All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 22 Thunder Suspense Sword

You should know that Hong Yi had practiced for so long, and only entered the Night Wandering Realm yesterday.

As a result, he had not yet calmed down from the joy of breaking the mirror.

Zhang Junbao suddenly appeared and performed a magical power belonging to the realm of driving objects for him.

This made Hong Yi completely unable to calm down.

If he could also have such a speed of practice, driving objects in ten days, wouldn’t it be a hundred days to become a ghost fairy, and three years to become a Yang God, and personally avenge his mother. When he thought of this, Hong Yi was a little impatient.

However, what Hong Yi didn’t know was that although he didn’t practice fast in the early stage, he was the son of the era.

Zhang Sanfeng opened a talent cheat, which seemed very fierce, but compared with his cheat, it was nothing.

If these people in the group really want to talk about cheating, they have to look at Hong Yi.

With the blessing of the era’s luck, the higher the realm Hong Yi is in, the faster he practices. Although it is not as exaggerated as the three-year Yang God, it only took him six years to practice to the Yang God.

It’s just that Xu Chenzhou didn’t remember the details of the book Yang Shen very clearly.

So although Hong Yi knew that his cultivation speed would get faster and faster, he didn't know how much time he spent on cultivating to the Yang God.

Zhang Junbao explained his cultivation process in detail in the group, without hiding anything.

After listening to Zhang Junbao's cultivation process, Hong Yi sighed.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "So that's how it is, what a pity.

These incense and fire power are good, but we can't use them across the world. It seems that only Junbao can use these resources.

But Junbao, your talent is really too good. You can reach the night wandering realm as soon as you leave the body."

Hong Yi's eyes dimmed instantly.

There are many masters who practice Taoism in the Yang God world, and there are many Taoist methods that can use incense and fire power. Let alone other things, the Future Immortal Sutra alone requires a lot of incense and fire power.

So the incense and fire power in the Yang God world are basically owned by someone.

Hong Yi is the person in the group who wants to improve his strength the most urgently, because he faces the most powerful opponent.

Hong Xuanji, that is the son of Daqian, with extraordinary luck, and now his strength is at the level of human immortal.

His father is ruthless, and he didn't attack him now, just because Hong Yi is not a threat to him.

Hong Yi is like a hamster in a cage to him, and he can't turn the world upside down.

But once he finds out that Hong Yi's hidden strength may break through his restraints, Hong Xuanji will not show mercy.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "That's not necessarily true. The red envelope rules of the chat group are very simple. You can only send things that belong to you.

Now these incense thoughts are scattered in the air. They are not owned by Junbao, so they cannot be sent.

But if Hong Yi can find a Taoist technique to collect incense thoughts, Junbao can collect the incense thoughts after practicing, and then he can naturally put it in the red envelope.

Besides, as far as I know, the chat group should unlock the function of traveling through the world in the future.

At that time, it is not impossible for us to travel to Junbao's world to practice in person.

In Junbao's world, there are many thousand-year-old temples besides Shaolin Temple.

Mount Wutai, Mount Jiuhua, and Mount Putuo, the incense thoughts condensed in these places will definitely not be less than Shaolin Temple."

As soon as these words came out, not only Hong Yi, but even Han Li showed an expectant look in his eyes.

If he can also practice to the realm of driving things, then he can borrow the blood-patterned steel needle from Hong Yi, and it will be easy to kill Doctor Mo.

No matter how high Doctor Mo's martial arts skills are, no matter how strong the Zhang Tie puppet he refines is.

But as long as he hides in the dark and activates the blood-marked steel needle, these are meaningless to him.

At this moment, Xu Chenzhou suddenly sent a red envelope in the group.

[Thunder Suspense Sword X1]

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Junbao, try to see if your divine thoughts can activate this sword."

The world where Xu Chenzhou lives has many different ways of cultivation.

Among the four inheritances of Shuilan Star, one inheritance is psychics.

Psychics have powerful mental power and can control everything in the world, control the original energy, and control everything with their mental power.

In a sense, it is similar to the Taoism of the Yangshen world.

And the weapons of psychics are made of various special steels.

It is said that these special steels are very compatible with the mental power of psychics. As long as the mental power is used, it can be easily controlled. It is an important means of attack for psychics in the early stage.

The Thunder Suspense Sword that Xu Chenzhou sent to the group was a weapon given to Xu's father by a psychic.

Xu's father once saved the psychic's life, so the psychic left nine Thunder Suspense Swords as a token.

Xu Chenzhou has always been curious about whether the Taoist spirit can control the weapons of psychics.

So when he knew that Zhang Junbao had broken through to the realm of driving objects, he couldn't wait to send a Thunder Suspense Sword to Zhang Junbao.

After a while.

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "Group leader, your sword is really magical! It's light and my spirit is attached to it, just like attached to a feather. And when it flies, it will also bring the sound of thunder exploding, which is extremely powerful."

Zhang Junbao turned on the live broadcast.

Live broadcast in the group is also a function of the chat group.

But nothing big happened in the past few days, so no one tried to use it.

At this time, Zhang Junbao wanted to show the power of the Thunder Suspense Sword to the group friends, so he would be the first person to eat crabs.

Zhang Junbao was in the back mountain of Shaolin Temple at this time. The trees around him were lush and green, and there were occasional insects chirping.

The young man, wearing a gray monk's robe, leaned on the branches, and a sword was suspended in the air under his hand.

The sword was cyan and gold in color, and there were countless dense thunder patterns on the sword.

The young man waved his hand, and the sword flew out of Zhang Junbao's hand, leaving a thunder roar in the air, and turned into a flash of lightning and rushed away.

The speed of the flying sword cutting through the air was extremely fast, almost exceeding the limit visible to the human eye.

In an instant, it was a distance of 100 meters.

Then Zhang Junbao waved his hand, and the flying sword returned to his hand obediently.

Only a few felled trees were left on its way forward.

The cracks of these trees were still faintly charred by thunder.

Then, Zhang Junbao used the flying sword to perform a set of basic sword techniques in the air.

Stab, swing, chop, and slash, each move was extremely simple and unpretentious.

But no one in the entire group chat dared to underestimate this set of sword techniques.

The speed of the flying sword was extremely fast, and there was no one holding the sword, which meant that there was no flaw. All you needed to do was attack without any defense.

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