All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 206 Tongtian Reward, Yuanshi is shocked

I don’t know if it’s because he found the origin of this great change in the world, Tongtian Sect Master is in a particularly good mood at this time.

The avenue he cultivates is the avenue of interception.

The operation of the heavenly way in the prehistoric world, the reciprocating reincarnation, is simply perfect.

Especially under the control of his teacher Hongjun, the entire prehistoric world has become more stable to an outrageous existence. Hongjun is in harmony with the way above, grasping the general trend, and the six saints are suppressing the prehistoric world below. The heaven has a constant way.

It can be said that from the time point after Hongjun was in harmony with the way, everything in the next thousands, tens of millions, and hundreds of billions of years has been destined. From that time on, the prehistoric ship has been on a fixed course, constantly moving towards the end point set by the heavenly way.

For the creatures of the prehistoric world, it is hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

After all, although the general trend of the future has been determined, with Hongjun in control of everything, it also means that the trajectory of the prehistoric world will not go astray, and it will always prosper. Although there are repeated disasters, it will never fall into extinction.

But this is definitely not a good thing for Tongtian Patriarch, because his avenue is to cut, cut a line in the sky.

There is a very important premise to cut a line in the sky, that is, he needs to change.

A stable and unchanging prehistoric world has no meaning to him. The way of heaven is like a stagnant pool of water. Where can he cut the sky to achieve the way?

The future is uncertain and unpredictable. There are constant rises and evolutions of all things. Only in this way can he see the beginning and the end from the ever-changing way of heaven, so as to cut a line in the sky and see the ultimate.

So for so many years, Tongtian Patriarch's cultivation growth has been the slowest among the Three Pure Ones. The way of heaven always makes the avenue he cultivates like the moon in the water and the flowers in the mirror.

But Tongtian Patriarch has no way, because the trend of heaven is set by his teacher. In addition, the other two of the Three Pure Ones also agree with the teacher's decision.

And this avenue that suddenly merged into the prehistoric world caused an uproar in the prehistoric world, causing huge changes in the entire prehistoric world, completely out of the trend of heaven set by Hongjun at that time.

In this change, Tongtian Patriarch could feel that his cultivation was changing with each passing day, and he could absorb rich nutrition from the constantly changing heavenly ways at every moment.

He felt that if there were new avenues that could be integrated into the prehistoric world to bring more drastic changes, he would be able to absorb more nutrition from them, so as to break through the bottleneck of cultivation and even glimpse the realm of his teacher.

This also made Tongtian Patriarch the saint who cared most about this great change in the world, and he was extremely eager to find the source of this great change in the world.

Although he only found a possibility at this time, it still made Tongtian Patriarch feel very happy.

He turned his head to look at Yang Jian and asked, "Tell me, kid, I'm not a stingy person, what reward do you want?

As soon as these words came out, Jade Ding Zhenren's face changed instantly, revealing a hint of surprise.

He knew too well how powerful his uncle was, known as the number one killer in the three realms. Anything in the hands of such a person would be a great existence for Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian did not dare to take the initiative to ask Tongtian Jiaozhu. He was taught by Jade Ding Zhenren and had memorized the thick rules of the Chanjiao sect. He knew how supreme the saints were and what the order of respect and inferiority was.

Yang Jian bowed his head and saluted Tongtian Jiaozhu: "It is a very happy thing for a disciple to be able to receive the reward from the master. As long as it is a gift from the master, the disciple will be extremely happy and dare not ask for more. "

After hearing this answer, Tongtian Jiaozhu showed no expression on his face. He turned his head and looked at Xiao Yangchan and asked the same question.

At this time, the discussion in the group chat was also very heated.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "I didn't expect Xiao Yangchan to have such an opportunity to get the reward from Tongtian Jiaozhu. Even a leg hair from this big guy is very precious to us."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "That's right. Xiao Yangchan's description just now is not wrong.

Just listening to the description of the group leader, before seeing the saint, I couldn't imagine how powerful the saint was.

But now I have the honor to see it. The aura of these three people is simply too terrifying. Every move seems to be able to affect the whole world and fluctuate the timeline infinitely.

I feel that even a strong man at the level of Yangshen is no different from a mosquito in front of these three. "

Hong Yi looked at the scene in Yang Chan's live broadcast with amazement.

The live broadcast function of the chat group is quite extraordinary. When the group members watched the live broadcast, it was as if they had traveled to another world.

Except that the bodies of the group members were illusory, the chat group completely restored everything, the touch of the breeze blowing on the skin, the fresh smell of the sun shining on the hair, and even the momentum of the people in the scene were perfectly reproduced, which made their feelings no different from really arriving at the scene.

At this time, Hong Yi could fully feel how terrifying the three saints in front of him were. Yuanshi Tianzun used the galaxy as a belt and the avenue as clothes. With every move, the whole world seemed to collapse towards him.

Tongtian Jiaozhu grasped the end of all things. When his eyes opened and closed, it seemed that thousands of worlds were destroyed in prosperity and reborn from the center of destruction.

Hong Yi thought to himself that this level of existence might have far surpassed the other side and reached a realm he could not imagine.

However, Hong Yi did not feel discouraged by this. Instead, he aroused a high fighting spirit. One day, he would reach or even surpass the realm of these saints in front of him.

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Then again, how will little Yang Chan answer the question of Master Tongtian?"

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "I feel like Xiao Yang Chan should learn from Yang Jian's answer. This answer is the safest."

Hong Yi: "I don't think so. If Master Tongtian was really satisfied with Yang Jian's answer, he wouldn't have asked little Yang Chan again with an expressionless face just now.

You may not have noticed that Master Tongtian is in a very good mood today. When Xiao Yang Chan saluted him just now, he even laughed happily.

In other words, his expressionless face actually proved that he was very dissatisfied with Yang Jian's answer just now. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “I also agree with Hong Yi’s view. Master Tongtian is definitely the most open-minded and enlightened being among the Three Pure Ones. Since he founded the Jie Jiao, he has accepted all spirits in the world into the Jie Jiao regardless of birth. This can be seen in .

The disciples of Master Tongtian are diverse, and they all practice all kinds of magical powers. The Ten Jue Formation is sinister and sinister, and the Hunyuan Golden Dou collects the world's filth. From this, we can also see the inclusiveness of Master Tongtian.

Yang Jian's answer was too rigid. This style may be more favored by Yuanshi Tianzun, but for the leader of Tongtian, it is definitely an unqualified answer.

In other words, Master Tongtian actually prefers disciples who have subjective initiative. "

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "I understand, that is to say, Master Tongtian actually hopes that Xiao Yang Chan will take the initiative to speak.

But the problem is that we don’t know what is more appropriate to ask for from Tongtian Cult.

The group leader's information listed many treasures of the Tongtian Cult, such as the Purple Electric Hammer, the Qingping Sword, the Four Swords of Zhuxian, etc. However, these treasures are too precious, and talking about them rashly will be counterproductive. "

Little Yang Chan was also a little troubled. She wanted every one of the treasures listed by Lu Mingfei. If she could own these treasures, even the lowest-grade purple electric hammer, she would have the confidence to hit it with the purple electric hammer. Split the peach mountain that was holding my mother down.

After all, if she could get the Purple Electric Hammer, a very well-known treasure, even if she split open Peach Mountain in front of the heavenly soldiers and generals, the Heavenly Court would not dare to say anything.

But she also understood that this was impossible.

Just when Yang Chan was still distressed, Xiao Shihao suddenly spoke.

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of Virtual God Realm): "Hey, why do you think so much? Since we don't know what good things Lord Tongtian has, why don't we just ask him?"

Xiao Shihao's words can be said to wake up the dreamer, and Yang Chan knew how to answer in an instant.

She raised her head and looked at Master Tongtian with her big crystal clear eyes, and asked with a simple face: "Master Tongtian, I want a lot of things, but I don't know what you have, so I I don’t know what reward I should ask from Master.”

Upon hearing Xiao Yang Chan's words, the faces of Master Yuding and Yang Jian instantly darkened.

Both their master and apprentice are from the Yuxu Palace lineage, and are disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Professor Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples have always been very particular about the order of superiority and inferiority. Even if the elders take the initiative to give it, the disciples have no right to ask for it. It is only right to accept it obediently.

Master Yuding could not help but secretly rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, Xiao Yang Chan did not say these words to Yuanshi Tianzun. Otherwise, let alone rewards, he would probably be charged with not understanding the order of dignity.

However, he was not sure what the Tongtian leader's attitude would be towards Xiao Yang Chan. After all, when he became a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Sanqing was already in a state of separation, and he had almost no contact with the Tongtian leader.

When Tongtian Cult Master heard Xiao Yang Chan's words, his face became interested: "Master Tongtian is very capable. He has all kinds of treasures. Just tell me what you want, little guy, and I will be able to satisfy you. "

The more Lord Tongtian looked at the little guy in front of him, the more he liked him. What he always hated most was that his disciples paid too much attention to the order of hierarchy.

So just now he felt a little angry when he saw Yang Jian's submissive look, but Xiao Yang Chan's performance was just right, showing respect for him without being too rigid.

In addition, he was in a really good mood today, so he made such a generous promise. In his opinion, Yang Chan was just a child. How outrageous could his demands be? With his strength , no matter what reward he wants, he can easily satisfy it.

Little Yang Chan didn't expect that after she asked so directly, Master Tongtian actually threw the ball back, but Xiao Yang Chan could also feel that what Master Tongtian said was sincere.

After all, a person of the stature of a saint would never regret what he said, not to mention that he was still under the gaze of the other two saints. Even if the prehistoric universe was reshaped and the heaven, earth and galaxies were reversed, he would not regret it. Determined not to break his promise.

Of course, the two sages in the West are outsiders and are not included in this category.

Without morals, anything is possible.

What's more, if a saint is shameless, he is even more invincible among invincibles.

There's basically no big difference between what they say and farting.

Xiao Yang Chan rolled her eyes and finally made a decision.

She slowly walked up to the leader of Tongtian, her face a little eager to try: "Really, can I have anything I want?"

Tongtian Patriarch nodded: "Just say it, since I promised, I will definitely do it."

After receiving Tongtian Patriarch's affirmative answer, little Yang Chan stretched out her white and tender little hand and pointed at Tongtian Patriarch's waist and said: "Grandmaster, I am learning sword-controlling skills from Uncle Yuding during this period, and I just need a flying sword. I think the sword on your waist is very good and looks very pleasing to the eye. Why not treat it as a reward for me."

After Yang Chan said this, Yuding Zhenren and Yang Jian did not react, but Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Saint on the side could not help showing strange expressions on their faces, and even looked at Tongtian Patriarch with some nagging eyes.

Good guy, you are so arrogant that you can satisfy any request, and now you are in trouble.

You should know that the long sword on Tongtian Patriarch's waist is not ordinary. It is the Qingping Sword, the companion spirit treasure of Tongtian Patriarch. This long sword ranks higher than the four swords of Zhuxian in Tongtian Patriarch's heart.

After all, the Four Swords of Zhuxian are just treasures for killing. Although they are very precious to Tongtian, they are not to the extent that he cannot give them up. After all, Tongtian is confident that even without the Four Swords of Zhuxian, he can still fight against all enemies in the past and present with only the long sword in his hand.

The Qingping Sword is different. The Qingping Sword is the companion treasure of Tongtian. It has accompanied him all the way to grow up and has a completely different meaning to him.

But Tongtian didn't know how to refuse Xiao Yangchan's request. After all, he said that he could have anything he wanted.

Xiao Yangchan's request is also reasonable. The little guy is learning the art of flying swords. What's wrong with wanting a flying sword? He has the Qingping Sword tied around his waist, so it can be said that he just caught up.

And he can also be sure that the little guy doesn't know the origin of the Qingping Sword.

The status of the saints is high above. Whenever someone in the world mentions their names, the saints can sense it. The Qingping Sword is closely connected with Tongtian and is also within the range of sensing. In addition, Yuanshi Tianzun pays attention to the order of seniority, and it is even more impossible for him to take the initiative to reveal his roots to his disciples.

Let alone Xiao Yangchan, even Yuding Zhenren doesn't know what the long sword hanging on his waist is.

In addition, the Qingping Sword on his waist is now gathering its precious light. At first glance, it is just an ordinary magic sword. Unless you know the existence of the Qingping Sword, it is impossible to recognize the extraordinaryness of this long sword.

Reasonably speaking, with Tongtian Jiaozhu's background, if he changes a sword, as long as Xiao Yangchan asks for it, Tongtian Jiaozhu will not hesitate at all. What acquired spiritual treasures, innate spiritual treasures, those that are priceless in the eyes of ordinary practitioners are not a problem.

Even other treasures of the same level as the Qingping Sword, Tongtian Jiaozhu will not feel sorry, but this is the Qingping Sword after all, a companion spiritual treasure that has accompanied him all the way to grow up, which makes Tongtian Jiaozhu fall into silence rarely.

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