All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 199 Pull you out of your turtle shell

Misaka Mikoto no longer cared about Accelerator lying in a pool of blood. She fell to the ground, and the small black leather shoes wrapped in knee-high white socks lightly stepped on the ground.

A magnetic force was generated out of thin air, attracting the metal in the ground to start shaking, and the entire ground began to shake.

"Kihara Gensei, don't think that hiding underground and being a tortoise will be fine. We have solved Accelerator. Now it's your turn. Get out of here."

Misaka Mikoto's tone was cold and hard, making people feel like they were falling into an ice cave. This kind of coldness contained no trace of human emotion.

Misaka Mikoto stood quietly without making any next move, but after waiting for a long time, he still didn't see any action from Kihara Gensei.

This made Misaka Mikoto's forehead involuntarily flash a flash of blue lightning.

"I'm warning you one last time. If you don't come out yet, you know what the consequences will be."

Kihara Gensei's voice sounded from the secret door connecting the laboratory to the ground.

"I just won't come out, what can you do to me." There was a hint of pride in Kihara Gensheng's tone. : "This secret base was built by us to clone our sisters. In order to isolate the sisters from detection, there is a room specially built using special metal that can shield electromagnetic induction. This kind of metal is not only weakly magnetic, but also It is extremely strong and can even withstand small nuclear explosions. No matter how powerful your superpower is, it is impossible to control this room beyond the limitations of physical rules. "

Kihara Gensheng's face was filled with pride.

He had been hiding in the laboratory just now, and after Accelerator mastered the wind control ability, the condensed plasma caused an electromagnetic storm, completely paralyzing the surrounding network communication facilities, and without monitoring equipment, he did not I don’t know how terrifying the combat power that Misaka Mikoto showed just now is.

In his understanding, no matter how strong Misaka Mikoto is, it is impossible to break through this room that can withstand a small nuclear explosion attack.

While the two were talking, there was a roar of helicopters, and countless Academy City security guards appeared outside the construction site.

These security team members are well-equipped, holding various weapons in their hands, and each of them has a very serious expression.

Because they had just seen how shocking the fighting in this construction site was, and knew what a terrifying existence they were facing now.

However, as Academy City's security team, their duty is to protect the peace of Academy City, so even in the face of such a terrifying existence, they have to bite the bullet and face it.

These security members will appear here, of course it is Crowley Aleister's handiwork.

Unlike Kihara Gensei who was trapped in the basement, Aleister had been monitoring the battle at the construction site through his surveillance network.

At the beginning, Aleister's mentality was relatively relaxed. Although Misaka Mikoto's actions were unexpected, he had experienced too many emergencies in his life, and the situation in front of him could only be regarded as moderate. Meaning, he has dealt with many more difficult variables than this, and finally planned their return.

But as Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto continued to exert powers that he could not understand, Aleister's mentality gradually changed.

The first is Kamijou Touma. No one knows the abilities of Fantasy Killer better than him. Logically speaking, Kamijou Touma has absolutely no way to master extraordinary powers other than Fantasy Killer.

But it was obvious that the martial arts power Kamijou Touma displayed in the previous battle had transcended the level of mortals and entered an extraordinary realm.

He had already known that Misaka Mikoto was teaching Kamijou Touma the ancient boxing technique from China, but even he could not imagine that these seemingly ordinary moves could be practiced to the point of breaking through the extraordinary bottleneck.

Just one change in Kamijou Touma was enough to give him a headache, and the power Misaka Mikoto showed immediately left him even more stunned.

You know, he is not only the best magician in the world, but also the founder of science. For Arista, he is confident that there is no extraordinary power in the world that can exceed the scope of his knowledge.

But the power of the thunder and lightning that Misaka Mikoto showed just now was completely operating in a way that Aleister could not understand.

Different from the Wei Yuan matter of the Hengen Emperor, the Wei Yuan matter only comes from a world with different parameters, and is actually within the scope of Aleister's understanding.

The thunder and lightning situation is simply like a product under another completely different set of rules. This kind of creation does not exist within the scope of his knowledge at all.

And the most terrifying thing is that after the plasma was annihilated by lightning, the aura that was born on it made Aleister tremble slightly, because the aura was of such a high level that it was even higher than what he had ever seen before. The demon is even more terrifying.

He had a feeling that once this aura took shape, even the devil would be just a toy in front of him.

So Aleister was a little scared. He sent these troops not to protect Kihara Gensei, but to test Misaka Mikoto's character.

Test whether Misaka Mikoto is still the righteous and rule-abiding railgun he knew.

Because they had received orders from their superiors, although these security members were afraid, they still approached the scene of the battle cautiously.

The leader of the guard captain received an order from his superiors to protect Accelerator and Gensei Kihara from the electromagnetic gun and leave here.

The cautious captain breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Misaka Mikoto, because he saw Misaka Mikoto's appearance, a beautiful girl full of youth, looking sweet and well-behaved, not like the kind of vicious terrorist.

However, he did not dare to be too careless. The security guards working in the Academy City would not take junior high school students lightly. To be honest, in fact, the most dangerous people in the Academy City are junior high school students, because these guys not only have terrifying power, but also their minds are not very stable. Many terrorist attacks are caused by these out-of-control junior high school students.

"Hello, Academy City's third railgun Misaka Mikoto, I am Aoki Mori, the captain of the security detachment affiliated with the 18th school district of Academy City. I have been ordered by my superiors to perform the mission. Please submit Accelerator and Kihara Gensei to us for processing in accordance with the regulations."

The tone of the security captain was quite polite, and it can even be said that he had never been so polite in his life. The big scene caused by the collision between the padjiang body and the long river of thunder and lightning in the sky just now scared his little heart enough.

Although he didn't know what these two powers meant, the terrifying scene made him realize that the little girl in front of him was definitely not to be trifled with.

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto's hair moved, and another blue lightning flashed: "Oh, the order from the superior, which means that Academy City wants to protect Accelerator and Kihara Gensei?

Come on, I'm curious about who issued the order you received?"

Misaka Mikoto's question stunned the captain of the police. This time the order was directly issued by the chairman of Academy City. As a member of the city's defense force, how dare he betray the chairman.

In silence, the captain of the security team's headset lit up, and he received an order from his superior.

If the railgun refuses to release the person, then he is authorized to use force to enforce the escort mission.

The captain of the security team cursed secretly, no way! Are you okay?

The monster in front of them was not something that ordinary people like them could handle, but there was no way. The mission was his turn, so he could only bite the bullet. The little sister in front of him didn't look like she would kill people, and if he really lost his job, he would have no job, couldn't pay his mortgage, and then his credit would go bankrupt. His life at that time might not be much better than death.

"I'm sorry, these are confidential matters, and I can't tell you the details.

I solemnly declare to you that the railgun has violated Article 115 of the Student City Security Management Regulations.

Now I give you five seconds to leave here and hand this place over to us, otherwise we will use force to force you out."

The captain of the security team slowly raised his gun, and the security team members behind him also raised their guns and pointed them at Misaka Mikoto.

Looking at this scene, Misaka Mikoto laughed dumbly. If you want to deal with her, at least get some laser weapons.

These security team members are equipped with gunpowder weapons, and they basically use metal bullets, which are not a threat to her at all.

However, this also confirmed that the superior who mobilized the guards was Aleister. Misaka Mikoto also understood the purpose of Aleister's doing this, which was to test her character when dealing with ordinary people, whether she was tolerant and forgiving, or cruel and murderous, so that she could be turned into a pawn in the future.

After understanding this, Misaka Mikoto no longer hesitated. She knew that it was time to face the mastermind.

If she didn't face the mastermind, she didn't know how much trouble she would have in the future.

So Misaka Mikoto raised her head, her eyes flashing with lightning, staring at the windowless building in the distance.

"Aleister Crowley, I know you can hear me, so listen to me now.

I know you exist and what you want to do.

You want to promote the artificial heaven plan, but don't put your plan on the Misaka sisters.

If you can find other ways to build an artificial heaven, that's your ability, I'm too lazy to stop you.

But if you still plan to give birth to Misaka sisters, then I'm sorry, even if you stay in your turtle shell, I will drag you out of it and let you know what despair is."

After saying that, Misaka Mikoto stretched out her hand, and lightning condensed on her hand. This time, Misaka Mikoto connected a full 10,000 thoughts in an instant, showing one-tenth of her own power.

After connecting these 10,000 thoughts, Misaka Mikoto's computing power reached an extremely terrifying level. She could feel that she was extremely close to the legendary level 6, just one step away. As long as she improved a little more, she could break through this threshold.

This was not difficult for Misaka Mikoto. She only needed to connect one hundred more thoughts to break through this defense line that was a natural barrier for others.

But Misaka Mikoto did not act, because the power in front of her was enough for her to complete the next action.

Misaka Mikoto stretched out her hand and a black projectile appeared in front of her.

This projectile was made by the way when she shot down the satellite just now. It was extremely strong.

Facing the strong metal that could withstand nuclear explosions, Misaka Mikoto did not intend to hold back.

Although there was no external super-electromagnetic gun to assist her now, Misaka Mikoto's superpowers were terrifying enough. The computing power of 10,000 thoughts was enough for her to completely master the electromagnetic field of the entire academy city.

Endless electric light flowed towards her hand. At that moment, all the communication equipment in the Academy City was severely disturbed. The terrifying battery fluctuations spread around, just like the solar wind blowing directly on the surface.

One after another, the electric light gathered from the sky to Misaka Mikoto's hand, and the thick electric arc formed one after another long dragon of lightning.

Then, the projectile in Misaka Mikoto's hand was thrown high. With a snap of the fingers, a terrifying roar came. The projectile carried lightning sparks and hit directly into the basement. The metal that could resist nuclear explosions was like a joke in front of the king in front of him. Kihara Gensei didn't even have time to scream before he was directly blasted into pieces by this projectile. The terrifying projectile penetrated the ground, leaving a dark and deep hole.

After doing all this, she looked towards the windowless building again: "You want to see if I dare to kill people, this is the answer.

If you still want to pester me, I don't mind continuing to kill for you to see."

After that, Misaka Mikoto picked up the bloody Accelerator in her hand, threw him into the hands of the captain of the security team, and then turned around and left with Kamijou Touma.

Everyone in the chat group was surprised to see this scene.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe)": "Misaka didn't intend to kill Accelerator, he just wanted to kill you and Kamijou Touma. And if you hadn't arrived in time, your sister would have died in his hands. Although according to the group owner's information, he later became a positive character, but this does not mean that the mistakes he made in the past can be repaid. "

Xiao Nannan (Feathered Killer God): "I agree with Brother Hong Yi's point of view. Anyone who dares to show murderous intent to me should die. Accelerator didn't intend to hold back in the battle just now. If it weren't for Sister Mikoto being too strong, I'm afraid she would have died in his hands long ago. ”

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): “You are right. Accelerator deserves to die based on his performance just now. Moreover, with his personality, I don’t believe that he has not killed good people by mistake in the past.

It is impossible to forgive his past mistakes just because he will repent in the future.

However, death is not the biggest punishment for someone like Accelerator.

Didn’t Brother Hong Yi say before that he would take Hong Xuanji to a world without any supernatural powers? I thought about it carefully and it is the same for Accelerator.

The real biggest punishment is to make him lose his invincible ability and then make him pay for his past sins.

After defeating Accelerator, I separated several thoughts and sneaked into Accelerator’s mind, completely locking all his computing power.

From now on, unless I unlock the restrictions, Accelerator will never be able to use the superpower of vector manipulation. "

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): “Oh! This is a good idea. Mikoto, is the Taoist technique you used the same as the Great Unity of Creation that we learned from the Creation Scripture? Not bad, not bad."

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