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Chapter 20 After a thousand years, there is only one Zhang Sanfeng in the world!

During the past few days, Xu Chenzhou would practice the Amitabha Sutra every day.

This sutra is extremely magical. Although it was only a few days of visualization, Xu Chenzhou's spiritual power is now several times that of ordinary people.

With the blessing of this spiritual power, none of these customers dared to look directly into Xu Chenzhou's eyes. They all lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Good tricks, good tricks, I didn't expect you to be able to practice to the level of a one-star warrior.

You have achieved a one-star warrior before you reach adulthood. Now you are ranked among the top in the entire Tiancheng City."

A smiling voice came.

Although this voice was smiling, it made people feel very uncomfortable, and there was a feeling of a hidden knife in the smile.

The person who spoke was naturally Li Guanzhe from Tianhua Martial Arts Hall.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou so easily grasp the situation, Li Guanzhe's face was not rippled at all, and he still kept smiling.

However, Xu Chenzhou could see a trace of deep resentment from the depths of Li Guanzhe's eyes.

"But Master Xu, don't be too happy too soon. You should know that not every one-star warrior is qualified to get a junior warrior certificate.

The difficulty of the Warrior Association's assessment is not low, and there are many one-star warriors who fail.

And I will take good care of you. I hope you can still laugh when the time comes."

After saying that, Li Guanzhe turned around and left.

Li Tiezhu approached Xu Chenzhou worriedly.

"Junior brother, I heard that the owner of Tianhua Martial Arts Hall has a good relationship with the top leaders of the Warrior Association.

They will definitely trip you up when the time comes.

No matter how strong your combat power is, it is not easy to break through their targeting."

The Warrior Association issues certificates to warriors at many different levels, including the Star-level Warrior, the Bright Moon-level Warrior, and the Lieyang-level Warrior.

It is said that there are also levels above this.

But those levels are not accessible to ordinary people.

To get a Star-level Warrior certificate, at least a one-star warrior's cultivation is required,

but not every one-star warrior can pass the Star-level Warrior assessment.

According to statistics, the passing rate of the star-level warrior assessment is only 30%.

Although according to Xu Chenzhou's performance of killing Zhao Zhicheng with two punches, it is easy to pass the star-level warrior assessment.

But there is also a premise, that is, no one is secretly playing dirty tricks.

If the Li family arranges in the warrior association in advance, the examiners of the assessment will increase the difficulty.

Then even two-star warriors may turn over, not to mention Xu Chenzhou, who is only a one-star warrior now.

Xu Chenzhou's face did not change at all, as if he disdained all the means of the Li family.

"Brother Zhao, Brother Li, don't worry.

What is the Li family? What means do you have? Just use them."

After saying that, Xu Chenzhou slowly left the martial arts hall, leaving only a back figure.

Yitian world, Shaolin Temple, monks' dormitory.

As a thousand-year-old temple, the environment inside the Shaolin Temple is very deep, with temples connected, incense and candles all over the ground, and hundreds of years of ancient trees can be seen everywhere.

The monks' dormitory of Shaolin Temple is located next to a thousand-year-old tree.

A young man was sitting under the shade of the tree.

He held his chin with one hand and closed his eyes, as if he was in deep thought.

Above his body, a shadow that could not be seen by the naked eye was slowly floating in the air.

This shadow looked exactly like the young man.

At this time, the shadow's face was full of curiosity.

He moved his hands and kicked his legs in the air, feeling extremely new about everything.

This person was Zhang Junbao.

In the past few days, when he was free from practicing martial arts, Zhang Junbao would also look through the past Amitabha Sutra.

This secret book can be practiced directly without local adaptation.

Although he did not practice, Zhang Junbao also memorized the contents of the past Amitabha Sutra in his mind in the past few days.

As time went by, Zhang Junbao felt that the out-of-body technique recorded in the past Amitabha Sutra seemed quite simple.

With nothing to do, he lay under the tree and tried it.

Unexpectedly, it succeeded at once.

Not only that, Zhang Junbao also felt that his soul was extremely solid in the void.

After leaving the body, there was no feeling of weakness.

It was as if he could travel a hundred miles in one breath.

"This is different from what Brother Hong said in the group!

The realm of Taoist practice is divided into settling the spirit, coming out of the shell, night travel, day travel, driving away things {yin spirit}, showing up, possessing, and taking over {ghost fairy}.

Above the ghost fairy, it is necessary to go through the thunder tribulation.

Only when you reach the night travel realm can the soul leave the body and travel in the night.

This is just my first time out of the body, why do I feel that I have reached the realm of night travel."

Zhang Junbao was a little confused.

What Zhang Junbao didn't know was that although Taoist practice is divided into many realms, it does not have to be gradual.

Many masters have never tried to leave the body in their lives, but just read books and cultivate their spirits silently. One day, they feel something in their hearts, and they can go straight into the sky and go through several thunder tribulations in a row once they leave the body.

Some people can even become the creator in one out of the body.

Zhang Junbao's talent is very high, so high that it is incredible.

The world's upper limit is a peak that is difficult to climb for others, but for Zhang Junbao, it is just a cage.

He has been listening to Master Jueyuan's lectures since he was a child. He is good at thinking and has already had his own understanding of the Buddhist scriptures.

The Amitabha Sutra is a Buddhist classic, and there are many similarities with the Buddhist principles that Zhang Junbao realized. It was a natural thing for Zhang Junbao to practice the Amitabha Sutra.

In addition, what the ancient philosophers could do, Zhang Sanfeng could naturally do, and even do better.

After all, there were hundreds of ancient philosophers in the Yangshen world, and there has only been one Zhang Sanfeng in the world since a thousand years ago!

If Zhang Sanfeng practiced the Amitabha Sutra a hundred years later, he would probably be able to survive the six-fold thunder tribulation in one out-of-body experience, and even have the opportunity to directly survive the seventh, eighth, and ninth-fold thunder tribulation and touch the edge of the Yangshen.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is still a child, a teenager, after all. Even if he has a high talent, his accumulation is not enough, and his understanding of the world is not deep.

So his soul after leaving the body will only be in the night wandering realm

Although Zhang Junbao did not understand the reason.

But the feeling will not lie, feeling the feeling of the soul in the night sky.

He knew that his realm had indeed reached the night wandering level.

Zhang Junbao began to drive his soul out of his body.

The soul was invisible and immaterial, and after leaving the body, it moved very fast. In an instant, he went from one end of Shaolin Temple to the other end of Shaolin Temple.

Under the night wind, Zhang Junbao's soul traveled throughout the Shaolin Temple, and no matter what secret place it was, it could not stop him.

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