is Yang Pan spent all the manpower and material resources of Daqian to find rare treasures. It can be said that these treasures in front of him are the essence of Daqian's national strength in the past few decades.

With these treasures, and the various repair methods figured out by the future master, Yang Pan instantly had the ability to repair the ship of creation.

He turned his head and looked around: "Family heads, please don't hesitate any longer and follow me to repair the boat of creation. Otherwise, when Xuanji is defeated, how can you escape safely?"

After saying that, Yang Pan passed the repair method he deduced into the thoughts of these family heads through his spiritual thoughts. Several ghosts and immortals immediately started moving, with countless thoughts flying, and they kept repairing the king of artifacts.

At this moment, a voice came from the air: "We just didn't take action, do you think we are dead?"

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao took the lead, rushed to the boat of creation, and killed Yang Pan directly. Behind him were Xiao Shihao, Lu Mingfei, and Xiao Nannan!

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