All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 201 Preparing for a Breakthrough, Level 4

After chatting for a while, Xu Chenzhou directly closed the group chat and opened the message notification of the chat group assistant.

Misaka Mikoto's battle can naturally be regarded as a battle that changed her fate.

In this battle, Misaka Mikoto not only changed the tragic fate of more than 10,000 clones of herself who died tragically at the hands of Accelerator, but also had a cordial exchange with Aleister, the biggest behind-the-scenes manipulator of the student city, which also led to Xu Chenzhou completing the cub growth task again.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but feel a little troubled. What should I do if the group members are too capable?

Obviously, his task as the group leader is to escort the growth of the group members, but except for the one time when Zhang Junbao made a slight move, he was idle throughout the other cub growth tasks, and he could get so many rewards.

The reward for the cub growth task this time is relatively simple, there is only one thing, that is Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic control superpower.

To be honest, this superpower is not very useful for Xu Chenzhou, but it can be regarded as a good means of reinforcement. Xu Chenzhou can even use it to practice the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist and incorporate the power of magnetic field rotation into his martial arts system.

This also makes Xu Chenzhou more confident in dealing with the chaos that follows.

The Star Domain World is not peaceful now. Although Tiancheng City is very calm on the surface, Xu Chenzhou has long felt the breath of danger and has a feeling of impending storm.

Xu Chenzhou was still thinking about the next plan, and at this moment there was a knock at the door.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, and the smart housekeeper opened the valve under his command, and then a bald head stretched out from the door. The bald head with a little bit of green reflected sunlight from the top of the head looked brilliant.

This bald head is naturally Chen Mutou.

Chen Mutou, dressed in white, walked into the room facing the sun.

A string of wooden prayer beads hung around his neck.

This string of beads may seem plain, but if you look closely, there is a black swastika on each bead that is almost hidden in the wood texture. The strokes are like dragons and snakes, and there is a faint sense of Zen.

Chen Mutou was holding a small box in his hand. As soon as he walked into the room, he slapped the small box on the table in front of Xu Chenzhou.

"Chenzhou, the thing you want is not easy to get. I used many connections and even asked my grandfather to get it from him in the end."

Chen Mutou opened the small box, and there were two materials in the small box, a piece of iron sheet flashing with cold light, and a emerald green vine.

Seeing these two materials, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up and he hurriedly took the small box from Chen Mutou.

"You are good, kid. I said I would give you three days, but you got it in just a few hours."

These two materials are not simple. They are precious materials necessary for him to break through to the fourth and fifth levels of the extraordinary martial arts.

After breaking through to the third level of the extraordinary, Xu Chenzhou has already begun to prepare to break through to the fourth level of the extraordinary.

The cultivation system of the Star Domain World has a system to follow before becoming a God-Demon-level supernatural being, and there is no need for mysterious enlightenment.

After comprehending the sermon notes left by Yuanshi Tianzun, he was even able to guide Zhou Xuanyi to break through to the God-Demon-level warrior.

With his current soul cultivation and cultivation knowledge, there would naturally be no big problem in the high-level cultivation. The speed of cultivation is extremely fast. With sufficient breakthrough materials, he can quickly break through the realm.

After getting these two materials, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh that it was too convenient to cultivate in the interstellar society.

Unlike practitioners in other worlds who need to spend a lot of time looking for advanced resources, he has almost never worried about breakthrough materials since his cultivation.

This is because the Star Domain society is highly developed, and the supernatural industry is the pillar industry of the Star Domain World, so most of the cultivation materials have been commercialized under the trend of interests.

Almost all the advanced resources he needs can be directly obtained by purchase, just like the Martial Arts Association stores a large amount of materials necessary for cultivation.

But to be honest, this is the normal situation in a highly developed cultivation society. Except for a few special precious resources, most of the cultivation resources should be normalized and can be easily obtained.

If Xu Chenzhou had not practiced the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong, he would not even need to rely on Chen Mu's channels to find materials. All the advanced materials required for ordinary exercises can be directly purchased through the points of the Martial Arts Association.

However, the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong is quite special. It is one of the most expensive exercises in the Martial Arts Association's Gongfa Pavilion. The materials used for cultivation are extremely precious.

Of course, this does not mean that Xu Chenzhou cannot obtain these materials through the channels of the Martial Arts Association, but it takes time and is very slow.

Because these materials are too precious, and the people who exchange them are also scarce, there is no warehouse in the Martial Arts Association. If Xu Chenzhou wants them, he must transfer them from other places. This kind of transfer requires many procedures to apply, and the current external environment makes transportation very inconvenient.

It is precisely because of this that Xu Chenzhou can only rely on Chen Mutou's channels to obtain it. Chen Mutou's grandfather is a miracle doctor with superb medical skills. After retirement, he returned home to run a hospital for extraordinary people. Over the years, countless extraordinary people have benefited from his kindness, so he is very influential on the Blue Water Star.

Chen Mutou touched his bald head and smiled: "You sounded so anxious when you came to me. I know you need these materials, so how can I waste your time? Just call my dad and my grandpa and ask them to help.

I have to say that the old ones are still the best. My dad was busy for several hours and couldn't get it done. As a result, my grandpa just made a phone call, and within half an hour, two flying cars delivered the goods I wanted.

But to be honest, the old man is still good to you. I asked him for these materials at first, and the old man ignored me. As a result, I told him that these materials were what you wanted, and he immediately started to make calls and got it done in a short time."

Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but touch Chen Mutou's head. This kid's bald head looks really good, and people can't help but want to play with it.

"By the way, how much did your grandfather spend on these materials this time? I'll transfer it to the old man first. When I'm free in two days, I'll bring some gifts and go visit the old man with you."

Thinking of Grandpa Chen, Xu Chenzhou felt a little emotional. The old man was really good to him.

Xu Chenzhou and Chen Mutou knew each other a long time ago. When he was young, the original owner often went to Chen Mutou's house to play, and gradually became familiar with Grandpa Chen.

And little Xu Chenzhou also has a hobby, which is playing chess, but almost no one of his peers has this hobby, so little Xu Chenzhou couldn't find a friend to play chess with him until he met Grandpa Chen.

Although little Xu Chenzhou's chess is very bad, Grandpa Chen's chess is not much better. The two of them are simply a match for each other, and soon became friends who appreciate each other.

After his parents passed away, Xu Chenzhou stopped playing chess in order to keep the White Crane Martial Arts School, abandoned all his hobbies, and devoted himself to martial arts.

Old Master Chen did not distance himself from Xu Chenzhou because he did not play chess with him. Instead, he became more and more concerned about Xu Chenzhou and raised the original owner as his own grandson.

Chen Mutou used his hand to push away Xu Chenzhou's right hand that was groping around, and curled his lips: "Do you think the old man will ask you for money? Besides, with our relationship, are you embarrassed to give me money?

Forget it, if you really want to do this, you might as well find a day to drink a few more cups with me. My mouth is almost dry.

Since I went up the mountain, I haven't had a serious drink. It's rare that the master has gone to war with the master this time, so let's have a good time."

Hearing this, Xu Chenzhou smiled: "In this case, I won't be polite with you. I will visit the old man in person in a few days to express my gratitude to him in person."

Xu Chenzhou calculated that since the old man didn't want to take money, it was just right. He now has a lot of good things from the heavens and the worlds, including several longevity elixirs. These elixirs have no effect on him, so it's just right to bring them to the old man.

After that, Xu Chenzhou patted Chen Mu's shoulder again: "You want to drink, how can I not accompany you? Recently, I have some good wines, which are guaranteed to be good things that you have never tasted before. You stay tonight and let's have a good drink."

The wines that Xu Chenzhou mentioned are indeed good things.

These wines come from all over the world, including the monster blood wine brewed by Shi Village, various medicinal wines in the Yangshen world, and even the Yaochi nectar from the prehistoric world. Each one is extremely precious. They are all good things that ordinary people rarely see.

However, Chen Mu was so generous to Xu Chenzhou, so Xu Chenzhou naturally would not be stingy with a few bottles of wine.

Today, Chen Mo Ran was not at home, so Xu Chenzhou cooked by himself. In his previous life, he worked alone outside, and in order to satisfy his appetite, he honed his cooking skills.

But in a short while, Xu Chenzhou prepared a table of dishes.

Steamed dragon tooth rice, a bowl of rice, each grain is round and smooth, as if it is as delicate and white as a pearl, with a faint refreshing fragrance.

White-cut Suanni meat, the purple meat slices have countless strange textures, even if it is cut into thin slices, it still flashes a trace of electric light, which is extraordinary.

The hundred-year-old ginseng grown by Han Li is stewed with the eight-treasure chicken from the Perfect World. The fist-sized ginseng is cut into thin slices and stewed with a clean and transparent chicken. In the earthenware pot, you can smell a strong medicinal fragrance without opening the lid.

There are also lotus root slices made from lotus roots dug by Xiao Yangchan behind Yuquan Mountain. The emerald green lotus root slices look like glass-type imperial green jade, crystal clear, emerald green, and after hanging a thin layer of sugar, it is even more exquisite like a plate of art.

Finally, there are snacks that are absolutely indispensable for drinking, peanuts from the Dragon Clan World.

This thing is nothing special, but it is a habit that Xu Chenzhou has developed over the years. He must have a plate of peanuts when drinking, otherwise he will not feel that way.

This table of delicacies stunned Chen Mu. He had never seen such a scene before. Every ingredient here was something he had never heard of or seen before.

Chen Mu gave Xu Chenzhou a thumbs up: "Mr. Xu is generous. He is worthy of being a great man who is about to turn the martial arts school into a listed company! Where did you get these good things? Could they be transported from outer space? There have been wars all over the place, but you can still get so many good things. Awesome!"

In Chen Mu's opinion, the food Xu Chenzhou brought out should be products from outer space.

The star field world is really too big, with countless planets and numerous specialties. As long as you have money, you can buy any creation no matter how strange it is.

Xu Chenzhou smiled, and then did not explain. Chen Mutou actually thought that these things were bought from outer space, so let him think so.

He actually didn't mind traveling around the world with his close family and friends, but now is not the time. His strength is not yet at the level of sweeping everything, so he needs to keep it a secret for the time being.

Chen Mutou grinned and shouted repeatedly after eating this meal.

The deliciousness of these ingredients far exceeded his imagination, and it was completely incomparable to the canteen of Ci'en Temple.

In addition to being delicious, the efficacy of these ingredients should not be underestimated. With every bite of food, he could feel waves of energy transforming his body and making him stronger.

In addition, the wine Xu Chenzhou brought out was also extraordinary. The monster blood wine from the Perfect World was hair-stripping and marrow-cleansing. The Lei Chi wine brewed by Hong Yi and Misaka Mikoto could make the soul clear, and the Yao Chi wine from the Primordial World could prolong one's lifespan.

But to be honest, these wines were delicious, but the aftereffect was really strong. Even Xu Chenzhou couldn't stand it, let alone Chen Mu. His psychic cultivation didn't help him at all. After drinking about two kilograms, the boy tilted his head and slid to the foot of the table.

The next morning, when Chen Mu woke up, Xu Chenzhou handed him another wooden box without waiting for him to ask more questions.

The fruit in the wooden box was the Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruit. A few days ago, Yang Chan harvested another batch of Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruit. Xu Chenzhou got three more of these Nine Yuan Xuan Ling Fruits.

Each person can only take the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit once. If you take it for the second time, the effect will be greatly weakened. For Xu Chenzhou, the greatest significance of this fruit is to enhance the strength of those around him.

When the relatives and friends around him become stronger, he will have fewer concerns and can do more.

Because the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit can be used as a healing elixir in addition to improving qualifications, Xu Chenzhou kept one fruit before in case of emergency.

Now that he has three more, there is no need to keep any more, so he took one out for Chen Mu to use.

"You have been practicing in Ci'en Temple for so many years, but you are still only a first-level psychic. This is really embarrassing for me.

This fruit is extraordinary. After eating it, it can improve your cultivation qualifications. Eat it quickly."

Hearing that it can improve qualifications, Chen Mutou's eyes first lit up, and then dimmed. He stretched out his hand and pushed: "You should keep this good thing for yourself. Even if you can't use it, it's great to give it to little Mo Ran.

She doesn't have the qualifications to practice martial arts, and she needs this fruit more than I do."

Hearing Chen Mutou's words, Xu Chenzhou smiled and patted his shoulder: "You told me not to be polite before, but now you are polite. Treat me as a brother and eat it quickly.

Each person can only eat one of this thing. It's useless to eat the second one. Mo Ran and I have already eaten it. This one is yours."

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