All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 191 Thundergod descends, the tree diagram designer is destroyed

Seeing his friends chatting in the group, Xu Chenzhou was also secretly thinking about the situation in Zhetian World.

Han Li's caution was certainly not unreasonable, but the little girl's decision was not wrong either.

With all the heavens and worlds as a retreat, although what little Nannan did was a little radical, there was nothing too wrong with it.

And there is another point. The main reason why little Nannan cannot leave here with the help of the five-color altar of this planet is that she does not have the coordinates of the suitable planet in her hand.

In the process of hunting down the soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty, Xiao Nannan had already investigated clearly. The soldiers on this planet only had two teleportation coordinates in their hands. The destination of one coordinate was Yinghuo, and the other coordinates were The destination is the Yuhua Star, the central planet of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

For the little girl, whether going to Yinghuo or the Yuhua Star is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Both planets are heavily guarded by the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and it is impossible for the little girl to go there to die.

But what if the experts who come to investigate can find out the coordinates of other planets where the Feathered God Dynasty is weaker.

Then the little girl can use this to escape from the sphere of influence of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty, which will undoubtedly be more conducive to her growth.

Everyone was still chatting about the little girl in the group, when Misaka Mikoto suddenly started the group live broadcast.

This is a new thing. Many members in the group have conducted live broadcasts, but since Misaka Mikoto has been busy practicing, they have not started live broadcasts so far.

Most of what the group members know about Academy City comes from the videos Misaka Mikoto occasionally sends in the group chat.

Friends are very curious about a future technological city like Academy City.

I saw that Misaka Mikoto was still near the platform she had just built, and in front of her stood a panting hedgehog.

The hedgehog's face was covered with beads of sweat, dripping down his cheeks. He put his hands on his knees, obviously exhausted.

"Discharge girl, something bad is going on. I saw Accelerator getting into a car of a man in black. I wanted to follow him, but they were driving too fast and I lost him immediately!"

Kamijou Touma's martial arts training at the martial arts master level, and being able to breathe like this means that he must have exercised a lot just now. It was obvious that Kamijou Touma had tried his best to catch up with the vehicle carrying Accelerator.

Misaka Mikoto stretched out her hand, and then a bottle of mineral water flew out of the Gutai satchel placed aside and was caught in her hand.

Misaka Mikoto unscrewed the bottle of water and handed it to Kamijou Touma's hand: "I already know about this. Seeing that you are panting like this, you should drink some water first."

Looking at Misaka Mikoto's unhurried movements, Kamijou Touma was a little puzzled. He yelled at Misaka Mikoto: "Discharge girl, are you out of your mind? Don't you know what Accelerator is going to do? ?

I have been practicing so hard with you every day for the past two months, just for today.

It turned out that they were about to launch their plan, but you disappeared for three days. If I hadn't been secretly following Accelerator during these three days, I wouldn't have discovered that they were really about to implement their plan.

As a result, you didn't hurry up and take me to stop him, and you were so leisurely. Are you going to watch your sisters die in his hands? "

Seeing Kamijou Touma's angry look, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Obviously he had never met his sisters, and he didn't even know whether what Misaka Mikoto said was true or false. To be so sincere for some strangers he had never met before was indeed worthy of the Holy Mother of Kamijou.

But Misaka Mikoto didn't hate Kamijou Touma's kindness in her heart.

"Of course that's impossible, although I can't stop them from giving birth to sisters."

But now that my sisters have appeared in this world, I cannot allow anyone to take their lives.

But before we go to stop Accelerator, we have one more important thing to do. "

As she spoke, Misaka Mikoto looked back at the railgun auxiliary device she had just built.

When Kamijou Touma heard Misaka Mikoto's words and looked at her serious and determined expression, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, which made him place great trust in Misaka Mikoto's words.

But he couldn't help but said: "But is it really too late? They have already set off."

Misaka Mikoto nodded: "Don't worry, their every move is under my surveillance, and I guarantee there won't be any mistakes."

What Kamijou Touma didn't know was that Misaka Mikoto had already made complete preparations. The man in black had been in contact with Accelerator in the past few days, and Misaka Mikoto's thoughts of returning to Academy City early had already come true. The man in black found out the location of the base.

With those few thoughts, she could secretly create various small situations such as a sudden power outage or a black screen on the computer to delay the implementation of the absolute ability user plan.

Kamijou Touma nodded. Misaka Mikoto was so confident that he could only choose to believe it.

Besides, if Misaka Mikoto didn't lead the way, he wouldn't even know where Accelerator is now.

And in the two months of getting along, he had already seen the power of this seemingly weak female junior high school student in front of him.

Only then did Kamijou Touma notice the huge platform behind Misaka Mikoto.

The place they were in was an abandoned construction site in Academy City. It was deserted and almost no one would come here.

However, Misaka Mikoto had brought Kamijou Touma here several times before to teach him boxing.

In Kamijou Touma's memory, there was no such strange-looking building here at that time.

Kamijou Touma was puzzled: "Discharge sister, what is this thing? Did you make it? It looks so strange."

Misaka Mikoto showed a mysterious smile: "What is this thing? Take a good look later, and you will know after you finish it!

When I finish this, we will go to find the sisters."

After that, Misaka Mikoto's feet appeared one after another shining electric light. Under the attraction of the magnetic force generated by the electric light, her body quickly moved to the platform.

Then Misaka Mikoto stretched out her hand and pointed forward, and one after another black iron sand like an evil dragon emerged from the ground and intertwined in the air.

The iron sand rotated rapidly in the air at an astonishing speed. The collision of countless iron sands made a sound of iron clashing. The dense and crisp sound was like a knife, cutting the eardrums and causing people to want to cover their ears.

The iron sand gradually gathered in the air, forming an extremely terrifying black tornado.

This black tornado was naturally not as spectacular as the black dragon that Misaka Mikoto controlled in the Yangshen World, but it was shocking enough in Kamijou Touma's eyes.

This black tornado was so terrifying, and the speed of rotation was extremely amazing. Even the terrifying wind pressure caused by the high speed could scare Kamijou Touma.

It connected the sky and the ground, and was more than 20 meters high. Even if a skyscraper made of steel was trapped in it, it would probably be swallowed up by this terrifying steel whirlwind in an instant and ground into a pile of broken sand.

Under Misaka Mikoto's control, this iron sand whirlwind became smaller and smaller, and the friction between them gradually subsided. Slowly, in Kamijou Touma's incredible eyes, this more than 20-meter steel whirlwind was gradually compressed by Misaka Mikoto into a cylindrical iron block the size of a bucket.

It is not quite accurate to say that it is cylindrical. Strictly speaking, this iron block is more like a warhead.

Seeing this warhead, Misaka Mikoto's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction.

The scene just now seemed ordinary, but in fact, under the cover of countless iron sands, she had already activated the formation, and the intersection of countless runes turned these iron sands into virtual god meteorite iron.

After getting this warhead, Misaka Mikoto began to connect the thoughts in her mind.

After returning to Academy City, Misaka Mikoto consciously disconnected from her thoughts, because she had a hunch that if she maintained her peak computing power, she would advance to a level 6 superpower the moment she returned to Academy City, and the moment of advancement would trigger an extremely terrifying vision, which would undoubtedly bring huge changes to her plan.

At this time, in order to blast down the bar chart designer in the sky, Misaka Mikoto had to start to restore the connection with her thoughts again.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto only connected 500 thoughts at this time, and 500 thoughts were 200% of her computing power.

This level of computing power would not allow her to break through Level 6, but it would allow her to be sure to blast down the tree chart designer in the sky with the help of the super-electromagnetic gun auxiliary device.

With the connection of thoughts, the strength of Misaka Mikoto's superpowers began to increase rapidly. She could feel that as her computing power increased, the range of electromagnetic fields she could control became larger and larger.

Countless thunderbolts condensed in the void, and the entire space seemed to be trapped in a sea of ​​thunderbolts. One after another, thunderbolts connected from Misaka Mikoto's body to the surrounding sky. The electric board flickered, as if she was covered with a coat made of thunderbolts.

As these rich thunderbolt energies condensed, Misaka Mikoto's hair seemed to be ionized, floating behind her and turning into shining thunderbolts.

Kamijou Touma stared at this scene in amazement. Misaka Mikoto, suspended in the air, seemed to have become the thunder god who controlled thunderbolts from Greek mythology. The thunderbolts turned into a spear in her hand, as if she could judge all the darkness in the world.

It was not until this time that Kamijou Touma guessed what Misaka Mikoto wanted to do.

Misaka Mikoto had told him before that if she wanted to truly change the fate of her sisters, defeating Accelerator was only the simplest part. The real difficulty was to destroy the designer of the tree diagram, and at this time, Misaka Mikoto was undoubtedly going to destroy the designer of the tree diagram.

While Kamijou Touma was shocked, Misaka Mikoto was also reviewing the entire plan in her mind.

It is not an easy task to knock down the bar chart designer. In addition to overcoming the material problem, there are many other problems to overcome.

For example, the speed of the projectile must be much faster than the first cosmic speed, so that it can get rid of the restriction of gravity and fly into space.

This requirement seems simple, but it is actually very difficult.

Simply put, the first cosmic speed is approximately equal to twenty times the speed of sound.

And reaching twenty times the speed of sound is not enough, because the projectile must maintain a speed of more than 7.9 kilometers per second throughout the whole process until it leaves the atmosphere, so that it can get rid of the influence of gravity. This means that the initial speed of the projectile must be much greater than 7.9 kilometers per second, so that it is possible to continuously overcome the influence of gravity on the projectile during flight.

In addition, there is another very important point, which is accuracy.

Satellites in space move very fast for people on the ground. If there is a slight deviation when launching a projectile, the final result will be far from the truth.

In addition, when the projectile passes through the atmosphere, it will be affected by various forces and change its trajectory. It is very difficult to calculate the predicted orbital position.

Fortunately, these two points are not difficult for Misaka Mikoto now.

In addition to the 500 thoughts connected to Misaka Mikoto, there are many thoughts floating outside Misaka Mikoto.

Under the control of these thoughts, the tablet computer carried by Misaka Mikoto flew in the air. Under the action of electromagnetic waves, countless data flowed in these thoughts.

Through the tablet computer, these thoughts easily retrieved the current position of the tree diagram designer in space, and calculated the orbit and orbital speed of the satellite. In addition, they also retrieved the climate forecast for the day, taking into account factors such as wind direction, and recorded all atmospheric interference conditions.

The distance from the ground to space is too far. Any slight impact at the initial position may cause a huge deviation in the result.

There are also 500 thoughts floating around Misaka Mikoto, scattered in the void like dazzling diamonds. The computing power of these thoughts gathered together is not inferior to that of a supercomputer.

Soon Misaka Mikoto got the calculation result she wanted.

Misaka Mikoto raised her left hand, and dazzling electric light flashed on her white and delicate hand. A huge projectile slowly rose in front of her, and countless electric lights flowed between the huge platform under her feet.

With the help of the super-electromagnetic gun auxiliary platform, the extremely powerful magnetic field was forcibly compressed around the small projectile in front of her. The extremely shining electric light seemed to be twisted into liquid at this time, flowing continuously in the air.

Although there was no need to launch the coin in her hand at this time, Misaka Mikoto still made a signature move. With a crisp sound, countless thunders exploded.

A terrifying roar sounded, as if it was the end of the world. The terrifying wind pressure blew in all directions, and the people who blew almost couldn't open their eyes.

The dark projectile, with countless thunderous wings behind it, sped towards the sky, so fast that it could not be seen by the naked eye. Only the flash of lightning in the air left a trace of residual image on the human retina.

Kamijou Touma, who was standing by, opened his mouth wide at this time, his eyes were a little dull, and he looked up at Misaka Mikoto who was floating in the air, as if he was looking at a god.

The lightning on Misaka Mikoto's body gradually dimmed at this time. She raised her head, letting her brown hair stick to her forehead in a messy manner, staring at the sky without blinking, her eyes were extremely far-reaching, as if she could see into the distant space.

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