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Chapter 209: The dispute between Chan and Jie, the oriole behind

Leader Tongtian couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement: "I'm just a person in the Void Refining Realm, but I haven't yet become an immortal. It's really unbelievable that I can understand my Immortal Killing Sword Intent to the entry level."

He turned to look at Master Yuding and said, "I remember you said when you came here that this little girl didn't really become your disciple, she just lived in Yuquan Mountain temporarily, right?

Originally, according to the status of a saint, these small things can be understood with just a thought.

But this time is different. The avenue of the perfect world is integrated into the prehistoric world. At this time, the mystery between heaven and earth has become a mess. It is difficult for even a saint to make deductions under such circumstances, let alone the saint of Tongtian. He was best at killing, but not good at deducing the secrets of heaven, so he didn't bother to make calculations and directly asked Master Yuding.

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Master Yuding seemed to be greatly frightened. He opened his mouth in disbelief and was completely unable to maintain his immortal golden immortal demeanor.

"Third Master Uncle, what are you talking about? Yang Chan's cultivation has reached the cultivation stage. She has only been exposed to the way of cultivation for more than two months. Even if her mother is Fairy Yaoji, she cannot practice so fast. !”

A golden light shone in the eyes of Master Yuding, and he looked at Yang Chan carefully. The more he looked at it, the less he could believe his eyes.

Because he discovered that Yang Chan's cultivation had actually reached the Void Refining Realm, and she was only one step away from becoming an immortal.

In fact, Master Yuding had already noticed that Yang Chan's cultivation speed was abnormally fast, but he didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

Because cultivation in the prehistoric world and below is the simplest, such as refining qi to the foundation building stage, for people in the prehistoric world, they only need to have the skills to accomplish it overnight.

People living in the prehistoric world are washed by the extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth day and night, and their bodies are already in a state where all the meridians are connected. Qi training and foundation building are a matter of course for them.

And the subsequent Golden Elixir Nascent Soul is not difficult. These two realms only require spiritual energy and do not require mental state cultivation or Taoist enlightenment, so sometimes you can achieve it in one day just by eating a spiritual fruit.

Although this kind of spiritual fruit is not common in the prehistoric world, it is not rare either. Yuquan Mountain has outstanding people and is a place where spiritual energy gathers. From time to time, a spiritual fruit of this level can be found.

At that time, Yang Chan reached the Nascent Soul realm within ten days, and Master Yuding only thought that Yang Chan was lucky enough to find the spiritual fruit and take it.

Things are different after the Nascent Soul realm. Except for those born immortals with extraordinary abilities, all acquired souls have to go through various difficulties and obstacles if they want to practice and become immortals. Going from the Nascent Soul realm to the distraction realm is a big hurdle. To pass this level, in addition to cultivation, it also requires the practitioner to have an extraordinary mind and be able to understand the path he is walking on, so as to understand his original mind.

After this, there is still a big hurdle. If you want to cultivate to the realm of refining the realm of integration, you must understand a natal magical power and integrate it into the avenue you understand.

Understanding one's natal magical power requires not only understanding, but also opportunity. This hurdle can even block many geniuses with extraordinary talents for hundreds of years.

But Yang Chan didn't have to worry about this. She had already gathered her natal magical powers when she received the reward of merit from heaven and earth, so she bought the ticket first and then got on the bus.

After returning to the mountain this time, because the saint teachers were all around, Master Yuding did not pay attention to observe Yang Chan's cultivation. It was not until he heard the words of Saint Tongtian that Master Yuding discovered that Yang Chan was really about to become an immortal. .

This is simply outrageous.

You must know that his official disciple Yang Jian is extremely profound and has extraordinary talents. Especially Yang Jian's understanding makes Master Yuding feel a little ashamed.

Such a genius was taken by Master Yuding and taught him personally for more than two months.

In the past two months, he also took Yang Jian to join Sanqing Academy. He didn't know how many benefits he got from Sanqing Academy. He took countless miraculous medicines, which made Yang Jian's cultivation reach the state of distraction, but Even so, there is still a huge gap between Yang Jian and Yang Chan at this time.

After hearing the words of Master Yuding, the three saints could no longer maintain their indifferent expressions, especially the leader of Tongtian, who took a step forward, with chaotic energy rising and falling behind him.

"Yuding, tell me again, how long has Yang Chan been practicing?"

Facing the Tongtian Saint, even the free and easy Yuding Master did not dare to make mistakes. He replied respectfully: "Third Master, I personally introduced Yang Chan to the Tao. From the time I taught him the Yuxu Qi Refining Technique to Now, it’s almost two and a half months.”

These words surprised Saint Tongtian. He took a few more steps forward until he was in front of Yang Chan: "Little guy, I think your talent in swordsmanship is extraordinary. It's true that you are gifted and have an incomparable fit." This is my Immortal-killing Sword Technique.

Although you are currently living in Yuquan Mountain, we are like a family.

Why don't you join me in Jiejiao, I will teach you this sword technique personally, and I will keep it for you to learn all four sword skills. "

After hearing the words of Saint Tongtian, Saint Yuanshi's face was a little uncertain. He looked at Yang Chan, his robes moved with the wind, and the nebula around his waist also rotated rapidly.

Saint Tongtian wanted to bring Yang Chan into Jiejiao, which was something Yuanshi Tianzun was very unwilling to see.

You should know that Yang Chan was able to cultivate from an ordinary acquired creature to a realm that was about to become an immortal in just two and a half months. This aptitude is no less than that of his most proud disciple Guangchengzi.

If it was just this, Yuanshi Saint would not care too much, but Yang Chan also has a swordsmanship talent that is unrivaled in ancient and modern times.

Even in the prehistoric world, the sword is one of the strongest ways of killing. Every sword genius can fight two or even three people at the same level.

In particular, Yang Chan also showed an extraordinary understanding of the sword meaning of the four swords of Zhuxian, which made Yuanshi Tianzun feel very concerned.

You should know that the Zhuxian Sword Formation is the first killing formation in the prehistoric world. Once Tongtian Sect Master sets up this formation, even a saint can't do anything to him, unless he can gather four saints of the same level as him at the same time to break through this formation.

If it is not a saint-level existence, it will be even more difficult to break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation. At least sixteen beings of the same level need to enter the formation at the same time to do it.

Yuanshi Shengren kept making deductions in his mind. He had already learned about the future trend from his teacher and knew that there would be a catastrophe of the Conferred Gods in the future.

Although the teacher did not clearly state the specific details of the Conferred Gods, Yuanshi Shengren had already determined the policy of action in the Conferred Gods with his meticulous mind, which was to let the disciples of Jiejiao respond to the catastrophe to resolve the supreme murderous intent of this catastrophe.

That is to say, Tongtian Jiaozhu, who is so straightforward, would still be innocent under the premise of knowing the general trend of heaven and earth.

In the original timeline, after the Conferred Gods Tribulation began, Tongtian Jiaozhu had no defense against Yuanshi Tianzun and the disciples of Chanjiao. He just told his disciples to stay indoors and recite Huangting quietly to avoid the infinite killing of the Conferred Gods Tribulation.

The twelve golden immortals under Yuanshi Tianzun's seat made various calculations, and with the help of Shen Gongbao, a disciple of Yuxu, so that so many disciples of Jiejiao were all on the Conferred Gods List, and the twelve golden immortals under Yuanshi Tianzun's seat escaped.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun did not get any benefit in the end. After all, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole is behind. Although the twelve golden immortals successfully survived the great calamity of the Conferred Gods, there were two old shady people in the west who intercepted and forcibly took away a small part of the fortune of the Chan Sect.

Although the world has changed drastically at this time, and a new avenue has appeared in the prehistoric world, Yuanshi Saint knows that as long as Hongjun is still in the state of merging with the Tao, the Conferred Gods Calamity is inevitable.

At this time, let Yang Chan worship under the seat of Tongtian Saint, then with Yang Chan's qualifications and Tongtian Saint's teachings, he will definitely be able to cultivate to the realm of immortal golden immortals when the Conferred Gods Calamity comes.

At that time, if Yang Chan sets up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, even if all the twelve golden immortals under his command and the deputy leader of the Jie Sect, Randeng, are filled into the formation, I am afraid that they will not be able to break the formation, which is really difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Saint glared at Yuding Zhenren fiercely, his eyes full of anger.

If this traitor had accepted Yang Chan as his disciple directly, there wouldn't be so many troubles.

Who cares about whether it's a secret or not, whether it's fate or not.

After the great changes in the world, the secrets of heaven have become a mess, so why bother with this stuff.

But Yuanshi Tianzun naturally wouldn't wait for Yang Chan to worship under Tongtian.

He took a step forward calmly, standing between Tongtian Jiaozhu and Yang Chan: "Although the three religions are of the same origin, they still have to be divided into first come first served. The reason why Yu Ding did not accept Yang Chan as a formal disciple is just because he and Yang Chan are not predestined enough.

I just counted with my fingers, and it turns out that Yang Chan's master-disciple fate should be with me.

I like this disciple very much.

Although she is not a congenital creature, she has a very deep background. She is the offspring of Haotian's sister, and meets the entry standards of the second generation of disciples of the Chan Sect.

Yang Chan not only entered my Chan Sect first, but her brother is also in my Zen Sect. It is reasonable for her to worship me as her master."

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Tongtian Jiaozhu showed an incredible expression on his face. He didn't expect that Yuanshi Tianzun would intervene after he had already spoken.

Tongtian Jiaozhu is a very loyal person. The three pure ones were born together in the pure air brewed by Pangu, the great god, when he created the world. They inherited Pangu's merits and virtues. From the day they were born, the three of them traveled together and traveled across the wilderness. Although the three pure ones separated and lived in different places for various reasons after becoming saints, he always regarded Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Shengren as brothers in his heart.

In Tongtian Shengren's opinion, if Yuanshi Tianzun spoke first, he would not be able to take away the love of others even if he liked this disciple.

Even if this disciple fits his Zhuxian Four Swordsmanship perfectly and his personality is very suitable for his spleen and stomach, it is not worth mentioning in front of brotherhood.

Yuanshi Tianzun's behavior made Tongtian Jiaozhu feel angry. I treat you as a brother, but you treat me like this. Is this appropriate?

Tongtian Jiaozhu did not retreat a step, turned his head and looked at Yuanshi Tianzun: "Second brother, Yang Chan and my Zhuxian Four Swords are so compatible, she is destined to become my disciple.

I just made a divination and found that Yang Chan's master-disciple fate should be with me. You didn't make a mistake, did you?"

Yuanshi Shengren said calmly: "How could I be wrong? When I was listening to the teachings in Zixiao Palace, every time the teacher talked about the destiny, you yawned over there and didn't listen carefully. If there is any mistake, it is you who made the mistake."

Tongtian Shengren was not angry. What Yuanshi Tianzun said was indeed true. His divination method was indeed the worst among the Three Pure Ones, but so what.

"Even if you can calculate accurately, what's the use? At this time, the secrets of the universe are in a mess and there is no certainty.

In this case, let's speak with facts.

Second brother, show me how well your Dao fits with Yang Chan.

If your Yuanshi Nine Seals can fit Yang Chan better than my Zhuxian Four Swords, then let her worship you as her master."

Unlike Tongtian Saint, who has four Dao secret books, Yuanshi Saint's Dao is all condensed in Yuanshi Nine Seals. Fantian Seal, Yuanshi Seal, and Creation Seal, a total of nine seals, all of Yuanshi Saint's Dao is included, which can be called the Supreme Saint Dao Secret Book.

Tongtian Sect Master said while looking at Yuanshi Tianzun's expression calmly.

He knew how much this brother valued Yuanshi Nine Seals.

Unlike him, he had no intention of keeping the secret of the Great Dao to himself. This was mainly because his Great Dao was the Dao of cutting the sky, seeking innovation and change, so for him, he wished that more people would practice his Secret of the Great Dao and bring him new ideas.

But Yuanshi Sage was different. The fundamental Great Dao of Yuanshi Sage was the cause of all fruits. Every ray of authority was the source of power for Yuanshi Sage. His practice was to collect all possibilities of the past and the future until he could control all causes and causes. Only then could his Great Dao be truly accomplished, become the root of everything, and achieve the ultimate.

Passing on the Nine Seals of Yuanshi was undoubtedly a way to weaken his own authority.

Among the twelve golden immortals of the Chanjiao, only Guangchengzi, his most valued disciple, was fortunate enough to learn his Heaven-Flipping Seal. As for the other eleven golden immortals, they were not qualified to learn the Secret of the Great Dao of Yuanshi Sage.

This is also the reason why four of the twelve golden immortals were poached by the Western Church. Zhunti Jieyin was shameless, but he was definitely not stingy when he should be generous. He took out the most basic secret book of the Great Dao as a temptation. The four golden immortals also knew that with their qualifications and foothold, they had no hope of learning the secret book of the Great Dao from the hands of the Yuanshi Saint. That's why they betrayed the Chan Church and joined the Western Church with the infinite luck of the Conferred God Tribulation.

Tongtian Jiaozhu's words undoubtedly put Yuanshi Tianzun on the fire. At this time, the secrets of heaven were a mess, and even the saints could hardly deduce the secrets of heaven.

So if Tongtian Jiaozhu did not admit it, then the current situation would be that the public had its own reasons and the woman had her own reasons.

Unless the teacher spoke, no one could deny Tongtian Jiaozhu.

And asking Yuanshi Saint to take out the Yuanshi Nine Seals made him feel extremely painful. He was reluctant to teach his secret book of the Great Dao even to his closest direct disciples, let alone to this little girl he had just met.

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