All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 183: Achieving Human Immortality, Instantly Opening Thousands of Acupoints

Yang Pan died, but Hong Yi had extracted his memory before he died.

This tyrant had been the emperor of Daqian for decades. I don't know how many secret manuals he had mastered. Hong Yi would not waste them.

At this time, Yang Pan's memory was like running water, held in Hong Yi's hand, and turned into a book [Daqian Yang Pan Zhuan]. Hong Yi flipped it slightly, his expression was extremely relaxed.

"Very good, Hong Xuanji, you are indeed a talent. After taking away my Universe II Sutra, you gave it to Yang Pan. Now that I have killed Yang Pan, I will return it to its original owner. The Good Fortune Scripture you gave to Yang Pan and the royal secret collection as interest can barely offset my losses over the years."

Seeing this scene, Hong Xuanji's entire face was completely deformed, his facial features were distorted, and he shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!!!!!!!" This voice was shrill and lonely, as if he was trapped in the eternal darkness. In an instant, a devil among devils emerged from his body, like a crazy breath.

Originally, Hong Xuanji had the temperament of a master of Neo-Confucianism. His every move gave people a sense of order and order, and the cycle of nature. But now everything was destroyed. The principles in Hong Xuanji's heart seemed to collapse in an instant. All the good and evil, right and wrong, were lost to Hong Xuanji at this time. The whole person seemed to have fallen from the sky into the abyss that would never change, and turned into a hellish devil, a Shura among humans.

But even if Hong Xuanji was so angry, he still couldn't break through Zhang Junbao's defense. Zhang Junbao's Tai Chi was like flowing water. If you draw a knife to cut off the water, the water will flow more. No matter how fierce Hong Xuanji's attack was, it was like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror when it hit Zhang Junbao.

Hong Yi was clearly in front of him, but with Zhang Junbao between him, Hong Yi was so far away from Hong Xuanji. This feeling of powerlessness made Hong Xuanji extremely frustrated and wanted to go crazy!

Hong Yi stood in front of Hong Xuanji, with a mocking look on his face: "Zizi, you are such a good dog. I didn't see you so sad when Madam Zhao was killed in front of me. You are so sad that your master died!

I never thought that someone could be so addicted to being a dog. Hong Xuanji, Hong Xuanji, you really made me look at you in a new light!

You still have the nerve to call yourself the God King of the Heavens. It turns out that the God King of the Heavens in your family likes to be a dog so much, right?"

Hong Xuanji shouted violently, and his soul and will condensed into substance, turning into countless evil ghosts in the sky. Each evil ghost was in the shape of Shura, extremely fierce, and ordinary people would be frightened and terrified as soon as they saw it.

"What do you know? The friendship between the emperor and I is as close as one person, with the same ideals. Throughout the ages, there has never been such a harmonious relationship between the emperor and his subjects. The emperor and his subjects are a perfect match. How can you, a rebellious son, slander us like this?

I swear that from now on, there will be no one in heaven or earth, either you or me. I, Hong Xuanji, will devote all my life to send you, Hong Yi, to the eighteenth level of hell, and you will never be reborn."

Hong Yi laughed out loud after hearing this. He had never been so happy in his life.

The more Hong Xuanji hated him, the happier and calmer he felt in his heart. In the past, he had always gnashed his teeth at Hong Xuanji, but now everything has turned upside down.

Only in this way can Hong Yi vent his anger. You, Hong Xuanji, didn't abandon everything for Yang Pan, killed his wife and children, but now, I'm going to dig up the roots in your heart, and see how crazy you can be.

Killing Yang Pan and watching Hong Xuanji go crazy and fall, this feeling made Hong Yi's thoughts extremely clear. In an instant, every one of his thoughts was extremely expanded, but this expansion did not cause impurities in Hong Yi's thoughts. Instead, it became a substance that seemed to not exist between heaven and earth, crystal clear, brilliant and boundless. Just one look at it can make people wise and bright. This is a change in the essence of thoughts.

And the most terrifying thing is that an extremely huge fist intention emerged from Hong Yi's body. A spirit like a wolf smoke rolled up from Hong Yi's body, straight to the sky, turned into black clouds, covering the sky and the sun, and then a vast ocean of suffering emerged from Hong Yi's body. The sea of ​​suffering was surging, as if everything in the world would fall into it.

The vastness of this fist intention made all those who saw this sea of ​​suffering seem to fall into the eternal doomsday, and all thoughts on the other side were empty.

But immediately another golden bridge slowly rose from Hong Yi's body. This golden bridge started from there and the bridge body extended to the infinite void.

It seems that everyone who steps on this bridge can rely on this bridge to cross the sea of ​​suffering and come to a new era.

The artistic conception of this bridge to the other side is more than one level stronger than the boat of good fortune. Although the boat of heaven is good, it only ferries back and forth and only takes people who are destined to be with it. However, the bridge is different. It exists forever. No matter whether you are a peddler or an emperor, as long as you come to the bridge, you can step on the golden bridge and cross the sea of ​​suffering.

Originally, Hong Yi's martial arts cultivation was only at the peak of martial saint, and he still had a long way to go before breaking through the barrier of human immortal, but at this time, this great understanding and thoroughness allowed Hong Yi to perfect his fist intention in an instant, his thoughts were clear, and joy was born.

Seeing this scene, the seven family heads who were still on the boat showed extremely strange expressions on their faces. Fan Yuntao was a little bit unbelievable: "This fist intent is terrifying. With this fist intent, I'm afraid you can break through to the human immortal realm in an instant. How is this possible? After practicing to become a ghost immortal, the soul escapes from the body. There is no soul in the blood. How is it possible to brew such a huge fist intent?"

In the world of Yangshen, it is extremely difficult for a Taoist cultivator to cultivate into an immortal. He needs to brew up an extremely huge and terrifying fist intention. This is almost impossible for a cultivator whose soul has escaped from the body. Therefore, the Taoist cultivators in this world Those who want to break through from the realm of martial saint to human immortal can only do so by taking this elixir.

For example, Taishangdao's secret elixir, Tianji elixir, can allow the peak martial saint to directly break through to the human-immortal realm.

But it is unprecedented for Hong Yi to rely on his own fists to break the barrier between a martial saint and a human immortal!

What's even more astonishing is that the moment Hong Yi broke through the human barrier, the acupuncture points all over his body made bursts of thunderous sounds like firecrackers.

The thunder sounded like it was coming from the sky, shaking the whole world and making people deafening.

With every sound of thunder, a hole opened in Hong Yi's body and was warmed up. In just a few seconds, one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven thunderous sounds were heard all over Hong Yi's body.

"This Lord of the Future is truly infinite in mysteries. His calculation ability is astonishing both ancient and modern. He can calculate all the changes in the universe. When used in practice, it is like adding wings to a tiger. All changes that open up apertures are included in its calculations. No wonder Yang Pan and you take it so seriously and spend all kinds of costs to condense it.

I also have to thank you, Hong Xuanji, for personally demonstrating the locations of these one thousand one hundred and ninety-seven acupoints in front of me, otherwise I would have to go to Tianwaitian to collect them in person. "

Hong Yi was murderous and heart-wrenching, and every word he said was like a sword piercing Hong Xuanji's heart. The future master was the brainchild of him and the emperor, and at this time he actually became Hong Yi's help.

The murderous intention in Hong Xuanji soared into the sky and dyed the entire sky red. This description is not an exaggeration. Hong Xuanji's murderous intention really condensed into substance and shrouded the clouds. The originally white clouds were filled with murderous intention. It became as bright as blood under the influence of blood. Drop after drop of murderous blood followed the clouds from the sky to the ground. Blood rained from the sky and ghosts and gods cried.

But no matter how crazy Hong Xuanji went, he never made any breakthrough. He was still in the realm of flesh and blood. In this day, Hong Xuanji had made extremely terrifying progress, from a hundred-aperture human immortal to a flesh-and-blood creature comparable to nine times. The ultimate human being in Thunder Tribulation, his progress has been astonishing. Even if he has great luck and has the help of the Taoist Taoist behind him, it is absolutely impossible to make further progress in a short period of time.

Seeing that Hong Xuanji still had no breakthrough, Hong Yi's eyes revealed an expression of disappointment. It was not satisfying enough for Hong Yi to knock Hong Xuanji, who was only in the realm of flesh and blood, into the dust.

"Jun Bao, go and help the group leader and Han Li. Leave Hong Xuanji to me."

As he spoke, Hong Yi stepped forward and stood in front of Hong Xuanji. Although it was a good feeling to see Hong Xuanji getting angry from a distance, there still had to be an end between him and Hong Xuanji.

Zhang Junbao nodded, flew away from the boat of creation, and ignored the father and son again.

On the other side, the battle on the field has also become fierce. Whether it is Mengshenji, the people of Tianwaitian, or even many beings hiding in the dark, they are ready to make a move.

Yang Pan died, and the Boat of Creation, which was almost repaired at this time, became an ownerless thing. No one wanted this treasure to fall into the hands of Hong Yi. With the blessing of the Boat of Creation, by then, heaven and earth would really be No one can stop this rising supremacy.

The breath of Meng Shenji's body is constantly changing, and the three swords of God's will shuttle through the void, endlessly snaring the vast world. The eternal kingdom on his body is almost about to turn into a physical form and is about to break through Xu Chenzhou's chaotic whirlpool.

But how could Xu Chenzhou give him this opportunity? Countless runes circulated on his body, and a primitive black and yellow nine-wave divine light emerged out of thin air. It was like the creation of the world, directly piercing through the eternal kingdom on the Dream God Machine, and directly bombarded the Dream God Machine. On the body.

The abyss of divine power of the original black and yellow nine-dang divine light is as deep as the sea, and it can corrode dozens of miles of void in an instant. However, the movement that hits the Meng Shenji is unexpectedly small. The body of the Supreme Taoist leader seems to be The sky is as vast as the universe, and the body is connected to the infinite void. Xu Chenzhou's powerful blow only left a terrifying and huge wound on the body of this mysterious and unpredictable supreme leader, but it also temporarily stopped the movement of the Meng Shenji.

The battle on the other side is even more intense. The battle between Yang Chan and Xu Yi is extremely terrifying. These two people are not simple people. Xu Yi has long cultivated his physical body to an ever-changing level, able to change in various ways and evolve into earth, water, wind, and fire. , can be said to be immortal, and Yang Chan has the blessing of the chat group, and has been favored by heaven, and has cultivated the innate merits and virtues of the holy body. At this time, his cultivation has reached the realm of practicing virtual reality, and he is only one step away from being able to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal. Moreover, Yang Chan is a disciple of Yuxu Palace. Although he is not a true disciple, he has also mastered various mysterious spells. No matter what strange things Xuyi evolves into, Yang Chan has wonderful methods to deal with them. This also makes it impossible for the leader of Tianwaitian to overcome A step forward.

On the other side, Misaka Mikoto stopped the seven ministers of Tengaiten and the leader's wife alone.

Since she came to Yoshin World, in order to play in Yukyo City, Misaka Mikoto took off her Tokiwadai school uniform and put on an ancient style dress with Yoshin World style, green sleeves and flowing clouds. , with flaxen hair tied into a classical Chinese-style hairstyle on the top of his head, it looks like he stepped out of a painting.

Different from other people's fighting methods, after becoming a Five Tribulations Demon Immortal, Misaka Mikoto's main fighting method is not to use Taoism.

Although Misaka Mikoto has absorbed a lot of incense like other group members, and her thoughts are extremely numerous and of high quality, and her strength is far beyond her current realm, but to be honest, if she used Taoism, she would definitely not be able to stop the seven ministers and the leader's wife.

These characters are all creator-level existences. The creator, the creator, just this name knows how powerful this realm is. The void creates, reverses yin and yang, and destroys everything!

Ordinary fifth-level demons will be annihilated in front of them, and they will never be reborn.

But Misaka Mikoto is not a simple fifth-level demon. In addition to being a Five Tribulations Demon Immortal, she is also a level 5 superpower, the super-electromagnetic cannon of the Academy City.

The biggest effect of the Five Tribulations Demon Immortal on Misaka Mikoto is actually the huge computing power of the Five Tribulations Demon Immortal.

After achieving the Five Tribulations Ghost Immortal, Misaka Mikoto's number of thoughts at this time is also as vast as the sea of ​​stars. Although not as terrifying as Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao, there are also 129,800 thoughts, each of which is as bright as diamonds, as crystal, and as shining as stars.

And the most outrageous thing is that the computing power of these thoughts is not inferior to her own. What a terrifying thing.

You know, Misaka Mikoto's computing power is beyond ordinary people. Just relying on her own computing power, she can become a superpower in Academy City, a legendary figure at the Level 5 level.

And once the computing power of more than 10,000 sisters is connected, Misaka Mikoto can enter a runaway state and move towards the process of achieving the Level 6 level, with a terrifying power that can destroy a city in an instant.

The computing power of more than 10,000 sisters can make Misaka Mikoto so terrifying. You must know that because the sisters are clones, their computing power is far less than that of the original body. They are only level 2 ability users. It can be said that the computing power of one Misaka Mikoto can match dozens of sisters.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto had a total of 129,800 thoughts, which was equivalent to having millions of sisters connected to Misaka Mikoto's neural network at the same time. This level of computing power allowed Misaka Mikoto's superpowers to advance to an incredible level.

Misaka Mikoto herself couldn't tell whether her superpowers had reached level 6 at this time. She only knew that she was as powerful as a god at this time. Endless thunder gathered around her, turning her body into a stream of plasma composed of electric light.

Dense electric grids swirled between the sky, turning into a sea of ​​thunder. Through the ability of electromagnetic induction, Misaka Mikoto felt that her thoughts extended infinitely, as if covering the entire land of Daqian.

She stretched out her hand lightly, and the whole land began to tremble. One after another, iron veins broke out from the ground of Daqian like black dragons, and they kept interweaving and merging in the air, forming a steel dragon composed of countless iron sands. This long dragon meandered for hundreds of miles, constantly rotating, just like the whip of God held in the hands of the gods, fiercely hitting the seven ministers and the leader's wife.

Not only that, many iron sands in the steel dragon gradually gathered together, and under the influence of Misaka Mikoto's divine thoughts, the properties changed. Hundreds of kilograms of iron sands were extremely compressed to form one after another extremely solid bullet-shaped projectiles that fell into Misaka Mikoto's hands.

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