All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 194 Accelerator's Fear

But Accelerator didn't take Misaka Mikoto's words to heart at all.

At this moment, he was close to falling into madness, and a fanatical emotion was revealed in his red pupils. He stared at Misaka Mikoto in front of him, as if he wanted to remember this brown-haired girl completely in his heart.

"Stop being so arrogant, Misaka Mikoto, I admit that you are qualified to be my opponent.

But I am the strongest person in the entire Academy City. Apart from you, who else in the entire Academy City can fight me?

And Misaka Mikoto, although I can't defeat you now, it doesn't mean that you are stronger than me.

If you don't know my ability very well, if we are not in this underground laboratory full of metal now.

I have a million ways to defeat you.

In the deduction of the tree diagram designer, you can only take 185 of my moves, but with your current ability, I admit that you can definitely take more than 300 of my moves.

Being able to have such a fierce battle with the strongest superpower in the world is enough for you to be proud of!"

The long-term invincible experience made him despise all opponents in the Academy City.

For him, there is no need for any skills or preparations, his body is the strongest weapon.

Since awakening his ability, he has never worried about fighting again.

Therefore, Accelerator's fighting style has always been very simple and direct. He only needs to bounce back the opponent's attack to defeat everyone.

Accelerator secretly regretted at this time. He should have prepared some props of different materials in advance, so that he would not be so passive now.

Looking at Misaka Mikoto's cold and calm face in front of him, Accelerator's heart ignited a burning flame for some reason.

He stared at Misaka Mikoto's face, as if he wanted to kill Misaka Mikoto with his eyes.

Although he felt that Misaka Mikoto only used a trick to gain the ability to compete with him temporarily, even so, he could not tolerate anyone who could match him. He wanted to tear Misaka Mikoto apart, right now, at this moment.

The white-haired boy turned his head and shouted fiercely at the loudspeaker on the wall: "Kihara Gensei, the Absolute Ability Plan requires 20,000 Misaka sisters. You can't have only produced one, right? Send out all the remaining sisters quickly."

Misaka Mikoto certainly knew what Accelerator was thinking. As long as there were enough sisters on the scene, Accelerator could use them to force him to take action.

Accelerator's behavior was vicious. Kamijou Touma, who was standing next to Misaka Mikoto, was about to burst into flames.

He took a step forward and stood between Misaka Mikoto and Accelerator, then shouted sharply at Accelerator: "You are not a psychopath, can't you see that the Misaka sisters are not cheap creations, they are flesh and blood, and have their own feelings.

Even so, can you still take their lives without blinking an eye?"

Kamijo Touma was so angry that he was about to explode, as if he would explode immediately if he touched his body.

But Accelerator completely ignored the hedgehog in front of him. He still stared at Misaka Mikoto, not even willing to move his eyes away.

Misaka Mikoto looked calm, and she slowly walked in front of Accelerator: "If I'm not mistaken, your wish is to become the strongest."

Accelerator was a little surprised. He didn't know why Misaka Mikoto could talk to him so calmly at this time.

However, Accelerator could clearly feel that the strongest that Misaka Mikoto said was not the strongest in his so-called Academy City, but the strongest that he really wanted in his heart.

Yes, that's right, becoming the strongest in Academy City means that he is the strongest superpower in the whole world.

But this strongest did not satisfy Accelerator.

The strongest he wanted was the absolute strongest, the strongest with dominance, so strong that all opponents thought it was stupid to challenge him, and no one had the idea of ​​being his enemy, invincible strong!

Misaka Mikoto ignored the surprised look on Accelerator's face and continued, "In order to become the strongest, you participated in the Absolute Power User Plan, so you would rather kill 20,000 flesh-and-blood Misaka sisters to become an Absolute Power User.

So when you see someone who can compete with you, you will put aside your pride as the strongest and use your sisters to force me to take action.

But have you ever thought that even if you become an Absolute Power User, you can't become the strongest."

Misaka Mikoto's words made Accelerator feel even more surprised. He is only level 5 now. But he is already the strongest superpower user in the world. No one in the world can be his opponent.

If he can become a Level 6 Absolute Power User, can't he become the strongest?

"Misaka Mikoto, do you think that your nonsense can shake my determination to become an absolute ability user?

Give up, accept your fate, attack me, then be defeated by me, and finally become my food!

I can't kill you, but what can you do to me? You can only watch me kill those cheap products.

Come on, don't you value those cheap products? Then die for them, die in my hands.

They were originally cheap creations made to replace you. With you, the real thing, I can kill at least 100 Misaka sisters. This is your greatest mercy to them! "

While speaking, Accelerator was still trying to pry the floor of the laboratory with the ability of vector manipulation. Piece after piece of metal floor was gradually pried up by him, revealing the bare rock ground underground.

If Misaka Mikoto in front of the chat group heard what Accelerator said now, she would probably have collapsed and wanted to die.

But now Misaka Mikoto did not have any fluctuations in her heart, just smiled lightly: "Are you too confident? The ability of vector manipulation is indeed very strong, but it is not invincible.

After all, you who control such a strong ability are just a mortal body. "

Misaka Mikoto stretched out her left hand. Her fingers were slender and beautiful, and her nails were a little red, like a cardamom.

But Accelerator stared at these hands as if he had seen a ghost.

Because a flame suddenly ignited on Misaka Mikoto's left hand, and the flame was so fierce that it swept half of the underground laboratory in an instant.

Accelerator could feel that the flame on Misaka Mikoto's hand was definitely not an ordinary flame, because its temperature was extremely terrifying.

The ceiling of the laboratory was also made of alloy. He knew that this material was extremely resistant to high temperatures and could withstand high temperatures of 2000℃. However, facing the flame in Misaka Mikoto's hand, the alloy on the ceiling became extremely red, almost turning into molten iron and dripping down.

Of course, Accelerator himself was not afraid of this at all. Because his ability can control the direction of all forces, including heat, he can change the direction of heat conduction, so no matter how hot the flame in Misaka Mikoto's hand is, it can't hurt Accelerator.

But the problem is that they are now in an underground laboratory.

You must know that for the sake of confidentiality, this underground laboratory is built dozens of meters underground, and the defense facilities are extremely thorough. Except for a few limited ventilation ducts, this underground laboratory has no connection with the ground.

In other words, this underground laboratory is extremely prone to lack of oxygen.

As a top student in Academy City, Accelerator certainly knows that the burning of flames will consume oxygen.

The temperature of the flame in Misaka Mikoto's hand is so terrifying, and the speed of consuming oxygen is even more terrifying.

And the laboratory The whole body is made of metal. It just so happens that Misaka Mikoto's superpower is electromagnetic field control. From the strength of her superpower just now, Misaka Mikoto is fully capable of controlling the metal that makes up the laboratory.

Accelerator's eyes, which have always been high and mighty, showed a trace of fear, because he thought of a possibility.

Misaka Mikoto would naturally not let Accelerator down. Due to the burning of the hot flame, the alloy on the ceiling has begun to turn slightly red. It is no longer as hard as before and has become easier to control. With a light squeeze of her right hand, the entire laboratory began to shake constantly. The ceiling and the ground gradually closed together, and the space of this underground laboratory became smaller and smaller.

In an instant, Accelerator began to feel that his breathing became a little unsmooth. This was because of the intense burning and the underground laboratory space in Misaka Mikoto. Under the control of Misaka Mikoto, the space is getting smaller and smaller, which leads to a rapid decrease in the oxygen content in the air.

Accelerator certainly won't sit there and wait for death. He keeps stamping his feet, controlling the metal floor to collide with the gradually closing ceiling.

But these are destined to be in vain!

The ability of vector manipulation is indeed very strong, but there is a prerequisite, that is, there must be power to manipulate it.

But at this time he is in a closed underground laboratory, so the strongest force he can manipulate is the gravity of the metal floor.

But the metal that Misaka Mikoto is controlling now is an alloy used to build a secret laboratory. This alloy has a very strong defense. Even if the metal floor has been softened by Misaka Mikoto's flames, the gravity of the metal floor is obviously not enough to penetrate this layer of steel defense.

What's more, after Accelerator shot out the metal floor, he couldn't touch it again, so he immediately lost control of the metal floor.

But Misaka Mikoto has no such limitation. The magnetic force she controls can completely offset the impact of the metal floor in mid-air. If she wants, she can even keep controlling these metal floors away from Accelerator so that he can't start vector manipulation.

In desperation, Accelerator even tried to break the situation by touching the flames to manipulate the heat in them.

But this flame, under Misaka Mikoto's control, is the flame she created with the soul technique. It moves as she wants and can be controlled freely. How can Accelerator touch it?

Gradually, in this desperate situation, Accelerator found that the vector manipulation superpower he had always relied on could not play any role. He could not break through the metal cage in front of him, nor could he touch Misaka Mikoto who had extremely fast speed.

The woman in front of him seemed to understand the weaknesses of his ability in various senses, and she also had a power that was not inferior to his.

Accelerator was already feeling extremely short of breath, his face flushed: "Are you planning to die with me by using this move?"

We are all trapped in this basement at this moment, and the result of running out of oxygen is that we will die together!

Especially the hedgehog-headed guy next to you, he is just an ordinary person.

And the unconscious Misaka sister in your hand, she will die without oxygen. "

Misaka Mikoto lowered her head to look at the Misaka sister in her hand, then reached out and took out a half-drunk bottle of mineral water from the Quata bag on her waist.

Then Misaka Mikoto opened the bottle cap and put the mineral water in front of her sister's nose. In an instant, the Misaka sister, who had already flushed, seemed to come alive, and her face returned to calm.

Then Misaka Mikoto tightened the cap of the mineral water bottle, and between the flashes of electricity, the mineral water was electrolyzed, and part of the water was decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen. Then Misaka Mikoto unscrewed the bottle cap again and put the bottle cap in front of Misaka sister's nose again.

In fact, to electrolyze the water, and then follow It is not easy to breathe with oxygen from electrolyzed water. There are many technical difficulties.

Even with the technology of the student city, if you want to electrolyze water to generate enough oxygen for people to breathe, you need an industrial-grade electrolyzer. Moreover, the concentration of oxygen after electrolysis is too pure, and it needs to be mixed with various gases to make people breathe safely.

But these difficulties are nothing in front of Misaka Mikoto's calculation ability and superpower strength.

After finishing this set slowly in front of Accelerator, Misaka Mikoto said softly.

"Look, I have already thought about it. This bottle of mineral water is enough for my sister to live until you suffocate to death.

And the hedgehog head next to him, although he looks like an ordinary person, his physique is much stronger than yours.

His current physique can hold his breath for fifteen minutes, while with your physique, he can only hold his breath for two minutes at most.

So as I said just now, your biggest weakness is not your ability, but yourself.

You are just an ordinary person. It is bound to have various weaknesses to control such extraordinary abilities with a mortal body. "

Accelerator's eyes were filled with despair. He no longer wanted to explore why Misaka Mikoto, whose ability was electromagnetic control, could control such a terrifying flame.

What he couldn't understand was why he, who had the title of the strongest ability user, would die from lack of oxygen.

Suffocation was a very funny way to die.

Lack of oxygen had gradually made Accelerator confused. His physique was not strong, on the contrary, he was even weaker than ordinary people.

Since he mastered the ability of reflection, he laid a reflection net around his body. Except for the substances he put on the white list, all other substances would be reflected by him as long as they approached his body. Even sunlight was no exception, which caused his body to lack various elements necessary for growth, and this was why his skin was so white. This practice certainly made him extremely safe, but it also made his body extremely fragile.

Just as he was about to accept his fate, a stream of fresh oxygen rushed into his nasal cavity, and his already hazy eyes gradually became clear.

He saw that a huge gap of three meters wide and more than ten meters long had opened above the laboratory. This gap continuously penetrated several floors and went straight to the sky, even allowing Accelerator to see the blue sky, and the sweet oxygen was pouring into the laboratory along this gap.

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