All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 186: Aftermath, put the dust on the table

There were still many diehards of Yang Pan on the Ship of Fortune, and they were all captured by Hong Yi and were being held in the Yuji Tower.

After suppressing all these people, everything was settled.

At this time, Yujing City was in chaos. The various situations that happened today were too dreamy for everyone in the city.

Many people were like falling into a dream and had no idea what to do, but some people found opportunities in it.

Before Hong Yi flew down from the sky, someone slowly unfolded a piece of rice paper with a handwritten surrender document on it. This surrender document had a total of 18 items, listing all the crimes of Yang Pan, and each one was written with reason and evidence. After reading the whole article, people felt that Yang Pan was simply an unvirtuous monarch, tyrannical and unjust, close to eunuchs, killing virtuous ministers indiscriminately, and bullying the people, which was hated by both heaven and man.

This man held up the surrender document and shouted to the officials: "The tyrant is unjust and has harmed the world. We have suffered for a long time. Fortunately, Mr. Hong Yi came out of nowhere to punish the tyrant and overthrow the world.

Mr. Hong's act is righteous. He is indeed a great saint who has appeared in the ages. Why don't you kneel down and welcome the saint!"

After saying this, this man took the lead and knelt down, facing the direction of Hong Yi, holding the surrender document above his head with both hands.

Seeing this man's behavior, the officials behind him couldn't help but curse inwardly, saying that it was bad, such a good opportunity to flatter was snatched away.

But they also secretly admired in their hearts that the Minister of Works was the Minister of Works. He was indeed a talented man who entered the officialdom as a champion. He could write such a talented surrender document in a short time. He deserved his success.

Muttering in their hearts was one thing, but their bodies knelt behind the Minister of Works with great sincerity.

Of course, there were also many fearless officials who glared at Hong Yi, their eyes full of the integrity of dying for justice.

Among this group of officials, the most emotional person was Li Shenguang. Before Hong Yi landed on the ground, Li Shenguang rushed to Hong Yi, pointed a finger at Hong Yi's nose, and began to curse, as if he would put life and death aside, and did not take the amazing magical power that Hong Yi had just displayed seriously.

If it was someone else who jumped out, Hong Yi would definitely be rude to him, but the person who jumped out was Li Shenguang. In the original timeline, this person was Hong Yi's master and had a very close relationship with Hong Yi.

Although Hong Yi and Li Shenguang did not intersect in this timeline, Hong Yi had long known Li Shenguang's character from Xu Chenzhou, so he naturally would not embarrass him.

Moreover, for Hong Yi, Li Shenguang is still useful, and very useful. His foundation in the court is too shallow. Even if he has invincible power, he needs a lot of help to take over the Daqian Dynasty, and Li Shenguang is an excellent choice for him.

Hong Yi's thoughts flew out, and Yang Pan's plan to sacrifice the people of Yujing City and the beginning and end of today's conflict were directly imprinted in Li Shenguang's mind.

"Mr. Li doesn't know that Yang Pan is indeed tyrannical and unjust, and I was forced to attack him."

Priest Li has not practiced Taoism, so he doesn't know what Yang Pan did just now.

After receiving Hong Yi's information, Li Shenguang's face turned pale, and he almost couldn't believe that Yang Pan was such a person.

But he recalled carefully, what Hong Yi said was exactly the same as what he saw just now, and he couldn't find any flaws at all. If it wasn't for Yang Pan's permission, who could lay the formation at the bottom of Yujing City.

This instantly deflated Li Shenguang. He was not the kind of person who was blindly loyal. If Yang Pan was really such a tyrant, he, Li Shenguang, naturally had no position to blame Hong Yi.

"If what you said is true, then it is indeed not your fault."

After saying this, Li Shenguang sighed and walked aside silently.

Li Shenguang had a high reputation in the court. Seeing that even Li Shenguang was persuaded by Hong Yi in an instant, some diehards began to bow their heads.

As for the remaining diehards who were still cursing at Hong Yi, Hong Yi was no longer polite.

He was not prepared for the conflict with Yang Pan this time. His foundation in the court was weak and his reputation was not well maintained, so he could not use gentle means to complete the transfer of power.

But this was not a big problem. Anyway, he had the biggest fist now. Since the holy way didn't work, he would go for the kingly way. If the kingly way didn't work, he would go for the hegemonic way. No matter if it was a black cat or a white cat, a good cat was one that could catch mice.

Hong Yi raised his hand and summoned the Yuji Tower. In just a moment, these officials who were complaining disappeared instantly.

This terrifying method made those who had just bowed their heads feel fortunate. Fortunately, they knew the current situation well enough, otherwise they would have ended up like those officials who disappeared.

Of course, Hong Yi did not intend to kill all these diehards. Many of them were relatively upright officials like Li Shenguang, and there were many talents available.

Without this group of people, the remaining officials instantly became very obedient. Under Hong Yi's instructions, Li Shenguang led officials at all levels to organize people to maintain order in Yujing City and appease the people who were in panic.

In fact, normally, the change of dynasties will bring great panic, especially in this situation where even the emperor died, it will cause all kinds of chaos.

But this time was different. Hong Yi and Yang Pan fought in the sky of Yujing City. The magical powers displayed by Hong Yi completely exceeded the imagination of everyone in Yujing City. He was simply a god-like existence.

Yang Pan's true loyal team was brought to the Ship of Fortune by him, so after Hong Yi returned to the ground, the army in the city did not dare to attack Hong Yi at all, and the generals of the city's garrison were even more likely to pretend to be dead.

The army did not dare to take action, and the ministers who dared to resist were all suppressed by Hong Yi, which led to the subsequent smooth progress.

After sending these people away, Hong Yi flew back to the Ship of Fortune with his group friends.

With his current status, staying in Yujing City would only bring panic to officials and people, so it would be better to leave, which would be more conducive to the restoration of order.

Back on the Ship of Fortune, Hong Yi stood at the bow, lowered his head and looked at Yujing City on the ground, his eyes full of unspeakable meaning.

Xu Chenzhou walked silently behind him: "Why, you've got your revenge, why are you still so distracted?"

Hong Yi turned his head to look at Xu Chenzhou: "I'm not unhappy, I just feel a little dreamy, everything happened a little too fast."

In his opinion, joining the group chat seemed to have happened a few days ago. At that time, whether it was Yang Pan or Hong Xuanji, they were people he needed to look up to.

As a result, his situation changed dramatically in the blink of an eye. In just three months, he cultivated into a six-tribulation ghost fairy, killed Yang Pan, and suppressed Hong Xuanji.

Xu Chenzhou could understand Hong Yi's thoughts, but he didn't find it strange. After all, including the time acceleration function, Hong Yi has been cultivating for nearly three years.

In three years, even if it was the original timeline, Hong Yi is now almost a Yang God.

Xu Chenzhou paused and did not answer Hong Yi: "What are your plans next? Now you have completely disrupted the pattern of the Yangshen world.

After Yang Pan's death, the throne of the Daqian Dynasty was vacant. If the power vacancy is not filled in time, there will probably be many troubles in the future."

Zhang Junbao also came over: "Yes, Hong Yi, what are your plans? Will you support Prince Yu to take the throne as before, or do you have other ideas?"

In the original timeline, Hong Yi's cultivation surpassed the Yangshen realm but still did not overthrow the rule of the Daqian Dynasty. He cooperated with Prince Yu, sent him to the throne of the emperor, and gave him the title of Jade Emperor. However, in this timeline, Hong Yi and Prince Yu did not have any intersection, so Zhang Junbao was very curious about what Hong Yi would choose.

Hong Yi shook his head and said, "If I hadn't joined the group chat, I would definitely choose to cooperate with Prince Yu, but after joining the group chat, my horizons have broadened a lot. The feudal system is a relatively backward social system among the many social systems I have seen in the group chat. People are completely unequal, and there are many unnecessary internal frictions.

And my wish is that everyone is like a dragon and take the whole world to the other side. If I can't break the god in my heart, how can everyone be like a dragon?

So I naturally can't let the feudal system continue."

Hearing Hong Yi's words, Xu Chenzhou nodded: "It's interesting, go on."

Speaking of this, Hong Yi instantly became interested: "At this stage, I plan to personally take the position of leader, enter the court, sit in the center, and reform everything.

When everything is on the right track, I will withdraw, and the next leader will be elected."

Hong Yi slowly told Xu Chenzhou and others about the blueprint he had planned long ago. With his intelligence and wisdom, after this period of research, he has already seen the pros and cons of various political systems very thoroughly.

If you want to establish a new social system, the most important thing is to overthrow all the conservative forces, whether it is the aristocratic families in the court, the various sects hidden in the dark, or the saintly families that have been passed down for thousands of years. These forces are the biggest obstacles to the establishment of a new political system.

In the process of building a new political system, these people must not be allowed to take power, otherwise the entire reform will be meaningless, and the fruits of the entire reform will easily be stolen by these forces in secret.

This is also the reason why Hong Yi just suppressed the seven family heads without mercy. Logically speaking, there are many scholars in these aristocratic families. He has a shallow foundation now. If he can use the power of the aristocratic families, he can control the court in a short time.

But this time he has no intention of using the power of these aristocratic families. The power of the aristocratic families is intertwined. Once it takes root, even if Hong Yi wants to uproot them, it will take a lot of effort.

In addition, Hong Yi also proposed many small policies, such as he also plans to learn from Zhang Junbao, collect scriptures from all over the world, establish an academy to train talents, truly perfect the Book of Changes, and find a way to transcend that is suitable for the world of Yangshen.

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