All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 198 Complete defeat, the end of Kihara Gensei

The extremely beautiful and gorgeous long river of lightning was still in the sky.

However, this beautiful scene only lasted for a moment, and the plasma immersed in the long river of lightning exploded instantly.

At that moment, the core of the plasma produced a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees Celsius, which was comparable to the interior of the sun.

In the face of such a high temperature, all the materials in the world have no meaning. Nothing can withstand such a high temperature. The hardest alloy in the world will be melted instantly in the face of such a high temperature.

But unfortunately, the long river of lightning controlled by Misaka Mikoto does not belong to this world. This lightning field is a product of the Yangshen world. It is a liquid thunder pool condensed by Misaka Mikoto using the rules of the Yangshen world, which is comparable to the thunder tribulation endured by the nine-tribulation ghost fairy when crossing the tribulation.

This substance has transcended the physical range and has the mystery of the law level, and the huge energy contained in it is not inferior to plasma.

It not only resists the scorching high temperature of the plasma, but also constantly absorbs the energy emitted by the plasma.

You should know that although Accelerator created plasma, his control over it was extremely limited. He could only drive the plasma to attack by changing the direction of the force.

So from a certain perspective, the energy in the plasma is actually ownerless.

The long river of lightning is a magic weapon that Misaka Mikoto has practiced. She can manipulate it at will, just like a big bad wolf encountering a little white rabbit.

After absorbing these energies, the light produced by the long river of lightning became more and more blazing, illuminating the already dark sky as if it were daytime.

Misaka Mikoto could feel that an extremely huge and extremely hot force suddenly surged into the long river of lightning she controlled.

Under the blessing of this energy, the long river of lightning has undergone a wonderful change.

The water in her thunder pool has already reached a level comparable to the nine thunder tribulations.

The nine thunder tribulations are the last step for the ghost fairy to cultivate into a yang god, which is extremely mysterious.

After absorbing the energy emitted by the plasma, the water in the thunder pool actually exuded a very masculine and strong aura.

At this time, Accelerator was stunned by the scene in front of him. Every superpower user in Academy City is a very excellent top student, because to develop superpowers to level 5, it requires extremely strong computing ability and rich scientific knowledge.

Accelerator is the first in Academy City, which means that Accelerator is actually a very excellent top student. No one knows better than him how terrible this plasma is, so after creating the plasma, Accelerator feels that he is invincible.

But right in front of him, Misaka Mikoto swallowed the plasma he created in a way that he couldn't understand at all.

It can be said that whether it is the long river of thunder and lightning created by Misaka Mikoto or the collision between it and the plasma, it is a phenomenon that runs counter to what Accelerator has learned all along.

This is no longer science, but more like magic.

After swallowing the plasma, Misaka Mikoto slowly walked forward and came to Accelerator.

The brown-haired girl and the white-haired Accelerator stood opposite each other.

Accelerator's face was pale and ferocious, as if he was a Shura crawling out of hell.

Misaka Mikoto stood tall and graceful, with a calm face. Even though she had such a fierce battle, her clothes were not affected at all, and she maintained the demeanor of a lady of Tokiwadai.

It was like an angel and a devil confronting each other.

Looking at Misaka Mikoto, Accelerator felt quite strange at this time, a little afraid, a feeling he had never had before.

But he still showed a wild smile: "Very good, very good, Misaka Mikoto, you have impressed me again, but you blocked my plasma, so what? Everything is back to square one.

After leaving the underground facility and unable to suffocate me, you are no longer a threat to me.

With reflexes, I am an undefeated existence."

After hearing what Accelerator said, Misaka Mikoto's face showed a curious expression: "I really admire you. After going through so many things today, you still have such strong confidence in your reflexes!

Do you really think I can't crack your reflexes?"

Since awakening his reflexes, Accelerator has never been hurt again, and he never thinks anyone is qualified to hurt him, so Accelerator's behavior has become more and more exaggerated, and his personality has become more and more rampant.

So he has full confidence in his reflexes, even if he stands at the center of a nuclear explosion, he is confident that he can survive.

But now after hearing what Misaka Mikoto said, Accelerator finally felt the fear of the unknown.

Misaka Mikoto's ability was beyond his imagination, especially since Kamijou Touma had just ignored his reflexes. With such an example in front of him, even he was a little unsure whether Misaka Mikoto could break through her reflexes.

"Let's try it now to see how powerful your reflexes are."

As she spoke, thousands of thoughts emerged in Misaka Mikoto's mind. She did not release these thoughts, but simply connected her thoughts with these thoughts to form a computing network.

At the moment of connecting to these thoughts, Misaka Mikoto's computing power instantly soared,

Then Misaka Mikoto waved her hand, and the entire earth began to tremble violently. Countless iron sand emerged from the ground and gathered around Misaka Mikoto, forming a dragon of iron sand as black as ink.

This giant dragon is tens of meters long, and every scale on the dragon's body is lifelike. The dragon's tail is wrapped around Misaka Mikoto's hand, and its long body swims across the entire construction site.

The dragon stared closely at Accelerator, its expression extremely ferocious.

Looking at this terrifying scene, Accelerator felt a little calmer because the ability Misaka Mikoto used this time did not break through his cognition.

Although the sight of manipulating iron sand to form a gathering in front of us is astonishing, to put it bluntly, it is still within the scope of science.

As long as Accelerator stays within the scope of science, he has full confidence in being able to defend against all attacks.

"A mere giant iron sand dragon wants to break through my defense!

You are really laughing me to death. You must know that even a nuclear explosion cannot break through my reflexes, a falling meteorite cannot hurt me at all, and what is the use of a mere giant steel dragon. "

Misaka Mikoto gently arranged her long hair on her temples and said elegantly: "Who said I would use this giant steel dragon to attack you? I just think the appearance of summoning iron sand in the shape of a dragon is more shocking."

As Misaka Mikoto waved her hand, the giant dragon that meandered for tens of meters suddenly turned into iron sand all over the sky. The iron sand danced in Misaka Mikoto's hand like the keys of a piano.

Then Misaka Mikoto waved her hand fiercely, and countless pieces of iron sand flew towards Accelerator.

Facing this physical attack, Accelerator didn't even bother to dodge. He stood straight on the spot.

"It's useless, it's useless. I can reflect all objects that are close to my body. No matter how much iron sand you have, it means nothing to me."

Immediately afterwards, the iron sand that flew in front of Accelerator flew back towards Misaka Mikoto at the same terrifying speed.

However, this will not hurt Misaka Mikoto, as her electromagnetic control ability can also control these iron sands.

What's more, her behavior just now was just to test the working principle of Accelerator's reflex ability, so she didn't use her full strength.

Soon the iron sand returned to Misaka Mikoto's control.

Such attacks were carried out several more times, but Misaka Mikoto's attacks failed every time.

But Misaka Mikoto's face showed an expression of victory, because after the attack just now, she had completely understood the principle of Accelerator's reflexes around his body.

Xu Chenzhou had previously told Misaka Mikoto about the battle between Accelerator and Kihara Juta in the chat group,

In that battle, Kihara Suta changed the direction of the force by withdrawing his force at the moment when he was about to hit Accelerator, and then the other Accelerator's ability was disabled, thus hitting Accelerator.

However, just listening to Xu Chenzhou's description, Misaka Mikoto was not completely sure about the principle of Accelerator's ability, nor did she know how the Kihara number operated, so she had to conduct another test.

After the trial just now, she completely determined how Accelerator's ability worked.

Although Accelerator's vector manipulation ability is extremely abnormal, Accelerator who controls this ability is just an ordinary person.

Just because an ordinary person has mastered this almost god-like ability does not mean that Accelerator is invincible.

How could it be possible to master the power of God with a human body without any weaknesses?

He needs to sleep, eat, and sometimes wander off.

As long as he is attacked by someone, even if he has vector manipulation, he will be injured and die.

So Accelerator formed muscle memory through training and placed a reflective shield on the surface of his body.

As long as any object comes into contact with this reflector, his body will subconsciously reflect the object away.

Accelerator has trained this kind of muscle memory to the point where he can still activate it even while sleeping.

This is the confidence that makes him confident that he is invincible.

But there is success and failure. Although this protective shield allows Accelerator to calmly deal with various dangers at any time.

But it also caused the reflection on the surface of his body to produce a formulaic reaction.

That is to say, all objects will be changed in direction by his muscle memory the moment they come into contact with the surface of his body.

Of course, with Accelerator's computing power, even if ordinary people know this, there is nothing they can do to him, because Accelerator can react in an instant and then change the direction of the reflection again.

The reason why Kihara Juda is able to do this is actually because he knows Accelerator too well. Even Accelerator's vector manipulation and reflex abilities were trained by him. What will happen to Accelerator's body when he activates his abilities? He is very clear about the performance of Accelerator, so he can change the direction of force again the moment Accelerator changes the direction of reflection, thus breaking through Accelerator's defense.

This is actually a psychological warfare, just like the rock-paper-scissors game. Kihara Shuta relies on his understanding of Accelerator to do this.

This is something that no one else can replicate, not even Misaka Mikoto.

But Misaka Mikoto has her own method. Since psychological warfare is ineffective, it would be better to directly compete with her calculation power.

As long as her attack is so complex that Accelerator cannot count it, she will naturally be able to break through the protective shield on Accelerator's body.

To put it simply, Kihara Suta's method is like knowing the password to unlock a lock, while Misaka Mikoto's method is brute force cracking.

After confirming this, Misaka Mikoto waved her hand again, and countless iron sands fell on Accelerator like rain.

Seeing Misaka Mikoto repeat her old trick, Accelerator laughed wildly: "It's useless, useless, your attack has no effect on me at all!,

I thought you were so powerful, but you dare to challenge me with just this little ability!"

But Accelerator soon stopped laughing, because this time Misaka Mikoto's attack was not a simple iron killing attack,

The reflection of the iron sands touching the surface of his body actually began to change the direction of force constantly, some forward, some backward.

The forward iron sands will naturally be reflected back by Accelerator. But the backward iron sands are different.

If Accelerator still relies on the reflection of muscle memory formed on the surface of his body, then since these iron sands are flying in the direction away from his body, they will instead shoot his body after reflection.

This time, Misaka Mikoto's attack was powerful and merciless. Each grain of iron sand was as fast as lightning. This kind of powerful iron sand could definitely penetrate the body of an ordinary person.

At the beginning, Accelerator could barely cope with it, because at that time, Misaka Mikoto only manipulated a few hundred iron sands to change the direction, but soon the number of iron sands controlled by Misaka Mikoto increased sharply, from one hundred to one thousand to ten thousand, and in an instant it increased to hundreds of thousands.

To calculate the direction of hundreds of thousands of iron sands and react within one second, even Accelerator, the number one person in Academy City, could not do this kind of calculation.

Puff puff puff puff, countless iron sands penetrated Accelerator's body, and then countless tiny blood and flesh holes appeared on Accelerator's body, drop after drop of blood flowed down his clothes, dyeing him into a bloody man.

Although she had confirmed that she would win before this battle, when she really saw this nightmare that had troubled her for two months fall down like this, Misaka Mikoto still let out a long breath.

Then Misaka Mikoto looked underground. Accelerator was just the executioner on the stage, and the one underground was the real culprit!

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