All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 208: The Blue Lotus Sword Appears, Zhu Xian Sword Intent

"Okay, okay!" Tongtian Cult Master let out a loud laugh. As the laughter spread, the heaven and earth shook in an instant, and the sun, moon and stars also kept shaking.

“You little girl, you are so angry with me.

To tell you the truth, the Qingping Sword does mean a lot to me. Since you returned the Qingping Sword, I naturally cannot treat you badly. "

While speaking, Master Tongtian stretched out his hand and pulled on Qingping Sword, and saw countless laws being pulled out by him like ribbons.

The innate spiritual treasures of the prehistoric world were born before the chaos. At the beginning of their birth, they were the condensed body of laws. These laws were condensed into innate divine prohibitions on the innate treasures. The more powerful the innate divine treasures, the more innate divine prohibitions contained in them. more.

As the top innate treasure, the Qingping Sword contains eighty innate divine prohibitions. Each innate divine prohibition gives the Qingping Sword a unique power. It can cut all things, travel through the void, and break everything. The consequences are as follows: Because blah blah blah.

At this time, the Tongtian Cult Leader actually pulled out the innate divine prohibition on the Qingping Sword and pulled out his supreme magic power. Under the entanglement of these innate divine prohibitions, endless power was exuded in the void, and the entire Yuquan Mountain was The power emitted by these innate divine bans kept trembling, as if they were about to shatter.

The leader of Tongtian Cult was also unambiguous. When he turned his hand, another piece of divine iron appeared.

This piece of divine iron is greenish-purple in color, with red-gold lines on its surface. The divine iron blooms in the void with thousands of auspicious colors and thousands of rays of rays of light, dyeing the entire sky into green and gold.

Then another chaotic divine fire ignited in his hand. The divine fire and the divine iron were entangled together, and in an instant, the divine iron was refined into the shape of a long sword.

Immediately afterwards, the innate divine ban that was pulled out from the Qingping Sword kept shuttling back and forth among the sacred posts, and cooperated with the magic power of the Tongtian Cult Master to leave his own mark on the long sword.

Soon, the divine iron in Master Tongtian's hand cooled down, and a long sword that looked almost exactly like Qingping Sword appeared in his hand.

"Little girl, I give you this sword. It was made by me from a piece of Zixia Divine Iron that was born when the world first opened.

However, my qi refining skills are not as good as those of my elder brother. I am unable to return from acquired to innate like him, and refine the innate spiritual treasure through acquired, so it is just an acquired treasure, and its power is far inferior to the Qingping Sword.

However, I want to imprint the eighty innate divine prohibitions contained in Qingping Sword in the divine sword. To a certain extent, it also has the power of Qingping Sword, but it is not as strong as Qingping Sword.

Moreover, this divine sword contains my three sword energies. Once you are in danger of your life, these three sword energies will be activated. Each sword energy has the power of my full strength. "

Hearing what Master Tongtian said, Yang Chan showed an expression of surprise on her face.

Although the power of this long sword is not as good as the Qingping Sword, its significance is far beyond what the Qingping Sword can match.

If the Qingping Sword meant nothing more to Yang Chan than a powerful innate spiritual treasure, there would be no way to save Yang Chan's life in the hands of a person with great supernatural powers.

And this long sword is an amulet. This is a sword that was personally refined and given by the leader of Tongtian Cult.

With this sword in hand, except for a few saints, no matter who wants to touch Xiao Yang Chan, they must weigh the attitude of the Tongtian leader.

She hurriedly stepped forward, bowed to the leader of Tongtian, and then respectfully took the newly refined sword from the leader's hand.

"Thank you, Master. This sword was refined by Master. Yang Chan boldly asked Master to give this sword a name."

Yang Chan took the sword and looked at the sword in her hand carefully, full of joy.

The blue lotus blossoms on the long sword are in full bloom, and the ups and downs contain endless mysteries.

After hearing Yang Chan's words, Master Tongtian pondered slightly: "This long sword is modeled after the Qingping Sword, and it also contains traces of the laws of the Chaos Qinglian. Let's call it the Qinglian Sword."

After finishing speaking, Master Tongtian reached out and took out four sword-shaped jade slips. The jade slips were suspended in the air and kept spinning on the palm of Master Tongtian.

Each jade slip has a different shape, and four different sword intentions are faintly revealed on it, killing everything, killing all living beings, trapping immortals and gods, and destroying heaven and earth.

"Since the reason why you asked for the Qingping Sword just now, little one, is because you want to learn swordsmanship, then I will teach you another peerless swordsmanship. Each of these four jade slips contains one of my sword intentions. You pick one. If you like it, I'll pass it on to you."

Seeing the actions of Leader Tongtian, expressions of surprise appeared on the faces of Yuanshi Tianzun and Saint Nuwa at the same time. Even they did not expect that Tongtian would be so generous this time.

Let’s talk about the Qinglian Sword given to Yang Chan by the Tongtian Cult Leader. This is the meaning of the title. As a saint, the Tongtian Cult Leader took back the Qingping Sword, and he must give Yang Chan another sword as a replacement.

The value of the Qinglian Sword is not necessarily much worse than that of the Qingping Sword.

After all, although Tongtian Cult Master is modest that his weapon refining skills are not as good as those of the Supreme Saint, to put it bluntly, Tongtian Cult Master is also a saint and has in-depth research on Qi refining methods.

It's normal that they can't compare to the Supreme Saint. After all, the Supreme Saint is the best in the art of weapon refining. Even their teacher Hongjun dare not say that he can hold a candle to the Supreme Saint in the art of weapon refining.

Although the long sword trained by the leader of the Tongtian Sect is still in the category of acquired spiritual treasures, it is definitely considered an acquired treasure for killing. If Yang Chan can achieve the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, he can even kill the quasi-sage with this long sword.

And the three sword energies contained in it are enough to benefit Xiao Yang Chan endlessly.

Now the four jade slips given by the leader of Tongtian are even more incredible. They are the four sword intentions that the leader of Tongtian has understood from the four swords of Zhuxian. The sword of Zhuxian kills everything and contains the essence of the way of destruction. The sword of killing immortals, Killing all living beings contains the essence of the way of the end. The sword of trapping immortals and trapping gods contains the essence of the way of death. The immortal sword of exterminating heaven and earth contains the essence of the way of extermination.

These four sword intentions include destruction, end, death, and annihilation. They are a microcosm of the great path of Tongtian Cult Master, and their value is simply immeasurable.

In other words, this swordsmanship is the Taoist secret code of Master Tongtian. Only the direct disciples who are the most valued by Master Tongtian can learn this swordsmanship from Master Tongtian. It is almost the most important disciple of Master Tongtian. Bottom of the box means.

At this time, the Tongtian leader actually gave it to Xiao Yang Chan to choose from. From this, we can also see how satisfied the Tongtian leader is with Xiao Yang Chan.

Of course, the way of saints is profound and far-reaching, and it can never be summed up by one swordsmanship. The Four Sword Techniques of Zhuxian are just a microcosm of the field related to the end of destruction in the Great Way of Tongtian Cult. And such secret scriptures of Taoism, There are four sects of Tongtian Cult Leaders.

The two saints did not think that Xiao Yang could learn the essence of this swordsmanship from the master Tongtian.

You know, the leader of Tongtian established Jiejiao, thousands of immortals came to court, and the disciples under him were mixed. The disciples who can really stand out are all talented and have extraordinary abilities, but whether they are accompanying the Seven Immortals or Duobao Taoist , neither Empress Sanxiao nor Zhao Gongming is qualified to inherit the swordsmanship of Master Tongtian.

From here, we can also imagine how powerful the qualifications required to learn this sword art are. Only the kind of peerless swordsmanship genius who is almost one with the Tao can still hope to understand the essence of this sword art.

Looking at the four jade slips in the hands of Master Tongtian, Yang Chan fell into deep thought. She looked left and right and felt that each one was pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, after joining the chat group, she watched the group friends in the group chat collect various exercises all day long. Seeing the increasing number of exercises in the chat group's exercise library, Xiao Yang Chan also awakened to the hamster habit. What good things did she see? I just want to collect the exercises and upload them to the group chat.

She just likes to see those skills arranged neatly in the exercise control, which makes him feel satisfied.

No matter which one of the Four Sword Art of Zhu Xian was missing, Xiao Yang Chan felt uncomfortable all over and had a feeling of incompleteness.

Moreover, Yang Chan felt that with the character of Tongtian Cult Master, even if she wanted to learn all four sword skills, Tongtian Cult Master would not blame her.

Yang Chan blinked and looked at Master Tongtian and said, "Master Tongtian, I think these four jade slips are very pleasing to my eye. Can I learn from them all?"

These words made Master Tongtian couldn't help laughing: "If you want to learn, of course you can, but I'm afraid you won't be able to learn.

Each of my four swordsmanships is extremely profound. It would be difficult for ordinary disciples to get started even if they only learn one, let alone a little girl like you who wants to learn all four.

Let's do this, you learn one skill at a time. If you can learn and practice one sword skill to the point where you can enter the palace, I will teach you the next sword skill.

In short, you should not be too greedy at the moment. One bite will not make you fat. You should first choose a sword that is more pleasing to your eyes. As for the other swords, let’s talk about it later. "

The Saint of Yuanshi actually spoke up and said: "The sword intent of the Heaven is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Only the seeds of peerless swordsmanship that have existed throughout the ages can cultivate it to the level of entering the palace.

There are no more than ten such genius worlds since its birth.

With your qualifications, it may be difficult to even get started. If you can learn something superficially, it is already great and it will benefit you endlessly. Don’t be greedy. "

After hearing the words of Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun, Yang Chan nodded.

Naturally, she could only agree with what Yuanshi Tianzun said. After all, she knew Yuanshi Tianzun's character and would not allow the younger generation to disobey him.

Moreover, what Master Tongtian said does make sense. He would bite off more than he could chew. Anyway, such a big saint would not disappear suddenly if he was there.

But it's not necessarily true. After being conferred as gods, several saints were brought back to Zixiao Palace by their teacher Hongjun, and they could no longer interfere in the affairs of the prehistoric era. She didn't know if she would still be able to find the names of these saints by then. real body.

But now that she is here, the plot of Fengshen may not be able to continue. After all, just the integration of the avenue of the perfect world has caused huge changes in the pattern of the entire prehistoric world. What will happen next, Yang Chan I don’t know either.

She walked up to the four Sword Intents and looked at them carefully one after another, hoping to choose a more suitable Sword Intent so that she could practice to the realm of entering the palace more quickly.

The auras of the four swords were different, and Yang Chan sensed them one by one. In a daze, she seemed to see a giant standing in the chaotic void, and the four long swords in his hands were used separately. When the light sweeps through, it can destroy all the worlds, kill the immortals into powder, trap the immortals into mud, kill the immortals with a red light, and destroy the heaven and earth of the immortals.

In every intersection of swords, countless kendo essences were revealed in Yang Chan's mind.

Such close contact with the sword intent of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian brought a huge impact to Yang Chan. She felt that her own swordsmanship, which could only be regarded as ordinary, had undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant, and her swordsmanship realm had advanced by leaps and bounds. .

At this time, Master Tongtian was also staring at little Yang Chan very seriously. There was a clear light flashing in his eyes, and there was a chaotic energy rising and falling, shielding the influence of the sword intent of the four swords of Zhuxian on Yang Chan's spirit.

After all, if he hadn't cast a spell in secret, it would be impossible for Yang Chan to come into such close contact with the sword intent of the four swords of Zhuxian with her current cultivation. This level of sword intent would only take a moment to destroy Yang Chan's soul and spirit, and she would never be reborn.

Little Yang Chan wandered in the world condensed by the sword intent of the four swords of Zhuxian, still hesitating, because under her perception, each of these four sword intents was extremely powerful, and any one of them could destroy three thousand worlds.

She didn't know which one she should choose.

As she continued to comprehend these four sword intents of Zhuxian, four weak sword energy seeds were born in Yang Chan's mind. These four sword energy seeds slowly took root in Yang Chan's soul, and this behavior also stirred little Yang Chan's soul, causing another sword intent in her body to move with it.

Runes of infinite complexity and change kept flashing in Yang Chan's mind, and then condensed into a terrifying sword energy.

A blade of grass can also cut down the sun, moon and stars.

Cut through time and space, cut through the universe, nothing can be broken, nothing can be worn.

Under the traction of this sword intent, one of the four sword intent seeds rooted in Yang Chan's Yuanshen began to shine. ,

As the sword intent of the grass sword formula slowly merged into the seed, this seed seemed to advance from the gestation state in an instant.

Taking root, sprouting, blooming and bearing fruit, a sword intent to destroy everything slowly rose from Yang Chan's body.

As soon as this sword intent was born, it rushed directly into the sky. Under the influence of the sword intent, the entire 30,000 miles around Yuquan Mountain, birds fell to the ground, everything was silent, and all living beings, as long as their cultivation was below the true immortal, were all affected by the sword intent and knelt tightly on the ground.

Sensing this scene, the faces of the three saints showed shock at the same time.

Others don't know, but don't they understand that Yang Chan is now practicing the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry level.

Not only that, Yang Chan did not completely copy the Zhuxian Sword Intent taught by Tongtian Sect Master. The three saints could feel that this Zhuxian Sword Intent contained another sword intent. Although this sword intent was weak, its intention was very far-reaching, and it gave people a feeling that it could compete with Zhuxian Sword Intent.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was a little ugly at this time. He just said that with Yang Chan's qualifications, it might be difficult to even get started. As a result, in a blink of an eye, Yang Chan actually comprehended the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry level. This feeling of being slapped in the face by a disciple caught Yuanshi Tianzun off guard.

Tongtian Sect Master's face mainly showed an unexpected surprise. He originally liked Yang Chan very much, and now he was even more satisfied.

He didn't expect that this little girl could comprehend the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry level in such a short time.

Many of his disciples have extraordinary qualifications, but their talents are not in the way of swordsmanship. For example, Taoist Duobao has maxed out his talents in the way of practicing Qi, while Holy Mother Turtle Spirit has put her talents in the way of the physical body. This has also led to the fact that his Four Swords of Zhu Xian has not found a suitable successor until now. The performance of little Yang Chan in front of him made Tongtian Jiaozhu understand what a surprise is!

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