All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 200: Misaka Takeshi's Legion's Vision

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Hong Yi, you are right. I used the Creation Art.

Just now, I used the Creation Art to change part of Accelerator's brain structure, and changed the part of his brain responsible for calculation into the structure of an ordinary person."

After defeating Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi got the Creation Art from them.

Naturally, he would not be stingy with this secret book, and uploaded it to the chat group to share with group members.

The Creation Art contains infinite mysteries, creating yin and yang, crossing the other side, and practicing it deeply can even assimilate all things in the world and master all changes from ancient times to the present.

The Creation Art is the magical power that the group members have comprehended from it by brainstorming together.

Using this Taoist art, the change art of the Creation Art can be applied to all things in the world.

However, this Taoist art also has limitations. Although it can create changes and change the nature of things, the more magical the things created, the greater the energy consumed.

Moreover, the application of this Taoist art in actual combat is relatively limited, because the process of creation is too delicate, and it is easy to fail once it is disturbed.

However, even so, this creation of the Great Unity Chapter is also very useful. The reason why everyone comprehended this magical power was to help Hong Yi completely transform Hong Xuanji into an ordinary person.

With the creation of the Great Unity Chapter, Hong Yi can not only completely erase Hong Xuanji's cultivation, but also erase Hong Xuanji's martial arts talent and martial arts intuition, and directly transform him into an ordinary mortal.

However, Hong Yi finally retained Hong Xuanji's martial arts talent and did not completely assimilate Hong Xuanji's brain into an ordinary person.

This is not because Hong Yi is soft-hearted.

Mainly, Hong Yi wants to see Hong Xuanji struggling in a world without extraordinary people, trying his best but unable to achieve extraordinary scenes again. Only in this way can it be the best punishment for Hong Xuanji.

It is meaningless to really transform Hong Xuanji into a mortal and lose his martial arts talent.

The feeling of seeking but not getting is the most torturous.

Hong Yi did not use this technique on Hong Xuanji, but Misaka Mikoto did.

This time, Misaka Mikoto took advantage of Accelerator's coma to change the structure of part of Accelerator's brain, directly locking his computing power at the level of an ordinary junior high school student.

This change is a change in physical properties, which completely transcends the scope of mysticism. Even the most skilled doctors cannot discover the mystery.

Although many group members still think that killing Accelerator directly is the best way, since Misaka Mikoto has made a decision, everyone will naturally not say anything.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Oh, there is one more thing. When Mikoto and Accelerator were fighting just now, the long river of lightning seemed to have undergone a rather mysterious change after absorbing the power of the plasma.

It has a smell of the Yang God breath left by the Taoist of Creation, which contains the most yang and the most rigid, as if it has transcended everything and can reach the other side, and is always at ease."

Xu Chenzhou (Group Leader): "Yang God, Yang God, the most yang god, Yang God is as vast as the sun.

And the plasma that Accelerator just condensed is the material that makes up the sun. It is possible that it is for this reason that the water in the Thunder Pool, which has reached the level of the ninth thunder tribulation, gave birth to a Yang God breath!"

Xu Chenzhou was also recalling the scene at that time. When the plasma exploded, it generated extremely high heat, as vast as the sun.

Or in other words, the mass of plasma at that time was equivalent to the sun to some extent.

Although the size difference is huge, to put it bluntly, the sun is made of plasma, that is, plasma.

After being cleansed by the sun, the long river of lightning could transform and give birth to the breath of Yang Shen.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "This is really amazing. Mikoto's thunder water is the product of the rules of the Yang Shen world, while the plasma condensed by Accelerator is the material of the scientific world.

From our current understanding, there are huge differences between the underlying rules of the Student City and the Yang Shen world. The sun in the Yang Shen world is not composed of plasma, but more like a product of rules, which is the convergence of the yang energy of heaven and earth.

The underlying rules of the Academy City world are the classic scientific system, and things are composed of atoms, neutrons, quarks and other substances.

The underlying systems between the two are obviously so different, but the collision of these two products of different rules can actually breed such a strange change. This is There are too many things to ponder.

Zhang Junbao felt a little excited at this time. He felt that there was a huge mystery hidden in it, which aroused his curiosity.

Zhang Junbao has a strong learning ability. He has always held an eclectic concept for the knowledge of different worlds, so he has dabbled in both the cultivation knowledge of the extraordinary world and the scientific concepts of the scientific side.

Even a long time ago, Zhang Junbao had studied the underlying structure of the Yitian world and found that it was completely consistent with the scientific laws studied by the scientific side.

The last time he went to the Yangshen world, Zhang Junbao had also done experiments. He asked Xu Chenzhou to bring him a high-precision microscope and carefully studied the material composition of the Yangshen world.

Although it was only a few days, he was able to study some of the mysteries. Although the substances in the Yangshen world are also composed of different particles, each of these particles has different properties, belonging to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and follows the rules of the five elements.

Moreover, some magical substances transcend this system and are not composed of particles at all. Instead, they are integrated and do not follow the rules of the five elements at all.

For example, the trace of the breath of creation left by the Taoist of Creation is integrated, seemingly existing and not existing, seemingly not existing and not not existing.

Jumping out of the three realms, it is not in the five elements.

So Zhang Junbao can say with certainty that the underlying rules of the Yangshen world are completely different from those of the Academy City.

At this time, under the collision of these different rules, unspeakable changes have occurred.

Zhang Junbao stood quietly in place, with countless thoughts turning in his mind, and suddenly he fell into enlightenment.

The people in the group did not know what had happened to Zhang Junbao at this time, and they were still chatting casually.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Oh, Miqin, what are your plans? You are now facing Aleister head-on. According to the information provided by the group leader, this person is not easy to deal with.

Even if you completely burst out all your strength and connect the computing power of 108,000 thoughts, you may not be able to compete with Aleister.

And he can also use his sisters to contain you and make you afraid to act rashly. If you can't think of a way to deter this person, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles next."

Xu Chenzhou also nodded. Aleister did not show his full strength in the entire Magic Forbidden Book Index, and he has always been in an unfathomable state.

The one time he was really serious, he only made a slight move and defeated the Right Fire that set off the world war.

This level of strength has even touched the level of the ceiling demon god in the magic world.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "I'm not worried about that. My sisters are my weak spot.

But Aleister has more plans. His plan is extremely large and far-reaching. In order to achieve his plan, he even put himself on life support and endured it for so many years.

If he can make such a big sacrifice for the plan, then he is the one who is really afraid of the threat, not me.

Besides, even if he is so strong that I can't fight him even if I burst out with all my strength, so what? I am not without a trump card."

Hong Yi laughed: "That's true. If you fight, Mikoto, you are not his opponent.

I will I will lend you the Lord of the Future directly. With the computing power of the Lord of the Future, you will be able to reproduce the power you had in the Yangshen World.

It is still unknown who will win at that time. ”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Besides, your old shady character, even if there will be a conflict between him and Mikoto, there will be a buffer period of time.

This period of time is enough for Mikoto to practice the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist that I sent to the group chat before. With the power of magnetic field rotation, Mikoto's combat power is estimated to be able to be improved a lot. ”

Xu Chenzhou said that he was looking forward to Misaka Mikoto's performance in the future. The Super Railgun War God form is very interesting.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Well, I have also discovered that the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist is very suitable for me.

People in the Sea Tiger world need to go through many difficulties to cultivate the power of magnetic field rotation, but these difficulties can be ignored by me with my superpowers, and I can also directly use my superpowers to bless the power of magnetic field rotation, allowing me to exert more power."

Xu Chenzhou nodded. What Misaka Mikoto said was very similar to his prediction. In fact, the essence of the power of magnetic field rotation is also a superpower, but the superpowers of the practitioners in the Sea Tiger world are actually the same.

At the beginning, the effect of their awakened power is to generate electric current power. This level of power is measured in volts and is called electric current push.

After unremitting efforts, these practitioners can further cultivate their power to the realm of magnetic field rotation.

Misaka Mikoto's superpowers, to a certain extent, are far superior to the basic abilities of the practitioners in the Sea Tiger World. She can directly manipulate the electric current and magnetic field from the essence, which allows Misaka Mikoto to skip many difficulties in practicing the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist and practice it to the realm of minor success in one fell swoop. She can also use superpowers to speed up the rotation of her own magnetic field.

Of course, the combat power of the practitioners in the Sea Tiger World far exceeds that of the original Misaka Mikoto, but their combat power is obtained through acquired practice, which Misaka Mikoto can also practice. In the original superpower essence, Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic control superpower is far superior to the initial electric current driving ability of the practitioners in the Sea Tiger World.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "By the way, Mikoto, have you checked how many sisters have been produced so far?

In theory, the Absolute Power Plan has already been implemented, and those experimental institutions must have mass-produced a large number of sisters.

How to place these sisters is also something you need to consider."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Of course, when I just entered the underground experimental facility, I had already hacked into their system through my superpowers and copied out all the information about the Absolute Power Plan.

This data shows that there are already 3,000 sisters who have been produced. These sisters are being trained by learning devices in another experimental facility.

I am on my way to that experimental facility. These sisters were born because of me, so I must be responsible for them. ”

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of the Virtual Realm): "So many Misaka sisters have been produced. It seems that Academy City attaches great importance to the Absolute Ability Plan.

But Sister Mikoto, it must be very stressful for you to take care of 3,000 Misaka sisters at the same time!

According to the group leader's data, each of these sisters has an independent personality. With your personality, you will not be willing to control their actions and will definitely give them freedom.

But there is another problem in this case, that is, the strength of the sisters is too weak. They are only electric shock ability users with levels between level 2 and level 3. The superpowers of a single sister can only deal with ordinary people at most.

Especially with Aleister watching closely beside you, no matter how strong you are, you can't take care of 3,000 sisters at the same time. ”

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): “Xiao Shihao, you are right, but I have a good idea now.

Although their superpowers are relatively weak, they are no different from my superpowers in nature, and they can also control electric current and magnetic field, so I plan to teach them the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist, let them start with electric current push, and slowly control the power of magnetic field rotation. ”

Hearing what Misaka Mikoto said, Xu Chengzhou’s eyes lit up. Misaka Mikoto’s idea is very feasible, and it can even be said to be a genius idea.

I don’t know if it’s because they are clones, the upper limit of the sisters’ abilities is extremely low.

Although they can form the Misaka network, and even under the management of the last order, they can concentrate the computing power to supply Accelerator, but everyone’s superpowers still cannot reach the level of Level 3.

You should know that some ordinary people in Academy City can exert their abilities after enhancing their computing power through the Fantasy Hand. Level 4 superpowers.

The sisters have the computing power connection of the Misaka network, but they can only exert superpowers of this level.

This means that even if the sisters practice the Taoist arts of the Yangshen world, the improvement of their ability strength is quite limited.

But practicing the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist is different. You must know that the electric current push in the Sea Tiger world is actually just the ability to control the electric current in the body, and this ability alone can give them such terrifying power after practicing.

Although the sisters' superpowers are poor, if they are placed in the Sea Tiger world, each sister can be regarded as a peerless genius in practicing martial arts.

Just a super-railgun war god form is interesting enough, not to mention the Misaka War God Corps composed of 3,000 people.

Xu Chengzhou dared not imagine how beautiful the picture is. When Aleister sees the monsters he created, he doesn't know what kind of expression will appear on his face.

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