All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 196: The use of force elimination, the infinite potential of vector manipulation.

Kamijo Touma was as fast as lightning, and in an instant he had already pounced in front of Accelerator, who was still laughing wildly at this time, and had no reaction at all.

Another fierce uppercut, and Accelerator, who had just stood up, was hit by this punch again.

Kamijou Touma's thick and powerful knuckles hit Accelerator's jawbone, making a loud noise.

The white skin on Accelerator's chin was hit by Kamijou Touma, leaving a red fist mark.

Blood slowly flowed along the corner of his mouth and merged with the red fist mark.

On the skin that was as pale as a dead person due to long-term reflection of sunlight, a red blood lotus bloomed.

But this time it was Kamijou Touma's turn to show a surprised expression.

Because this time Accelerator's injury was too light.

He originally planned to use this uppercut to directly resolve the battle. The force of this punch could even knock out a sandbag.

But although Accelerator bled a little after taking the punch, his body was very stable and he didn't even take a step back.

The white-haired boy in front of him whispered like a devil: "Are you surprised? Your hand is really powerful and can ignore my reflex ability, but unfortunately, my reflex ability is not that simple.

Although your right hand can indeed invalidate the reflex ability of the surface of my skin at the moment of contact, the effective range of your right hand's elimination ability is actually not large, so all the forces outside your ability range can be reversed through vector control and let them cancel each other out.

The attack of your right hand is like a mosquito bite to me, wake up, and die obediently!"

However, as he spoke, Accelerator spit out a mouthful of blood-stained red saliva fiercely. It is obvious that he is not as relaxed as he said.

The operation that Accelerator just did is actually a bit like the elimination of force in martial arts. By taking advantage of the situation, the forces transmitted to the body can cancel each other out to reduce the damage.

A warrior needs to have strong talent and rich experience to achieve this, and it can only be achieved after decades of exploration.

But Accelerator doesn't need it. Controlling the direction of power is his talent.

If it is normal, this kind of force elimination is meaningless to Accelerator, because he has never encountered an opponent who can penetrate his reflective defense circle. All attacks do not exist in front of him, so naturally there is no need for any effect after being hit.

But the opponent he is facing now is Kamijou Touma, a young man who is just like Kai, who is simply unethical.

Facing Kamijou Touma, this method of using vector manipulation to eliminate power is simply a natural advantage.

At that moment just now, when he was hit by Kamijou Touma, Accelerator even felt the fear of death.

You know, Kamijou Touma's punch just now was intended to knock Accelerator out directly, so although he held back, it was not much, much more fierce than the punches in the original timeline when he was in a low-health state.

It is precisely because of this that Accelerator realized this technique under the threat of death.

Although Kamijou Touma's Fantasy Breaker can eliminate the ability of vector manipulation, its elimination range is extremely limited, only in the area touched by Kamijou Touma's right hand. In addition to the range of being hit, Accelerator can still control the vectors of other parts of his body.

However, it is precisely because of this that the force elimination technique cannot completely offset Kamijou Touma's power. At least in the area of ​​contact with Kamijou Touma's right hand, Accelerator was hit hard.

In other words, although Accelerator can ensure that he will not suffer internal injuries in the battle with Kamijou Touma, he cannot avoid physical pain.

At this time, Accelerator's brain has become a little drowsy because of Kamijou Touma's beating, but his spirit is becoming more and more excited.

"Very good, very good, you succeeded in getting me excited!

How about it, do you feel the fear? Next, experience the rage from the number one in Academy City."

Accelerator stood up and rushed towards Kamijou Touma. His hands were like two knives, drawing complex tracks, catching Kamijou Touma's movement trajectory like a venomous snake, trying to touch Kamijou Touma's skin.

But he greatly underestimated Kamijou Touma's flexibility. He could even dodge the end of the street lamp wielded by Accelerator, not to mention the soft hand knife at this time.

Kamijo Touma's figure was like a tiger coming down the mountain, constantly circling around Accelerator, his hands punched in a chain, and each punch brought a burst of air-breaking sound.

"Feeling fear?

Are you kidding me!

If I knock you down with one blow, I will find it meaningless.

It's really funny that the number one in Academy City is only at this level.

Now it's just right, I can attack without any scruples and vent my anger."

This time, Kamijou Touma's attack was extremely fierce. As a long-time street fighter, the moment Accelerator explained the force-dissipating operation, Kamijou Touma already understood the pros and cons of it.

In fact, Kamijou Touma himself is very proficient in the way of force-dissipating. Street fighting has no rules, and it's basically all cuckold punches, but this does not mean that street fighting has no skills. If you want to be like a fish in water in a chaotic street fight, finding a way to avoid damage is the key.

For example, if you are kicked in a chaotic battlefield, you can dodge if you can, but if you really can't dodge, sometimes rolling backwards is also a good choice, because this can dissipate some of the force.

With such rich experience, Kamijou Touma can be sure that if he uses the cheating-level superpower of vector manipulation to dissipate force, he will not be able to kill Accelerator even if he uses all his strength.

The tiger climbs the mountain, the tiger roars in the forest, the bull demon tops the horn, and the bull demon steps on the hoof.

Kamijo Touma punches Accelerator one after another, and each punch can leave a red fist and claw mark on Accelerator's body.

The blood marks make Accelerator look like an evil ghost from hell.

Although Accelerator suffered only superficial injuries under the blessing of vector manipulation, he was already a little unable to support it at this time.

Even his mind began to become a little fuzzy, and there was only one thought left in his mind, it hurts!

For Accelerator, all attacks and accidents can be automatically reflected, so for him, there is no concept of pain in his life.

How would a person who has never experienced pain suddenly react to such a slow attack? His tender pain nerves almost broke directly because of the intense pain like a tsunami.

His face was distorted, his body was twitching, and even the attention of calculating reflexes could hardly be maintained.

He began to be afraid.

In just over ten minutes, he experienced too much, almost suffocated to death, and then immediately suffered such slow pain.

For the first time, a concept emerged in his mind that he was going to lose, and he might even die.

Unlike Accelerator's fear, Kamijou Touma became more and more courageous.

Faintly, a huge tiger shadow appeared behind Kamijou Touma. This tiger was colorful, as big as a mountain, and had a momentum of roaring in the mountains.

Seeing this scene, Misaka Mikoto, who had been watching the battle in the sky, couldn't help but nodded.

Wow, Kamijou Touma actually made a breakthrough during the battle. He was only a hair's breadth away from becoming a congenital martial artist. In the fierce battle, he was extremely focused and actually made a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but send a message in the group chat.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "I didn't expect that Touma's martial arts talent was unexpectedly good. He broke through to the level of an innate martial artist in just two months."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Indeed, although there are all kinds of resources provided by you, he can still practice so quickly under the premise of cultural barriers. His talent can be regarded as a little genius even in the Yangshen world.

But what surprised me even more was that Accelerator, who could actually understand the method of eliminating power in an instant. This kind of understanding is really extraordinary."

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "His understanding is indeed good, but his fighting experience and pain tolerance are really too poor.

If I were to play, with such ability, Kamijou Touma would definitely not be able to take three moves in front of me."

Zhang Junbao kept shaking his head while watching the abstract moves of Accelerator in the live broadcast.

Accelerator's hands kept waving, seemingly at a weird angle, but in fact it made no sense.

For someone like him who doesn't understand moves, as long as he makes a move, he will reveal a flaw. Kamijou Touma also seized this point and kept looking for flaws to attack Accelerator.

At this time, Accelerator not only has the ability to kill with one strike, but also has a very thick health bar. Even with the blessing of vector manipulation ability, Accelerator's speed is not bad. With such a strong advantage, he can't do anything to Kamijou Touma, who is only at the level of innate martial artist. It's simply a waste of talent.

In Zhang Junbao's eyes, what Accelerator actually has to do is to wait for the opportunity.

No matter how fast Kamijou Touma is, he still has to use melee attacks to hit Accelerator. In this process, with Accelerator's speed, there are too many opportunities to find a way to grab Kamijou Touma's right hand. Anyway, he has a lot of trial and error space. If he can't grab it once, he will try again next time. As long as he finds a way to grab Kamijou Touma's right hand, he can get close to Kamijou Touma's body. As long as there is any skin contact other than the right hand, he can kill Kamijou Touma instantly.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "I'm not saying that Accelerator has a strong understanding, but rather that he has been invincible for a long time, so he has slacked off in developing his abilities.

The ability of vector manipulation is really too abnormal, and there are many ideas that can be used just by thinking about it.

But Accelerator has been using this superpower of vector manipulation by instinct.

For example, in another timeline, he had a fierce battle with Kamijou Touma and then realized the ability to control the wind.

It is obviously something he often comes into contact with, but he can only realize it in a life-and-death crisis.

In the final analysis, it is because he is too invincible, and his reflexes are enough to deal with everything, so he has no intention of developing more uses for the ability of vector manipulation."

The people in the group were chatting leisurely, but the two people on the field did not have such leisure.

Although Kamijou Touma broke through to the innate martial artist, if you look closely, you can see that his white shirt has been soaked with sweat,

In this battle, he did not act so relaxed, and he was always walking on thin ice, because through Misaka Mikoto's narration, Kamijou Touma already knew how abnormal Accelerator's ability was. Once he was touched by his seemingly powerless hand knife, he would instantly explode and die under the control of the vector manipulation ability.

Fortunately, he persisted. Under his attack, Accelerator's body was covered with wounds. If Accelerator had not used the vector manipulation ability to control the flow of his blood, he would have been dyed into a bloody man by his own blood. Even so, under the torture of pain, Accelerator was almost on the verge of collapse.

Kamijou Touma no longer hesitated, and punched Accelerator's cheek again, he wanted to end his opponent directly.

As the sky gradually darkened, the light of the setting sun fell on the earth, reflecting everything between heaven and earth into an orange-yellow color.

A gust of evening wind blew, passing through the steel and concrete of the abandoned construction site, blowing Accelerator's long white hair whistling.

Seeing this scene, Misaka Mikoto's eyes became very strange.

I don't know if it was a predetermined choice of fate, but before Accelerator was about to be knocked down by Kamijou Touma, the wind actually started to blow.

It can be said that the only hope for this version of Accelerator to compete with Kamijou Touma is to comprehend the ability to control the wind.

To be precise, it should be that Accelerator can realize that his vector manipulation can control the direction of the wind.

Misaka Mikoto is very curious, whether Accelerator can comprehend the wind control formula before being knocked down by Kamijou Touma, or Kamijou Touma can defeat Accelerator with the power of a congenital martial artist and complete the battle of killing gods in which the powerless defeat the superpower.

Kamijou Touma, who felt the wind blowing, also understood this. Misaka Mikoto had also told him about the use of vector manipulation, although he didn't understand why Misaka Mikoto, who ranked third, could understand her ability better than Accelerator.

But he knew very well that the essence of Accelerator's ability was to change the direction of everything by touch. Kinetic energy was only the most intuitive way of expression. Heat energy, electrical energy, wind energy, and all directional things that could be imagined could be controlled by Accelerator.

Wind was no exception, and because of the special nature of wind being everywhere, as long as Accelerator caught the wind around him, he could control all the huge kinetic energy generated by the wind in the world.

Kamijou Touma's attack became more and more fierce. He knew that the longer he delayed, the greater the variables would be.

Accelerator was already extremely frightened at this time. The momentum of Kamijou Touma in front of him was too terrifying. He didn't look like an incapable person at all. Instead, he looked like a tiger coming down the mountain, choosing someone to eat.

Facing the threat of death, Accelerator's brain turned rapidly, and even the pain in his body was ignored by him.

In an instant, he had a flash of inspiration, and his face was covered with a crazy smile again, and then he raised his left hand high.

The wind was whistling, and as Accelerator raised his left hand, an extremely terrifying storm rolled up between heaven and earth. The two young men seemed to be in the center of a category ten hurricane. The wind was blowing fiercely, and the surrounding debris was constantly being blown up and sank into the huge eye of the storm above their heads.

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