All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 187 The mysterious ending, the star world in chaos

Hong Yi's plan was not seamless.

As long as human beings still have selfish motives, there will be no perfect political system in the world.

Even before Xu Chenzhou traveled through time, after the political systems of various countries in his previous life had been maintained for more than a hundred years, various shortcomings gradually emerged, and various fantastic scenes emerged, even so fantastic that they were somewhat abstract.

However, in this world with extraordinary power, there is no way to solve all this.

Because as long as this saint exists and has the power to oppress the world, he can use himself as the guiding light of civilization's sails, firmly controlling the direction of civilization at critical moments, and making it immune to human selfishness. offset.

Obviously, in Hong Yi's heart, he has positioned himself as such a saint.

Of course, Hong Yi's approach has both good and bad aspects. The good thing is that as long as he is still alive, the ambitious people in the Yangshen World have nowhere to show their talents and can only obediently seek benefits for civilization. Use your talents within the rules.

But there are also bad things. If one day something goes wrong with Hong Yi's thinking, it will be a fatal blow to the development of civilization in the Yangshen world.

But these are not issues that Xu Chenzhou and the others need to think about. In matters that determine the future direction of the world, only Hong Yi himself has the right to make decisions.

For Xu Chenzhou, although he is the leader of the group, he has no intention of interfering with what the group members do in their own world.

The future of Yangshen World is left to Hong Yi to decide.

After listening to Hong Yi explain his plans for the future, Xu Chenzhou asked curiously: "By the way, after suppressing Hong Xuanji, what do you plan to do with him.

Behind Hong Xuanji is the existence of Taoist Creation, and he is now only one step away from the ever-changing realm.

If you don't kill him, one day he will rise again and truly become the son of Daqian, causing you great trouble. "

Mentioning Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi's calm eyes showed a trace of confusion: "After the fight just now, I completely understand that Hong Xuanji has already gone crazy.

He only had the vision of creating eternal hegemony with Yang Pan in his heart, and everything else could be discarded by Hong Xuanji.

Yang Pan was already dead at this time, and Hong Xuanji had fallen into complete madness.

I considered whether to simply kill him and eliminate a scourge for the world, but after all, this man is my biological father, and I don't want to kill him myself if possible.

And remembering the pain his mother went through at that time, killing him like this would give him some advantages after all. "

As he spoke, Hong Yi turned to look at Xu Chenzhou: "Group leader, I remember you once said that when the group chat is upgraded next time, we can turn on the random travel function, and spend group points to randomly search different worlds.

There are as many worlds as sand, with all kinds of different properties. I want to know if there is any kind of world without any transcendence among them. "

Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up when he heard Hong Yi's words, and he guessed what Hong Yi wanted to do: "Of course, some worlds are inherently not allowed to allow extraordinary existences. After we turn on the random travel function, we will definitely be able to search for such a vast world. "

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's answer, Hong Yi nodded with a satisfied expression on his face: "If that's the case, then I'm relieved.

In that case, I will suppress Hong Xuanji first. If he has the ability, it doesn't matter if he breaks through all kinds of changes, or even achieves the goal of shattering the vacuum.

From the moment I caught up with him, Hong Xuanji didn't have any chance to make a comeback. I will definitely be stronger than him. No matter how talented he is and what realm he has reached, I can still be stronger than him.

When he truly achieves success, I will suppress him, deprive him of his lifelong cultivation and magical powers, and then take him to a world without demons. From a master who can crush the vacuum of heaven and earth, I will completely become a mortal who will grow old and die alone. "

Hearing Hong Yi's words, even Xu Chenzhou felt a little shuddered.

If a person does not achieve extraordinary things, then living as a mortal for the rest of his life is no big deal. Instead, he will feel that his life is happy, happy and healthy.

Birth, old age, illness and death are also common, because for ordinary people, death is the end of life.

But if you come into contact with the extraordinary, or even break through to a very high level, and then fall back again and never transcend, then the blow to this person can be said to be fatal.

The god who shatters the vacuum is a top-level master in the world of Yangshen. The will of martial arts can be condensed into substance and can create everything. All things can change as he pleases. The sky, earth and void are all dreams. He is simply an omnipotent existence.

Falling to a mortal after such an achievement in existence is simply like falling from a high-dimensional creature to a low latitude, from being demoted from a giant dragon to an ant. The mortal body is like a huge coffin, although it seems to be still alive. , but in reality he was already a walking corpse, waiting for death to come. Xu Chenzhou could not even imagine how desperate this life would be.

However, this choice is considered the best choice for both Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji. In the original timeline, Hong Yi was able to transform Hong Xuanji into a supreme artifact without hesitation.

It was mainly because of two reasons. One was that Hong Yi was close to the other side at that time. His mental state was above the sky and he had almost no humanity. Now Hong Yi is far from reaching that mental state and may never reach that mental state. With the company of group friends, Hong Yi has obviously taken another path and is no longer a lonely seeker of truth.

Another reason was that Hong Xuanji had to be killed at that time. A master who could shatter the vacuum fell into madness and the harm was simply too great. It was almost impossible to suppress such a master. Once there was a slight mistake, all the lives would be destroyed in an instant.

But now it is different. Hong Yi does not have to kill his father personally, and Hong Xuanji can also live his life.

Everyone watched Yujing City gradually restore order on the boat of good fortune, and then left with peace of mind.

In this battle, due to the protection of the chat group friends, except for the people who were sacrificed by Yang Pan, there were not many people injured in Yujing City. Almost all of them were slightly injured and they quickly recovered their labor force.

The people suffered the most when the world was in turmoil, and the people were also the ones who could bear the most. In just over half a day, Yujing City gradually recovered its prosperity, and the peddlers on the street started doing business again. After all, they had to support their families. Even if the world was in chaos tomorrow, they still had to make money today.

Hong Yi separated some thoughts and condensed them into human form. He followed Li Shenguang and wandered among the court officials. With the cooperation of Li Shenguang and the deduction of the future master, the intricate network of relationships in the court was quickly sorted out by Hong Yi one by one.

This opportunity to change the dynasty is undoubtedly rare. At this point in time, Hong Yi can clean up the termites in the court without any scruples. Moreover, with the future master as the backing, Hong Yi is not worried about affecting innocent people. This bloody surprise also played a significant role in Hong Yi's rectification of the court.

No one dared to go against Hong Yi's opinion. Facing such a ruthless man with iron fist and the strongest power, all the court officials dared not speak. The power in the court was quickly integrated by Hong Yi, and a leadership team with him as the core was quickly established.

However, during this period of time, Hong Yi's focus was not on Yujing City and the court. His main body led the group members to drive the boat of good fortune to travel among the various scenic spots in the Yangshen world.

With the boat of good fortune, the countless dangerous places in the entire Yangshen world are like flat ground for Hong Yi and his friends, especially there are six or seven peerless ghosts with shocking power on the boat of good fortune.

With the blessing of the group members, nothing in the Yangshen world can stop the boat of good fortune from moving forward.

In just three days, Hong Yi took his group friends to visit all the landscapes in the Yangshen World. The Tianlong Ruins, the Great Wilderness Ghost Ruins, the Starfall Desperate Places and other places opened everyone's eyes. It can be said that except for the Transcendental Land, Hong Yi almost took his group friends to visit the entire Yangshen World.

As for the Transcendental Land, it is indeed impossible to go there. There are too many old monsters sleeping there, and countless ancient saints are sleeping there. Even if you enter that place with the current configuration of the chat group, you may not be able to return.

The three little guys who just joined the group chat were shaken after seeing such a magnificent world.

Standing on the deck of the Ship of Fortune, Ying Zheng couldn't help but feel a great passion in his heart. He knew from the group how amazing the feats his own isomorphs in different planes had done, sweeping across the world and unifying the world, which was simply the greatest emperor in the history.

What's more, he also learned from the group leader that there was an existence called Xian Qin, and that Xian Qin Shi Huang was the emperor among emperors, the emperor among emperors, and the supreme existence that transcended everything.

Xiao Ying Zheng couldn't help but fantasize in his heart, wondering if he could establish a shocking and supreme immortal dynasty like that Xian Qin Shi Huang in the future.

On the way, everyone also went to the wilderness, took back the human immortal cloth bag from the hands of the Wugui Sect, and rescued the monk Jingren.

Although the human immortal cloth bag was no longer useful to Hong Yi at this time, it contained the accumulation of hundreds of years of the Great Zen Temple, and various gold, silver, and grain piled up into mountains, and secondly, it also contained half of the current Tathagata Sutra.

This remaining half of the current Tathagata Sutra is a rare classic even for Hong Yi now. The Tathagata seal contains all kinds of fist meanings left by Yuan, which is really not to be missed.

Happy times are always short. Although this trip to the Yangshen world was only three days, the experience was really wonderful.

Especially for the several group members who survived the thunder tribulation, their combat power has been greatly improved.

This is not surprising. Surviving the thunder tribulation is a special rule of the Yangshen world. There are many scholars in the Yangshen world who are powerless one moment, and become creators immediately after surviving the thunder tribulation. They can create things in the void and are almost omnipotent.

This is also the terrifying thing about the chat group. By connecting different worlds and integrating resources between different worlds, it can be said that even if a pig joins the chat group, it can become a peerless master with such abundant resources, not to mention that every group member who has joined the group chat so far is a dragon among men.

Three days passed in a flash, and soon it was time to leave the Yangshen world. As the transmission light gates lit up one after another, the group members gradually disappeared in the Yangshen world and returned to their own world.

Xu Chenzhou walked out of the light gate and returned to the star domain world. Not long after, he heard a knock on the door outside the training room, and then the door was opened. A beautiful figure rushed into Xu Chenzhou's arms with a fragrant breeze.

Xu Chenzhou lowered his head and touched Xu Mo Ran's beautiful and elegant long hair in his arms.

"What's wrong? It's only been a few days since we last met. Do you miss your brother so much?"

Xu Mo Ran in his arms was already tearful at this time. She kept trembling in Xu Chenzhou's arms. After a long time, she looked up at Xu Chenzhou, and her voice was even a little choked.

"Who told you to disappear suddenly? You didn't reply to the message. I thought something happened to you."

In fact, Xu Chenzhou sent a message to Xu Mo Ran before going to the Yangshen world, but for some reason, the little bun's reaction was so big this time.

Xu Mo Ran was still choking and said, "The Blue Water Planet has been in such a mess these days, it's a bit scary. After the gods and demons left Blue Water Planet to support the front line, the Tianji Clan used some unknown means to actually teleport a large number of warriors to the major planets on the southeastern front to wreak havoc.

Then at this critical moment, brother, you suddenly disappeared. How can I not worry?"

There is such a thing. Hearing Xu Mo Ran's words, Xu Chenzhou's eyes condensed and he couldn't help but be a little absent-minded.

No wonder Xu Mo Ran was so worried about him. After all, the masters sent by the Tianji Clan this time were so powerful, and he happened to disappear at this sensitive time. There was no reply to the news, and no trace of the person could be found. Xu Mo Ran would be worried.

However, this move of the Tianji Clan was really vicious. According to Xu Mo Ran, these Tianji Clan warriors who suddenly appeared in the southeastern front were almost all fifth-level masters.

The main purpose of the Tianji Clan deploying these warriors to the planets in the rear is not to cause destruction. Destroying these planets in the rear does not benefit the Tianji Clan in any way.

The so-called destruction is actually not for the sake of wine, but for the gods and demons on the front line.

No matter how strong the gods and demons are, as long as they are not alone, they must have concerns.

You should know that this group of gods and demons who went to the front line to support almost all came from the major planets on the southeast front.

These planets are the homes of this group of gods and demons.

Who would not be anxious if the house was on fire!

Some gods and demons who valued feelings would even leave the front line directly because of this matter and go back to protect their hometown.

And those gods and demons who did not go back would also be distracted by this matter and could not exert their full strength.

This also confirmed Xu Chenzhou's previous concerns. In this precarious situation, no one can stay out of it.

Although a group of Tianji warriors appeared in the open a few days ago, there must be some hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble.

After all, the main purpose of the Tianji tribe is not to cause destruction in these planets in the rear, but to contain the masters on the front line.

If Xu Chenzhou had only one choice facing these fifth-level masters a few days ago, that is, to run away to another world with his family and wait until the war subsided before returning.

But now, the situation has completely reversed. Today is different from the past. Feeling the hundreds of thousands of thoughts in his soul that are as bright as diamonds, Xu Chenzhou's eyes flashed a hint of cruelty.


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