All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 180 Blood Sacrifice for All People, the Devil among Devil

As soon as these words came out, a terrifying light flashed in Hong Xuanji's eyes: "Am I sorry for Meng Bingyun? As the Grand Master of Daqian and the confidant of the Emperor, I have the responsibility to protect the country.

Meng Bingyun is a witch who brings disaster to the country and endangers the country. Even if the lady does not take action, I will kill her with my own hands.

I just regret now why I didn't kill her earlier, so that I would not give birth to you, a little beast."

After joining the chat group, Hong Yi already knew what kind of person Hong Xuanji was, and he knew him very well, but he was still angered by Hong Xuanji.

For Hong Yi, his mother's position in his heart is very high, and he absolutely cannot allow Hong Xuanji to slander his mother like this.

So Hong Yi's thoughts shone brightly one by one, as if standing in the past, and there were rays of light in each thought, as if reflecting the world. Driven by the thoughts, the sword light of the Panhuang Life Sword became extremely grand and majestic.

In addition, there are endless thoughts constantly changing in the void, simulating the auras of various supreme beings that Hong Yi has seen in many worlds, and evolving various magical powers.

The time light rain of the palm of the sky bottle, the willow branch treasure technique of the willow god, the supreme sword energy of the nine-leaf sword grass, although Hong Yi's Yi Dao can only barely simulate a trace of charm, but this level of attack is definitely a dimensionality reduction level attack in the Yangshen world.

Under the attack of the furious Hong Yi, Hong Xuanji soon fell into crisis. He had already been cut by the sword energy of the Panhuang Life Sword and was severely injured. At this time, he was constantly worn away by these magical powers that could be called the origin level. Soon, Hong Xuanji's body was covered with scars, and his flesh and blood were worn away inch by inch, and even the white bones could be seen.

Seeing his beloved minister in crisis, Yang Pan was a little crazy at this time. The trust and harmony between the monarch and the minister were incomparable. For Yang Pan, Hong Xuanji was not only his right-hand man, but also an indispensable cornerstone for him to complete his great cause. He could not allow Hong Xuanji to die in front of him.

As time passed, the blood evil spirit sacrificed by the 1,000 marrow training masters had been almost exhausted, but the boat of fortune was only repaired by 90% at this time.

In fact, the spirit of the 1,000 marrow training masters was enough to replenish the consumption of burning thoughts for the eight masters to repair the boat of fortune, but the problem was that they had to deal with the attacks of Zhang Junbao and others while repairing the boat of fortune, which also involved a lot of their energy, which also led to their failure to repair the boat of fortune after consuming the blood evil spirit.

The 90% repaired Ship of Fortune is already powerful enough, but it is not perfect after all. The so-called King of Divine Artifacts itself carries the meaning of perfection and supremacy. The complete King of Divine Artifacts is naturally able to kill gods and Buddhas, but if it cannot be completely repaired, the difference between 90% and 80% and 70% is not very big.

So although Yang Pan can now rely on the Ship of Fortune to resist the attacks of Zhang Junbao and others, he is still on the defensive and has no way to launch a counterattack.

Moreover, after such a long period of burning thoughts, the eight masters on the Ship of Fortune have fallen into fatigue at this time. They are already overwhelmed by the attacks of the group friends. If they do not replenish their energy, they will definitely not be able to spare the energy to repair the Ship of Fortune.

This situation made Yang Pan's eyes flash with a trace of determination. He looked down at the Yujing City under his feet with a calm face, as if a supreme emperor was inspecting his territory.

Then in an instant, Yang Pan's thoughts turned into a divine hand, which fell from the sky and landed fiercely on a street in the distance.

At this time, in Yujing City, except for a few foolish and brave people who were watching the excitement outside, all other residents were hiding in their homes and trembling, fearing that they would be affected by this terrible war.

But how could a mere house and wooden tiles resist the means of Yang Pan, the Seven Tribulations Creator? With a wave of his hand, a full 30,000 people turned into blood mist in an instant, and were condensed into bloody essences by him.

Among these people, there were babies who were just born less than a month old, and there were also old people who were dying, and of course the majority were middle-aged people.

Although the bloody essence condensed by these people was not as good as that of the 1,000 marrow training masters, it was better in quantity and was enough to supply the eight masters to repair the king of artifacts.

Seeing this scene, even the saint family who regarded the people as grass could not help but stare in amazement at this time, and could hardly believe their eyes.

Although the thousand soldiers who had trained their marrow died in front of them, they committed suicide. Although the heads of several families also understood that they committed suicide because of Yang Pan's manipulation, it was not important. Soldiers died on the battlefield, which was their fate.

But civilians were different. They just didn't take the lives of civilians as their lives. But if they were asked to commit such a massacre, the heads of the saintly families who had studied since childhood would ask themselves if they could not do it.

Such behavior was not the behavior of the supreme ruler, the Lord of all people. It was simply the devil among devils, the devil Po Xun, who could be called crazy.

Fan Yuntao couldn't help but tremble in his voice: "Your Majesty, what are you doing? Doing such atrocities, aren't you afraid that the historians will write about it and leave a bad reputation for thousands of years?"

For emperors who aspire to become wise emperors and leave their names in the history books, the historians' iron pens are what they fear most. Once they make some mistakes and are recorded in the history books, they will be infamous for thousands of years.

What Yang Pan did at this time can be said to be unique among all tyrants in the past and present. Once it is recorded, he will be infamy forever after the change of dynasties.

Faced with Fan Yuntao's question, Yang Pan laughed loudly: "Who will make history in the past ten thousand years? My ambition is to be a Holy Emperor, become a Yang God, and establish an eternal divine dynasty. Why should I care about the infamy behind my back?" "

Except for the little girl who didn't express anything about this scene, such a miserable scene made several other group members feel angry.

Whether it is Zhang Junbao, Lu Mingfei, or Xiao Shihao, they are actually good people with kind hearts. How can we see such a scene of devastation.

Of course, this is not to say that the little girl is cold-blooded, but she only cares about her group friends and her brother. As for the others, she is not familiar with them at all, so there is nothing to care about.

Xiao Shi Hao was so angry that he used the original black and yellow Nine Waves of Divine Light. Endless runes kept flying in the sky, bringing up brilliant rays of light, making Xiao Shi Hao transform into a blazing sun in the sky. Under the endless rays of light,

Feeling such a terrifying blow, Yang Pan's face turned slightly pale. Then he completely let go of his hands and feet and used all his strength to control the boat of creation. This king of artifacts instantly exuded endless energy of creation, and in the void The law of communication collided with Xiao Shihao's ultimate move to destroy the world, causing endless aftermath in an instant.

This is different from when Yang Pan drove the boat of fortune to attack Sanhua Tower. At that time, his main goal was to kill Lu Mingfei and others, and there was actually nothing he could do about it affecting the people. After all, Yang Pan was very particular at that time. To win by surprise, a sneak attack would naturally require all-out efforts, and at such a close distance, even if Yang Pan's power was restrained, it would still affect the surrounding people.

But this time it was completely different. Yang Pan did not restrain his strength at all, as if he wanted to deliberately spread the aftermath.

Although the previous battle was extremely fierce, because everyone was at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and everyone deliberately controlled their power to be very condensed, the aftermath only shook in the air and did not affect the ground.

This is the king of artifacts that is close to returning to its heyday. The power it exerts under the control of a creator is unimaginable. In addition, the power of Xiao Shihao's magic is even more terrifying. Even if the two collide, Even the power of the aftermath can destroy the world and level the entire Jade City in an instant.

Hong Yi, who was fighting with Hong Xuanji, saw this scene and swung out his sword light like mist, trying to cut off the aftermath of the battle in the air.

Xu Chenzhou and others who were standing in the air stopped watching at this time and took action one after another, using their magical powers to resist the aftermath. However, the scope of this aftermath was too large, and no one had learned magical powers specifically for defense. ,, so there were still some oversights, and dozens of houses were still destroyed by the earthquake, but fortunately, Xu Chenzhou and others took action and rescued the residents in the houses. So there were no casualties.

Hong Yi turned his head to look at Yangpan standing on the boat of creation, and his eyes suddenly became extremely deep.

"Yang Pan, you are worthy of claiming to be a saint king, but you are actually threatening the lives of people in the city, trying to make us throw a rat weapon so that you have time to repair the ship of creation. This kind of behavior is simply unworthy of a human being!"

However, Hong Yi was not surprised at all by what Yang Pan did, because Yang Pan himself was such a person. Whether it was blood sacrifice or threatening the lives of ordinary people, Yang Pan had done it in the original timeline. Behavior, and even Yangpan's final trick were all practiced by the entire Tianxu family through blood sacrifices.

Facing Hong Yi's question, his huge thoughts kept reverberating in the air along with the aura of creation, and passed into Hong Yi's soul: "Successful kings and defeated bandits, that's how it is. They have different ways and don't conspire against each other.

I have received countless secret reports in the past two months, all of which are about what you Hong Yi did. You built schools, expanded your power, recruited troops, and regained your party members. Your prodigal ambitions are clearly revealed. ,

In addition, your power is so powerful, the forces around you are so terrifying, and your cultivation is progressing so fast. If you cannot suppress you, this great empire will be destroyed in your hands.

In this case, it is better to die with you. Is it the king's land in the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land. All Dagan people are my subjects, and it is their honor to sacrifice for me. "

While speaking, Hong Xuanji passed the blockade of Hong Yi's sword energy and transferred to the boat of creation.

Without the protection of the Boat of Creation, Hong Xuanji really had no way to be confident that he could fight against Hong Yi, who now had two pieces of divine equipment.

Standing next to Yang Pan, Cong Xuanji didn't have the slightest opinion on what Yang Pan did, but instead stared at Hong Yi.

In the baptism of Hong Yi's sword light, Hong Xuanji seemed to have experienced the cycle of life and death. He was almost killed by Hong Yi's sword light several times. There was great terror between life and death. Hong Xuanji never thought that he would be forced to this point by this traitor. Fantiandi was not only in a desperate situation, but even the orthodoxy of the Daqian Dynasty had to be cut off for him.

But in such a difficult and dangerous situation, Hong Xuanji not only did not despair, but also felt an unprecedented level of martial arts. This level was a bottleneck that other warriors could not overcome. At this time, For Hong Xuanji, it was as simple as breaking through a layer of window paper.

"Heaven and earth, the emperor, parents and teachers. Outside of heaven and earth, the emperor is supreme. Without the emperor, there would be no people. The emperor's actions are in line with the way of heaven and man. How can you, a rebellious son, be qualified to comment casually!"

While speaking, Hong Xuanji's aura surged again, and he directly touched the realm of flesh and blood. His body kept squirming, and every muscle seemed to have its own thoughts, as if it was alive.

Just now, Hong Xuanji's body had been scraped by the sword energy of the Panhuang Life Sword, leaving only white bones, and there were only a few pieces of skin and flesh in many places.

But at the moment he broke through to the realm of flesh and blood, all the wounds on his body healed in an instant, and between the buds flying, an extremely strong, extremely perfect body like a sculpture appeared in the void.

The realm of flesh and blood is also called blood drop rebirth. That time, even if there was only a drop of blood, or even a smaller and more fragmented part of the body survived, the whole body could be restored in an instant.

For example, the Immortal God King who created the Champion Marquis and hid behind the scenes, lost to the Changsheng Emperor during the ancient war, but was not killed, but was suppressed, because a warrior of this level is almost impossible to be killed.

Hong Xuanji laughed loudly: "Good, very good, rebellious son! It was your coercion that made me break through the realm of flesh and blood derivation in one fell swoop. It seems that today is my ordeal, but it is also my opportunity.

I have a feeling that the deeper you, the rebellious son, force me, the greater the possibility of my breakthrough.

Even if you have two artifacts, what's the use? At this time, I have broken through to the realm of flesh and blood derivation, and your sword energy can't hurt me at all.

Rebellious son, don't be too proud too early. Once I break through to the ever-changing realm, the situation can be reversed in an instant."

While speaking, Hong Xuanji turned his head to look at the heads of the seven saints' families. His eyes were extremely cold and threatening: "What are you doing standing there? Hurry up and help His Majesty repair the boat of good fortune."

Except for the heads of the Fang family and the Zhao family, the other five heads did not move after getting the blood of the people. The expressions on their faces were extremely struggling, which made Hong Xuanji, who had already broken through to the realm of flesh and blood derivation, very dissatisfied.

You should know that the realms of these family heads are almost at the level of fifth-order ghost immortals. At such a close distance, he can kill these five-tribulation ghost immortals with just one pounce.

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