All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 204: Alliance is defeated, Yu Ding returns to the mountain

However, even with the help of Longya Mi, it still took Xu Chenzhou two days to store these 100,000 sword qi in the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone.

As he continued to store sword qi, the shape of the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone gradually began to change.

At first, the two Baidi Gengjin Sword Bones were as white as jade, but as the amount of sword qi contained in them increased, the color of the two hand bones slowly changed from that jade white to the red gold color of the midday sun, and even the bone texture on the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone became sharp and revealed a sword intent.

Countless sword qi entangled with each other in the sword bone, turning into a red gold sword qi. This sword qi seemed ordinary, but if you look closely, you can find that it is condensed by countless tiny sword qi.

It’s not that Xu Chenzhou didn’t want to store more sword qi, but he found that the upper limit of the sword qi stored in the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone in his hand was 100,000.

In fact, when 50,000 sword qi were stored, the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone had reached its limit. At that time, Xu Chenzhou already felt that the bones of his hands were about to burst.

But Xu Chenzhou was not an ordinary person after all. After realizing this, he used the runes of the Perfect World that could reinforce materials and the refining array patterns of the Primordial World to reinforce the two hand bones. With the blessing of these two cultivation systems, Xu Chenzhou's White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone stabilized again.

So Xu Chenzhou began to store sword qi in it again. After he stored 100,000 sword qi, Xu Chenzhou could feel that his hands had reached their limit again. The sword qi in his hand bones was surging, as if it would burst his hand bones and burst out at any time.

If he stored sword qi in it again, it would only make his hand bones unable to bear it and let the sword qi burst out directly, so Xu Chenzhou had no choice but to give up.

Xu Chenzhou was a little disappointed. After all, as a child of the Flower Planting Family in his previous life, he had a serious fear of insufficient firepower. No one understood the importance of strength better than him.

Some things can be used, but they cannot be absent.

This thing is like a mushroom egg, as long as it is held in the hand, it can make the opponent feel afraid.

If possible, he even wants to store 1 million sword qi in the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone.

However, he also understands that it is indeed difficult to do this. Boss Chen spent a hundred years sharpening a sword, but he only stored 36,500 sword qi in his White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone, while he stored 100,000 sword qi in the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone in just two days.

And the power of the sword qi he stored is incomparable to that of Boss Chen. The power of a sword he slashed with all his strength is always greater than that of Boss Chen, not to mention that every time he slashed a sword qi, he would attach the sword meaning of the grass character sword formula in it, which made his sword qi power even more terrifying.

If he had not used the knowledge of the perfect method and the prehistoric method to strengthen his hand bones, he would never be able to store such a terrifying 100,000 sword qi in it.

Although his Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone only has 100,000 sword qi stored in it, which is only three times more than Boss Chen's, but considering the difference in the quality of the sword qi, the power of the sword qi in his Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone is more than a hundred times stronger than Boss Chen's.

Xu Chenzhou did not give up. He touched his chin, and all kinds of thoughts emerged in his mind. Although the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone has an upper limit, he is not the kind of person who practices to death.

He has more than a dozen resources from the heavens and the worlds. Although he has used the Perfect Method and the Primordial Method to strengthen his hand bones, Xu Chenzhou believes that there must be other ways to strengthen the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone again.

Xu Chenzhou thought carefully and wanted to find a way to strengthen the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone again, so that the power of his trump card would increase again.

But unfortunately, although he has a lot of resources at hand, they all have various defects and are not suitable for strengthening the Baidi Gengjin Sword Bone.

For example, the virtual god meteorite iron that everyone worked together to research for Misaka Mikoto is indeed hard and has strong bearing capacity, but it is very insensitive to sword energy and cannot be used to store sword energy.

If this kind of divine iron is refined into the Baidi Gengjin sword bone, although it will make the Baidi Gengjin sword bone harder, it will also make it lose its extreme tolerance for sword energy, causing a large amount of sword energy loss in it, which will weaken the power of this move.

However, Xu Chenzhou vaguely felt that this path was absolutely correct. If he could find suitable materials to integrate into the sword bone, the firmness of the sword bone would definitely increase significantly.

Xu Chenzhou thought secretly that it seemed that the next task was to find a way to let the group members get more resources from their world.

Although the chat group is now connected to more than a dozen worlds, there are only two worlds that can be truly regarded as deeply developed, one is the Yitian world, and the other is the Yangshen world.

The resources in other worlds are also very rich, such as the prehistoric world, the mortal world, the perfect world, and the star field world where he is, there are countless rare treasures.

If these worlds can be developed as deeply as the Yangshen World, and then resources can be interconnected, there will definitely be unexpected gains.

After dealing with the matter of the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone, Xu Chenzhou stayed in the practice space for another seven days, and only left the chat group's practice space after using up the acceleration time this time.

After practicing for ten consecutive days and nights, even he felt a little tired at this time. Continuing to practice in this state will only be counterproductive.

After returning home, Xu Chenzhou found that Xu Mo Ran had not returned since he went out last time.

However, Xu Chenzhou was not worried because he saw the message Xu Mo Ran sent him on the smart bracelet.

The reason why his sister was not at home for two days was because their school organized a collective training.

The nature of this collective training is somewhat similar to the military training in Xu Chenzhou's previous life. Because of the long period of peace and the existence of extraordinary powers, although most areas of Shuilanxing do not have the tradition of military training.

The situation is different now. The war has started again and may spread from the edge of space to the various planets on the front line at any time.

As a school, it is obliged to teach children how to preserve their knowledge in war, and the purpose of this training is to increase the students' chances of survival in the event of sudden battles.

Xu Mo Ran is a sophomore student who has been in school, so he naturally has to participate in this collective training.

Through Xu Mo Ran's message, Xu Chenzhou knew that this training would last for about 7 days.

This made Xu Chenzhou sigh a little. In fact, according to reason, he was also on the list of participants in this collective training.

However, he is currently on leave, so he was not included in the list.

Because of the popularity of supernatural martial arts, the schools of Shuilan Star have always given the green light to students who have the hope of becoming star-level warriors. As long as they apply for a leave of absence, it will almost always be approved.

Xu Chenzhou is one of them. If he wants, he can go back to school at any time. And because he has obtained the certificate of a star-level warrior, he can directly skip the first and second year of high school and enter the third year of high school, and then participate in the assessment of the supernatural schools in the starry sky.

Xu Chenzhou has no idea about going back to school. No matter how awesome these supernatural martial arts schools are, they are not as good as the chat group he relies on, which has the endless knowledge of the heavens and the world as a foundation. He doesn't think there is anyone in this world who is qualified to be his teacher.

In addition to his sister, Xu Chenzhou also has many acquaintances who participated in this training camp. His former junior high school classmates are now in the third year of high school and are also within the scope of the training camp.

This made Xu Chenzhou a little interested in this training camp. He browsed the training projects online and found that the content was quite formal, and even invited supernatural warriors from the army as instructors.

While browsing the project, Xu Chenzhou saw another piece of news.

The title of this news was written in blood-red words, which faintly revealed an ominous atmosphere.

Backpack! In the Tianhong Star Ring War, the Hundred Battles Leader Lin Xunhuan was defeated and suspected to have fallen. The three hundred God-Demon-level extraordinary people under his command were also missing.

Seeing this title, Xu Chenzhou was shocked and quickly clicked in.

The Hundred Battles Leader Lin Xunhuan is a one-star brigadier general of the Star Domain Alliance. He is also the deputy captain of the extraordinary combat force. He is a seventh-level extraordinary warrior and an absolute big shot.

Even in the entire star domain world, a seventh-level extraordinary warrior is definitely a top force. The Hundred Battles Leader Lin Xunhuan has been galloping across the entire star domain battlefield for hundreds of years without a single defeat. I don’t know how many enemies he has repelled for the Star Domain Alliance. It can be said to be the nightmare of aliens. Unexpectedly, this time he is suspected to have fallen in this war.

The defeat of Lin Xunhuan, the leader of the Hundred Battles, means the loss of the southern front of the war zone. Soon, the Tianji Clan will penetrate into the interior of the Star Domain Alliance through the hole they tore open, and plunge the entire war zone into war.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not pay attention to these things at this time. His attention was on the 300 gods and demons whose lives and deaths were unknown.

Xu Chenzhou opened the list of these 300 extraordinary people with a little nervousness. He did not want to see Zhou Xuanyi's name on the list.

Although he and Zhou Xuanyi had not known each other for a long time, Xu Chenzhou could still feel Zhou Xuanyi's care for him. He could also feel that Zhou Xuanyi was really good to him, not because of other factors.

Unfortunately, due to various reasons, the specific list of these 300 gods and demons was not disclosed in the news.

Xu Chenzhou could also understand this approach. After all, each of these gods and demons was involved in a huge amount of interests, and they were also entangled with many grievances and hatreds.

Once this list reveals the specific identities of these gods and demons, there will definitely be many people who hold grudges against these gods and demons and will come to their homes to avenge their families.

At this time, the Star Alliance is in a mess and has no energy to deal with these messes.

Even so, there is still some information on the list. According to the list, six of these gods and demons whose lives and deaths are unknown are from the Blue Water Star.

This ratio is already quite scary. You should know that the number of gods and demons from the Blue Water Star who went to support this time is about 30.

In addition, there is another report behind this news. The length of this report is not that large, just a few lines of understated words.

Dozens of gods and demons disobeyed the Star Alliance's transfer order and retreated to their home planets. These gods and demons have become deserters because they deserted the battlefield, violated military orders, and delayed the fighter plane.

The military has sent out gods and demons to hunt them down. Anyone who can provide clues about these gods and demons will receive a reward of 1 million to 50 million Star Alliance coins. If they can provide decisive clues, they will also receive 100,000 Star Honor Points.

Judging from this reward, the military is really going to kill them this time.

Alliance coins are nothing. Even the maximum of 50 million is just a drop in the bucket. Even for Xu Chenzhou now, it is not very tempting.

But the 100,000 star domain honor points are incredible. Star domain honor points can be said to be the most hard currency resource of the Star Domain Alliance. As long as there are enough star domain honor points, you can exchange for all kinds of precious treasures in the alliance, from the god-level extraordinary skills passed down by the ten strongest masters in the entire Star Domain Alliance to all kinds of rare materials.

For example, the two extraordinary materials that Xu Chenzhou asked Chen Mu to find, if they were exchanged with star domain honor points, only 300 points would be needed.

From this, we can see how strong the purchasing power of this hard currency is.

Even if it is a god-demon-level extraordinary person, if there is no special opportunity, it will take a hundred years to get 100,000 star domain honor points.

Among these dozens of god-demon-level extraordinary people, there are also two from the Blue Water Star, but Xu Chenzhou is not very tempted by this.

Because he understood that those superhumans who retreated to their home planets were not unforgivable deserters.

If they really fled because of fear of war, they would not even need to go to the front line. They could just pretend to be possessed before setting off.

If they were really possessed and lost their combat effectiveness, the Star Alliance would not force them to die. After all, every god-demon-level superhuman is a very valuable resource.

The reason why they retreated was probably because of the tactics of the Tianji Clan before.

The Tianji Clan used some method to deploy a large number of Tianji Clan warriors on the rear planets to attack the families and friends of these god-demon-level superhumans, and the purpose of these god-demon-level superhumans returning to their own planets was to protect these important people.

But it cannot be said that what these retreating god-demon-level superhumans did was right. After all, they went to the front line and were already in the combat deployment. Once they left their posts without permission, it would easily lead to a gap in the front line.

Xu Chenzhou guessed that the reason why Lin Xunhuan, the leader of the hundred battles, was defeated this time was probably because the escape of these gods and demons caused a flaw in the front line. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the military would offer such a generous reward for the whereabouts of these gods and demons.

Right or wrong, Xu Chenzhou couldn't tell, because he certainly didn't want to be a deserter. If he really had to go to the battlefield, he would definitely settle his family and friends before going to the battle.

But if his relatives were in danger, he would definitely not ignore their safety. He could contribute to the Star Alliance, but the premise was that the Star Alliance could protect his family and friends.

Because the reason he was willing to contribute to the Star Alliance was to protect the safety of his relatives and friends.

If it really came to the moment of decision, he would definitely put his relatives and friends first. As for other people, he would save them if he had the ability, but if he didn't, he could only forgive him for being unable to help.

Just as he was thinking about this, the chat group suddenly made a series of vibrations.

The group was very lively.

Xu Chenzhou quickly opened the chat group panel to check what happened.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Oh no, it's terrible! Uncle Yuding has returned with my brother, and behind him are two old uncles and a beautiful big sister.

The auras of these three guests are so terrifying, just like the will of heaven, so high and deep, I am a little afraid to meet them later."

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