All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 202: White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone

After sending Chen Mutou away, Xu Chenzhou returned to the meditation room.

He placed the two materials that Chen Mutou brought him in front of him, and then took out the other materials he had bought from the Martial Arts Association and placed them together.

Then Xu Chenzhou fell into deep thought.

Before breaking through to the third level of the extraordinary warrior, he planned to sort out his current cultivation.

After joining the chat group, he absorbed the cultivation systems of the heavens and the worlds, and absorbed them all, so that he could have the current combat power in such a short time.

Although the power system he cultivated was complex, it can be roughly divided into three parts.

The first is the extraordinary warrior system. This cultivation system is the foundation of his cultivation. Although his current cultivation is only the third level of the extraordinary warrior, in the process of cultivation, he has integrated many different systems from the heavens and the worlds.

For example, when he first became an extraordinary warrior of the first level, he integrated the Nine Yang True Classic when building his spine, and later updated the Nine Yang True Classic to the Jindan martial arts version deduced by Zhang Junbao.

In the process of practicing the supernatural martial arts, he also integrated the teaching and practice methods of the human immortal martial arts and opened up many acupoints in his body.

In addition, when he broke through to the second level of the supernatural, he also engraved many treasure runes from the perfect world in his bones, making his body bones become treasure bones that carry treasures.

Some of these practice methods are for training qi, some are runes, and some are acupoints, but after being integrated into the supernatural martial arts system, their focus has become body training, which has become the foundation for Xu Chenzhou to forge the supreme god and demon martial arts body.

The second is the Yangshen Taoism. After surviving the thunder tribulation in the Yangshen world, his ghost immortal cultivation has also reached the level of the six-tribulation ghost immortal, and he has also mastered the Great Dao of Yi that Hong Yi has comprehended, the Yangshen Taoism, nourishing the spirit, and paying more attention to training the spirit.

Finally, there is his immortal cultivation. He practiced the Yuxu Qi Training Technique transmitted by Xiao Yangchan. After this period of practice, his immortal cultivation has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and he may break through to the realm of transformation at any time. For Xu Chenzhou, the focus of immortal cultivation is obviously more on training Qi.

Of course, these three cultivation systems are not so clear-cut. In fact, it is more like a relationship of you in me and me in you. Just like although Yangshen Taoism focuses more on training the spirit, his immortal cultivation can be advanced to the stage of transformation. The Yuanshen of the cultivators in this realm will usher in a transformation, which can greatly enhance the power of the soul.

So the three cultivation systems cannot be simply divided into body, Qi, and spirit.

It is more like a relationship of you in me and me in you, which promotes each other.

From this perspective, these two cultivation systems are very helpful to his extraordinary martial arts practice, which is why Xu Chenzhou did not disassemble these two systems and integrate them into the extraordinary martial arts.

Then Xu Chenzhou tried his new ability of electromagnetic control.

The feeling of using superpowers is quite wonderful, more like an instinctive reaction, the power can take effect as long as the mind thinks.

Under his control, the entire training room is full of electric currents, which form long dragons of lightning and thunder, constantly swimming in the training room. Under the raging of terrifying electric light, even the solid materials specially customized by Xu Chenzhou for training can't bear it.

Not only that, Xu Chenzhou found that he could control the metals in the entire training room through the magnetic field. Under his control, these metal objects are as easy as arms.

However, Xu Chenzhou also found that some metals cannot be manipulated by magnetic fields, such as the Daluo Mitian steel short sword in his hand. This strange metal is completely unaffected by the magnetic field and quietly hides in the darkness, like a black hole.

After experimenting for a while, Xu Chenzhou gradually felt that the way the superpowers of Academy City work is somewhat different from the superpowers he knows.

For example, in his original cognition, the most basic way to present the superpower of lightning is to release lightning, and then upgrade it step by step. Through personal training, the simple superpower of releasing lightning can be developed into various skills.

After practicing proficiently, it is easy to control the ability to release various cool skills.

But the electromagnetic control ability he obtained is not like this. It controls the ability from a lower dimension.

To put it simply, the basic unit he can control is not lightning, but the electric charge in the air, ions and other smaller units.

Xu Chenzhou needs to generate electric current through his operation, and then control lightning to attack.

This is also the reason why the superpowers in Academy City rely so much on computing power, because the logic of their abilities is more basic. It is not like the traditional fantasy ability. If you want to release a fireball, you can release it directly. Instead, you need to understand the scientific principles behind the formation of the fireball, and then form the fireball through the operation of the ability.

The difference between this and the ordinary fantasy superpower is like the former compiling the code of the skill through zero, one or two numbers, while the latter directly uses the ready-made skills of the characters in the game.

However, Xu Chenzhou felt that this superpower was more in line with his requirements. Being able to control the power at such a tiny level also indirectly showed that this superpower was very playable and had great potential for subsequent development.

After testing the power, Xu Chenzhou planned to officially start this training.

Since he had just broken through to the third level of the extraordinary warrior, the number of extraordinary organs condensed in his body was not enough to support Xu Chenzhou's breakthrough to the fourth level of the extraordinary.

But this was not a big problem for Xu Chenzhou. If the number of extraordinary organs was not enough, he could just condense them on the spot. Anyway, the materials in front of him were ready.

For ordinary warriors, there are many factors that limit their condensation of extraordinary organs. First of all, the biggest obstacle is their physical fitness.

Every time a supernatural organ is condensed, it is a huge test for the body of a supernatural warrior. If the physical fitness is not up to standard, it is easy to have big problems after the transformation due to the excessive load of the supernatural organs.

This is not something that Xu Chenzhou needs to consider at all. His martial arts combat body has long been transformed by too many systems. The perfect world's blood-moving mirror tempering, the opening of the acupoints of the Yangshen martial arts, and the nine-yang true qi of the Jindan martial arts have long transformed his body into a monster. The load of the organs is simply not worth mentioning.

Secondly, there is the rejection reaction between extraordinary organs. Other warriors are in a state of walking on thin ice when practicing to condense organs, because these organs belong to the five elements. If the five elements relationship cannot be well coordinated, it is easy to have a violent rejection reaction, and then they will end up like Zhou Xuanyi. At the least, they will be possessed by the devil and unable to exert their strength, and at the worst, they will die on the spot.

But this is not a big problem for Xu Chenzhou, who has the Five Elements Chapter of Yuanshi Tianzun's Sermons. The conflict of the five elements between extraordinary organs can be regarded as elementary school mathematics at best, and the changes of the five elements in Yuanshi Tianzun's Sermons have at least reached the level of calculus.

Let him, a top student who has studied calculus, go back to solve elementary school mathematics, which is simply a piece of cake. If there is still a problem, he might as well hang himself.

In the process of practicing the third level of extraordinary warriors, a total of five extraordinary organs must be condensed.

These five extraordinary organs are the two arm bones that were trained into the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bones, the two leg bones that were trained into the Golden Dragon Xuantian Prison Bone, and the third eye that opened at the center of the eyebrows that was trained into the Five Elements Mixed Hole Breaking Divine Eye.

Countless thoughts rushed out from the center of Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows, and these thoughts were divided into five strands in the void, and then twisted into five Xu Chenzhou phantoms composed of divine thoughts.

These phantoms waved their hands, and the materials on the ground were divided into six parts. One part remained in place, and the other five parts fell into the hands of the five phantoms like a swimming dragon.

Then, these five phantoms began to continuously inject these materials into Xu Chenzhou's body.

And Xu Chenzhou's thoughts in his body also began to cooperate with these five external incarnations composed of thoughts to begin to condense these five extraordinary organs.

If other extraordinary warriors saw this kind of training scene, they would probably be so scared that they couldn't speak on the spot.

Ordinary warriors are always nervous when practicing a kind of extraordinary organ, for fear that they will make a mistake and become a useless person.

However, Xu Chenzhou condensed five different extraordinary organs at the same time. You should know that the difficulty of condensing five extraordinary organs at the same time is thousands of times more difficult than condensing one. Looking at the entire star field world, no madman dares to try this.

Let alone the difficulty of dividing the mind into five parts, the star field world is so big that there may be a few monsters who can do this.

But even if they can divide their minds into five parts, they can't condense five extraordinary organs at the same time, because the most difficult part of doing so is how to dynamically balance the five elements that are constantly changing during the condensation process.

Xu Chenzhou dared to do this because he was sure that the difficulty of calculating the dynamic changes of the five elements was at most the level of high school mathematics in his eyes, and it was not really a difficult problem.

Soon, Xu Chenzhou condensed these five new extraordinary organs.

The White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone is a supernatural organ that can continuously generate sword energy. After condensing the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone, Xu Chenzhou can wave out powerful White Emperor Gengjin Sword Qi one after another as long as he casually waves his hand. These sword energies can cut gold and break stone, and are extremely powerful. Even some supernatural materials cannot withstand them.

But this is nothing. This is just the most inconspicuous additional function of the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone. The real strength of the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone lies in its strong ability to withstand sword energy and sword intent.

After condensing the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone, the supernatural warrior can store the sword energy and sword intent that he condenses in his daily life. Due to the unique material of the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone, a large amount of sword intent can be stored. Over time, this sword bone can brew a sword energy that far exceeds the combat power of the practitioner.

The power of this sword energy is extremely terrifying.

It is recorded in the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Cave Gong that there was once a person who practiced this method. For some reason, he stopped at the third level of extraordinary warriors. Because he was discouraged, he lived in seclusion in a leisurely country town, opened a tofu shop, married and had children, and lived an ordinary life.

Because of his kind face, hard work and down-to-earth, and the delicious tofu he made, this practitioner was very popular in the town. People there affectionately called him Boss Chen.

Boss Chen lived in this town for a hundred years, and slowly became an old man with white hair and beard from a middle-aged man.

The comfortable life made Boss Chen give up the idea of ​​practicing martial arts, but he still kept a habit, which was to condense a sword energy every day and store it in the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone. He stored a sword a day, and the days passed comfortably.

Until one day, a great change happened in the town. A spaceship fell from the sky, and a mad alien race came out of it.

This alien race had red eyes and was covered with scales all over his body, just like a devil crawling out of hell.

The people in the town were scared and fled when they saw this alien race, because they had recognized what race this alien race was.

This alien race was also called the War Ghost Clan in the Star Domain World. It was a terrifying fighting race that was extremely warlike and extremely bloodthirsty.

The meaning of the existence of this race was fighting. From birth, the War Ghost Clan was in battle.

The War Ghost Clan reproduced by laying eggs. Female War Ghosts could usually produce hundreds of War Ghost eggs in one litter. The first thing the little War Ghosts hatched from the War Ghost eggs had to do was to fight with their brothers and sisters.

Because the female War Ghosts produced too many War Ghost eggs in one litter, the little War Ghosts that broke out of the shells were in a stage of malnutrition. Strictly speaking, the form of these little War Ghosts was roughly equivalent to a three-month-old baby when converted to humans.

In order to obtain enough nutrition to complete their development, they have to kill their brothers and sisters, snatch their eggshells, and devour their corpses.

Often, there are thousands of war ghosts in one litter, but only three or five can fully develop in the end.

Growing up in such a horrible environment, the war ghosts have a completely different view of the world from other races. Killing is the meaning of their existence, and blood is the greatest reward for them.

Seeing such a horrible existence, how can the residents of the town not be afraid? They are just ordinary human beings who grew up in peacetime and have never even seen blood.

What's more, this war ghost has a terrifying aura that is as heavy as a mountain, which is simply daunting.

The few first-level warriors in the town were so desperate that they began to cry: "With this kind of momentum, this war ghost is a fifth-level peak warrior who is almost about to enter the realm of gods and demons. We are doomed this time.

Let alone us, if he enters the sixth level, the entire Shuilan Star will probably be devastated."

The terrifying cry filled the entire town, and everyone fell into despair, and even had no strength to escape.

But Boss Chen stood up at this time and faced this war ghost, because behind him stood his wife, children and granddaughter.

The granddaughter wanted to pull Boss Chen back, but the old man pulled her hand away.

He stood quietly in front of the war ghost with a calm face, as if he was not a little old man who abandoned martial arts, but a peerless swordsman who had lived in seclusion for many years.

This terrifying war ghost looked at Boss Chen's thin body and old face, and couldn't help but put on a contemptuous smile at the corner of his mouth, with a bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

But he was taught a lesson immediately.

This old man, who was already very old, was actually emitting a terrifying sword intent. Behind Boss Chen, an illusory platinum long sword condensed. The tip of the long sword went straight into the sky, shattering the clouds.

Then the old man clasped his hands together, and countless sword intents raged. The terrifying sword energy gushed out from the flesh of the old man's hands, cutting his skinny and old hands into pieces. Then, with a bang, Boss Chen's hands exploded into blood foam, leaving only two silver-white sword bones flashing with dazzling white light. A terrifying sword energy shot out from them, and actually directly cut this terrifying war ghost into pieces.

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