All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 190 Cautious Han Li, Killer God Little Girl

As she spoke, Xiao Nannan uploaded another video to the group chat.

In the video, the Yuhua Camp was quite lively at that time. There were hundreds of soldiers from the Yuhua Dynasty stationed in the barracks. Each soldier was shining with amazing divine light, and it was obvious that they all had extraordinary cultivation.

Then in the picture, teams of Yuhua Dynasty soldiers appeared, leading young men to the Yuhua Camp.

Although these young men were very young, they looked very energetic, and you could tell at a glance that they had extraordinary roots.

There were two tall and short soldiers who were still talking in a low voice while walking.

The tall soldier complained softly: "Finally, we have collected the quota for this mission. Now we can relax a little."

The short soldier also nodded in agreement: "Yes, the superiors are pushing us too hard, making our lives uneasy. I don't know what the superiors are going to do with so many cultivation seedlings. To support so many cultivation seedlings, the cultivation resources needed are simply unimaginable."

The tall soldier rolled his eyes at the short soldier: "Why do you worry so much? Is this your business? The Yuhua Divine Dynasty governs the four seas and eight wastelands. It is the most powerful force in the entire universe. Does it need a small fry like you to care about cultivation resources?

And are you stupid? Haven't you heard the rumor that is spreading in the army?

These cultivation seedlings don't need to be cultivated. If they go to Yinghuo, they will not be able to come back. Why do they need any resources?"

The short soldier bit his lip, with a trace of fear in his eyes. It is obvious that he has heard the rumor in the army.

"But even if we go mining, how can we practice without resources?

How can we survive mining in the place of Mars without any cultivation?"

The tall soldier rolled his eyes at the short soldier again: "There are not many other things in the world, and the most are people with two legs.

If this batch fails, there will naturally be the next batch. Just give some scraps, there will always be some geniuses who can practice, otherwise why would the superiors need so many people.

It doesn't matter whether they live or die, anyway, we just do our job well."

The short soldier also nodded. It is indeed the truth. It is better to die than to die. They eat the military rations of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, so they naturally have to work for the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. As for what those people on the top want to do, they can't care so much.

Of course, the teenagers who were brought here couldn't hear what they said. At this time, they were excitedly walking into the Yuhua camp and looking at the surrounding environment with curiosity.

Some of the poor teenagers looked at the golden armor on the soldiers with envy and longing in their eyes, imagining that they could become as majestic monks as these soldiers in the future.

At this moment, a small figure slowly walked in from outside the Yuhua Camp.

Countless divine brilliances condensed on her body, and thousands of runes turned into two pairs of dazzling light wings behind her.

On the wings, white light feathers fell and turned into holy light in the air.

Behind her, there were more than a dozen golden armors lying in a mess. There was no human figure in the armor, only red bloodstains on the ground next to the armor, indicating that there had been wearers in the armor.

As Xiao Nannan walked into the camp, she looked at the soldiers in the Yuhua Camp with angry eyes.

After returning from the chat group, Xiao Nannan went directly to the vicinity of Yuhua Camp. She wanted to know if Yuhua Dynasty had made any new moves during the few days she was away.

With her sensitive perception, although she was at a distance, she could hear the conversations of the soldiers in Yuhua Camp.

Perhaps because today was the delivery day, the soldiers were particularly talkative. In addition to the two tall and short soldiers, many other soldiers were also talking about these teenagers.

Almost all soldiers knew clearly the fate of the teenagers, but no one had a little pity for them.

For Xiao Nannan, the culprit was of course the Yuhua Emperor of Yuhua Dynasty, but these soldiers of Yuhua Dynasty who helped the evil were not worth dying for.

Watching one teenager after another being brought into Yuhua Camp, watching the longing and desire for the future in these teenagers' eyes.

Xiao Nannan seemed to have reappeared the scene of her brother being taken away by these soldiers in front of her.

At that time, the elder brother was just like these young men, and he was full of longing for the future.

He told Xiao Nannan that when he returned after practicing successfully, he would let Xiao Nannan live a good life, and no longer have to endure hunger and cold and wander around like he did at that time.

And before he followed the soldiers of Yuhua Dynasty, he specially left the bronze mask and bronze ring made for her as a token of recognition.

These scenes made Xiao Nannan's heart burn with anger, and she wanted to learn from her brother Hong Yi to kill all enemies and burn Yuhua Dynasty.

But she couldn't do this now. The strength of Emperor Yuhua was much stronger than Hong Xuanji. Even if Hong Xuanji practiced to the realm of shattering the vacuum, he couldn't withstand the casual finger of Emperor Yuhua.

However, although he couldn't kill Emperor Yuhua, seeing that these young men were about to be sent to the five-color altar, Xiao Nannan could no longer bear herself and directly got up and killed into the Yuhua camp.

The soldiers guarding the gate were all at the level of the Life Spring Secret Realm, so how could they possibly stop the little girl? She spread her wings, and thousands of feathers appeared, killing immortals and killing them. In an instant, these soldiers The body and head were separated, and then the black light on the little girl's body flashed, and each soldier's body, every piece of flesh, every bone, turned into a torrent of black energy and poured into the palm of her hand.

The little girl used the unique skills of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty to kill these soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and then devoured them all to support the war with war.

Almost all the soldiers in this camp are in the Life Spring Secret Realm. Only some officers have advanced to the Dao Palace Secret Realm, and several of the leaders have advanced to the peak of the Dao Palace Secret Realm. They are only one step away. Can break through and enter the four-pole realm.

Xiao Nannan's cultivation level is also in the secret realm of Dao Palace. Logically speaking, Xiao Nannan should be at a disadvantage if there are one enemy with many.

But the situation at this time is completely different. With the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Kung Fu, Xiao Nannan does not have to worry about the consumption of energy. And with the skills she has practiced, how can the monks in the secret realm of the ordinary Tao Palace be Xiao Nannan's opponent.

Soon, the Yuhua Camp was enveloped in a rain of blood. Amidst the roars and screams of one general after another, everything came to an end. The entire camp became empty, leaving only countless golden armors. , showing the prosperity of Daying.

In the eyes of those young people, the little girl who forced her way into the Yuhua camp was not an angel who saved them, but a terrifying murderer.

Even if the little girl told them about the conspiracy of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty, these teenagers were still doubtful and did not dare to approach the little girl.

After watching this video, the group chat was filled with excitement.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "The little girl killed well! What these soldiers of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty did is no different from human traffickers. They themselves knew that these teenagers would not end well, but they still coaxed them to achieve their own performance goals. These young people have joined the Yuhua Shen Dynasty. If you want me to say that these people all deserve to die, no one is innocent!"

Although Lu Mingfei is not an orphan, his parents have not been around him since he was a child. He has long experienced the feeling of being displaced, so he is very angry at the behavior of human traffickers who coax children to leave their parents. He wishes he could applaud his little girl for her actions. .

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "These brothers and sisters are too much. Xiao Nannan obviously saved them, but they are not grateful at all and still look at him like this!"

Hong Yi smiled: "This is normal, just like sheep are always afraid of lions, the little girl is no longer on the same level as them.

What's more, to them, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty is a powerful force and a trustworthy existence.

But the little girl suddenly appeared and killed the Yuhua camp. In their eyes, she was a murderer and completely untrustworthy.

Maybe some of these teenagers are resentful of the little girl at this time, secretly blaming the little girl for ruining their good things, but they dare not say it out loud. "

After he started writing the Book of Changes, Hong Yi's grasp of the human heart has reached a new level. He now no longer looks at the human heart at a simple level of good and evil, but analyzes it at a more complex level.

Everyone in the group applauded what the little girl did, but Han Li was the only one who was a little worried.

Han Li (Qixuanmen Miracle Doctor): "What I'm more worried about right now is the situation of little Nannan. Although this killing is a pleasure, in the long run there will be endless consequences.

In the past, Xiaonan was hunting soldiers who went out to search for cultivators. Even if these soldiers disappeared, they would not attract much attention from the Yuhua Shenchao.

After all, the power of the cultivation world in Zhetian World is still quite strong. With these soldiers running all over the world, it is normal for some mistakes to occur. Even if the attrition rate is a little higher, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty will not make much action.

But now the nature is completely different. The little girl went directly into the camp and slaughtered an entire military camp. There is no doubt that she is rubbing the face of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty on the ground. Next, the Yuhua Shen Dynasty will definitely send out The strong man came to find out what happened.

Little Nannan's wings are not full yet, so it is best to avoid this master, but the only five-color altar on this planet is in the hands of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and the transmitted coordinates are also on the planet controlled by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. This is undoubtedly It's a dead end. "

Han Li considers problems more comprehensively and always thinks about the consequences before doing things. In his opinion, the little girl's behavior is a bit reckless.

But after hearing Han Li's words, the little girl not only showed no fear at all, but her eyes lit up.

Little Girl (The Yuhua Killing God): "Brother Han Li, are you telling the truth? The Yuhua God Dynasty will send experts to look for me. That's great!"

The little girl smiled happily, her young face full of joy of harvest, just like a farmer seeing the golden wheat fields in the autumn field.

After the killing and devouring just now, the little girl has discovered that devouring the monks in the life spring realm has very little effect on the growth of her cultivation. The monks in the Dao Palace realm were of average use to him. She urgently needed a stronger opponent, but the strongest soldiers stationed on this planet by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty were at the peak of the Dao Palace.

For little Nannan, the greatest role of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique is to create a chaotic body.

The cultivation qualifications of these soldiers of the Ascension Divine Dynasty are mediocre. They have neither strong physique nor strong cultivation. They are simply like chicken ribs. It is a pity to throw them away if they are tasteless.

Now the Yuhua Divine Dynasty will send out experts, which is undoubtedly the best news for Xiao Nannan.

When Han Li saw the news in the group, he couldn't help but feel dizzy. He thought about how cautious he was. He was obviously almost at the Nascent Soul stage, but he still stayed in the Seven Mysterious Valley without moving. The only time he went out was to look for spiritual medicine, and he didn't even communicate with anyone.

He was so patient, so careful, and so forbearing, but in the end he had to deal with Xiao Nannan, a group member who was fearless.

The Yuhua Divine Dynasty is not a simple thing. It is the most powerful force in the entire Zhatian Universe. The ruler of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty is even a great emperor. The masters among them are simply hidden dragons and crouching tigers, countless.

If the masters sent by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty this time were at the Four Extremes Realm, it would be easy to say. Unless they were Four Extremes 3 masters with the qualifications of a great emperor, they would not be Xiao Nannan's opponent.

But with the foundation of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, the masters sent this time are likely to be at the level of Hualong or even Xiantai.

Moreover, if the expert sent by Yuhua Divine Dynasty this time is a saint or even a saint king, then it only takes one glance to lock Xiao Nannan's location.

Facing this level of existence, no one in the chat group can match it at this time. Even if Hong Yi drives the Boat of Fortune, he can only escape from the hands of such an existence at most.

Although Xiao Nannan still has a way out to hide in the heavens and the worlds, once Xiao Nannan disappears out of thin air, it will definitely arouse the curiosity of Yuhua Divine Dynasty. At that time, there may be a saint king stationed on this planet for a long time to monitor whether Xiao Nannan returns.

If this is the case, then Xiao Nannan can only choose to wander in the heavens and the worlds until she has the power to fight against the saint king before she can return. The group points that need to be consumed in this process are not a small number.

But even if Han Li fully analyzed the pros and cons to Xiao Nannan in the group chat, Xiao Nannan still had no fear.

There was even a flame burning in her eyes, as if she couldn't wait to touch the expert who came to investigate the situation.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killing God) "No matter how many masters there are in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, it is impossible to send a saint to such a marginal planet.

If it is a master of the Four Extremes or even the Dragon Transformation Realm, I have the confidence to deal with it.

But if it is the Xiantai Realm, it will be a bit tricky.

But even if they send a master of the Xiantai Realm, it is at most the existence of the Xianyi or Xianyi Realm.

With the help of the brothers and sisters in the group, masters of this level are nothing.

And if I can devour a master of this level, I can instantly break through to the fourth level, and even forge a chaotic body."

This is not that Xiao Nannan is too radical, but she has collected too much information about the Mars during this period of time, and it is too bitter there.

Although it may be a year or two before her brother dies, if it is possible, Xiao Nannan does not want her brother to stay in that purgatory on earth for a second.

Naturally, everyone in the group would not refuse Xiao Nannan's request for help. They have always been very fond of this little girl with a miserable life, and everyone can understand Xiao Nannan's thoughts.

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