All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 207: Qingping Sword Shadow, Thousand Layers of Floating Light

Seeing this scene, the expressions on Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Saint's faces became more wonderful.

In their impression, Tongtian Jiaozhu is a decisive person with a clear mind. No matter what difficulties he faces, he never hesitates.

And this decisive character is also the foundation for Tongtian Jiaozhu to practice the first killing way in the three realms.

It can be said that they have known Tongtian Jiaozhu for so many years, and have never seen him hesitate like this.

And everyone in the chat group was stunned at this time.

They could hardly believe their eyes. No one thought that Xiao Yangchan would dare to be so bold and directly ask Tongtian Jiaozhu for his companion spirit treasure.

Although the long sword on Tongtian Jiaozhu's waist has restrained its spiritual light and looks like an ordinary magic weapon, from the perspective of the group members, the origin of this long sword is clearly exposed.

Because the hilt of this long sword is covered with a faint green lotus, which is the most prominent feature of the Qingping Sword.

Tongtian Patriarch pondered for a long time. He stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the long sword at his waist. The lotus on the hilt opened and closed, as if resonating with Tongtian Patriarch's mind.

Seeing this scene, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were calm, with stars in his pupils, and a hint of an inexplicable smile on his face.

Among so many people present, only he could resolve Tongtian Patriarch's current situation.

After all, although Yang Chan did not officially become a disciple of Yuding Zhenren, from a certain perspective, Xiao Yangchan was also a disciple of Yuxu Palace.

With his identity, he only needed one sentence to easily resolve the current situation.

But for some reason, Yuanshi Tianzun did not express anything, but just stood quietly by the side.

Tongtian Patriarch pondered for a long time and finally took off the long sword from his waist.

"You little girl, you really gave me a difficult problem.

You can ask for other things, but asking for this sword is really a headache for me.

But since I promised you, I will not break my promise. If you want it, I will give it to you.

But little girl, you have to think about it. This sword is not so easy to get."

As he said this, a divine light flashed on Tongtian's hand, and a chaotic aura on his palm brushed across the hilt of the Qingping Sword.

With the action of Tongtian, the lotus on the hilt of the Qingping Sword gradually disappeared, as if it had lost its spirituality in an instant.

Then Tongtian stretched out his hand and threw the Qingping Sword into Xiao Yangchan's arms.

"This long sword is a great treasure. Your current cultivation is far from enough to control it, so I have placed many layers of seals on the long sword.

This seal will be gradually unlocked as your cultivation progresses. Every time your cultivation improves, the seal of the long sword will be unlocked, showing a stronger power."

Seeing this scene, Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Saint were very surprised. They did not expect that Tongtian Sect Master would actually give the Qingping Sword to Xiao Yangchan.

You must know that the Qingping Sword is an innate spiritual treasure that can be compared with the Shanhe Shejitu, Pangu Banner, Taijitu, and Qibao Miaoshu.

It belongs to the top level among the innate spiritual treasures, and the Qingping Sword accompanies Tongtian Sect Master's growth, which has a very special meaning for Tongtian Sect Master.

Nuwa Saint said softly: "I didn't expect Brother Tongtian to be so generous and generous. He even gave such a treasure to the younger generation. It really opened my eyes."

Tongtian tried to make an open-minded expression, but there was still some pain in his eyes: "This is my way. Since I have made a promise, I will not break it."

And little Yang Chan naturally noticed Tongtian's pain. She walked to Tongtian with the Qingping Sword in her hand and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, disciple."

Before Yang Chan finished speaking, Tongtian waved his hand: "No need to say polite words, try the power of this sword."

Yang Chan nodded and gently pulled out the Qingping Sword in her hand.

In an instant, the long sword was unsheathed, a crescent of green water light rippled the whole scene, and a terrifying sword intent rose to the sky from the emerald green sword, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

Little Yang Chan just waved lightly, and the terrifying sword energy spurted out, splitting the sky and the earth in half, breaking the clouds, shattering the sky, and even the stars farther away were affected.

This power far exceeded the Panhuang Life Sword she had seen in the Yangshen World.

The Panhuang Life Sword was already a divine weapon, and as long as it was held, it would allow an ordinary person to have the power to rival the Creator.

But compared with the Qingping Sword in Little Yang Chan's hand, this artifact was simply the difference between the light of a firefly and the bright moon.

Moreover, the Qingping Sword, which showed such power, was still sealed, and was far from blooming its true power.

Feeling the power of the Qingping Sword, Yang Chan couldn't close her mouth.

This power far exceeded her imagination. Even in the sealed state, Yang Chan had the confidence to split Taoshan with this long sword.

She raised the long sword and looked at it carefully in the sunlight. There were countless runes on the sword. Each rune was mysterious and difficult to describe. In a microsecond, it showed tens of millions of changes. Each change was extremely complicated, as if it was a chaotic number that could not be analyzed at all.

This terrifying power made Xiao Yangchan a little obsessed, but then she calmed down.

Her real purpose was not to ask Tongtian Sect Master for the Qingping Sword. Although this long sword was good, it was not her real purpose.

She hurriedly walked in front of Master Tongtian and looked at him with clear eyes: "Grandmaster, how can the power of this sword be so terrifying.

I saw Uncle Yuding perform swordsmanship before, and the sword energy he slashed with the Red Dragon Sword was not as powerful as the sword I swung with this sword."

The pain on Master Tongtian's face became more and more obvious: "Little girl, aren't you talking nonsense? How can the broken sword in Yuding's hand be compared with my sword? His Red Dragon Sword is not even worthy of my Qingping Sword."

This made Master Yuding on the side look a little embarrassed. If someone else said this, he would have taken up his sword to chop, but the person who said it was Master Tongtian, and he didn't even dare to refute.

Nuwa Saint on the side also said: "Yang Chan, you have picked up a great bargain this time. The origin of this sword is the Qingping Sword, the companion spiritual treasure of Brother Tongtian.

This long sword is considered to be the best among the spiritual treasures in the entire prehistoric world. Although it is not included in the list of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, except for those treasures, this Qingping Sword is the top treasure.

And the long sword has been with Brother Tongtian for many years, and it is connected with Brother Tongtian's mind. It contains Brother Tongtian's sword intention. When you practice swordsmanship with the Qingping Sword, you can always feel the essence of Brother Tongtian's swordsmanship, which will bring you unimaginable benefits."

After Nuwa Saint finished speaking, she stared at little Yang Chan, wanting to see a surprised expression on her face.

I don't know why, after seeing little Yang Chan today, Nuwa has a very good impression of this little guy, and she likes him no matter how she looks at him.

But what Nuwa Saint did not expect was that Xiao Yangchan did not show a surprised expression on her face, but looked at Tongtian Sect Master nervously.

Then Xiao Yangchan actually handed the Qingping Sword in her hand to Tongtian Sect Master again: "Grandmaster, I shouldn't have asked you for this long sword as a reward, you should take the Qingping Sword back."

What Xiao Yangchan said made Tongtian Sect Master's face change instantly: "Little guy, what do you mean, do you think I am the kind of person who doesn't keep his word?

What do you care about the origin of this Qingping Sword? I said I would give it to you, so you took it. Why do you give it back to me?"

Xiao Yangchan said timidly: "That's not what I meant. I naturally know that you keep your word.

If I asked you just now If it is other treasures, I will definitely accept them without hesitation even if they are powerful.

After all, I know that these things are nothing to you.

But just now, Saint Nuwa said that this long sword is your companion sword, which has been with you all year round and is dependent on you.

So I was thinking that it must be very important to you and have special meaning.

I didn’t know this just now, so I asked you for it. Now that I know it, I will naturally not do such a thing of stealing someone’s love. "

After saying this, Xiao Yangchan raised the Qingping Sword in her hand a little higher.

Hearing Xiao Yangchan's words, Tongtian's eyes softened a lot: "Little guy, you have to think clearly. You have just seen the power of this sword, and this is the power it showed when it was sealed.

I can tell you that the real power of the Qingping Sword is a hundred billion times stronger than the power just shown.

With the Qingping Sword in hand, you can walk sideways in the entire prehistoric world. Unless you meet those old monsters who are hidden in the world, no one can be your opponent.

Even so, do you still want to return it to me?"

Xiao Yangchan nodded heavily: "Of course, this sword is very important to you, the master. No matter how powerful it is, I will not change my mind for this."

After getting Xiao Yangchan's affirmative answer, Tongtian reached out and took back the Qingping Sword from Xiao Yangchan's hand.

The group members in the chat group watched this scene through the group live broadcast.

Xiao Shihao was a little puzzled when he saw this scene.

Little Shi Hao (Overlord of the Void God Realm): "What is Sister Yang Chan doing? Why did she return such a powerful treasure after getting it? It hurts me so much."

At this age, Little Shi Hao wants to get any good things he sees.

You know, he is a little baby who even dug out the treasure bones on the initial passage of the Void God Realm and took them home. Seeing this scene made him feel very sad.

Ying Zheng (Qin State Hostage): "Yes, this sword is really terrifying. It can cut off the stars with a wave of the hand. It is far more than all the treasures in the Hundred Schools World. If I can get this sword, I am afraid I can sweep the world and unify the world now."

The future Zulong also began to feel pain when he saw this scene. If he had this sword, he would still be here as a hostage and would have killed his way back to Qin State long ago.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Don't limit your view of things to the surface. I think what Xiao Yangchan did was right.

The Qingping Sword is good, but it is not something Xiao Yangchan can control now.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Yangchan has no feelings for Tongtian Patriarch. She was rewarded by Tongtian Patriarch simply because of that handful of soil.

But the cause and effect of that handful of soil is far from enough to support Xiao Yangchan to get a treasure of the level of Qingping Sword from Tongtian Patriarch.

Although Tongtian Patriarch is indeed a man who keeps his word, he actually gave the Qingping Sword to Yangchan.

But this also means that the cause and effect between the two of them ends here.

His promise can only allow Yang Chan to get the Qingping Sword, and everything that follows has nothing to do with Master Tongtian.

Although the sealed Qingping Sword is powerful, it is far from enough for Yang Chan to dominate the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, possessing such a divine weapon is a way to death.

In the prehistoric world, the means of fighting the enemy are not only the frontal attack, but there are many great masters who can bypass the protection of the sealed Qingping Sword and directly take the life of little Yang Chan. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "What Hong Yi said is right. Yang Chan's Qingping Sword is not legitimate, which means that she does not have the protection of Master Tongtian.

There are many great masters with deep roots in the prehistoric world who can know this.

Killing little Yang Chan who has the Qingping Sword will not offend Master Tongtian.

After all, if Yang Chan does not die, it means that Master Tongtian has lost the Qingping Sword.

Moreover, as long as Yang Chan dies, Tongtian Sect Master can take back the Qingping Sword, so killing Yang Chan can actually establish a good relationship with Tongtian Sect Master.

It is not a good thing for Xiao Yangchan to possess the Qingping Sword in this way, but it may lead to disaster.

Moreover, the Qingping Sword is not an ordinary spiritual treasure. This level of spiritual treasure has wisdom and a high status. If you really keep the Qingping Sword by your side, it may expose the existence of the chat group.

At this time, Xiao Yangchan returned the Qingping Sword to Tongtian Sect Master, which made the nature of this matter completely different.

As long as Tongtian Sect Master took the Qingping Sword, between the gift and the return, Xiao Yangchang and Tongtian Sect Master had already established a cause and effect, and it was a great good relationship.

This is much more profitable than a sealed Qingping Sword that will bring all kinds of negative effects. "

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killing God): "In this case, I don't think Tongtian Sect Master is a good thing.

He sealed the Qingping Sword before giving it to Sister Yang Chan. Was it to make Sister Yang Chan die earlier so that he could take back the Qingping Sword as soon as possible? "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Not really. The Qingping Sword is an innate spiritual treasure with extremely strong power. Yang Chan's current cultivation has not yet become an immortal, so she really can't bear it.

If Tongtian Patriarch really wants to regret it, it would be a better choice not to seal the Qingping Sword. With Yang Chan's current cultivation, it only takes a moment for the sword energy of the Qingping Sword to be chopped into powder. "

Just as everyone in the group was chatting, Tongtian Patriarch waved his hand and wiped off the seal on the Qingping Sword with infinite chaos energy.

As the companion spiritual treasure returned to his hand, feeling the familiar touch, Tongtian Patriarch looked at Yang Chan with an extremely soft and satisfied look.

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