All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 189 External super-electromagnetic cannon, the feathered camp is empty!

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "It's for this. Guess what it's used for."

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of the Virtual Realm): "These tracks are in circles in the air. They look like the donuts that Brother Lu Mingfei brought me last time at the party. They look delicious."

Xiao Shihao's words made Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but smile. This new material is called Virtual God Meteorite by them. Its color is very special, a light pink. The tracks composed of these materials look like huge donuts suspended in the air from a distance.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Xiao Shihao, you are such a foodie. This thing is so hard, how can it be delicious? If I have to guess, I guess it's used to amplify your superpowers, Mikoto."

Zhang Junbao saw the mystery at a glance. Although he didn't have a deep understanding of the knowledge on the technology side because of limited time, he still had some knowledge of the basics.

Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up. The moment he saw the platform in front of him, he had guessed the function of the platform.

The traces of these interlaced tracks formed a circle after circle on the platform. The shape of these circles was somewhat similar to the electromagnetic coils on the drawings of the super-electromagnetic gun he had seen some time ago.

In the Star Domain World, the super-electromagnetic gun is already a popular technology and an important part of the planetary defense circle of the Blue Water Star. Even Xu Chenzhou can find detailed drawings of the super-electromagnetic gun on the Internet.

Of course, the platform in front of him is very different from the structure of the super-electromagnetic gun in the Star Domain World. The super-electromagnetic gun in the Star Domain World is a huge round tube, which looks a bit like a huge battery. The interior is composed of electromagnetic coils, tracks, power supplies, control systems, etc., full of sci-fi and future feelings.

The platform made by Misaka Mikoto has a lot less structure than the super-electromagnetic gun in the Star Domain World. For example, the power supply, control system, etc. do not exist at all. There are only many electromagnetic coils and tracks, which looks a bit abstract.

However, Xu Chenzhou immediately guessed the reason why Misaka Mikoto designed it this way, because for Misaka Mikoto, her superpower is the best power supply and control system, and she does not need any other external force, so she only kept the electromagnetic coil and track, and because of her superpower, she does not need to consider the accuracy at all, and only needs to use all the designs to enhance the strength of the electromagnetic field.

Xu Chenzhou is quite satisfied with the platform made by Misaka Miyuki.

When watching the anime, Xu Chenzhou did not understand why the superpowers in the Academy City rarely use props, and almost all rely on their own superpowers to fight.

Later, he figured out that most of the superpowers in the Academy City world are actually students, not warriors.

This can be seen from their fighting methods.

There are many superpowers, and their superpower potential has not been brought into play at all. 、

For example, Misaka Mikoto, the carrier for her to launch the super-electromagnetic gun is actually the game coins of the game hall. It is well known that the quality of the game coins in the game hall is very poor.

Every game hall needs a large number of game coins, usually with tens of thousands of coins in stock, and they are often lost, so in order to save costs, cheap metals such as copper and iron are generally used for casting.

Due to the use of such common materials, the range of Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic gun is quite limited.

The carrier coin often burns out under the condition of considerable acceleration.

This simple situation can be solved by simply replacing a high-temperature resistant alloy material as the carrier of the super-electromagnetic gun, but Misaka Mikoto has not made any changes.

Just simply changing the material of the projectile can make Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic gun undergo a qualitative change, not to mention the use of props, such as making the electromagnetic track and the coil structure that can enhance the electromagnetic field into a miniature super-electromagnetic gun. With the assistance of physical props, the power of the super-electromagnetic gun will change dramatically.

The same is true for other superpowers. Obviously, their super-1 abilities only need some material assistance, or some special devices to increase their power, but few people prepare them specifically for this.

If we have to say which superpowers combine superpowers with props, it is the Anbu to which Mai Ye and Flanda belong.

As a combat unit, the Anbu is actually not an ordinary student. Mai Ye has a special card that can scatter her atomic rays into countless atomic rays, greatly increasing the lethality, and Flanda combines bombs with her superpowers to become a killing machine.

Now, under the influence of Xu Chenzhou and other group members, coupled with the war in the Yangshen world, Misaka Mikoto finally got it, jumped out of the identity of a student, and gradually looked at the world and superpower battles with a more realistic perspective.

Seeing that Zhang Junbao guessed the function of this device, Misaka Mikoto began to introduce the device in front of her with some pride.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "This is an auxiliary device I designed specially. With the help of these electromagnetic coils, I can create a very powerful magnetic field and fire a railgun that is more than ten times more powerful than my bare hands."

Zhang Junbao frowned, a little confused: "Mikoto, did you create this auxiliary device for the tree diagram designer?

But logically speaking, with our current capabilities, it is not difficult to shoot down satellites. "

Xu Chenzhou also nodded. After surviving the thunder tribulation, the combat power of several of them has improved dramatically. Now Misaka Mikoto can completely control her thoughts and fly into the sky.

Although Misaka Mikoto does not yet have the ability to survive in a vacuum, with the protection of the soul power, she can get infinitely close to the atmosphere. At extremely close distances, the strength of her superpowers can completely destroy her without any equipment. Bar chart designer shot down.

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "It is possible to shoot down satellites directly by one's own power, but there are also great hidden dangers.

With my current ability, if I want to shoot down a satellite with my own strength, I will almost have to exert all my strength, but it is definitely not a good thing to expose such a powerful superpower too early.

The group leader's information has long said that the world of Academy City may seem simple, but in fact it is very deep.

In addition to the chairman of Academy City, there are angels and demons. Even though my current superpower has reached level 6, it is still not enough to face these existences.

There is no need to expose all your abilities just to be a bar chart designer. "

Misaka Mikoto showed a smile while typing. She knew very well how much resistance there would be to rescuing her sisters.

If it was based on his personality before joining the group chat, she would definitely not have thought so much and just flew into the sky to knock down the bar chart designer.

But now she knows that the histogram designer is not the source of all evil. The real source of all evil is the person who uses the histogram designer, and he is also the shadow hidden behind Academy City.

After hearing Misaka Mikoto's words, Xu Chenzhou also agreed very much. When traveling in the world, caution is the first thing.

It is definitely not necessary to be timid and afraid to go forward when encountering problems, but it is even more stupid to not keep a few trump cards in hand, not to mention in the world of Academy City where everyone is cheating.

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Actually, I had already designed this device before going to Yangshen World, but there were still several technical difficulties that had not been overcome at that time. The most important one was the material problem. I wanted to make the railgun Having a long enough range, trajectory and projectile materials are key. The existing materials in Academy City are not enough to withstand such terrifying intensity of use.

Especially projectiles. After all, if you want to reach space, it means that the projectile has to pass through the atmosphere. During the process of crossing the atmosphere, it will be affected by resistance and heat. If the material of the projectile is not up to standard, it is likely to cause it to pass through the atmosphere. disintegrated in the process.

But after achieving the fifth-level ghost immortal, all this was easily solved. "

Although Virtual God Meteor Iron has various benefits, refining it requires extremely powerful divine soul power.

Only in this way can we control the formations of multiple different cultivation systems to coordinate with each other during the refining process, and refine ordinary refined iron into a material that is powerful enough to withstand the burning of the true fire of the sun.

The fifth-level ghost fairy is the lowest threshold for refining this material.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): But to be fair, it would be a waste to directly destroy the bar chart designer.

Even those who have not practiced Shenhun Taoism can invade the systems of so many secret facilities. Now your computing power is much more terrifying than before.

It would be great if, Mikoto, you could directly seize the control rights of the tree diagram designer through remote control. To be honest, this thing is just a tool.

In my opinion, the computing power of the histogram designer will probably not fall into the hands of Hong Yi, the future master. If you can capture the histogram designer, you can immediately replicate the terrifying power displayed in the world of Yangshen. "

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Of course I have thought about this, but unfortunately, Aleister may have also thought about the possibility of the histogram designer being invaded, so there are many lines of defense inside the histogram designer. In addition to the firewall, there are some protection measures that I can't understand. Although I was able to hack into the peripheral system of the histogram designer, there was no response when I tried to hack into the internal subsystem. "

Xu Chenzhou was lost in thought. With Misaka Mikoto's current computing power, it was almost impossible for Academy City to have scientific protective measures that could stop Misaka Mikoto. However, the bar chart designer is very important to Aleister. There are many plans that are closely related to the bar chart designer, and there are even many ulterior secrets hidden in them, so Aleister should be in the tree. The graphic designer has put in place magical protection measures internally to prevent scientific hackers from intruding.

This is absolutely foolproof. A magician who can unlock the magic circle cannot have such strong hacking skills to hack into the tree diagram designer, and a hacker who can hack cannot unlock the magic circle.

But it doesn't matter. Since Misaka Mikoto has made a device that can assist her in shooting down satellites, so what if she shoots down the designer of the tree diagram.

Anyway, the technology of the star field world far exceeds that of the academy city world. When chatting with Zhou Xuanyi before, Xu Chenzhou heard that in the central star field, a computer with the computing power of the tree diagram designer can be integrated into a watch-sized computer. on the portable computer.

When he has a way out later, he can just buy Misaka Mikoto a better portable supercomputer.

Everyone chatted for a while, and the little girl suddenly started to bubble up in the group.

She posted a photo of an empty military camp with flags flying. On the flags were four characters written in iron-painted silver-hooked fonts: Yuhua Camp!

The land in the military camp was soaked with thick blood, layer after layer, making the originally black land appear dark red like rust, full of a solemn atmosphere.

And the strangest thing was that although there was blood all over the ground, there were no body parts left on the ground, only broken weapons and incomplete armor.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killing God): "Brother, group leader. I finally killed all these demons!"

Then Xiao Nannan posted another photo.

In the photo, Xiao Nannan was very proud, with a faint smile on her face. She was wearing a white dress that Hong Yi bought for her in the Yangshen world. The dress was very white and woven with fine cloud silk thread. From a distance, it looked like a cloud.

Judging from her appearance, Xiao Nannan looked like a fairy from heaven, innocent and pure, but the corners of her clothes were stained with traces of blood, which made her look a bit evil.

Behind Xiao Nannan, more than 30 teenagers with frightened faces stood. The youngest teenager looked only four or five years old, not much older than Xiao Nannan, while the oldest teenager was seventeen or eighteen years old, already an adult.

But regardless of age, the eyes of these teenagers looking at Xiao Nannan at this time were like looking at the Wujian Shura crawling out of hell, full of fear.

Xiao Nannan ignored them and just happily chatted in the group.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "If I remember correctly, the soldiers who took your brother away were from this camp.

Where did these boys behind you come from?"

Xiao Nannan (Feathered Killer): "They were also deceived by this group of soldiers. When I just returned to the world of Shade Heaven, I saw that the soldiers in this camp brought back one boy after another from all over, wanting to send them to faraway places like my brother. Then I couldn't help it and rushed into this camp and fought a big battle with them!"

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