All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 188 Rewards Extraction, Sea Tiger Explosive Fist

Xu Chenzhou thought secretly that this time, the two of them were very likely to encounter those Tianji warriors hiding on the Blue Water Star.

Because the two of them had a close relationship with the gods and demons who were going to the front line.

Zhou Xuanyi and his sister's master were all gods and demons who went to the front line this time.

If the Tianji tribe really had the ability to plan everything as rumored, they would definitely not miss them.

After seeing that Xu Chenzhou was fine, Xu Mo Ran gradually felt relieved.

She actually knew that her brother had many secrets. Whether it was the various exotic ingredients that Xu Chenzhou suddenly took out during this period, or the immortal cultivation techniques he taught her, they were all very unusual, but Xu Mo Ran did not intend to delve into it, just hoping that the family could live in peace.

If it was normal, Xu Chenzhou would not feel anything wrong even if he disappeared for 10 days or half a month.

But this time, the time when Xu Chenzhou lost contact was too sensitive, so her reaction this time was so big.

"Brother! You've worked so hard for so many days and now I'm going to make you something delicious."

Xu Mo Ran walked towards the kitchen happily, humming a song as he walked. It was obvious that he was in a very good mood.

Xu Chenzhou sat in the living room, waiting for the food Xu Mo Ran made, and on the other hand, he opened the chat group to check the harvest in the Yangshen world this time.

As the owner of the chat group, the biggest advantage is that he can get many benefits as the group members grow.

This time, Hong Yi's actions in the Yangshen world were simply earth-shattering. He killed Yang Pan and suppressed Hong Xuanji, completely changing the entire timeline, so the chat group naturally gave corresponding rewards.

Xu Chenzhou took stock and found that the rewards this time were very rich.

The first is a martial arts experience at the level of flesh and blood derivatives.

This martial arts experience of breaking through to the level of flesh and blood derivatives is based on Hong Xuanji. As long as Xu Chenzhou receives this martial arts experience, he can experience Hong Xuanji's experience of breaking through to the level of flesh and blood derivatives again.

Xu Chenzhou immediately received the reward. In an instant, he seemed to have transformed into Hong Xuanji, and came to the battlefield to fight with Xiao Nannan. In the fierce battle, he pierced through one acupoint after another.

This feeling was extremely real, as if this experience was experienced by Xu Chenzhou himself. Every move and every thought when breaking through the acupoints were clearly presented in Xu Chenzhou's mind.

Then there was the baptism of the power of creation, the stimulation from Hong Yi, the feeling when condensing the fist intention, and the various things when breaking through the vacuum. All of them were clearly reflected in Xu Chenzhou's mind.

This gave Xu Chenzhou an unwarranted sense of confidence. As long as he wanted, he could replicate Hong Xuanji's actions and achieve the realm of human immortality derived from flesh and blood.

However, if he achieves the extension of flesh and blood in this way, Xu Chenzhou will become a puppet of Hong Xuanji, and his martial arts potential will be exhausted. If he wants to achieve the ever-changing realm, he will have to spend a lot of effort. Not only must he erase the imprint of Hong Xuanji in his martial arts fist, but he must also find his own way to have a chance to break through.

Therefore, the greatest role of this martial arts experience is still an instruction manual. If he wants to truly achieve the realm of flesh and blood, he must rely on Xu Chenzhou to understand and feel the mystery.

This reward seems ordinary, but it is actually quite valuable to Xu Chenzhou.

First of all, this martial arts experience contains all the experiences of Hong Xuanji from ordinary people to the realm of flesh and blood.

You must know that there are three stages from the cultivation of human immortals to the realm of flesh and blood, opening the acupoints, condensing the fist into substance, and finally breaking through the realm of flesh and blood.

These three parts are quite valuable to Xu Chenzhou.

First of all, it is the martial arts experience of condensing the fist intention into substance. In the star domain world, it is quite difficult to condense the fist intention. There are many fifth-level warriors who cannot condense their own fist intention.

Hong Xuanji not only practiced the fist intention, but also condensed the fist intention into substance, which can evolve all things and turn the virtual into the real. This level of fist intention may not be condensed even by seventh- and eighth-level warriors.

In addition, the process of opening the acupoints is also very valuable. The human body structure in the star domain world is different from that in the Yangshen world, but the ideas and methods of finding acupoints are not too different. With this experience, Xu Chenzhou can easily find the corresponding acupoints by following the map.

The most valuable one is undoubtedly the experience of breaking through to the realm of flesh and blood derivatives. With this experience, Xu Chenzhou has a very sufficient understanding of the realm of flesh and blood derivatives.

Although Xu Chenzhou is not practicing the human immortal martial arts, the physical training of the extraordinary warriors is not much worse than that of the human immortal martial arts. As long as Xu Chenzhou can refine his fist to the level of condensation and then adjust the extraordinary organs of his body in a targeted manner, he can use this experience to break through to the realm of flesh and blood derivatives and integrate the realm of flesh and blood derivatives into the extraordinary martial arts.

In addition, the chat group also gave a reward. This reward is very special and does not come from the world that the chat group is now connected to.

However, when he saw this reward, Xu Chenzhou's face showed a playful expression, and he accepted this reward without hesitation.

[Sea Tiger Explosive Fist].

In fact, Xu Chenzhou wanted to draw the Sea Lake World a long time ago. After all, Xu Chenzhou also wanted to see what kind of sparks would be created when the martial arts of magnetic field rotation met the superpower of electromagnetic control.

But thinking that everyone in the magnetic field world was crazy, no matter who was drawn, it would probably change the style of the entire group chat, which made Xu Chenzhou a little scared.

But now he directly drew the Sea Tiger Blasting Fist, which saved a lot of trouble. The Sea Tiger Blasting Fist has the complete training content of magnetic field rotation.

But Xu Chenzhou still secretly called out "good guy".

The prize pool of the chat group is so rich that you can also draw secrets from other worlds.

But then Xu Chenzhou remembered the [Seven Mysterious Nine Stars Refining True Spirit Yuanshu] he obtained in his first growth mission. This skill also came from other worlds, and the power of this skill is very powerful.

However, because it is too dangerous to develop faith in the star field world and collect incense, Xu Chenzhou has never practiced this skill.

Xu Chenzhou had investigated and found that there was not a single bit of faith power on the statues of the Taoist masters in Ci'en Temple or other temples and Taoist temples.

It is obvious that the power of faith is also a scarce resource in the star field world. If faith can be used, Xu Chenzhou dare not imagine what kind of terrible monsters will be born in the vast star field world.

This world is too big and the water is too deep. At that time, Xu Chenzhou's foundation was too weak, and he was not short of cultivation techniques, so he was too lazy to wade into this muddy water.

In addition to these two rewards, this chat group did not give other rewards this time, and there was no spiritual core in the rewards this time. I think it was because Xu Chenzhou had already obtained Hong Yi's spiritual core as a reward before.

After getting the Sea Tiger Explosive Fist, Xu Chenzhou uploaded it directly to the group technique space without any hesitation.

After uploading, he also reviewed the group technique space at this time.

At this time, as the group members continued to add bricks and tiles, the collection of skills in the group's skills space became more and more abundant, even to the point of being a little scary.

The skills included the group members' own adventures, such as Hong Yi's past Amitabha Sutra and the current Tathagata Sutra, as well as the skills created by the group members themselves, such as Zhang Junbao's Jindan Wudao, Nine Yin Nine Yang Tai Chi Gong, and secret books that everyone had seized through various means, such as Yuhua Tianjing, Zaohua Tianjing, etc.

In total, there were 11 worlds, more than 20 ways of cultivation, and tens of thousands of skills, which could be called a huge treasure house.

Xu Chenzhou's uploading of skills naturally aroused the interest of the group members.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Group leader, you are so efficient. You just returned to the Star Domain World and you started uploading the skills right away!"

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "Obviously, the skills uploaded by the group leader must have come from the group chat. I guess it is the reward for your growth task this time."

Xu Chenzhou never concealed anything from his group members, so they also knew that Xu Chenzhou could get rewards from their growth, and everyone had no opinion on this matter.

Because they also knew that the most important reason for being able to join the group chat was that they were recognized by Xu Chenzhou.

Joining the group chat is a huge opportunity for any group member. As for Xu Chenzhou who gave them this opportunity, they naturally would not be jealous, not to mention that every time they get a reward, as long as they can share it, Xu Chenzhou will also selflessly share it in the group chat.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "!!!! [Sea Tiger Explosion Fist], where did you get it, group leader? Those crazy guys in the Sea Tiger world are really scary, one is more terrifying than the other!, maybe there will be group members from the Sea Tiger world joining the group later!!"

The Dragon Clan World also has the Sea Tiger comic, so Lu Mingfei has heard about the magnetic field crazy guys. These guys are not normal people, one is more mentally ill than the other, and even the Dragon King is not worthy of carrying shoes in front of them.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "No, the reward I got this time is only the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist, but it is not ruled out that I will draw the Sea Tiger world next time."

Everyone chatted in the group chat for a while, and during the chat, Xu Chenzhou also introduced the magnetic field rotation, a unique cultivation system, to the group members.

The upper limit of the cultivation system of magnetic field rotation is naturally nothing in the group chat. Even if you practice to the ultimate realm of the unspeakable and unrotatable realm reflected in the Haihu comics, its performance is nothing more than being able to absorb all the matter in the universe by suicide, and then create the Big Bang to recreate the universe.

Compared with this method, whether it is the reconstruction of earth, water, wind and fire by the prehistoric saints or the sacrifice of the perfect world of the sky-covering, they are far beyond the cultivation system of magnetic field rotation.

However, it is obvious that this cultivation system still has many advantages, and it is difficult to say that Shi Tianwu has reached the ultimate realm of the magnetic field rotation system.

The strong men in the Haihu world are all crazy, and it can even be asserted that if they are not crazy, they can only be cannon fodder in that world, and they can't become strong men at all. Shi Tianwu is no exception. After reaching the realm of unspeakable and unrotatable, in order to create a world without gods, he directly committed suicide, not only killing himself, but also killing everyone in the world, resetting everything.

So everyone has a strong interest in this training system, and the various applications of power in it have also inspired many people.

But during the chat, Misaka Mikoto has never been online. Logically speaking, the person who is most suitable for this method in the group chat is Misaka Mikoto, who has the ability of electromagnetic induction. Even if Misaka Mikoto does not practice this method, she can use the ability of electromagnetic induction to perform similar moves with the help of the principles in it.

Xiao Nannan was the first to carefully discover this matter.

Xiao Nannan (War Demon): "Why hasn't Sister Mikoto come online? Is it because there is some new news from Accelerator?"

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "I think so. When we were in the Yangshen World, Mikoto told me that Accelerator's plan was about to start.

We spent three days in the Yangshen World. From this point of view, Accelerator may have already started to implement his plan in the real world."

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "Could it be that something happened in Academy City during the few days we were in the Yangshen World? If so, how sad Sister Mikoto would be."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Don't worry, everyone. When we were in the Yangshen World, Mikoto sent back several thoughts through the portal, so all of Accelerator's actions are under Mikoto's control.

If there is any situation, he will definitely tell us!"

Just when everyone was still discussing, Misaka Mikoto suddenly came online.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Don't worry, Accelerator's plan is still in contact. I was busy with other things just now.

Because that matter requires a lot of preparation, I haven't checked the news in the group!"

Hearing what Misaka Mikoto said, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but be curious.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Oh, what is so important that you are so concerned."

Misaka Mikoto proudly sent a photo. On the photo, there was a huge platform. The structure of this platform was extremely special. It was composed of countless interlaced rails. These rails followed a certain strange trajectory and formed a very complex system.

And the material that made up these rails was exactly the new steel that everyone in the group had deduced together before, which combined multiple cultivation systems and had extremely strong characteristics.

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