All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 178 Killing the Champion Marquis, the generosity of the transport captain!

Yang Pan looked at so many masters rushing towards him, his face full of anxiety. He already knew how terrifying Hong Yi's group of friends were in the previous battle.

If he couldn't restore the Ship of Fortune to its peak state, he would never be a match for these people.

After thinking for a moment, a ruthless look appeared in his eyes, like a wolf choosing its prey, and no longer had the domineering aura of the Supreme Emperor.

He looked around at the seven family heads around him: "There is only one way to deal with it now. Let's burn our thoughts together and repair the Boat of Fortune in a very short time. Only in this way can we suppress Hong Yi."

Wang Lingshan frowned: "But repairing the Boat of Fortune is such a delicate and complicated job. Even if the materials are sufficient, it is still a big project. Unless we have endless energy to burn, it is absolutely impossible to complete the repair in a very short time."

The seven family heads have already boarded the pirate ship at this time. They also don't want to help Yang Pan repair the Boat of Fortune. Once the Boat of Fortune is repaired, it will definitely not be a good thing for the family, but their lives are more important, so they have to listen to Yang Pan's advice.

However, it is so difficult to repair the Boat of Fortune. This is the king of artifacts with infinite power. Even if several family heads burn themselves and burn all their thoughts in an instant, it is not enough to repair the Boat of Fortune.

Yang Pan was full of confidence. He stretched out his hand and a group of soldiers in golden armor walked out of the Ship of Fortune. There were thousands of soldiers in this group. Each of them had extremely strong Qi and blood, and they were all elite warriors at the level of marrow training masters.

On the front battlefield, a marrow training master can be comparable to a team of 100 elite soldiers. Once the marrow training master forms a formation, its lethality is not at the same level as that of ordinary troops. It can disperse a large army in a few rounds. It can be said that this team of 1,000 people is like a killing god on the battlefield.

Each of these families present has a very rich foundation, but even these families that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years can only produce dozens of such elite soldiers.

Of course, ordinary marrow training masters can't play any role on the battlefield of the creator level.

But when these marrow training masters came out, a scene that shocked the family heads appeared. They saw that the group of golden armored soldiers took up the sharp knife without hesitation and stabbed it into their hearts. Their movements were extremely uniform, as if they were secretly controlled by some existence. The blood flowed along the sharp knife to the deck of the ship of creation, presenting a purgatory-like scene.

Yang Pan watched these soldiers die, with only calmness in his eyes, without any ripples. He stretched out his hand and grabbed forward, and his thoughts condensed into a pair of bloody hands in the void.

"The fighting spirit is immortal, and the blood is unparalleled." The essence of countless soldiers' bodies poured into his hands like a river and sea, turning into a stream of red essence.

Yang Pan raised his hand and divided the soldiers' energy into eight parts: "So what now? With the energy of these soldiers as a supplement, is it enough to repair the boat of good fortune?"

Several family heads nodded. A marrow training master is enough to become a general guarding a place in the army. It is conceivable how strong the blood and qi of a warrior of this level should be. There are 1,000 marrow training masters here, which is enough to replenish their consumption of burning thoughts.

"Since your majesty has already done this, it would be a bit ungrateful if we delay it."

After Li Zizai finished speaking, he gently turned the black and white beads in his hand, and another Tai Chi diagram flew out of the air. Several other family heads also used mysterious means. The six-way Fan wheel, the landscape inkstone, the Wanlong Emperor Sword and other saintly instruments were sent out together, forming various strange phenomena in the air to hinder Zhang Junbao and others.

In addition to these thoughts of activating the magic tools, many crystal-like thoughts emerged from the bodies of these family heads, and flames emerged from their thoughts. These flames seemed to be burning from nothingness, emitting the light of wisdom.

As these family heads burned their thoughts, their thinking speed increased incredibly. In an instant, they understood the part of the boat of fortune drawings that Yang Pan gave them. Under their control, countless materials were integrated into the boat of fortune like flowing water.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yi, who was still fighting with Hong Xuanji, couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected, there is no good or bad secret book, only the people in the world can decide everything.

Past Amitabha and Future No Life are obviously from the classics of the Great Zen Temple. But if used properly, they are good, and if used evilly, they are evil.

A good book of Future No Life in Yang Pan's hands is more terrifying than a cult book.

These soldiers spent a lot of effort and went through a lot of hardship to become marrow training masters, but under the control of the Future No Life, they actually gave up their lives without hesitation. This kind of mental control is worse than all sins. Even more evil, completely obliterating a person's self-image, he is simply a demon among demons, a demon among demons.

Yang Pan, for his own selfishness, actually sacrificed so many lives without hesitation. Such a person actually wanted to establish the first dynasty in history, which is really ridiculous.

No wonder Hong Xuanji and you are so compatible with Yang Pan. Yang Pan's style is exactly the same as yours. He will do anything to achieve his goals. It's really a nest of snakes and rats.

If this tyrant is not driven off the throne today, I don't know how many people will die in his hands in the future. "

Hearing Hong Yi's evaluation of Yang Pan, Hong Xuanji's eyes flashed with anger: "The emperor has great talents and great plans, how can a child like you casually evaluate him, evil son, go to hell obediently."

While speaking, Hong Xuanji turned his hands, clenched his fists tightly, and kept swinging them, just like the sun and the moon in the sky, rising in the east and setting in the west, with a breath of the cycle of heaven and the operation of all things hitting Hong Yi, as if in front of his fist, everything in the world could not stop the operation of the sun and the moon

But in an instant, Hong Yi's body scattered, and exploded into countless thoughts in an instant, escaping into the void in an instant, avoiding Hong Xuanji's terrifying fist intent at once. It turned out that this body that had been fighting with Hong Xuanji for a long time in the air was not Hong Yi's real body, but just an incarnation condensed by thoughts.

On the other side, Hong Yi's figure suddenly appeared, and countless thoughts rushed to Hong Yi's body like birds returning to the forest, and in front of Hong Yi were Zishou and Guanjun Hou who were still fighting fiercely.

It turned out that Hong Yi had quietly hidden his body and came to another battlefield.

The battle between Zishou and Guanjun Hou was extremely fierce. Within a radius of 100 meters, everything was turned into scorched earth by the battle between the two. The earth was scorched, the houses were broken, and the stone bricks were burned by the scorching rain of fire.

Guanjun Hou had the Panhuang Life Sword and the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor, as well as the strongest spear and the strongest shield. Even if he only had the strength of a peak martial saint, with these two artifacts, he definitely had the strength to rival the immortals.

On the other side, Zishou was not a simple character either. With the Phoenix Battle Armor, Zishou had the power of the Yuanshi Realm. Under the rain of fire, his combat power was not inferior to that of Guanjun Hou.

However, as the battle progressed, Zishou gradually fell into a disadvantage. After all, he was still too young, and he had just practiced for a short time. His physical strength was really not as good as that of Guanjun Hou, the peak martial saint.

However, all this came to an end with the arrival of Hong Yi. Hong Yi did not take Guan Jun Hou seriously at all. A mere peak martial saint had no ability to resist him now.

The current cultivation of Guan Jun Hou could not bring out the true power of these two artifacts at all.

Hong Yi grabbed with his hand, and a pair of big hands formed by countless thoughts covered Guan Jun Hou's whole body in an instant. Each of these thoughts was as bright as a diamond, as big as a basketball, and contained extremely terrifying spiritual power.

Whether it was the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor or the Panhuang Life Sword, Guan Jun Hou had no way to compete with Hong Yi's magical powers. In an instant, he was pinched in Hong Yi's hand.

"What a great champion, you are a real man. You took advantage of us when we were going through the tribulation. It's really shameful."

The champion was held in the hand of Hong Yi, but his face was still normal. He looked at Hong Yi with great confidence: "Hong Yi, I have the Panhuang Life Sword and the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor to protect me. You can't do anything to me. I advise you to let me go quickly, otherwise the consequences are not something you can bear."

The champion was extremely confident. In his eyes, he was the protagonist of destiny and the master of eternity. No matter what danger he encountered, he could turn it into a blessing. Even every time he encountered a big danger, it was a great opportunity for him. Every danger not only did not threaten his life, but also brought him endless benefits.

In his eyes, Hong Yi was just a pig. He originally wanted to raise him fat and white and then kill him. Unexpectedly, Hong Yi actually survived the thunder tribulation and ascended to heaven in an instant, becoming a being comparable to the creator.

But the champion still didn't think he would die here. What was here was just his body.

How could such a cautious person like him put all his eggs in one basket?

In addition to being a peak martial saint, Guanjun Hou also practices Taoism. This time, it is only part of his soul that controls his body. Many thoughts are hidden in a safe place. Even if Hong Yi destroys this body, he still has a way out.

Hong Yi said nothing with disdain on his face. The soul hand in his hand kept exerting pressure. His thought hand kept vibrating like the wings of a fly, shaking and dragging out afterimages in the void. This extremely strong vibration was transmitted, and the mouth and nose of Guanjun Hou, who was protected by the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor, were bleeding, and his internal organs were churning.

Under the shock of this pressure, Guanjun Hou gradually panicked, because he could feel that his peak martial saint's body began to gradually collapse under the pressure of Hong Yi. This shock force could actually pass through the protection of the Tianmangjiao Divine Armor to his body, which meant that Hong Yi really had the ability to kill his body.

"I know you are not afraid of me killing this body of yours, because besides this body, you still have many soul thoughts elsewhere, and you also have a human immortal stone statue as a clone, but so what, do you believe that I can follow the connection between your souls and cross the void to destroy your soul and spirit.

And do you think I don't know your origins? You are the illegitimate child of Yang Pan and Xiang Fei, but this is only your first identity. In fact, you are a traveler from Tianwai Tian, ​​which is also your biggest reliance for so many years. But this is nothing, you don't know that your true identity is actually just a chess piece, a virtual character created by the God King Buxiu. He used Xu Yi, the son of the leader of Tianwai Tian, ​​as a template to create you, which is also the origin of your great fortune."

At this time, Hong Yi had already decided to kill the champion, and his mere spiritual power was not enough in front of Hong Yi. You must know that there were friends from the ancient world in the group chat.

For those who practice Taoism in the ancient world, this kind of spiritual separation technique is simply child's play. The famous Nailhead Seven Arrows Book can ignore all obstacles and take possession of the cursed person as long as he can obtain the name of the cursed person. All traces of existence were wiped out, and although Yang Chan could not learn the powerful victory-weary technique of the Seven Arrows Book of Nails, it was still very simple to learn some other soul-searching techniques.

This made Champion Hou completely panic. Hong Yi's tone was so confident, and the magical power he displayed was so powerful. This made Champion Hou involuntarily believe in his heart that Hong Yi really had the ability to kill his thoughts.

Moreover, the champion did not expect that Hong Yi knew him so well. Not only did he know his backhand, but he even knew his origins. Among them, the so-called virtual character, the chess piece of the Immortal God King, made the champion even more concerned about his own existence. Some doubts, but now the champion has no time to care about these things, because he just wants to save his life.

"Hong Yi, Hong Yi, don't kill me. I do come from the world beyond the heavens. The civilization there is highly developed, far beyond the world. If you let me go this time, I can give you endless benefits. For thousands of years to come, All the laws that will appear in the development of humanity, as well as all kinds of weird things, will make you a true saint, an eternal master, and a leader of civilization."

But Hong Yi was unmoved at all: "What is the law of the development of humanity? It's so ridiculous. In your opinion, the development of the world outside the world far exceeds that of the universe, and it is the future development direction of humanity.

If I hadn't read that classic, I might still be interested in the development of the world of Tianwaitian. But now I can only tell you that compared to the truly correct path, the future of the world of Tianwaitian is just on the wrong path. "

Hong Yi has no intention of talking nonsense with the champion candidate anymore. He is just a pawn of the Immortal God King. Compared with the champion candidate, the real threats to him are Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan.

Now that the battlefield situation is so intense, he doesn't have much time to spend on Champion Hou. Hong Yi's soul shook violently, tens of millions of times in an instant. The powerful shock wave shook Champion Hou's body into a pool. Mud, then his spiritual thoughts extended to the distant places along the connection in the void, and he used the retrieval method learned from the ancient world to kill all the champion Hou's spiritual thoughts hidden in three different places.

In the blink of an eye, this time traveler from outside the world, the chess piece of the Immortal God King, died in the hands of Hong Yi, and the Skymang Horn Divine Armor and the Panhuang Life Sword on his body also lost their owners at the same time. These two artifacts wanted to He was about to fly away, but was firmly controlled by Hong Yi's spiritual thoughts.

The captain of the transportation brigade lived up to his reputation. He died as soon as he died, and he also gave Hong Yi two big treasures.

Moreover, Hong Yi could also feel that beside the champion Hou Shennian, who had just been killed by him remotely, there was a strange-looking stone statue, which turned out to be a human-immortal clone.

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