All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 21 Refining Incense and Driving Away Realms

Under the night, he saw Master Jueyuan sitting in the meditation room studying the scriptures, Master Wu Se practicing martial arts in the Arhat Hall, and Abbot Tian Ming kneeling in the main hall reciting scriptures silently.

This feeling was extremely novel, and Zhang Junbao had a lot of fun and almost forgot the time.

Just when Zhang Junbao's soul traveled to the main hall, he felt a layer of white light covering the center of the main hall. This layer of white light was hazy and rushed straight to the sky. In the white light, a Buddha appeared, which was exactly the appearance of Tathagata Buddha.

However, Zhang Junbao was not panicked. His soul could feel that the essence of this big Buddha sitting in the sky was condensed by the incense and thoughts of countless people.

In the past, the Amitabha Sutra did not need to be localized with the chat group function, which shows that this method is highly compatible with the world of Yitian.

So Zhang Junbao was not surprised that the world of Yitian had incense and thoughts.

The inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism in the Yitian world has a long history, and Shaolin Temple is the leader in the righteous martial arts world. It is normal to have such a large Buddha statue.

And because this Buddha statue has no owner, the incense power continues to dissipate outward, covering the entire Shaolin Temple.

These incense power dissipated in the air give the entire Shaolin ancient temple a sense of Zen.

But unfortunately, the monks in Shaolin Temple are all ordinary warriors, and no one cultivates the soul, so these incense power has no one to use, and has been scattered in the air in vain, completely wasted.

But Zhang Junbao is different. He has cultivated the soul and Taoism, and he has cultivated the highest Buddhist classics in the Yangshen world, the Amitabha Sutra.

Both are Buddhas, and their beliefs are of the same origin. Zhang Junbao can feel that these powers of faith are like free, rushing into his soul like crazy.

Under the nourishment of these incense power, his soul slowly grows stronger.

Moreover, with the help of the Amitabha Sutra in the past, his soul sat there, motionless, and the noisy thoughts in the incense power could not affect his mind at all.

Not only that, Zhang Junbao's soul also operated the basic physical training technique of the Star Domain Alliance.

After being deduced by the chat group, this technique has become an origin-level technique, which can be operated by both the body and the soul.

The body digests food, so the soul naturally digests thoughts.

Under the effect of the basic body-building exercise, Zhang Junbao digested these incense power into pure soul power.

Under the dual filtration of the basic body-building exercise and the Amitabha Sutra in the past, the incense power that ordinary practitioners feared like snakes and scorpions was completely purified and absorbed into Zhang Junbao's body like a tonic without any side effects.

If this was seen by the practitioners in the Yangshen world, their eyes would pop out.

The incense power contains chaotic thoughts, and all mortals suffer, including joy, anger, worry, fear, birth, old age, sickness and death.

If a cultivator absorbs it at will, his soul will be invaded by disturbing thoughts and he will easily go astray.

Only the legendary Future Immortality Sutra can completely subdue the incense power and take it for his own use.

And even if it is the Future Immortality Sutra, it is impossible to crush the incense power directly like Zhang Junbao and turn it into the purest soul power to absorb, with almost no loss.

With such rapid progress, how can Zhang Junbao be polite again.

He is not a pedantic gentleman.

Although these incense powers belong to Shaolin.

However, the monks of Shaolin Temple not only do not know the existence of incense power, but also cannot use it.

For the Shaolin monks, these incense powers are invisible and intangible, which is equivalent to non-existence.

In addition, Zhang Junbao has long been secretly resentful of Shaolin at this time.

You are going to kill me and destroy me, so it is not too much for me to take a little of your incense power as interest.

His soul sat upright in the void, slowly pulling the incense power in the air, like a black hole in the void, countless incense power was sucked into the black hole by Zhang Junbao like a young swallow returning to its nest.

As more and more incense power was absorbed, Zhang Junbao's soul became more and more solid.

Gradually, Zhang Junbao could feel that his soul was as solid as iron and stone.

With a slight movement of his mind, a branch on the ground actually moved slightly with his mind.

"Is this the realm of exorcism!

In just a few hours.

My realm has actually been raised from night wandering to exorcism.

It's simply a triple jump."

The soul Taoism has been raised from the night wandering realm to the exorcism realm, and there is a day wandering realm in between.

After reaching the exorcism realm, the Taoist practitioner truly has the ability to influence the real world.

It is equivalent to the soul descending from the spiritual world to the material world, breaking through the barrier between illusion and reality.

Many Taoist practitioners cannot break through the day wandering realm in their entire lives.

In just three hours, Zhang Junbao broke through the bottleneck that these people could never reach in their lifetime.

Zhang Junbao gathered his soul and looked around, only to see that the incense power in the air of Shaolin Temple was still strong.

The incense power he absorbed in these three hours of practice was just a drop in the bucket for Shaolin Temple.

After all, Shaolin Temple is a thousand-year-old temple, and it is a martial arts holy land in the minds of countless people. The incense is strong, and the accumulation of thousands of years is naturally extraordinary.

After the practice, Zhang Junbao's soul returned to the body, and he couldn't wait to open the chat group of the young cubs of the heavens.

It has become a habit for this group of people to practice the water group every day.

If you don't chat in the group every day, it feels like there are ants crawling all over your body.

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Ahem, is Brother Hong here? What are you doing? Come out and chat!"

Hong Yi looked at the message in the chat group and was a little confused.

Why did Zhang Junbao suddenly get so excited to chat with him? It was a little scary.

Hong Yi (Daqian Xiucai): "Yes, yes, yes! Junbao, what's wrong with you? Tomorrow is your fateful battle. If you don't prepare well, you will still be in the empty water group?"

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Ah! Brother Hong, how do you know that my Taoist practice has reached the realm of expelling things?"

Hong Yi (Daqian Xiucai): ? ? ?

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Brother Hong, you are well-informed! You even found out that I secretly practiced to the realm of expelling things!"

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but smile while typing.

If you don't return to your hometown when you are rich, it's like walking in brocade clothes at night.

Although everyone in the group is a future grandmaster, an old cunt, and a runaway king, they are just teenagers now.

Naturally, he still maintains his youthful mentality.

After Zhang Junbao cultivated to the realm of exorcism, he couldn't wait to find Hong Yi to show off.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Ah! What are you talking about? I'm asking you why you haven't prepared for tomorrow's fateful battle.

Tomorrow's matter is so important, Junbao, you must prepare well, don't joke here."

Hong Yi didn't react.

In his eyes, Zhang Junbao has been practicing martial arts these days and has no time to practice the Amitabha Sutra.

It is so difficult to practice Taoism. I don't know how many people have been stumped by the first step of leaving the body. From practicing leaving the body to exorcism, there are several difficulties in the middle. It is not easy to overcome them. How can it be cultivated in a few days?

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): [Video] (Zhang Junbao sits under a tree, a branch dances around his body with Zhang Junbao's thoughts.)

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Brother Hong, look, I'm not kidding."

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "???!!!!!!!"

Han Li (Qixuanmen Disciple): "???!!!!!!!"

Even Xu Chenzhou, who had been lurking for a long time, was blown up by Zhang Junbao's video: "???!!!!!!!"

Even Xu Chenzhou, who knew Zhang Sanfeng very well, didn't expect that he could cultivate to the realm of exorcism in such a short time.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Junbao, how did you do it? Tell me!"

Hong Yi had an anxious expression on his face.

I couldn't wait to know how Zhang Junbao did it.

It took only ten days to cultivate the soul to the realm of exorcism.

This is fucking scary.

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