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Chapter 185: Surpassing the Devil, the drama ends

As soon as Hong Yi finished speaking, Misaka Mikoto felt that there was a being connected to her soul.

Misaka Mikoto's computing power was already incredibly strong at this time. One hundred and eight thousand thoughts were enough to rival the supercomputer in the academy city.

But this computing power was still not comparable to the Lord of the Future. You should know that the Lord of the Future used the exhaustive method to predict the future. Through a large number of calculations, he inferred various future trends and could even calculate tens of millions of future possibilities within a few minutes. The amount of calculation required was so much that it made people feel numb.

After connecting to the Lord of the Future, the world in Misaka Mikoto's eyes suddenly became extremely transparent. Everything in the world and all future developments were seen through by her at a glance. This extremely large amount of calculation also took her electromagnetic control superpower to a higher level.

Endless lightning spread from Misaka Mikoto's body to the surroundings, and blue and white thunder dragons as thick as buckets twisted wildly in the sky.

In an instant, the electromagnetic field of the entire world was controlled by Misaka Mikoto. The lightning energy around her was so dense that it gradually turned from a non-existent existence into a solid entity, condensing into pools of thunder pools.

This incredible phenomenon of turning thunder into water can be said to be unique to the Yangshen world. In the original timeline, the King of Artifacts Temples created by Hong Yi used thunder pools as a driving energy source.

To condense the thunder pool, it is reasonable to need all kinds of sophisticated array runes and special structures. For example, the Tai Chi thunder pool condensed by Hong Yi imitated the structure of the Sun and Moon Qiankun Furnace, which contained the supreme one-yuan Dao and integrated the eternal truth of the Supreme Dao to condense it.

But Misaka Mikoto was different at this time. There was no rune array beside her. She relied purely on the extremely terrifying concentration of thunder to condense the thunder pools.

The thunder pool slowly gathered, and unexpectedly condensed into a long river of thunder and lightning composed of thunder pool water above the void. This long river slowly flowed from Misaka Mikoto in front of Meng Bingxin, and the long river of thunder and lightning flowed through the void, drawing an extremely gorgeous trajectory.

Facing this long river of thunder and lightning, Meng Bingxin felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart. The power of this long river of thunder and lightning was even more terrifying than the eight thunder tribulations he had experienced before.

"The past and the future, the history of illusions, all living things are false, only I exist," Meng Bingxin shouted suddenly, and his whole body suddenly spread out, turning into hundreds of thousands of thoughts in the sky. These thoughts carried the artistic conception that everything is illusory, only one's own nature is real. Wherever the thoughts passed, everything, all concepts, space, time and energy all became like a false party. Only Meng Bingxin's thoughts shone brightly in the air, extremely real.

A long river of illusion emerged from Meng Bingxin's thoughts and rushed towards Misaka Mikoto's long river of lightning. She wanted to turn Misaka Mikoto's terrifying long river of lightning into illusion and suppress it directly.

But she underestimated the current Misaka Mikoto. After obtaining the computing power of the Lord of the Future, Misaka Mikoto had already been promoted to a realm stronger than the Level 6 psychic. Although Misaka Mikoto would fall from this realm after losing the Lord of the Future, the powerful computing power she now possessed had already promoted Misaka Mikoto's superpowers to an incredible realm, even touching the existence of the law level.

If it weren't for Misaka Mikoto being in the Yangshen world at this time, I'm afraid she could have achieved the existence of the demon god level by relying on the rules of the Academy City world.

Misaka Mikoto stood high in the sky, with terrifying lightning flashing in her eyes. She looked down at the leader's wife, with no emotion in her eyes, and no waves at all. She became the Lord of the Future, seeing through all illusions and being able to look down on all living beings.

This thunder dragon actually ignored the illusory river of the leader's wife. The endless thunder seemed to exist forever, and was not affected by the real illusory artistic conception at all, directly wrapping up the countless thoughts of the leader's wife.

The seven ministers around the leader's wife were not spared either, and were also wrapped up in it, and were constantly refined by thunder.

On the other hand, in front of Hong Yi, who had achieved the peak of human immortality, Hong Xuanji's flesh and blood derivative realm did not have much advantage.

After all, in addition to his martial arts cultivation, Hong Yi also possessed a Taoist cultivation that shocked the world and made ghosts cry. With the combination of the two, Hong Xuanji was not Hong Yi's opponent at all.

Although he had broken through his limits several times in the battle with Hong Yi, and pushed the fist of the wheel of life and death to a stronger realm, it still did not change anything.

Martial artists at the level of flesh and blood derivative are extremely difficult to kill, but Hong Yi did not want to kill Hong Xuanji at this time. His countless thoughts turned into big locks one after another, and each thought was to suppress a piece of Hong Xuanji's flesh and blood, and suppress this martial arts master at the level of flesh and blood derivative little by little.

However, Hong Xuanji's face did not show any fear, but only madness: "Evil son, I have seen your way from the fist intention of your achievement of human immortality. Do you want to become a saint, everyone is like a dragon, and take the whole world to the other side?

With me here, don't even think about it. I have achieved the level of flesh and blood derivative, and you can't kill me. As long as I don't die, I will destroy this whole world, kill everyone, and make your dreams come to nothing."

With Yang Pan dead, Hong Xuanji's lifelong pursuit has become a dream bubble in an instant, and there is no wish to be realized anymore.

Hong Xuanji is the most terrifying now, because he is fearless after losing everything, and has the courage to put life and death aside. Now the only reason for Hong Xuanji to live is to take revenge on Hong Yi.

Facing Hong Xuanji's threat, Hong Yi smiled lightly: "Hong Xuanji, Hong Xuanji, do you really think I can't do anything to you?

I have a million ways to kill you, but I won't kill you now.

Death is not the end, but the beginning. There are many things in the world that are more terrifying than death."

After saying that, Hong Yi no longer held back, and the sword energy of the Panhuang Life Sword cut Hong Xuanji's body into pieces, and then kept suppressing it.

As time passed, every piece of Hong Xuanji's flesh and blood was firmly locked by Hong Yi and then gathered together to form a complete human form.

However, Hong Xuanji was completely unable to move at this time, standing in place like a sculpture.

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, Meng Shenji in the sky sighed. This sigh was extremely far-reaching and vast, just like the towering heaven sighing for the sufferings of the world, just like the way of heaven using Meng Shenji's body to make it.

Countless love nets in front of him intertwined with each other, and actually condensed into a transparent love net hand. He was in the love net, but out of the world of mortals. Countless worldly airs rippled on the big hand, but it seemed to jump out of the three realms and was not in the five elements.

The love net hand fiercely stretched out to Misaka Mikoto's long river of lightning. The extremely terrifying long river of lightning and the love net hand kept colliding, directly corroding the big hands, revealing the white bones under the skin and flesh.

But the big hands also grabbed the leader's wife who was trapped in Misaka Mikoto's long river of lightning, and the four ministers were taken away together.

However, due to the obstruction of Misaka Mikoto's long river of lightning, Meng Shenji was unable to rescue Meng Bingxin completely, so Meng Bingxin still had a small part of her thoughts trapped in the long river of lightning.

Then his clothes kept rolling, and every roll could stir up countless winds and clouds in the void, the void was disordered, the world was broken, and Meng Shenji's body disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

And Xu Yi, who was fighting fiercely with Yang Chan, also knew that the situation was over. It was undoubtedly more difficult than ascending to the sky to snatch the boat of good fortune from Hong Yi and others today. He roared, and a terrifying blood and qi spread around, directly shaking off the attack of little Yang Chan, and then grabbed Xu Wuyi and jumped into the void with Meng Shenji.

The speed of these people's escape was too fast and too decisive, so fast that Lu Mingfei did not react to open the trapped beast and the death barrier.

But even if he really opened the word spirit, it would probably not have much effect, after all, the phantom of the Dragon King might not be able to trap these big guys.

As the people from Tianwaitian left, the seven family heads on the Ship of Fortune looked at each other, as if they had turned into quails, trembling and even losing the courage to resist.

As a family of saints, they think highly of themselves and never take heroes in the world seriously, but at this moment they have no choice but to bow their heads, because the group of people in front of them are too abnormal.

What level of masters are the people who just appeared in Yujing City? The creator of seven thunder tribulations can only be used as cannon fodder, and warriors of the ever-changing realm of flesh and blood derivatives appear in groups. Even the world's number one, Meng Shenji, who has practiced nine thunder tribulations, appeared, but still returned in defeat.

If they had known that they would encounter such a terrible battle when they came to Yujing City this time, they would not dare to have any crooked thoughts even if they were beaten to death.

Hong Yi slowly descended from the void and came in front of several family heads. He spread his sleeves, and countless thoughts evolved into a small tower in the air. This small tower carried the vastness of the universe and the flow of time. It seemed to be born before the creation of heaven and earth, and it seemed to stand at the end of all living things.

This small tower was the Yuji Tower, and the small tower slowly pressed down.

And Zhang Junbao also waved his hand, and a Tai Chi diagram slowly emerged in the void, and followed Hong Yi to suppress the seven family heads.

Other group members also took action. Anyway, there was no enemy watching in the dark, so they didn't need to worry about anything.

The seven family heads fought hard, and countless thoughts turned into various Taoist techniques to fight against the magical powers of the group members. , At the same time, they tried to tear the void and get out.

But how could this be done? With Lu Mingfei's death barrier, they could be said to have no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth.

The combined power of the group members, especially the ghost immortals who have not even achieved the Creator, can't compete with them. Even if they have the magic tools of the saints, they can't make any waves in front of the group members.

Soon, the seven family heads were completely suppressed, and the magic tools of the saints in their hands fell on the deck of the boat of good fortune.

Hong Yi collected all the thoughts of the seven family heads into the Yuji Tower. Countless runes containing the mysteries of time swayed and swirled, locking the seven family heads and Hong Xuanji deeply in the tower.

In addition, the remaining three ministers trapped in the thunder pool by Misaka Mikoto and the remaining thoughts of the leader's wife were also collected by Hong Yi in the tower.

This is the sealing technique recorded in the second sutra of the universe. After Hong Yi suppressed Yang Pan, he collected all his memories, and naturally learned these two secret sutras of the Supreme Dao.

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