All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 205 The Saint Arrives, Abnormality in Yuquan Mountain

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Xiao Yangchan, what is Jade Ding Zhenren's attitude towards the three guests?"

Xu Chenzhou asked anxiously. Hearing Xiao Yangchan's description, the identities of these three guests were not simple.

He had an extremely lofty artistic conception, like the abyss of heaven. This description made Xu Chenzhou think of the strongest existence in the prehistoric world, the saint.

But it's hard to say, after all, Xiao Yangchan hasn't become an immortal yet. For her, whether it's a saint, a quasi-saint, or even an ordinary Daluo Jinxian, they are all extremely terrifying.

In other words, these guests may also be Daluo Jinxian or quasi-saint.

So Xu Chenzhou wanted to judge the identities of these three guests through the attitude of Jade Ding Zhenren.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "I have never seen Uncle Yuding treat others with such an attitude. His attitude is very respectful, and he follows closely behind an uncle, not daring to step out of line."

Xu Chenzhou touched his nose and said: "These three guests can make Yuding Zhenren so respectful, basically we can conclude that their identities are saints."

After all, as the direct disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, with the saint standing behind him, even if the visitor is a quasi-saint, Yuding Zhenren does not need to be so respectful.

Xu Chenzhou is still a little unsure about the specific identities of these three guests, and Yuanshi Tianzun must be one of them.

If nothing goes wrong, the woman is Nuwa Niangniang,

but it may also be Hou Tu Niangniang.

Xu Chenzhou is not sure about this. Hou Tu Niangniang's position in the prehistoric world is more erratic. In some worlds, Hou Tu Niangniang is a genuine saint comparable to the saint of heaven, while in some worlds, Hou Tu Niangniang is only one of the twelve ancestors of witches.

This made Xu Chenzhou unsure whether the Queen Mother of the Primordial World where Yang Chan lived could be compared with the saints.

And the last one was one of Tongtian Jiaozhu and Taishang Laojun.

Lu Mingfei (school beauty expert): "Will little Yang Chan be in trouble?

I have also read a lot of information about the prehistoric world recently. According to the descriptions above, the magical powers possessed by these saints are really terrifying!"

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Indeed, according to the information provided by the group leader, each of these saints is in harmony with the Tao, and every move has a deep meaning. At this time, the three saints came to Yuquan Mountain together. I am afraid there must be a reason. I am worried that they are coming for little Yang Chan."

Xiao Nannan (the Immortal Killing God): "If this is the case, Sister Yang Chan is in danger.

Otherwise, before you meet those saints, Sister Yang Chan, you should leave the prehistoric world as soon as possible."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "That's not necessary. I don't think the three saints came for Yang Chan this time.

To be honest, if they really realized that this was a huge change in the world and was related to Yang Chan, then how could little Yang Chan sit still at this time? Shui Qun, who was here, had long been caught by a black hand and taken to Zixiao Palace for tea.

However, what Hong Yi said was right. Every move of a saint has its own meaning. Since they are traveling together this time, it means that there must be something near Yuquan Mountain that can attract their attention.

Running away at this time is definitely not a rational choice.

Although the three saints seem to be accompanying Yuding Zhenren at this time, in fact, everything near Yuquan Mountain is already covered by their divine thoughts.

At this time, if they open the cross-border door and leave in front of them, I am afraid that even the chat group will not be able to continue to cover up Xiao Yangchan's tracks. "

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Anyway, the moment you saw the saint, you must have been noticed by the saint. , In this case, Xiao Yangchan, you should stay calm and respond to changes with the same attitude."

While everyone was chatting, Yuding Zhenren and his group slowly walked up the mountain.

It is strange that both the three saints and Yuding Zhenren are beings with great magical powers. Flying into the sky and hiding in the ground are basic operations for them.

But this time when they went up the mountain, the three saints walked very slowly. Not only that, they also carefully observed the flowers, plants and trees on Yuquan Mountain while walking, and sometimes they would squat down and pick up a small grass to look at it carefully.

The old man walking in front was wearing a simple white Taoist robe with countless cloud patterns embroidered on it. Each cloud pattern seemed to be a trace of the avenue, exuding an extremely mysterious atmosphere. He had a ribbon tied around his waist, and the ribbon was embroidered with waves with golden silk thread, and there were stars in the patterns.

If you look at this ribbon from a distance, it is just a costume, but if you look closely, you can find that the seemingly inconspicuous stars are actually planets one after another, and there are even countless lives living on the planets, multiplying and having their own brilliant civilizations.

As the old man walked, he said to Jade Ding Zhenren beside him: "I remember the purpose of your coming down the mountain this time was to search for these God-given creations that suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world with your disciple.

You, you are sitting on a mountain of treasures without knowing it. There are so many God-given creations hidden on this short road up the mountain. Why do you need to go down the mountain to search for them?"

Jade Ding Zhenren couldn't help but reveal a hint of sneer: "These God-given creations have the ability to conceal themselves before they mature. They look no different from ordinary creations.

This is a barrier set up by the Heavenly Dao. My disciple doesn't have the Eye of the Great Dao of your teacher, so how can I recognize it."

After Xiao Yang Chan added a new avenue to the prehistoric world, many creations containing the laws of the perfect world appeared throughout the prehistoric world. These creations were called heaven-sent creations by the people in the prehistoric world.

Except for the initial God-given creations, the other God-given creations were slowly conceived over time and then appeared in the prehistoric world.

Before they mature, due to the protection of heaven, these creations of heaven look exactly like ordinary rocks, grass and trees, and no difference can be seen.

The old man in front of him can make Master Yuding be so respectful, so he is naturally the master of Master Yuding, Taoist Yuanshi.

Taoist Yuanshi nodded: "It is true. These creations contain the rules of the great road from other worlds, and before they mature, they are protected by the way of heaven. They are not among the five elements and jump out of the three realms. With the superposition of the two, even if I have to look closely to see these God-given creations in the making. It’s normal that you can’t detect the inaccuracies.”

After finishing speaking, Taoist Yuanshi looked around on Yuquan Mountain again, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

Because the content of God-given creations on Yuquan Mountain is too terrifying, the amount of God-given creations contained in this short road up the mountain is extremely dense.

If the entire Yuquan Mountain is like this, then the God-given creations in this Yuquan Mountain are richer than the collection of Sanqing College.

Sanqing Academy is a dojo they set up down the mountain three months ago, and it is also the experimental site they use to experiment with new methods.

In order to cultivate these disciples who practiced the new method, the three saints collected many God-given creations.

It can be said that one-third of the God-given creations that appeared in the prehistoric world during this period were admitted to Sanqing Academy.

Of course, if the three saints are willing, they are fully capable of wrapping up all the God-given creations.

For example, in the Western world, all the God-given creations are lying obediently in the treasure troves of Taoist Zhunti and Taoist Jieyin, and not even a little bit of residue is left for the creatures in the Western world.

Moreover, these two brothers not only collected the God-given creations that had been manifested, but also worked tirelessly to create countless clones, search all over the world, and moved the God-given creations that had not yet been completed into the treasure house together.

But the three saints want to be proud, so naturally they cannot be so shameless. With their status, they naturally want to leave enough good fortune for the primitive creatures.

But even so, the collection of Sanqing Academy is terrifying enough.

At this time, the small Yuquan Mountain can actually be compared with the collection of Sanqing College. This is simply incredible.

Next to Taoist Yuanshi stood an old man in black. He had a blue sword tied around his waist, his brows were cold and his face was solemn.

"Yuanshi, it seems that our previous guess was correct. The source of this great change in the world should be near Yuquan Mountain.

Otherwise, Yuquan Mountain would not be able to have such a large number of God-given creations. "

The remaining guest was wearing colorful clothes, with Feiyun hair on his temples, and a nine-phoenix hairpin on his head. He was graceful and luxurious, and had an all-inclusive temperament.

"What Taoist Brother Tongtian said is right, it seems that we can focus our attention near Yuquan Mountain and see if we can gain anything next.

But then again, fortunately, the handful of soil brought by Xiao Yang Jian this time brought our attention to Yuquan Mountain. We will have to thank him later. "

Taoist Tongtian touched his chin: "Well, in Xiao Yang Jian's handful of soil, there are actually three kinds of creations of heaven and earth at the same time. Flowers, seeds, soil and gravel are all creations given by God. This is really unusual.

Otherwise, we would not have thought of coming to Yuquan Mountain to investigate. He must be credited with this matter and be rewarded well later. "

Since Master Yuding and his party were getting closer and closer, and the three saints were not afraid of others hearing their conversations, what they said was also heard by Xiao Yang Chan.

This handful of mud was her practical blessing to her brother before Yang Jian set off.

This is also the custom in her hometown.

In the village where she lives, when wanderers go out, their relatives will give them a handful of mud belts.

Because traveling far away in the wild world is extremely dangerous and few people can survive, so this handful of soil means that the wanderer has roots and his homeland is with him, and it contains the best wishes of his relatives for the wanderer to have a safe journey.

Although the brother and sister became immortal cultivators, Yang Chan did not forget this custom from his hometown, so before Yang Jian went down the mountain this time, little Yang Chan also prepared a handful of soil for him.

Unexpectedly, it was this handful of soil that made the saint notice something unusual about Yuquan Mountain.

But after knowing this, Xiao Yang Chan's anxious heart relaxed.

These saints didn't come for her. Even after they got so close, they still didn't notice anything unusual about her. This also showed that she was actually very safe now and didn't need to worry at all.

She now has two abnormalities in her body. One is the power of merit she obtained when she changed the rules of the great world and the body of innate merit she obtained at that time.

This power of merit is not as terrifying as the merit obtained by Saint Nuwa when she created humans, but apart from the merit of creating humans, there are few people in the entire prehistoric world who have gained merits that can compare with him.

If this huge amount of merit were exposed, it would stand out in front of the saint like a firefly in the dark night.

When the merit was obtained, the chat group had already covered up the whereabouts of the merit. In addition, the merit of the Heavenly Dao originally had the ability of divine objects to conceal themselves. This was the power of the Heavenly Dao. Even if the three saints did not observe carefully, it would be difficult to see the clues. In addition, the power of the chat group made this merit power hidden without a trace.

Even now, the three saints were standing in front of Yang Chan, but they still could not see the merit power on Yang Chan.

There was another abnormality, that was the cultivation system of other worlds that Yang Chan practiced. Each cultivation system would leave a deep imprint on the practitioner. No matter whether it was the Perfect Method or the Yangshen Dao Technique, as long as it was practiced, it would leave traces, and at this time these traces were also covered up by the chat group.

As the distance between the three saints got closer and closer, little Yang Chan also took the initiative to walk over there, and soon walked in front of Jade Ding Zhenren.

Jade Ding Zhenren was wearing a black dress, carrying a long sword on his back, with a white face and sharp eyes. The moment he saw Yang Chan, he showed a joyful expression on his face, and hurriedly walked to the little guy and patted Yang Chan's head.

Jade Ding Zhenren had a very good impression of Yang Chan. Yang Chan was very sensible when she just came to Yuquan Mountain. She didn't cry even though she had just lost her parents. Moreover, during this time on the mountain, she not only practiced seriously, but also brought tea and water to him from time to time, asking about his well-being. She was simply a caring little cotton-padded jacket.

If he hadn't calculated that there was no master-disciple relationship between the two, he would have wanted to accept little Yang Chan as his disciple and become a formal third-generation disciple of Yuxu Palace.

"I haven't seen you for more than a month. Little Yang Chan, you have grown a lot taller. Let me introduce you. This is your Yuanshi Grandmaster, this is your Tongtian Grandmaster, and this is Nuwa Saint."

Under the guidance of Jade Ding Zhenren, little Yang Chan saluted the three saints one by one.

Seeing the little girl's well-behaved and sensible appearance, Tongtian touched his beard and laughed loudly.

"Okay, okay, I can tell at a glance that they are siblings with Yang Jian, and both of them are smart.

Just now I said that I would give Yang Jian a reward. If I remember correctly, the handful of soil that Yang Jian gave him should be given by little Yang Chan.

In this case, you also have a share of this reward."

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