All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 182 Complete Killing, Dream God Machine Arrives

At this time, Yang Pan fell into endless despair. Without the blessing of the future lord and the king of artifacts, his soul thoughts were like a little chicken under Hong Yi's huge thoughts. Generally, there is no ability to resist at all.

Yang Pan really couldn't understand in his heart why Hong Yi had just survived six thunder tribulations, and the power of his soul was so great.

In Yang Pan's understanding, the thoughts of Taoist masters who have passed through a thunder tribulation have undergone extremely huge changes, with many more exquisite changes, and raising the level of power is simply a qualitative leap.

Even if Hong Yi practiced the Amitabha Sutra of the past, it would be quite astonishing to be able to compete with the Creator of Seven Thunder Tribulations.

However, in Yang Pan's perception, Hong Yi's soul power at this time was not inferior to that of a peerless master who had survived eight thunder tribulations. With the blessing of Panhuang's Life Sword and Heavenly Light Horn Divine Armor, he could even It exerted a powerful force of nearly nine thunder tribulations.

This is also the reason why Hong Yi was able to suppress Hong Xuanji before. Hong Xuanji, who has penetrated 1,197 acupoints, is not an ordinary immortal master.

A human immortal who has achieved the breakthrough of omniscience is equivalent to the Creator of the Seven Tribulations, and Hong Xuanji has more than 20 years of experience at the peak of the Martial Saint. He has read the world's martial arts classics and accumulated them, and he has already condensed his unparalleled domineering power. The world's most powerful and powerful fist. Therefore, at the moment of breakthrough, Hong Xuanji naturally condensed his fist intention into substance and was able to interfere with time and space and create matter. This state was already equivalent to that of a ghost immortal who had survived eight thunder tribulations.

But even such a powerful martial arts immortal was almost cut into a stick in front of Hong Yi. This shows how powerful Hong Yi's cultivation is at this time, which has reached an incredible level.

Yang Pan tried to persuade Hong Yi: "Hong Yi, we are not enemies. Although there are some conflicts, we can turn our conflicts into friendship. As long as you let me go, I will immediately make you a one-word king and share the world with me.

You may not know that there are many dangers outside the world, and there are many hidden beings peeking into the world. For example, Xu Yi, the leader of the world outside the world, is eyeing the world with covetousness. You and I are both outstanding people in the world, top existence, we might as well enlarge the pattern to fight against foreign enemies together, instead of killing each other at this juncture. Wouldn't it be good to wait until the foreign enemies are eliminated before we can decide the winner? "

Hong Yi just sneered. When he had the upper hand, he used thunderous tactics. Now that he was at a disadvantage, he started to pay attention to the pattern. When he opened his mouth, Yang Pan would turn right and wrong upside down. How could such a good thing happen?

Hong Yi said with cold eyes: "Yang Pan, you can go with peace of mind. From now on, this world has nothing to do with you. I am here to take care of the affairs of the world, so you don't need to worry about it."

Hearing these words, Yang Pan felt extremely angry, resentful, and unwilling. Could it be that his lofty ambitions and great achievements were really going to be destroyed in the hands of a child with a yellow mouth?

However, Yang Pan is not completely powerless to resist. He has been on the throne for so many years and has mastered countless resources. He also has the two classics of the universe presented by Hong Xuanji and the classics of the Creation Sect. His background is unfathomable, except for the future master. In addition, he also prepared another trump card to survive.

"Sacrifice blood to the world, conquer the world, past and future, countless emperor tribulations, give me achievements!"

Yang Pan roared, and the entire ground of Yujing City shone brightly. Lines as red as blood suddenly lit up, intertwining a complex pattern on the ground of Yujing City, with a huge ancient character written in the middle of the pattern. .

This character is very ancient, but if there is a scholar who is rich in knowledge, he can see that this is a sacrificial character written in ancient characters.

As this array pattern emerged, streaks of blood began to flicker, and the entire Jade City seemed to be turning into a bloody hell in an instant.

The moment Hong Yi saw this formation diagram, he was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

He could tell at a glance that this formation was arranged by Yang Pan a long time ago. The purpose was to sacrifice the blood of the people of Yujing City in a critical moment and develop a magical power to save his life.

In the original timeline, Yang Pan sacrificed tens of millions of Xu family disciples to practice three great catastrophes of flesh and blood, each of which could withstand a fatal crisis.

Daqian and the Tianwai Tianxu family are hostile forces in themselves, so although Yang Pan's behavior is cruel, it is also reasonable.

Hong Yi knew about this, but he didn't expect Yang Pan to be so crazy and even bury this formation as a trump card underground in Yujing City.

This formation is extremely hidden, buried thousands of meters underground, and even the Eight Tribulations Ghosts and Immortals cannot detect any flaws. Only after it is activated will it rise slowly, so that it can avoid Hong Yi's eyes.

The activation speed of this formation is extremely fast, and because the people facing them are all the people of Yujing City who have no power to restrain a chicken, the blood sacrifice can be completed in an instant, leaving a very short time for the opponent to stop this formation.

If you want to stop this formation, you must not only find the formation's eye in an instant, but you must also have extremely strong power to break the formation's eye.

If Yang Pan's opponent is someone else, then I am afraid that this time he can really escape the disaster by relying on the formation to practice the infinite emperor's tribulation.

But it is a pity that the opponents Yang Pan faced were Hong Yi and his chat group friends from all over the world.

Standing high in the sky, Yang Chan could see the true function of this formation at a glance.

Although she was only a nominal disciple in Yuquan Mountain, Jade Ding Zhenren would let her sit in whenever he taught Yang Jian. Over time, Yang Chan also learned the knowledge of political formations of the Yuanshi lineage.

Using the knowledge of formations passed down by Yuanshi Tianzun to solve the formations of the Yangshen world is simply a dimensionality reduction attack, which is equivalent to a doctoral student proficient in advanced mathematics doing first-grade math problems in elementary school. It is simply no difficulty. Yang Chan saw the core of this formation at a glance. She waved her hand and summoned a flying sword like a cold moon. The flying sword shuttled in the sky at a speed so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye of human immortals to capture it. In an instant, it cut into the center of the formation. The endless cold air on the long sword was also transmitted in all directions, stopping the formation that was about to be launched in place.

Seeing this scene, Yang Pan's eyes finally began to show a look of despair. If even this life-saving backhand was blocked, he really didn't know how he could fight Hong Yi.

"Rebellious minister, traitor, I will perish with you even if I die today."

He had already trained to be the Lord of the Future with the help of the Qi of Creation. If he could be given some more time, he was fully confident that he could achieve eight thunder tribulations with the power of the Lord of the Future, and even survive nine thunder tribulations to become the Yang God.

With the help of the Lord of the Future, Hong Xuanji also had the opportunity to achieve the realm of shattering the vacuum. The combination of the two could create an almighty giant who could span the past and present and suppress everything in an instant. In this way, the grand plan they had planned for many years could be achieved in an instant.

But now all these beautiful visions were gone in an instant. His thoughts were like food, being constantly refined by Hong Yi's Great Dao of Yi and the Heaven-Devouring Demonic Art. He was about to be scattered and his soul would be gone forever.

Yang Pan mobilized all his strength, wanting to gather his thoughts together and explode them all, bursting out with infinite power in an instant, so as to perish with Hong Yi.

But at the moment when he sensed Yang Pan's action, more than 70,000 crystal-clear thoughts swarmed out of Hong Yi's body, directly locking Yang Pan's soul tightly and began to devour it non-stop.

As the two souls continued to blend, Yang Pan began to feel the various messages of the Great Dao of Yi transmitted from Hong Yi's soul. The heaven is vigorous, and the gentleman is self-reliant. The earth is gentle, and the gentleman carries all things with virtue. Following the wind, the gentleman

Even if death is in front of him, Yang Pan is still deeply shocked by the Great Dao of Yi that Hong Yi has comprehended. What a magnificent and broad book it is, surpassing the supreme achievements of the saints and ancient saints.

Losing to Hong Yi, who comprehended this great Dao, Yang Pan finally knew that it was not wronged.

In addition to the thoughts that were swallowed by the Devouring Heaven Demon Art, Yang Pan also had many thoughts that were conquered by this grand truth the moment they came into contact with the Great Dao of Yi, and involuntarily merged into Hong Yi's body.

Each of his thoughts conveyed a wailing sound: "I am the Supreme Lord, the master of the universe. I will not die, and I will not lose. I am going to turn the tide and save the collapsing building."

But no matter how shrill his wailing was, Hong Yi did not show any mercy, but instead accelerated the progress of swallowing.

Even though Yang Pan's soul and thoughts of the Seven Tribulations Creator were extremely huge, under Hong Yi's intense swallowing and wiping, they gradually became extremely ethereal, and almost dissipated in the world in the next second.

And Yang Pan's body also became emaciated under the swallowing of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, leaving only a skeleton, and no longer had the majesty of the Great Thousand King and the master of billions of lives.

Hong Yi did not rush to kill Yang Pan completely, but instead carried Yang Pan's body and slowly walked to Hong Xuanji who was still fighting fiercely with Zhang Junbao.

Originally, every strand of Hong Xuanji's hair was neat and tidy, revealing the majesty of Neo-Confucianism. However, at this time, Hong Xuanji's hair was disheveled, with a head of black hair scattered on the street. He no longer had the majesty of the past. Instead, he looked like a lunatic with a mental illness, and his eyes were as bleak and desperate as a lone wolf walking to the end of the world.

Zhang Junbao's Jindan martial arts had reached the highest level at this time, his Tai Chi Qi was as deep as the sea, and his soul power was not inferior to that of the Eight Tribulations Ghost Immortal.

Even though Hong Xuanji had realized the realm of flesh and blood, and his cultivation was equivalent to that of a peerless master who had experienced nine thunder tribulations, he could not break through the Tai Chi Qi defense line created by Zhang Junbao for him.

As the fight continued, Hong Xuanji's understanding of the mystery of rotation became more and more profound, but this had no effect at all. Even though his power would no longer be offset by Zhang Jun's Tai Chi, Zhang Junbao's own strength was enough to compete with Hong Xuanji and trapped him in place, preventing him from crossing the line.

As Yang Pan became weaker and weaker, the figures that had been hidden in the void actually appeared one after another.

The first one to appear was a man with gray hair. This man walked slowly, and the void connected to him, as if it had turned into his clothes. All the energy and vitality between heaven and earth, in front of this man, instantly surrendered and turned into a ladder for him to step towards the boat of good fortune step by step.

"Yang Pan's potential has not been exhausted, and the great trend has not been formed. It's not time for him to die. Why not keep him and wait for him to survive the nine thunder tribulations, then we can really put on a wonderful show."

The man's voice carried a breath, as if he was floating outside the world, using all living beings as chess pieces and life and death as a game. He no longer cared about the so-called gains and losses, life and death, but only the general situation. This mentality was very similar to that of the Taoist of Creation and the Emperor of Longevity, both of which had exceeded the scope of ordinary people and reached the realm of gods and ghosts.

The moment he stared into his eyes, Xu Chenzhou's mind only had one sentence: Tao is affectionate but ruthless, Tao is ruthless but affectionate.

The practice of the Supreme Tao should be to forget all emotions and abandon all emotions, but the spiritual cultivation of the man in front of him far exceeded the scope of forgetting emotions, and actually took another half step above forgetting emotions.

However, Xu Chenzhou also understood in his heart that Meng Shenji's realm seemed to be high, but in fact he was still in the fence of forgetting emotions. Compared with the Supreme realm of the Supreme Shadow that he had come into contact with in his mind, which was detached from everything, jumped out of the beginning and the end, and was not stagnant in anything, there was still a big gap.

Meng Shenji did not move, but just opened his eyes, and the countless emotions in his eyes wove a love net. There were thousands of emotions in this love net, family affection, friendship, love, and all kinds of emotions intertwined and inseparable, just like the world of mortals. No matter how heroic you are, as long as you don't completely forget about love and jump out of the world of mortals, you can't break free from this love net.

Xu Chenzhou knew that Meng Shenji actually had no bias at all. All he wanted was to make the world full of variables. This was his way. In the midst of thousands of changes, he created a prosperous world, and then stepped into the highest level above the prosperous world and entered the road to the other side.

This is the strength of a peak master of nine thunder tribulations. The entanglement of the love net is no longer a Taoist technique, but a natural means. Once shrouded by this love net, even Hong Yi, with his current cultivation, can only temporarily put down the Yang Pan in his hand and swing the sword to cut off the love threads. Otherwise, once he falls into the love net, he can only let Meng Shenji manipulate him.

However, Xu Chenzhou had not made a move for such a long time, just to stop Meng Shenji at the critical moment, so he would not sit idly by at this time.

Xu Chenzhou opened his mouth and vomited, and a three-color intersecting and rotating Qi mixed hole actually rushed out of his mouth. In the mixed hole, there were three extremely terrifying and extremely mysterious Qis that kept rotating, namely the Red Emperor's Flame Dragon Qi, the Yellow Emperor's Earth Dragon Qi, and the White Emperor's Golden Dragon Qi.

And the most terrifying thing is that when this three-color mixed hole appeared in the void, the momentum was extremely huge, as if it had been accumulating power for a long time and had already taken shape, instantly detonating endless heaven and earth Yuanli, almost involving all the power between heaven and earth.

It turned out that Xu Chenzhou seemed to be hanging up on the side, but in fact he had been secretly accumulating power for this three-color mixed hole of great Qi.

After getting the materials Zhou Xuanyi gave him, Xu Chenzhou immediately went out of the city to hunt and obtained the last material. Therefore, Xu Chenzhou had already broken through to the third level of extraordinary warriors at this time, and practiced the White Emperor Golden Dragon Qi. The power of the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Art has become even more amazing.

If an ordinary extraordinary warrior were to perform this trick of the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Hole Art, he would have to accumulate power outside the body, and the movement would be extremely huge.

But Xu Chenzhou is different. He practices several cultivation systems.

Just when accumulating power, Xu Chenzhou's countless thoughts temporarily opened up a small world, and at the same time used the immortal way to lay down countless runes to reinforce this small world, which allowed him to successfully accumulate power in his body to produce this terrifying three-color mixed hole.

Not only that, Xu Chenzhou's thoughts also evolved into nine-leaf sword grass, exquisite pagoda, willow tree branches and other existences in the void, and together they captured the dream machine.

He possessed Hong Yi's core thinking, so he could naturally comprehend and use the Great Dao of Yi, and exert the incredible power of his soul.

Even Meng Shenji, who had survived nine thunder tribulations, did not dare to underestimate this fierce attack, and even withdrew the love net that enveloped Hong Yi. A shadow flashed around his body, and the sky was round and the earth was square. It was the first treasure between heaven and earth, the king of artifacts, and the eternal kingdom of the Supreme Dao.

Even Meng Shenji sacrificed three divine swords in an instant. The blades of these three divine swords were covered with an incomparable power of almost infinite time passing. They were the Supreme Three Swords that Meng Shenji cast himself to correspond to the three springs, namely, Heaven's Will, Universe, and Time.

As soon as the three swords came out, the sword energy crisscrossed the void, and in an instant, it cut through time and space, changing time and space, as if to make everything empty.

But even with such a power that was close to the law, there was no way to completely dissolve Xu Chenzhou's three-color mixed hole at this time.

Because no matter how much mixed hole true qi was negatively affected by Meng Shenji's sword energy, in an instant, just a swallow and spit, the three-color mixed hole true qi instantly returned to its original state, and even became larger.

On the other side, a group of figures came out from the void. The aura of this group of figures was not simple at all, carrying a rolling aura of the revolutionary world and the torrent of the times.

It turned out to be Xu Yi, the leader of Tianwai Tian, ​​his son Xu Wuyi, the leader's wife and seven ministers.

There was a reason why the Tianwai Tianpan Star World was mobilized in full force. In fact, this war had long attracted the attention of Tianwai Tian.

Xu Yi actually didn't want to save Yang Pan. For him, a dead Yang Pan was a good Yang Pan.

The purpose of his leading the Tianwai Tian people to come down this time was to fish in troubled waters and get a share of this chaos.

Of course, the most important thing is to suppress Hong Yi's luck. It would be best if he could kill Hong Yi directly with this chaos.

The first time Xu Yi saw Hong Yi, he felt that this person was in conflict with his fate. If Hong Yi rose to power, he would definitely take away everything from him.

For Xu Yi, watching Hong Yi kill Yang Pan and plunder all his wealth and foundation would allow Hong Yi to completely use Yang Pan and the Daqian Dynasty's luck for himself, soaring instantly and no one could stop him, which was tantamount to a slow death.

But in addition to Xu Chenzhou, Yang Chan, Han Li, and Misaka Mikoto all remained inactive, waiting for the arrival of the people from Tianwai Tian.

For a moment, the group members rushed towards the people from Tianwai Tian and stopped them outside the Boat of Fortune.

On the other side, Hong Yi dragged Yang Pan's extremely thin body to Hong Xuanji like dragging a dead dog.

His big hands firmly grasped Yang Pan's neck, and his five fingers exerted force, and his nails sank into Yang Pan's flesh.

He looked at Hong Xuanji with a smile on his face: "Hong Xuanji, how are you? How do you feel now!

The emperor you love so much and are so loyal to is now in my hands, like a dead dog, but you can't do anything about it. This feeling must be very uncomfortable."

Yang Pan was dying in Hong Yi's hands, almost falling into the last moments of death. His mind was sending out very weak cries for help: "Xuanji, help, help."

This voice was extremely urgent, with an infinite attachment to life, just like the struggle of a drowning person before death. This was a completely instinctive reaction.

Hong Xuanji was about to explode when he saw this scene, his eyes were wide open, and even drops of blood flowed out.

Groups of blood and qi kept circulating in his body, extremely strong and hot, making his eyebrows and hair begin to burn.

He was originally a cold-blooded person. He had never had such a violent mood swing in his life. Whether it was when he allowed Madam Zhao to poison Meng Bingyun, or when Hong Yi made a scene in the Marquis' Mansion and killed Madam Zhao in front of him, Hong Xuanji's heart was like an ancient well. Although there were waves, they would soon calm down. But at this moment, he was like a ball of fire, burning fiercely.

His fist intention was originally a wheel of heaven that controlled life and death, but at this moment, the essence of his fist intention changed and turned into a ball of heavenly fire.

The fist intention created matter. In an instant, there were groups of terrifying flames that appeared out of thin air, as if they were going to burn the world to ashes.

"Whoever stands in my way will die! Hurry up and put the emperor down, or I, Hong Xuanji, swear here."

Before Hong Xuanji finished speaking, Zhang Junbao hit him on the head with a palm. This palm contained infinite changes, the way of Tai Chi, the power of the Dragon Palm, and the martial arts that Zhang Junbao had comprehended. It can be said to be a culmination of the moves, which can break through the void and see the Supreme, interrupting Hong Xuanji's words.

Hong Yi, on the other hand, replied sarcastically: "Swear to hunt us down forever, tear us into pieces, and kill everyone around me?

Oh, I'm really scared.

The great Grand Master of Daqian is only capable of this. He can't even think of good words to threaten people.

Do you want to see who around me you can kill with your two hands?

Oh, no, you can kill some people who are related to me. After all, my brothers and sisters are in your hands. If you are ruthless and kill them all, it's not impossible. I can barely shed a few tears."

After staying in the group for a long time, Hong Yi also understood that the ultimate enjoyment is the ultimate foul mouth.

Hong Yi is still young now, and he doesn't have the bearing of the later Saint Yi Dao, so naturally he won't show mercy to Hong Xuanji.

Hong Yi turned his head to look at the group members around him, including the Emperor of Desolate Heaven Shi Hao, the Emperor of Ruthless Xiao Nannan, the Taoist Ancestor of Time Han Li, and the Three Holy Mothers Yang Chan. Who would be afraid of him, Hong Xuanji? Even if some group members haven't caught up with him yet, they can just slip back to their own world.

Unlike the saint Hong Yi who had a big family and a big business, in this timeline, Hong Yi is a lonely man except for his group members. The only person who has a slightly closer relationship with him is Luo Yun.

He didn't even reveal his vision of everyone being like a dragon. Hong Xuanji didn't even think of killing everyone in the world and destroying Hong Yi's vision of everyone being like a dragon.

As Hong Yi was weird, he swallowed Yang Pan's last thought with the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art without mercy, and then smashed the remaining body of Yang Pan into pieces with one palm, turning it into a pile of minced meat and broken bones that was all over Hong Xuanji's body.

Yang Pan had not yet cultivated the realm of flesh and blood derivatives, and at the same time his spiritual thoughts were completely devoured by the Heaven-Devouring Demon Art. He was completely dead. Even a powerful being like the Taoist of Creation could not resurrect Yang Pan.

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