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Chapter 197 What is plasma? Do you know what a liquid thunder pool is?

In Accelerator's hand, a huge wind ball slowly formed. The wind ball was mixed with countless gravels, rotating rapidly under the influence of the huge wind force.

This horrifying scene was like the end of the world. Accelerator had an expression of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that the method he came up with on the spur of the moment was so terrifying.

This trick is only a prototype now, because in the process of manipulating the wind, he must calculate the direction of the atmospheric flow, so that he can accurately concentrate the kinetic energy of the wind in his hands. This amount of calculation is really too great, even with His calculation power makes it difficult to grasp the various factors involved.

If you want to calculate the atmospheric flow of the entire world, no human being can calculate this level of calculation unless you have the computing power of a tree diagram designer.

Immediately afterwards, Accelerator threw the wind ball in his hand at Kamijou Touma fiercely. The strong wind blew down and blew towards Kamijou Touma like a javelin at a speed of 120 meters.

In an instant, the gravel in the ball fell to the ground like a meteor, smashing deep pits one after another into the originally flat ground of the construction site.

Accelerator's eyes showed an impatient desire to defeat Kamijou Touma. She knew that even with Kamijou Touma's agility, it would be impossible to avoid the dense rain of gravel.

At such a fast speed, each of these seemingly ordinary gravels has the power comparable to a bullet.

Moreover, in the previous battle, he had already discovered that Kamijou Touma's ability had limitations. It could only directly eliminate superpower attacks but could not eliminate the by-products produced by superpowers.

In other words, this move is a sure hit.

But at this moment, a shining thunder light lit up. This thunder light meandered like a thunder and lightning dragon, protecting Kamijou Touma in the middle in an instant.

Misaka Mikoto was shrouded in lightning, and streaks of thunder bloomed from her long brown hair from time to time. She did not make any unnecessary movements, but the bullet-like gravel hit her body and was instantly shattered by the static electricity stance.

Seeing Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Touma glanced and said, "Bilibili, what are you doing? Why are you interfering? Even if he understands the ability to control wind, I will not necessarily lose."

Seeing Kamijou Touma's look, Misaka Mikoto smiled helplessly: "You may not lose, but when it comes to the ability to control wind, if I don't intervene, even if you win, it will be a miserable defeat. It's unnecessary."

Because Misaka Mikoto was not sure of victory before going to the Yangshen World to overcome the tribulation, during the past two months of training, Misaka Mikoto had already made various preparations for today's battle, including Accelerator's understanding of wind control. It is possible that Kamijou Touma has done a lot of targeted training on this, including training on how to fight strong winds and avoid obstacles in strong winds. Even if Misaka Mikoto didn't intervene just now, Kamijou Touma was sure that this would be the case. The strong wind evaded most of the rocks.

But Misaka Mikoto could also deduce that if Kamijou Touma wanted to defeat Accelerator in this state, he would have to pay a very heavy price. Although he could avoid a lot of damage, he would still inevitably be hit by various intensive attacks. Even if he could really defeat Accelerator, Kamijou Touma's own condition would not be much better.

Watching the exchange between the two, Accelerator couldn't help but laugh wildly: "Hahahahahaha, who do you think Misaka Mikoto is? Do you want to replace that hedgehog-headed man and die in my hands?

The reason why you were able to defeat me was just because of the favorable location and understanding of my abilities. In fact, you had no way of cracking my reflexes. Now that you have the ability to control the wind and master the power of the wind in the entire academy city, you simply can't. Not my opponent.

I tell you, neither of you can run away today!

I will crush you to pieces and crush your bones into ashes. "

Accelerator could feel that as he caught the wind himself, he had caught the whole world.

If he could perfect the wind control formula and control the wind of the entire world, such a powerful and terrifying power would be enough to easily destroy the world.

With this level of power, he no longer needs to be an absolute capable person. He has become the strongest person in the entire world.

Accelerator raised his hand again, and countless storms gathered in his hands again. The strong wind blew his clothes and made a hunting wind sound.

The electric light surrounding Misaka Mikoto gradually dimmed. She remained in that state just now just so that she could rescue Kamijou Touma at any time. She did not want Kamijou Touma to die in the hands of Accelerator because of her willful actions.

She returned to the appearance of an ordinary high school girl and walked forward despite the strong wind. What was surprising was that, walking in such a strong wind, Misaka Mikoto's steps were so steady, as if she was walking in the countryside. , comfortable and relaxed.

Not only that, her long brown hair didn't float at all, and even the hem of her skirt stuck firmly to Bai Zhe's delicate thighs. She seemed to be in two different worlds from Accelerator, whose clothes were floating in front of her.

Misaka Mikoto slowly walked up to Accelerator: "Wind control ability 1, control the wind of the entire Academy City? Do I allow you to do this?"

Misaka Mikoto said while emitting electromagnetic waves outward.

There are more than 100,000 spiral blades of wind power generation everywhere in Academy City. The spiral blades of this kind of wind power generation can produce a rotating effect through electromagnetic waves.

Under the control of Misaka Mikoto, these 100,000 spiral blades began to work.

Misaka Mikoto did not activate all 100,000 spiral blades in an instant. This does not make sense, because if these spiral blades work at the same time, it is equivalent to adding 100,000 fixed variables at the same time. With Accelerator's ability, he only needs After ten seconds of calculation, the flow of wind in Academy City can be re-acquired.

Under the control of Misaka Mikoto, the spiral blades were constantly turning on and off like traffic lights, changing every two seconds. This delicate operation instantly disrupted the flow of the entire Academy City, causing the entire school to The wind in Garden City is like chaos and cannot be calculated at all.

Accelerator also discovered this in an instant. Just after Misaka Mikoto finished speaking, he actually lost control of the wind in an instant. At that moment, the flow direction of the wind in the entire Academy City was suddenly messed up.

What made Accelerator even more panicked was that although he had corrected the huge calculation formula in just a few seconds, the wind in Academy City seemed to have taken on life and immediately changed its direction, unlike him. Stop fighting.

"You think you have invincible wind control ability, but I only need to use a weak electromagnetic wave to control the wind engine to crack your ability." Before Accelerator could react, Misaka Mikoto told the whole story. "But I am too lazy to fight you in this way. You are not worthy of letting me do this. The reason why I used this move is just to tell you that the wind control ability you are proud of is useless in front of me. "

After saying that, Misaka Mikoto stopped controlling the wind turbine, and then she looked at Accelerator with provocative eyes: "Come on, don't you want me to be smashed to pieces? Then let me see you, the real number one strength."

Seeing the arrogance of Misaka Mikoto in front of him, Accelerator's lungs were about to burst with anger. Ever since he realized the ability to manipulate vectors, he has always been domineering. He has always been arrogant in front of others. No one dares to be arrogant in front of him.

Although he suffered defeats in front of Misaka Mikoto today, Accelerator is still very confident when facing Misaka Mikoto. He understands Misaka Mikoto's abilities very well. As long as she is not in a special environment, Misaka Mikoto, who has the ability to reflect, will be completely overwhelmed by him. restraint.

"In this case, then just go to hell. After you get to hell, remember to repent and repent why you angered me!"

As he spoke, Accelerator raised his hands higher and higher. In an instant, all the wind in Academy City gathered at the position two hundred meters above Accelerator's head, condensing at the same point. With the activation of vector control, the wind It was compressed into a particularly small space, and then produced a dazzling and dazzling light.

This ray of light was simply hotter than the sun at noon. The endless energy gathered and produced a terrifying qualitative change.

Looking at the light in front of her, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but squint her eyes. The thing in front of her was plasma. The interior of the star was made of plasma. This also showed how powerful this thing in front of her was. horrible,

There are many ways to form plasma, the most violent of which is to generate plasma through extremely high heat.

The air will generate heat after being compressed. The higher the degree of compression, the more terrifying the heat generated. Accelerator instantly compressed the wind of the entire student city above him. This terrifying compression rate occurred instantly. A high-heat sphere of more than 10,000 degrees was created, and this level of heat was enough to decompose the atoms in the air into cations and electrons, and finally form a plasma.

At the moment when the plasma was condensed, Accelerator raised his head and looked at the luminous sphere in the sky with a fascinated expression.

This bright sphere of 20 meters in size emits infinite light and heat. The outer surface alone has a temperature of 10,000 degrees Celsius. The terrifying heat is transmitted along the air, causing all the green vegetation nearby to freeze in a short time. The inside becomes yellow and withered.

With such powerful power, Accelerator felt that he was completely invincible.

As more and more winds were gathered by him, the plasma in the sky became larger and larger.

Accelerator looked at Misaka Mikoto in front of him and laughed wildly: "Misaka Mikoto, you should feel honored now, because you should be the first human being to die under a plasma attack."

As he spoke, Accelerator planned to control the plasma to attack Misaka Mikoto.

But at this moment, Misaka Mikoto stretched out her right hand. Her right hand was white and delicate, slender and soft, and looked dazzling under the illumination of the plasma.

She turned her right hand, and a small black and white bronze pool appeared on Misaka Mikoto's hand.

In the pool, there is a curve of purple water. The water sways slightly with the movement of Misaka Mikoto's palms, constantly slapping against the edge walls of the pool, and every collision between them will bring out dazzling eyes.

This pool is not simple. In the world of Yangshen, in order to fight against the leader's wife Meng Bingxin, Misaka Mikoto connected with the future master and gained endless computing power, raising her super power to an incredible level. realm.

In that battle, the terrifying power of thunder around Misaka Mikoto formed curves of thunder pools under the rules of Yangshen World. The power of these thunder waters was comparable to the thunder in nine thunder tribulations.

After the war, Misaka Mikoto did not immediately disconnect from the future master, but found Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi to study together.

In the Yangshen world, in order to control the power of thunder, many powerful people will refine thunder pools as energy sources. Hong Yi obtained a lot of thunder pool refining methods in this station. At this time, they combined various refining methods to refine the Tai Chi Thunder Pool blueprint, intending to use it to collect the unused thunder pool water.

The Tai Chi Thunder Pool was refined by Misaka Mikoto herself, and she was in tune with her mind. Misaka Mikoto waved her hand casually, and the water in the bronze pool rushed out. As soon as the pool water appeared in the air, it formed a dazzling river of thunder and lightning in an instant.

The pool water was as dazzling as the stars, and it contained the power of thunder creation and destruction. Wherever the long river flowed, the void could not bear it and began to break.

The long river of thunder hung in the sky, and the purple pool water reflected the stars, looking like a dream.

Under Misaka Mikoto's control, the long river slowly flowed towards the plasma in Accelerator's hand. ,

And Accelerator also controlled the plasma in his hand and slowly moved towards Misaka Mikoto.

"What kind of ability do you have? It's so strange. You can always use abilities that are not recorded in the intelligence.

But this is meaningless. The horror of plasma is far beyond your imagination. It is beyond the range that human beings can resist.

With a high temperature of 10,000℃, even the underground nuclear shelter can't withstand such an attack.

How can your mortal body resist it?"

Facing Accelerator's words, Misaka Mikoto seemed very calm. What is the high temperature of 10,000℃? Compared with Meng Bingxin's attack that was like a dream and a fantasy, which was close to the law level, this high temperature in the physical sense was not worth fearing at all. Even a super expert who had survived eight thunder tribulations could not catch the water in his thunder pool, let alone the plasma body in front of him that was only 20 meters in size.

The two collided in mid-air, and surprisingly, there was no violent explosion between them.

The plasma body, which was like the sun, sank directly into the long river of thunder and lightning the moment it came into contact with it, and in an instant, the long river of thunder and lightning emitted a dazzling light.

The extremely dazzling light made the long river of thunder and lightning look as crystal clear as crystal, and purple stars appeared in the long river, just like the Milky Way in mythology appeared in reality.

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