All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 192 The Absolute Ability Plan Begins!

In the center of the seventh school district of Academy City, there stands a strange building. The building is white on the outside and is 100 meters high. The edge of the building is tilted inward to form a sloping top.

This strange building is called the building without windows in Academy City, and it is also the most mysterious place in Academy City.

In the depths of this windowless building, a man in green surgical gown is suspended upside down in a 10-meter-high life support device.

The life support device is filled with red liquid, and bubbles are constantly bubbling.

The man's expression is very indifferent, with his eyes closed, as if nothing in the world can move him. Pipes are connected to the life support device through tempered glass and extend to the distant machinery.

Data is transmitted from these pipes to the man's mind. These data are transmitted back by about 550,000 nano-sized machines scattered in Academy City. These machines are also called hovering loops. With the help of hovering loops, the man can clearly grasp what is happening in every corner of Academy City.

As the information was continuously transmitted back, the man who had been closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

Because the information transmitted back in front of him was completely beyond his control.

Even his lips, which he had not used for a long time, opened slightly at this time, and his face was full of disbelief.

The man in front of him was Aleister Crowley, the chairman of the board of directors of Academy City, and the man behind the entire Academy City, a man who tried to replace God.

However, at this time, the most mysterious man in Academy City was muttering to himself.

"How is this possible? Although Misaka Mikoto is a level 5 superpower, her potential and qualifications have long been determined, but what is the matter with the power she has shown now? The plan has been broken, and there are unprecedented variables!"

In order to maintain his life, Aleister put himself into the life support device in front of him a long time ago. In this life support puncture, he handed over all his life activities to the machine to execute on his behalf. In this way, he can have a lifespan of about 1,700 years.

However, this kind of life extension certainly has a price. In the life support device, his whole body is in hibernation, and even most of his thinking is assisted by the machine.

At this time, Aleister was shocked by Misaka Mikoto's actions to the point of losing his composure. Aleister's brain, which had been silent for a long time, began to work rapidly at this time, and one piece of information after another appeared in his mind like pulling out silk threads from a cocoon.

Aleister's ultimate dream is to challenge God, replace God, and become God.

In order to do this, he must eliminate magic, so Aleister established the Academy City, and then formulated a huge plan to ensure that he can achieve his own goals. Of course, Aleister also understands that life is not satisfactory, and huge plans often fail due to various variables.

So under the premise of understanding this, Aleister used his powerful computing power to formulate a series of event flow charts called plans, which said, "No matter what kind of danger you encounter, you will eventually converge on the same path."

In Aleister's expectation, although he would encounter various accidents in the process of implementing the plan, he could eliminate the errors through corrections, so that the plan could be streamlined.

In the practice of these years, Aleister's plan has also been carried out quite smoothly.

But the actions of Misaka Mikoto in front of him completely disrupted his entire plan,

because Aleister calculated countless possibilities, but did not expect the scene in front of him.

Although he has eyes that can monitor every corner of the Academy City, his brain has its limits after all, and there is no way to process such a huge amount of information.

For Aleister, the only ones who are really worth paying attention to are Accelerator and Kamijou Touma.

Although through monitoring Kamijou Touma, he has long noticed that there are variables in Misaka Mikoto, not only aware of the Absolute Ability Plan, but also learned a magical martial art from the ancient East that he has never seen.

But in any case, Misaka Mikoto should not have such terrible superpowers at this point in time.

In Academy City, everyone's qualifications are destined, and when the talent identification is carried out at the beginning, everyone's growth limit has been determined.

According to the results of the examination at that time, although Misaka Mikoto was a superpower user selected from thousands of people, she did not have the talent to achieve level 6.

And based on his deduction of Misaka Mikoto's personality, Aleister did not think that Misaka Mikoto was the kind of person who was willing to use external forces to conquer superpowers. This can be seen from the fact that Misaka Mikoto always insisted on using game coins as weapons.

But at this time, Misaka Mikoto not only exerted superpowers far beyond what she should have, but also built a super-electromagnetic gun auxiliary device that even he could not understand.

In order to use super-electromagnetic guns to bombard satellites in space from the ground, the requirements for materials are incredibly strict. Even Academy City does not have the ability to manufacture such strong materials. After all, if Aleister had such materials, he would have installed super-electromagnetic guns in Academy City's defense system long ago.

Misaka Mikoto's shot completely disrupted Aleister's plan.

First of all, the sisters were made. Since the Absolute Ability Plan had just begun, not many sisters were made. After all, the essence of sisters was actually consumables. Compared with ordinary people, their life span was extremely short. Therefore, there were only more than 200 sisters produced, which was far from enough to meet Aleister's plan for artificial heaven.

Secondly, in Aleister's plan, the tree diagram designer must be destroyed, but it should not be destroyed so early.

Because Aleister still had a lot of important information stored in the tree diagram designer that had not been transferred in time, and at this time he had many important research plans that needed the computing power of the tree diagram designer to advance.

And Misaka Mikoto's act of destroying the tree diagram designer one year in advance undoubtedly made Aleister anxious.

But these were not the most important. The most important thing was that at that moment, Aleister saw the potential of Misaka Mikoto to achieve level 6, or even to become a god.

And this potential undoubtedly had a fatal attraction to Aleister, and even made him have an impulse to overturn all his plans directly.

After all, his ultimate dream was to overthrow God, become God, and replace God.

The figure of the brown-haired girl echoed in Aleister's mind. This figure became more and more important in his heart, and even made Aleister's eyes show a burning desire.

This Misaka Mikoto, who was originally dispensable in his heart and whose only function was to be the mother of the cloned sisters, was now firmly engraved in his heart.

On the other side, in a research institute, a middle-aged man in a white coat slammed the table in front of him fiercely, with an irritated face.

"What the hell, I finally waited for the plan to start, why did it show a power outage, and then the computer crashed again, and now tell me that even the tree diagram designer is broken, can you not be so outrageous, and give me some usefulness!"

He roared helplessly and furiously, and the researchers around him lowered their heads one by one, like quails, and did not dare to speak at all.

Only one white-haired boy, with a rebellious face, showed a trace of impatience at the corner of his mouth, and took a step forward fiercely.

Strangely enough, he didn't seem to be using much force when he stepped on the ground, but the moment his toes touched the ground, the steel ground of the institute surged up and down like waves, and a huge steel torrent rushed towards the middle-aged man, and the long spikes arched up, almost piercing the middle-aged man's body.

The researchers around him were almost scared silly by this scene. This terrifying momentum, this terrible superpower, is indeed worthy of being the No. 1 superpower user in Academy City, Accelerator, a terrible monster with vector manipulation ability.

The white-haired boy said with a trace of disdain: "Can you guys do it faster? My time is very precious. I don't have time to play with you here.

He also said that he had the ability to help me break through to level 6, but he couldn't even fix a computer. If he can't fix it, I'm leaving."

Unlike the panic of the people around him, the middle-aged man in the white coat, that is, Kihara Gensei, did not have the slightest fear in the face of this scene, but was very calm, which was completely different from his previous angry look.

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's just a small problem. If you want to become a level 6 superpower user, just obey me."

Kihara Gensei clicked a few more buttons on the computer screen, and then the electromagnetic door next to him made a sound of metal friction and opened automatically.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. If the tree diagram designer is broken, it's broken. Anyway, the model I need has been calculated.

Twenty thousand battlefields and twenty thousand sisters have all been calculated. Even without the follow-up analysis of the tree diagram designer, the plan can proceed smoothly.

Come on, Accelerator, follow me. As long as you strictly implement the plan, I guarantee that you can become a level 6 absolute superpower user."

Kihara Gensei took Accelerator to the laboratory on the side, and introduced the content of the Absolute Superpower Plan to Accelerator as he walked.

"We have arranged the battlefield for your first battle. What you need to do is to defeat the clones of the railgun.

Those guys cost 180,000 yen each, are made of water and protein, and have a lifespan of only a few months. They are just consumables.

So you can do it with confidence, no need to have mercy, they are just some cheap creations, and it is their greatest luck to be able to sacrifice their lives for the birth of absolute ability users.

And I have instilled the memory of the battle in them to ensure that they can complete the battle mission."

Accelerator listened to Kihara Gensei's words with an impatient look on his face, stepped on the ground with both feet, and walked quickly into the laboratory.

Entering the laboratory, Accelerator looked around with some curiosity, and then saw a girl wearing combat goggles. The girl held a submachine gun in her hand and had long brown hair. She looked like an ordinary junior high school student.

Kihara Gensei did not follow into the laboratory. He was just an ordinary person without superpowers, and naturally did not want to put himself in a dangerous situation.

Through the loudspeaker of the laboratory, he began to give orders to Misaka Sister.

Upon receiving the order, Misaka sister immediately raised the submachine gun in her hand and madly poured fire at Accelerator in front of her.

Accelerator was a little annoyed when he saw this scene.

With the superpower of vector manipulation, the attack of the Misaka sister in front of him had no meaning at all. The barrage of bullets was like a breeze to him. All the bullets would lose all power the moment they touched the surface of his body and fall straight to the ground.

He raised his head and said to the camera: "Didn't we agree to fight against the railgun? Why did they send out such inferior clones who can't even use their superpowers and can only shoot with a submachine gun? Is it really meaningful to fight against such inferior products?"

Kihara Gensei's confident voice came from the speaker: "This is the result calculated by the designer of the tree diagram. You don't need to question it at all. Moreover, the sisters have a neural network and share a memory. The more sisters who die, the stronger the remaining sisters will be. The more sisters you fight, the stronger the sisters you will meet will be."

Hearing Kihara Gensei's words, Accelerator's mind echoed Kihara Gensei's words. The brown-haired girl in front of him was just a cheap consumable made at a cost of 180,000 yen. Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and slowly stretched out his hand.

Under Accelerator's control, the bullets shot by the brown-haired girl flew back to him at a faster speed.

At this moment, Accelerator heard several screams.

Then the panicked voice of Kihara Gensei came from the loudspeaker: "Who are you? This is a private laboratory. If you break in here and disrupt the experiment without permission, you will be arrested and sent to jail."

But his question was destined to be unanswered, because with a loud bang, the door of the laboratory was violently kicked open by a slender beautiful leg wearing over-the-knee white socks.

Amidst the countless flashes of lightning, this three-meter-thick steel giant door actually rose into the air like a cannonball and smashed towards Accelerator fiercely.

Not only that. The bullets that were originally bounced back by Accelerator were now also being pulled by one lightning after another, and they were flying towards Accelerator's body at a speed ten times the speed of sound.

Misaka Mikoto, who had just arrived, actually manipulated the magnetic field from a distance of dozens of meters, and fired these bullets fired at Misaka Sister at Accelerator using the firing method of the super-electromagnetic gun.

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