All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 184 The Real Railgun

These dozens of warhead-shaped objects produced after extreme compression look black and inconspicuous.

But then Misaka Mikoto raised her right hand, put her thumb on her middle finger and flicked it lightly. With a crisp snap, the electromagnetic field beside her moved violently, giving these dozens of warheads extremely terrifying thrust.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto's current computing power is extremely terrifying, and her control over the magnetic field has made a qualitative leap compared to before. She doesn't need any action to launch the electromagnetic shells beside her, but the habit she has developed for a long time still makes her make the classic posture of launching the super-electromagnetic gun.

Under the action of the magnetic field, the acceleration of these warheads is so fast that it is incredible. In an instant, these dozens of warheads flew forward at an extremely terrifying speed, rubbing violently with the air and then igniting flames, like meteors from outer space, setting off waves of terrifying sound waves.

In the original timeline, Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic gun was not that powerful. Although it seemed to have amazing destructive power, it actually had a very high requirement for the range. The farther the distance, the lower the power of the super-electromagnetic gun.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that Misaka Mikoto only used ordinary game coins, so at a very high firing rate, the coins and the air would have intense friction, and after reaching a certain range, the coins would be burned out due to the high temperature.

Then the second reason is that the electromagnetic field range that Misaka Mikoto could control was limited, and the electromagnetic field range that she could control was far smaller than the range of the super-electromagnetic gun. In other words, when the head left her control range, the subsequent speed would actually become slower and slower without the addition of the electromagnetic field, which also led to the farther the distance, the lower the power of Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic gun.

But now, everything is completely different. Each warhead of the super-electromagnetic gun fired this time is the essence of iron made by Misaka Mikoto using hundreds of kilograms of iron sand.

Moreover, the refining method used by Misaka Mikoto is not simple. The chat group holds a gathering every week. Although the gathering is in the form of a dinner, it is actually more like a cultivation seminar.

This is why the chat group gatherings are held so frequently. Such an environment where one can open their hearts completely and discuss the truth is simply the paradise that every cultivator dreams of.

For example, the Heaven Devouring Demon Art was born in the process of the gathering, and so is Misaka Mikoto's refining method. It was jointly researched by Xu Chenzhou, Xiao Yangchan, Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao, and Misaka Mikoto.

Although it seems ordinary, in fact, this refining technology combines the smelting knowledge of the interstellar era, the formation runes of the prehistoric world, the divine thought refining of the original god world, and other knowledge of different cultivation systems. The essence of iron that is refined can even withstand the burning of the sun's true fire, and the heat generated by friction during the flight is simply not worth mentioning for it.

In addition, the magnetic field range that Misaka Mikoto can control around her is completely different from before. With the support of her extremely strong computing power, the electromagnetic induction range of her superpower has covered most of the Great Front territory. Based on this, the magnetic field range that can be controlled is incredibly large.

So Misaka Mikoto can continuously apply power to the super-electromagnetic gun through the magnetic field from the moment the super-electromagnetic gun leaves her hand. The farther the distance of flight, the faster the super-electromagnetic gun will be, until an incredible degree.

At this moment, the speed of the flying super-electromagnetic gun has exceeded the speed of the seven ministers' thoughts. They don't even have time to tear the space. These dozens of super-electromagnetic guns are about to bombard their bodies.

At this time, the leader's wife on the side reacted. She stretched out her hand and pushed. A palm-sized hill flew out of her right hand. The hill was red gold. Looking closely, the mountains and gullies were lifelike, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants grew on it.

In an instant, the hill swelled with the wind, and it swelled like a real mountain.

This hill is not simple. It was made by Panxing leader Xu Yi using Yuanyang Mountain, the most majestic mountain in Panxing Capital. This mountain not only produces incredible magical powers because of suppressing Panxing's national destiny, but also produces a very strong mineral called Yuanyang Crystal, which makes the mountain indestructible.

However, such a powerful magic weapon could not stop the power of the super-electromagnetic gun at this time, because under Misaka Mikoto's control, the speed of the super-electromagnetic gun reached an extremely terrifying level. Whether it was the red gold veins that made up Yuanyang Mountain or the various Taoist magics that the leader's wife had laid on it, they were directly penetrated by this super-electromagnetic gun. The terrifying impact of the collision between the two even rushed to the sky, completely dissipating the clouds in the sky.

After passing through the Yuanyang Mountains, the power of the super-electromagnetic gun remained undiminished. Under Misaka Mikoto's control, it quickly passed through the bodies of the seven ministers.

"Ah! It hurts, what kind of attack is this, how can it be so fast!

You are just a five-tribulation ghost fairy, how can you have such a terrifying Taoist technique!"

Misaka Mikoto's performance far exceeded the imagination of the seven ministers. They saw the cultivation of the girl in front of them clearly. She was just an ordinary five-tribulation ghost fairy, but how could she make the seven creators suffer such a big loss.

Fortunately, the seven ministers did not bring their own bodies when they descended this time. Their bodies were condensed by countless thoughts from their souls, so they were not burned to ashes by Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic cannon.

But this does not mean that the seven ministers are unscathed. The railgun not only has a strong impact force, but also has lightning generated by Misaka Mikoto's magnetic field control. The power of this lightning is so great that it is difficult to describe it with a unit like volt, because in addition to the simple voltage, Misaka Mikoto's thunder also carries the destructive artistic conception of various tribulation thunders that she has comprehended.

In the experience of just crossing the tribulation, Misaka Mikoto saw the various thunder tribulations in the Yang God world, and naturally used some of the artistic conception of the tribulation thunder in her superpowers.

For the ascetics in the Yang God world, thunder is a very special existence, with two sides of life and death.

The soul of the ghost fairy needs to go through the thunder tribulation to sublimate, and every time it goes through a thunder tribulation, there will be a qualitative change, but from another perspective, thunder is also the nemesis of the ghost fairy's thoughts. As long as the Yang God is not achieved, there is still a yin part in the ghost fairy's thoughts, which is naturally more susceptible to thunder.

Although Misaka Mikoto couldn't completely replicate the power of the thunder, the thunder she simulated through her superpowers at this time also had 50% of the power of the thunder body. The powerful impact combined with such a terrifying thunder naturally caused considerable damage to the seven ministers.

After the thunder struck, the seven ministers' originally extremely solid bodies actually seemed a little illusory. On the right shoulder of the Minister of War, even thousands of thoughts were shaken out by this blow.

Each of these thoughts was crystal clear and looked pure and flawless, more shocking than the most luxurious gems in the world, but even such flawless thoughts had spider web-like cracks on them, and then they were eroded by the lightning controlled by Misaka Mikoto, shattered into powder, and dissipated in the sky.

Such a terrifying attack made the seven ministers feel a terrible threat.

Even if they had hundreds of thousands of thoughts, they could only support dozens of times at most in the face of such an attack, and they could also feel that for Misaka Mikoto, the super-electromagnetic gun was not a very consuming trick.

The first to strike is the strongest, the last to strike will suffer.

They looked at each other and did not hold back. The Minister of War shouted loudly: "The flags are shining, the silver spears are flying, the gods are killed and the Buddhas are destroyed, and the blood is burning the world!"

After that, the Minister of War used the Iron Blood Army Fist, a trick from the Iron Blood Buddha book he practiced, to hit Misaka Mikoto. His punch was filled with the iron blood of war and the idea of ​​Yama Buddha, which made people feel like they were in a bloody meat grinder where countless armies were fighting, and blood was rushing to the sky.

The other ministers did not hold back and directly used their strongest attacks to kill Misaka Mikoto together.

Each of these seven ministers is in charge of a certain area in Panxing. For example, the Minister of War is in charge of military affairs, and the Minister of Agriculture is in charge of farming. The seven ministers together can control everything in Panxing.

The unique skills practiced by these seven ministers are also related to the areas they are in charge of. The Taoist arts performed by these ministers individually are already mysterious and unimaginable, and at this moment, the Taoist arts of the seven people combined together have produced even more mysterious changes, and a prosperous and brilliant country reappeared in the sky.

For a moment, a rolling trend of humanity rushed forward, carrying the artistic conception of the times turning and changing the world, and hit Misaka Mikoto's body.

"Supreme achievement, Panxing descends, the trend of civilization, rolling torrent"

After the seven ministers made this attack, they were full of confidence, and their eyes were full of the belief that they must kill. The prosperity of Panxing civilization is a heaven-level existence compared to other worlds. It manifests the most brilliant civilization of the entire Yangshen world and turns it into an artistic conception, which is simply terrifying, as if the sky is falling.

This kind of Taoist magic, let alone a five-tribulation ghost fairy, even a creator-level existence would not dare to confront it head-on.

But what they didn't expect was that the terrifying iron dragon that was circling in the sky also disintegrated in an instant and turned into countless flying iron sand.

"What's so great about the Panxing civilization? I have seen civilizations that are a thousand times more brilliant and prosperous than yours.

Using this to suppress me is simply wishful thinking!"

Misaka Mikoto stood in the void, her long sleeves fluttering. Under the influence of the strong electromagnetic field, her combed hair had completely spread out and floated in the sky. There was electric light entangled between each strand of hair. The powerful electricity enveloped her body, and even the void could not bear it.

These powerful electric currents also formed a powerful shield around her. This shield is similar to the electromagnetic shield that Misaka Mikoto used to shield Shokuhou Misaki's psychological superpowers. It can provide good protection against various artistic conception attacks. With the protection of this shield, the infinite pressure of the rolling star trend condensed by the seven ministers can only have a very small impact on Misaka Mikoto.

At the same time, these iron sands rotated at an extremely terrifying speed under the control of Misaka Mikoto, forming an extremely huge steel whirlwind between heaven and earth. The most terrifying thing is that with the rapid rotation of the steel whirlwind, one after another electric sparks flashed on the iron sand tornado, covering the bodies of the seven ministers.

The number of iron sands is so large that it is uncountable, and the speed of rotation is incredibly fast. In an instant, the seven ministers felt that every divine thought was covered by this steel whirlwind, and there was a terrible devouring force coming from the iron sands. Every time the iron sands turned a circle, their divine thoughts would be consumed.

This devouring power is naturally the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. Although Misaka Mikoto will not learn to kill and devour like Xiao Nannan, she also understands the principle that more skills are better than less. This version of Heaven Devouring Demon Art is really versatile and not difficult to practice.

Let alone other things, the function of Devouring Demon Art to devour the opponent's energy to improve its endurance in battle is enough to make Misaka Mikoto feel excited to practice it.

The seven ministers tried to fly out of the coverage of the iron sand whirlwind, but under Misaka Mikoto's control, the iron sand whirlpool was extremely fast and followed the seven ministers like a shadow. What made the seven ministers even more desperate was that because the iron sand contained the thunder realm laid by Misaka Mikoto, they could not travel through the void, and could only fight against Misaka Mikoto in the iron sand whirlwind.

However, as the creators of the seven calamities, the seven ministers have an extremely deep foundation. It would take a long time for Misaka Mikoto to kill the seven ministers at the speed of consumption.

Just as Misaka Mikoto was fighting fiercely with the seven ministers, the leader's wife who had been hiding for a long time suddenly made a move.

The leader's wife's name was Meng Bingxin, a peerless master from the Panxing Meng family. Although her cultivation had not reached the ninth thunder tribulation, she was definitely not an ordinary creator, and her magical powers far exceeded those of the seven ministers.

The leader's wife looked very similar to Hong Yi's mother Meng Bingyun, as if they were carved from the same mold.

"Turning dreams into butterflies, dreams and butterflies are twins, which one is true, which one is false!" Meng Bingxin's move, thoughts rippled in the void, generating butterflies one after another, the butterflies flying in the void, their figures looming, as if they could reverse the virtual reality in an instant.

This is the Meng family's unique skill, the Great Dream Sutra. When practiced to the extreme, it can turn the real into the fake, and the fake into the real. Everything follows the heart, and everything is controlled by the heart. At this time, Meng Bingxin's cultivation has reached the level of the Eight Tribulations Creator. Although he has not yet practiced this skill to the extreme, he is not far away.

Meng Bingxin's move is to change the world, which is no less than Meng Shenji's will as a knife, and it instantly turns Misaka Mikoto's iron sand vortex into illusion.

Although in Misaka Mikoto's perception, the iron sand vortex is still under the control of the magnetic field, but for the seven ministers, this extremely terrifying iron sand vortex has become an illusion at this time, and it can't cause any harm to them at all.

Hong Yi is still fighting with Hong Xuanji at this time. While fighting, he is also observing the situation on the field. Hong Xuanji is not enough to make him concentrate now.

After noticing the situation on Misaka Mikoto's side, Hong Yi waved his hand, and an illusory figure emerged from behind him. This figure carried the artistic conception of the future without life, and endless thoughts flashed with lightning, as if it had the calculation power to calculate everything.

"Mikoto, I will connect this Lord of the Future with your thoughts and bless you with its calculation power."

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