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Chapter 181 Yang Pan dies and Xuan Ji goes crazy

Hong Xuanji was in charge of the government affairs in the Daqian Dynasty and was the Prime Minister of Yin and Yang for more than 20 years. His long-term high-ranking life made him develop an extremely majestic aura. The threat at this time actually made several ghost immortals feel a chill in their hearts.

The reason why the heads of these saint families were so hesitant was not because they still had conscience in their hearts, but mainly because Yang Pan's words just now revealed the idea of ​​swallowing fish and sweeping across the eight wildernesses, which shocked them completely. If they really helped Yang Pan repair the boat of fortune, they would probably be the next unlucky ones.

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot. Several heads of the families looked at each other and began to burn their thoughts and absorb the essence of the people.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. Originally, with his mind, he didn't have to kill the heads of these saint families. If the heads of these saint families could stop at the brink and break with Yang Pan, Hong Yi would not be unable to give them a way out.

In the original timeline, Fan Yuntao and Wang Lingshan were also captured by him. In the end, for various reasons, they did not die in his hands. Instead, they started various cooperation with him in the future.

But now that they have made a choice, it is not Hong Yi's fault.

Hong Yi will naturally not sit idly by and watch these people repair the Boat of Fortune. Although he is not afraid of the power of the Boat of Fortune, if Yang Pan repairs the Boat of Fortune, it will be difficult to keep Yang Pan and others even with the power of the group friends.

The Boat of Fortune is originally a divine weapon created by the Taoist of Fortune to cross the other side. The complete Boat of Fortune flies across the void and flattens the chaos. All dangerous places are like flat ground for the Boat of Fortune.

"Junbao, help me contain Hong Xuanji and the seven family heads. I want to invade the Ship of Fortune and assassinate Yang Pan directly."

Hong Yi knew that the key to breaking the deadlock was Yang Pan. At this time, Hong Xuanji had reached the realm of flesh and blood derivatives and was extremely difficult to kill. The other seven family heads were not important. As long as Yang Pan was alive, he could repair the Ship of Fortune with the help of the future master no matter what damage it suffered.

Hearing Hong Yi's request, Zhang Junbao nodded and brought Xiao Nannan, Xiao Shihao, and Lu Mingfei to the deck of the Ship of Fortune.

Seeing this scene, Hong Xuanji's eyes flashed. After fighting for so long, he thought he had learned a lot of information about his opponent.

Let's not talk about Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shihao for now. These two little guys are simply perverts. Their bodies are extremely strong and they have many magical powers. I don't know what kind of skills they practice.

But the honest young man in front of him had just followed Hong Yi's soul out of his body and returned from the air after overcoming the tribulation. In other words, this person was a Taoist practitioner.

In the previous battle, Zhang Junbao used almost all the soul Taoist techniques, which further confirmed Hong Shengji's guess.

A mere Taoist practitioner dared to be so arrogant and control his body to come in front of him. Did he really think that he, a human immortal derived from flesh and blood, was made of paper?

Hong Xuanji rushed forward fiercely. The human immortal derived from flesh and blood was extremely powerful. The wind pressure brought by the charge made a terrifying whistling sound.

In a moment, he came to Zhang Junbao. Hong Xuanji rotated his hands, as if he was mastering the Dharma Wheel. Countless Qi flows in front of him, tearing the void, destroying the universe, and hitting Zhang Junbao's chest with a sense of controlling life and death.

But what Hong Xuanji didn't expect was that in the face of such a terrifying attack from him, Zhang Junbao not only did not avoid it, but also flashed a smile in his eyes, as if he couldn't wait.

"Okay, okay, you're just in time. I just feel a little itchy, and I want to try how powerful the human immortal derived from flesh and blood is."

Then, a black and white golden pill slowly rotated in Zhang Junbao's body. It was a Tai Chi golden pill.

Zhang Junbao's roots were originally Nine Yang Qi. At the beginning, the golden pill he condensed was a Nine Yang Golden Pill. By collecting the true fire of the sun to condense the true qi, he broke through to the realm of martial arts golden pill.

But later he obtained the Taoist Canon of Zhang Sanfeng from other worlds from his group friends, and with the three chapters of Tai Shang, he had a deep understanding of the way of Tai Chi.

This also made Zhang Junbao start to explore a new path. He got the Nine Yin Manual from Guo Jing, collected the moonlight through the Nine Yin Manual and condensed a Nine Yin Golden Pill, and then combined the two golden pills into one with the help of Tai Chi, and the yin and yang met, and Tai Chi was born, thus condensing this Tai Chi Golden Pill.

The power of this Tai Chi Golden Pill is incomparable to the original Nine Yang Golden Pill. Under the intersection of Yin and Yang, the essence of the true energy becomes extremely condensed. Not only that, the operation of Yin and Yang, the origin of the origin, also makes his true energy endless and almost never exhausted.

Under the extremely powerful Tai Chi true energy blessing, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and waved his fists and feet. A Tai Chi figure appeared in front of Zhang Junbao and slowly rotated. It actually absorbed all the power of Hong Xuanji's extremely powerful punch, and then turned around and hit Hong Xuanji again.

With a bang, Hong Xuanji flew backwards violently, and countless flesh and blood scattered like rain, covering the entire deck. Bits and pieces of bone debris fell all over the ground, red and white, giving people an extremely strong visual impact.

The power of his punch was really too strong, and coupled with the burst of Zhang Junbao's Tai Chi true energy, it was simply shocking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, and even his strong body derived from flesh and blood could not bear it.

But this level of damage is nothing to Hong Xuanji, who has achieved the realm of flesh and blood derivatives. His flesh and blood squirmed violently, and in an instant, it was restored to its original state.

Hong Xuanji stared at Zhang Junbao, with an extremely strange expression in his eyes: "The martial arts you just used are somewhat similar to the Supreme Extinction Heavenly Book of the Li family, a sage family. It is really too exquisite. It is a four-two-pound move with a thousand-pound, and it is a way to return the favor."

After saying that, Hong Xuanji rushed to Zhang Junbao again, and still punched him without reservation, domineering and suppressing the world.

The result was the same as the last time. Hong Xuanji flew backwards again, but this time the damage he suffered was much smaller, only his limbs were broken and his internal organs were shattered.

Looking at Hong Xuanji flying backwards, Zhang Junbao sighed: "Hong Xuanji, you are indeed a martial arts genius. You can see through some of the secrets of my Tai Chi with just one punch. If you and Hong Yi are not opponents, then we might be able to sit down and discuss."

It turned out that the reason why Hong Xuanji suffered so much less damage this time was because after punching this time, Hong Xuanji also used the Tai Chi force method to offset a lot of Zhang Junbao's strength.

While speaking, Zhang Junbao did not give Hong Xuanji a chance to breathe. The powerful Tai Chi true energy condensed in his palm. In an instant, he used eighteen consecutive palms, and beat Hong Xuanji, who flew backwards, into a meat paste again, and also used the powerful Tai Chi true energy to suppress the blood and flesh on the ground.

But what Zhang Junbao didn't expect was that the realm derived from flesh and blood was extremely mysterious. Although he suppressed the flesh and blood on the ground, Hong Xuanji had already bounced a few drops of blood to Yang Pan before flying backwards. In an instant, these drops of blood gathered together and revived a complete Hong Xuanji.

"Your Tai Chi is indeed mysterious, but the foundation of my Wheel of Life and Death is also rotating. Rotating Tai Chi, all the true forms are originally one."

While speaking, Hong Xuanji rushed up again. This time, the principles in his boxing were even more mysterious, and he actually offset 70% of Zhang Junbao's counterattack. What's more terrifying is that Hong Xuanji's boxing principles are not all copied from Zhang Junbao's Tai Chi, but added the mystery of the rotation of the Wheel of Life and Death, which made his boxing have a unique mystery. Given time, he might be able to open up a new world in the way of rotation.

Hong Xuanji relied on his powerful recovery ability from the realm of flesh and blood and joined the way of rotation. He did not lose the upper hand in the battle with Zhang Junbao, and there was no sign of defeat.

However, Zhang Junbao himself did not think that he could kill Hong Xuanji. Whether this person lived or died depended on Hong Yi's decision. Other group members would never intervene. What Zhang Junbao had to do was just to delay Hong Xuanji.

Lu Mingfei, Xiao Nannan, and Xiao Shihao fought with the seven family heads. These seven family heads had the help of the saints' magic tools and the boat of fortune. Even with the cultivation of the three, it was difficult to defeat the seven family heads for a while.

The key now was to see the duel between Hong Yi and Yang Pan.

On the other side, Yang Pan stood on the boat of good fortune. In front of him, a stream of blood-red essence of the people was being absorbed into his soul. Behind him, there stood a purple hazy figure, as crystal-clear as crystal, with a sense of silence and uncertainty in the future.

The moment he saw Hong Yi, Yang Pan's face became extremely calm and lost all expression. Like a robot, he seemed to have merged with the master of the future behind him in an instant. Endless divine thoughts echoed in his mind and calculated the infinite possibilities of the future.

After the calculation, Yang Pan showed a thought of calculating everything, and directly struck out with a palm. This palm seemed to lock all the running trajectories of Hong Yi in the future. It can be said to be a palm that controls the future. Before this attack was launched, Hong Yi had already felt that he would definitely be hit by this palm. No matter how he dodged, he could not avoid Yang Pan's fatal blow.

But Hong Yi did not react at all, not even dodging. His countless thoughts gathered in the air, and in an instant they turned into a dark yellow exquisite pagoda.

Yang Pan's burning palm was so terrifying, but it had no effect on this exquisite pagoda, and it did not even cause any waves, as if this pagoda was born to be invulnerable and indestructible.

This change far exceeded Yang Pan's calculation of the future Wusheng Sutra. Even if Yang Pan had calculated hundreds of millions of possibilities, he still could not calculate the wonders of the Tiandi Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda, which also caused Yang Pan's future palm to return in vain.

However, Hong Yi's current simulation could not last long. In an instant, his thoughts were scattered again, and he could not maintain the shape of the exquisite pagoda.

Then Hong Yi came to Yang Pan in front of him with a shuttle, holding the Tathagata seal in his hand, with a sense of eternity in the past and controlling the present, and pressed against Yang Pan's infinite thoughts.

This punch actually combined the charm of the past Amitabha Sutra and the present Tathagata Sutra, and integrated the secrets of the supreme scriptures of the two great Zen temples into this punch.

Hong Yi's thoughts at this time were so magnificent, ten times more than those of ordinary seven-tribulation creators. With such a powerful artistic conception, even if Yang Pan mastered the Future Unborn Sutra, the Creation Heaven Sutra and other unique skills, he still did not dare to confront him head-on.

With the help of the chaotic energy of the Creation Boat, Yang Pan actually created an extremely powerful Creation Qi shield in front of him in an instant, and then his mind turned to break through the void and opened up a distance of several hundred meters from Hong Yi.

But this scene was exactly what Hong Yi wanted, because his target was not Yang Pan, but the future master behind Yang Pan. Yang Pan's retreat just exposed the future master in front of him.

As soon as Hong Yi stretched out his hand, his endless spiritual thoughts turned into a big hand that could cover the sky and the sun. The hand was filled with endless vitality. He actually held the future lord behind Yang Pan in his hand and tightly controlled it. .

This future lord can be said to be the condensed effort of Yang Pan and the strongest foundation for his grand ambition. Without this future lord, he and Hong Xuanji would no longer have the possibility to train Yang Shen and achieve the realm of shattering the vacuum. , once the future master is taken away by Hong Yi, all Yang Pan's plans will succeed in an instant.

When Yang Pan saw this scene, he let out an earth-shattering roar: "Hong Yi, what do you want to do as a traitor?

The Lord of the Future is the foundation of my great ambitions. If you dare to attack the Lord of the Future, I will fight you till death! "

Hong Yi looked at Yang Pan with no expression on his face: "Don't you think we are still fighting to the death? As an emperor, Yang Pan, you not only failed to seek the welfare of all people, but instead sacrificed all people with blood. You have no way of being a ruler." "Having a tyrant like you sitting on the throne is the greatest disaster to all the people in the world."

The Lord of the Future is the incarnation of Yang Pan's training. The connection with Yang Pan is inseparable. They are almost connected as one body. No one can do anything to the Lord of the Future. But Hong Yi is different. He controls Yi The avenue.

The various avenues mastered by Hong Yi are like a tide flowing towards the future master. Among these avenues are not only the will of Amitabha in the past and the Tathagata now, but also the avenue of Yi by Hong Yi himself.

The Amitabha Sutra, the Tathagata Sutra, and the Future No Life Sutra are themselves the three supreme sutras of the Great Zen Temple. They are inextricably linked to each other. In addition, the Great Way of Yi is harmonized by the Great Yi, and the Way of Yi changes in thousands of ways. , able to adapt to all situations, naturally caused an attraction and change between Hong Yi's spiritual thoughts and the future master.

Yang Pan felt that the connection between himself and the future master began to become weaker and weaker, and a desperate expression appeared on his face. He knew that once the future master was captured by Hong Yi, everything would be lost.

Hong Yi's power is already extremely powerful. If coupled with the unparalleled calculation power of the future master, he can calculate the whole world in an instant. Even if he escapes to the ends of the world, he can't escape from Hong Yi's palm. From now on There is no chance of turning around in the future.

Yang Pan changed his mind and wanted to directly detonate the future master and burn him with Hong Yi, but how could he do this?

Under the mystery of Hong Yi's Dao of Yi, the connection between him and the future master has been deprived. In an instant, the future master was absorbed into the sea of ​​​​consciousness by Hong Yi, and he no longer has the slightest relationship with Yang Pan. He is not even connected to Yang Pan. The power of the boat of creation is restricted.

Because in order to calculate the blueprint of the Ship of Creation, Yang Pan connected most of the control authority of the Ship of Creation to the future Lord. , without the future master at this time, the connection between Yang Pan and the boat of creation has become much weaker.

Then in an instant, Hong Yi broke through the void and came to Yang Pan. The Panhuang Life Sword in his hand stirred up sword lights.

After possessing the future master, all of Yang Pan's actions were under Hong Yi's calculations, and he lost most of the power of the boat of creation. How could he still fight against Hong Yi, who had two great artifacts?

In an instant, many of Yang Pan's spiritual thoughts were continuously wiped out by Panhuang's Life Sword, and then directly swallowed by Hong Yi using the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique, turning them into nutrients and absorbing them into his body. The majestic Creator of the Seven Tribulations was actually like a The fish on the chopping board is just average, without any resistance at all.

Seeing this scene and sensing that Yang Pan was being wiped out bit by bit, Hong Xuanji went crazy.

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