All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 195: Fierce fighting, the art of finishing off the enemy!

Looking at such a clear sky, breathing in the long-lost fresh air, Accelerator's face showed an expression of surviving a disaster.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the crack.

Above the crack, a woman was suspended, it was Misaka Mikoto.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto had put her sister in a safe open space outside the laboratory, with empty hands.

Her body was surrounded by endless electric light, one after another, piercing the air and dancing wildly in the void. The terrifying power even made Accelerator feel a little scared.

Misaka Mikoto lowered her head, and her eyes turned into a deep blue like a gem under the lightning that turned into substance, just like the eyes of a god.

"Accelerator, you are too arrogant, too arrogant.

Vector manipulation is such a powerful ability, it is too wasted on you who are so arrogant now.

If you really develop it carefully, then there are too many ways to break the cage just now with your ability.

You think you are strong, but in fact, you are a weakling without your ability.

You have been invincible for a long time, so you don't need to learn any fighting methods at all, never prepare for any battle, and have no sense of crisis.

This is why you are vulnerable in front of me.

But I am not I don't want to kill you like this. Being killed by me in this way is not cruel enough for you.

Even if you die like this, you will only think in your heart that I just took advantage of the loopholes in your ability, not defeated you in an upright manner. You are still the strongest in Academy City, but you died in a conspiracy.

And now, what I have to do is to defeat, defeat your confidence, defeat your beliefs, and defeat everything about you.

Only in this way can I calm my anger at what you, the devil, have done. "

Misaka Mikoto did not lie. The ability of vector manipulation has infinite potential, and it is naturally not that simple.

Whether it is the wind control formula or the stronger orbital energy cannon that manipulates the gravity of the entire earth, it can easily solve the dilemma just now.

But at this stage, Accelerator is arrogant and has no intention to hone his fighting skills. He just relies on the strength of his ability to fight the enemy, so he left such a big flaw and was almost killed by Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto did not kill Accelerator, not because she did not dare to kill.

In the original timeline, Misaka Mikoto is a little white rabbit, kind and harmless, a sheep living in an ivory tower.

But after joining the group chat, Misaka Mikoto saw the world and was deeply influenced by the group members.

You have to know that the group members in the group chat are not good people.

Although these group members in the group chat are relatively kind among the protagonists, they are still more decisive than one another.

Han Lao Mo, Hong Yi, Ruthless Emperor, etc., after spending a long time with these characters, Misaka Mikoto will naturally be influenced by them.

In addition, Misaka Mikoto learned from Xu Chenzhou that there is a deep darkness behind the Academy City, and she has personally participated in the war in the Yangshen World. Her mentality can no longer be equated with the junior high school girl before.

Of course, this does not mean that Misaka Mikoto has become a decisive and ruthless person under the understanding of the group members, but she has a deeper thinking about life and death.

According to her education, killing is something that cannot be done, but now Misaka Mikoto has changed this idea. She will not kill casually, but she will not be soft-hearted for some people.

Of course, Misaka Mikoto also knows that Accelerator is not bad in nature. If he can be given enough guidance, then Accelerator can be transformed after enlightenment.

But the question is, why?

If a prodigal son returns, must he be forgiven?

Kamijou Touma can forgive Accelerator, and Misaka sister can certainly choose to forgive Accelerator, but she can't, won't, and is not qualified to forgive Accelerator.

Thinking of the more than 10,000 sisters who died at the hands of Accelerator in the original timeline, and thinking of Misaka sister No. 00001 who would have died at the hands of Accelerator if she hadn't arrived in time, Misaka Mikoto looked at Accelerator with colder eyes.

"You should be thankful that no sisters have died at your hands so far, so I may not necessarily kill you, but whether you can survive depends on your ability.

You think you are the strongest esper, but now, you can't even beat the 3rd place that you originally looked down upon, and you have to rely on me to let you survive.

But I know it's nothing, with your personality, you will be able to cheer up quickly and work hard to defeat me.

After all, you are level 5, and I am also level 5, and it is not completely unacceptable for you to lose to me.

But what if you can't even beat a level 0?"

After saying that, Misaka Mikoto turned her head and looked at Kamijou Touma beside her and said, "Touma, I'll leave it to you next."

Kamijo Touma had been rubbing his hands together for a long time. Accelerator's extremely arrogant appearance just now had already made him feel extremely uncomfortable. The arrogant tone that completely treated life as a joke made him furious, and he wanted to smash the face of the white-haired boy in front of him that was full of arrogance.

Accelerator's expression was much more terrifying than Kamijou Touma's, who was in a rage. The veins on the white-haired boy's face, which looked like a dead person, were bulging, and his eyes, which were originally bloodshot due to lack of sleep, became red as blood.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!

You bastard, you defeated me by relying on the advantage of the terrain, why do you look so high and mighty?

Besides, how can this hedgehog-headed guy next to you, a mere level 0 powerless person, be my opponent?

Just wait for me to tear him apart right away, and then I'll tear you apart too!"

The white-haired boy yelled fiercely, and he kicked forward with his right foot. The whole sole of his foot and the shoes on his feet fell into the concrete ground, and then the whole ground was like a wave, and one gravel after another was shot forward like a cannonball.

These stones were extremely fast, carrying extremely terrifying impact force, and could even make small pits in the hard rocks.

But Kamijou Touma did not dodge or evade such a terrifying attack, but instead made a strange posture, with one hand behind and the other in front, legs crossed, back arched, looking extremely weird.

Then he ran forward suddenly, with both hands continuously striking forward, each claw could crush a piece of gravel into powder.

During the action, Kamijou Touma's bones made a series of explosions, and his movements were like a tiger climbing a mountain.

At this time, Kamijou Touma's martial arts cultivation had reached the peak of martial arts master, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the realm of innate martial arts master, how fast.

Seeing this scene, Accelerator's pupils shrank slightly, he could feel that the hedgehog head in front of him did not use any superpowers, he was purely relying on his physical strength to achieve this scene in front of him.

No wonder Misaka Mikoto said in the underground laboratory just now that the hedgehog head in front of him could hold his breath for fifteen minutes.

With his amazing physical fitness, I'm afraid Misaka Mikoto is still a little conservative.

However, Accelerator was not panicked at all. Although it was quite good for a powerless person to have such a degree of power, it was meaningless in front of Accelerator.

"As a powerless person, your performance is indeed good, but that's all."

As he spoke, Accelerator reached out and grabbed a street lamp on the roadside. The moment his hand touched the street lamp, the street lamp that was originally firmly fixed to the ground by cement instantly fell off and was lightly held in Accelerator's hand.

This street lamp weighed about 50 kilograms, but it was like a wick in Accelerator's hand without any weight.

Not only that, the weight of the street lamp became an advantageous weapon for Accelerator. He just randomly deflected the direction of gravity of the street lamp, and let the street lamp in his hand hit Kamijou Touma who was running towards him at a very fast speed.

With a bang, under the effect of Accelerator's ability, the street lamp hit the cement ground with an extremely violent force, smashing a huge hole in the originally flat land.

But what Accelerator didn't expect was that facing such a fierce attack, Kamijou Touma could actually react in an instant and dodge it in an extremely weird posture.

You should know that Accelerator used his brain this time. After being defeated by Misaka Mikoto, Accelerator was no longer careless about the battle. At this time, he had a strong desire to win, so he was extremely serious during the fight.

The street lamp was held in Accelerator's hand, and the length of the street lamp was extremely long, so Accelerator only needed to swing it slightly to make the speed of the other side of the street lamp reach a terrifying level. Although this speed could not do anything to Misaka Mikoto, even a Level 4 speed ability user would find it difficult to dodge it, but it was so easily dodged by Kamijou Touma, without even a little scar.

This performance made Accelerator look at Kamijou Touma with some new eyes.

Accelerator was a little bit skeptical. He just didn't beat Misaka Mikoto in the underground laboratory, but now that he was back on the ground with so many usable objects, he couldn't possibly not deal with a powerless person.

Accelerator controlled the direction of his force and ran quickly to a pile of steel placed on the roadside.

This underground laboratory was built in an abandoned construction site.

To be more precise, this abandoned construction site was a cover to deceive people. Its purpose was to be able to quietly build this underground laboratory without being discovered.

There were too many weapons in the construction site that were beneficial to Accelerator.

With just a light touch, countless steel sandbag containers were all turned into weapons of attack by him, dancing a gorgeous dance in Accelerator's hands, flying towards Kamijou Touma who was still trying to approach Accelerator.

What Accelerator didn't expect was that such dense attacks were like rain, but the hedgehog head in front of him repeatedly drilled through the gaps in these attacks in a rather strange posture.

Those twisted postures didn't seem like something a human could do, but the hedgehog-headed man in front of him not only did it, but he was also able to move forward swiftly while doing it, just like a non-human.

What Accelerator didn't know was that Kamijou Touma had an ability that he called premonition perception in his original timeline.

To put it bluntly, this ability is more like an intuition. The more powerful the ability, the more it will cause the surroundings to emit unintentional fluctuations. Although these fluctuations did not enter the center of Kamijou Touma's field of vision, they would be seen by his peripheral vision, and then his brain would process this information and react, just like the ability of foreknowledge.

In the original timeline, relying on the ability of foreshadowing, Kamijou Touma dragged his body that had just been struck by Misaka Mikoto's lightning and approached him against Accelerator's attack.

At this moment, Kamijou Touma was not only in full health, but also had the physical fitness of a martial artist. Accelerator, who had not been strengthened at all, certainly could not hit Kamijou Touma.

Watching Kamijou Touma getting closer and closer, Accelerator's face did not show any tension, but the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a crazy smile.

"Honestly, you've done pretty well, but even with all your efforts and struggles, what awaits you ahead is only the abyss of despair.

If we're not in a confined space, even Misaka Mikoto can't threaten me. With the existence of reflection, I'm invincible!

You're just a powerless person, so what can you do even if you rush in front of me!"

Accelerator kept manipulating the street lamp in his hand and swung it towards Kamijou Touma. By constantly changing the direction of gravity, the street lamp swung at a very fast speed, leaving a trail of afterimages.

To be honest, if Accelerator used this trick to deal with Kamijou Touma in the original timeline, then the low-health Kamijou Touma would definitely not be able to avoid this violent attack, but at this time, Accelerator was facing the martial artist version of Kamijou Touma, so even if Accelerator tried very hard, the street lamp in his hand could not hit the agile Kamijou Touma, and could only make big holes one after another on the concrete ground.

Seeing that he finally rushed to Accelerator, Kamijou Touma showed a happy smile on his face.

Finally! Finally rushed to this bastard!

Kamijou Touma punched hard, his punch was extremely fierce, and there was a loud bang in the air.

As the boxing classics say, a sound is worth a thousand gold. If a punch can make a sound, a fist can kill people.

Kamijou Touma's fist is condensed with many emotions.

The hard work and sweat of the past two months, the anger when seeing the bastard Accelerator ignore human life, and of course, the most important thing is the heartache for Misaka Mikoto.

In the past two months of contact with Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Touma has been feeling Misaka Mikoto's fear of Accelerator all the time.

Although he doesn't know why Misaka Mikoto suddenly became so strong after this trip, even strong enough to crush Accelerator, but Kamijou Touma understands that the fear of Misaka Mikoto he saw in the past two months is not false.

Facing the sudden punch, Accelerator's expression remained calm, and he even said calmly: "Very good, you really tried hard.

But even if you get close to me, what can you do?

I can control the direction of all objects. Your fist hitting me will not only have no effect, but will usher in your death."

As he said this, Accelerator planned to control the blood of the boy in front of him and end the life of this boy who surprised him a little.

But what Accelerator didn't expect was that the boy's punch was not only not reflected by his ability, but also hit his head with a terrifying force, hammering him out fiercely.

If he hadn't reacted instantly, controlled the various parts of his body to adjust the direction of the force, and eliminated a lot of force, he would probably have been knocked out at this time.

However, this is also because although Kamijou Touma's punch was fierce, he didn't intend to kill Accelerator so he withdrew some of his strength. Otherwise, with his peak martial arts strength, he could have killed Accelerator with one punch at the moment of contact.

This punch completely stunned Accelerator, and he didn't even react after being knocked out.

He has always relied on reflexes to dominate the world. His attack ability other than reflexes is not outstanding. The power of these attacks such as throwing objects is roughly equivalent to that of a level 4 ability user.

Originally, his set of combined punches was quite useful. Anyone who dared to hit him would be killed by his reflexes. If he didn't hit him, he would be caught and killed by him.

But today's opponent, for some reason, didn't play by the rules. Misaka Mikoto didn't give him any chance to reflex at all.

And Kamijou Touma in front of him was even more excessive. It was like he was cheating. He actually ignored his reflexes directly. This made him feel for the first time how scarce his own attack methods were.

"Hahaha, so good, so painful, so interesting, you can actually hit me, what's going on, what's going on! Your fist can actually hit me!"

Accelerator, who was lying on the ground, laughed crazily, his face gradually distorted, and he exuded a chilling breath, as if he was about to go crazy.

But Kamijou Touma didn't have time to listen to the guy in front of him laughing crazily.

Misaka Mikoto's white, delicate and powerful little fist appeared in Kamijou Touma's mind. In the past two months, Misaka Mikoto has conducted hell-level practical training on Kamijou Touma. Whenever Kamijou Touma did not follow Misaka Mikoto's teachings in the practical training, he would always get a slap on the head.

After knocking down an enemy, you must never relax and must finish him off immediately. This sentence is engraved into Kamijou Touma's mind like a dogma.

Kamijou Touma's movements are as agile as a tiger coming down the mountain. He rushed forward fiercely and punched Accelerator's head fiercely.

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