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Chapter 210: The Precious Lotus Lantern Appears, Destined Master and Disciple

But after weighing the pros and cons, Yuanshi Tianzun still didn't want Tongtian to have another top-notch fighter.

The top-level golden immortal who could comprehend the four swords of Zhuxian was definitely the first-rate fighter under the saint.

Forget it, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child.

Yuanshi Tianzun decided to take a gamble.

Although he couldn't figure out who Yang Chan's master-disciple fate should be, he could figure out that it was definitely not Tongtian.

In this case, Yang Chan's talent for other avenues would not necessarily be worse than that of swordsmanship, and it was totally worth a try.

The chaotic energy in his chest rose and fell, and he secretly calculated which of the Yuanshi Nine Seals Yang Chan was more compatible with.

Because the secrets of heaven were extremely obscure, the avenues of the perfect world kept entangled with the three thousand avenues of the prehistoric world, making Yuanshi Tianzun feel extremely difficult even to calculate such a small matter.

It took him a long time to get the answer.

Then Yuanshi Tianzun flipped his hand, and the chaotic energy in his palm rose and fell, and actually condensed a palm-sized jade seal.

The upper part of the seal is suspended with four strange images of earth, water, wind and fire, which are constantly circulating and revealing endless mysteries.

"In this case, I will pass on to you the Four Symbols Seal of the Nine Seals of Yuanshi.

If you can gain some insights, you can become my disciple and become my formal disciple."

Yuanshi Tianzun pushed the small seal forward, and it fell into Yang Chan's soul in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Tongtian Jiaozhu couldn't help but curl his lips: "Second brother, you are still like this. It's just a Four Symbols Seal, but you are still so cautious."

After being brothers for so many years, Tongtian Jiaozhu saw at a glance that the Four Symbols Seal that Yuanshi Tianzun taught to Yang Chan only contained the most superficial entry part.

Even if the entry part of the Four Symbols Seal is practiced to the extreme, it can only master a little bit of the authority of the Four Symbols Avenue at most, which has almost no effect on Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun said calmly: "The agreement between us is to test whose skills Yang Chan is more compatible with. The entry-level Four Symbols Seal is enough.

If she can really become my disciple, I will naturally teach her the true essence of the Four Symbols Seal."

While speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Yang Chan with burning eyes, wanting to know how much Yang Chan could comprehend the Four Symbols Seal.

At this time, Yang Chan was in a state of confusion. He had just realized the sword intent of Zhuxian, and in a blink of an eye, Yuanshi Tianzun injected the Four Symbols Seal that could master the changes of the Four Symbols and recreate the Four Symbols of earth, water, wind and fire into her soul.

In an instant, Yang Chan vaguely saw a Taoist standing in the void again. At that time, the chaos was just beginning, and the world was not yet peaceful. The vast chaos was divided into the four symbols of earth, water, wind and fire by the great god Pangu. These four different elements kept raging and annihilated all matter, but in the destruction, they were mixed with new life, and gradually evolved into a new world.

Yang Chan had a faint understanding that the essence of Yuanshi Tianzun's Four Symbols Seal was to explain the changes of earth, water, wind and fire when the world was first created and all things were uncertain.

Because that was the period when the earth, water, wind and fire were most active and unpredictable since the birth of the entire prehistoric world.

If one can master the essence of this Four Symbols Seal and expand it, one can master all the changes of the four symbols of earth, water, wind and fire and comprehend the Four Symbols of the prehistoric world.

However, in the process of comprehension, Yang Chan also realized that the changes of the four symbols contained in the Four Symbols Seal in front of him were not complete, only the most superficial changes. Every time Yang Chan wanted to go deeper and observe from the subtle points, all changes stopped.

Yang Chan's performance made Yuanshi Tianzun frown.

In fact, to be honest, Yang Chan's performance at this time was already amazing.

He was able to peek into the hidden scene of the opening of the world from the Four Symbols Seal at the first contact. This kind of comprehension talent is fully qualified to become his disciple and become the thirteenth Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect.

Yuanshi Tianzun speculated that if Yang Chan was given ten years to practice at this speed, she would be able to master the Four Symbols Seal.

But the problem was that Yang Chan's previous performance was too outstanding. It only took a short period of time to comprehend the Zhuxian Sword Intent.

The Four Symbols Seal and Zhuxian Sword Intent belong to the same level of magical powers, and the difficulty of practice is almost the same.

The Four Symbols Seal contains the Four Symbols Avenue, and the Zhuxian Sword Intent contains the End of the Road, both of which are magical powers at the Avenue level.

In other words, from the perspective of comprehension alone, what Tongtian said was right. Yang Chan is indeed more suitable to join the Jiejiao and learn the sword from Tongtian.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun even more upset. He taught the Four Symbols Seal to Yang Chan, but he still couldn't compete with Tongtian.

Fortunately, the Four Symbols Seal he taught Yang Chan only contained the entry-level spells, and the real deep-level changes were not included, so the loss was not very large.

Moreover, the sage's method is not passed on to the six ears. Without his permission, Yang Chan cannot teach the Four Symbols Seal to anyone, otherwise it will be discovered by the Honghuang Heavenly Dao. In an instant, both Yang Chan and the person who received the inheritance will be wiped out by the Honghuang Dao and turned into ashes, and will never be reborn.

Tongtian Sect Master smiled and walked forward, intending to ask Yang Chan to formally become his disciple.

At this time, Nuwa Saint, who had been standing quietly by the side with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brother Tongtian Dao, Brother Yuanshi Dao, your deduction results are somewhat different from mine.

In my deduction results, Yang Chan's master-disciple fate is clearly on me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise.

No one expected that the three saints who came to Yuquan Mountain this time would actually compete to accept Yang Chan as their apprentice.

You must know that in the prehistoric world, the status of a saint is really precious. Except for those guests in Zixiao Palace, everyone else dreams of being able to worship under a saint.

If the saint spreads the news of accepting disciples, the people who want to be his apprentice can line up directly from Jinbie Island to the top of Buzhou Mountain.

No matter how unruly a person is, he will lower his proud head when he hears the word "saint" and dare not be disrespectful.

At this time, Yang Chan actually received the favor of three saints at the same time.

This made Yuding Zhenren feel very puzzled. From his perspective, even if Yang Chan's cultivation speed was so fast that it was shocking, with the status of a saint, it was really unnecessary to value a younger disciple who had not yet become an immortal. ,

The process of accepting disciples was interrupted again and again, and Tongtian Jiaozhu felt angry.

"Nuwa, what do you mean by this? What is your affinity with this little girl?

Are you going to teach her your Wahuang Sutra to see whether my Zhuxian Four Swords are more suitable for the little girl to practice, or your Wahuang Sutra is more suitable for the little girl to practice?"

Tongtian Sect Master is usually very tolerant of Nuwa Saint, his junior sister, but today he was furious and didn't care about anyone's face, and directly spoke sarcastically.

Facing Tongtian Sect Master's anger, Nuwa Saint was not annoyed or angry. She stretched out her jade hand, countless green lights gathered on her hand, and then a lotus slowly bloomed in her hand.

"Brother, please forgive me. Since I have spoken, I will not speak without evidence.

Do you recognize this thing, Brother Tongtian?"

Tongtian Patriarch looked closely and saw that there was a emerald green treasure lamp standing on the jade hand of Nuwa Saint. The shape of the lamp holder was like a lotus spreading out. Under the emerald green lotus petals, a very weak flame was burning in the center of the treasure lamp.

Although the flame was very weak, the endless vitality kept rippling in the place where the firelight shone, almost creating a brand new small world.

Seeing this lamp, the coldness on Tongtian's face subsided a little: "Of course I recognize it. I was also there when the treasures were divided at the Treasure Dividing Rock.

The teacher gave you seven innate spiritual treasures at the beginning, the red hydrangea, the nine-phoenix hairpin, the demon-summoning banner, the demon-refining pot, the treasure lotus lamp, the five-spirit beads, and the mountain and river map.

The treasure lotus lamp is one of them, how could I not recognize it."

The Nuwa Saint was dressed in an extremely elegant and luxurious manner. The nine-phoenix hairpin on her head was shining with golden light under the sunlight, making her look indescribably expensive.

She turned her head to look at Yang Chan, then looked at Tongtian and slowly said: "Just now when you were fighting for Yang Chan, I was also secretly calculating, and then I figured out that there was indeed a master-disciple relationship between her and me. The treasure lotus lamp in my hand is destined to become Yang Chan's life magic weapon."

Speaking of this, Nuwa Saint stretched out her hand and waved, suspending the treasure lotus lamp in the air.

This innate spiritual treasure slowly rotates in the air, and the warm light shines in all directions. The flowers, plants and trees around are bathed in the light of the treasure lotus lamp.

These flowers, plants and trees that are illuminated by the treasure lotus light are not driven to grow wildly by this infinite vitality. They still maintain their original shape, but the green leaves are greener, the red flowers are brighter, and the trees become more resilient. The great way of life contained in the treasure lotus light constantly nourishes their origin without destroying their essence, giving them the potential for evolution.

"When the teacher gave me this treasure lotus lantern, I had some doubts.

The red hydrangea and the nine-phoenix hairpin are weapons of attack and are my treasures for protecting the way.

The demon-summoning banner and the demon-refining pot are the symbols of my being the Holy Mother of the demon race.

The five spirit beads and the map of mountains, rivers and states can carry my endless merits in creating humans.

Only the treasure lotus lantern contains endless life, but it is of no help to my practice and cannot protect me.

So for so many years, I have not sacrificed this treasure lotus lantern.

It was not until this time that I knew that the teacher gave me this treasure lotus lantern for the master-disciple relationship between me and Yang Chan,"

As Nuwa Saint spoke, the treasure lotus lantern slowly descended from the void, and without anyone urging it, it slowly floated towards Yang Chan's direction, and then fell into Yang Chan's hands.

Under the gaze of the three saints, Yang Chan was extremely excited after the treasure lamp fell into her hands. The thirty-six innate divine prohibitions in the treasure lotus lamp kept surging like the tide, pushing waves of treasure lotus lamp light to shine on Yang Chan, trying to strengthen her foundation.

Looking at the treasure lotus lamp in her hand, Yang Chan seemed a little curious.

Of course, she had heard of the story of the treasure lotus lamp, and knew that this lamp would indeed become her portable magic weapon in the future, but she did not expect that this treasure lotus lamp was actually an innate spiritual treasure, and it was given to Nuwa Saint by Hongjun himself on the treasure-dividing rock.

I don’t know if it was a psychological effect, Yang Chan looked at the green treasure lotus lamp in her hand very kindly.

She let go of her hand, and the treasure lotus lamp jumped up from her hand again, the lamp body suspended in the air, and then rubbed Yang Chan’s cheek with the lotus lamp petals like a puppy.

This performance is just as intimate as a pet raised by humans.

This made the Saint Nuwa dumbfounded. Although she had calculated that Bao Lian Lantern and Yang Chan had a strong affinity, she had never expected it to be this fateful.

Saint Nuwa secretly muttered in her heart, you are such a lotus lantern. I have held you for so many years and you have never been so close to me. But when you met your destined master, you became so proactive. Look at me later. How to deal with you.

The Yuanshi Saint and the Tongtian Cult Leader also fell into silence. They could naturally see that there was nothing fishy about the closeness between Baolian Lantern and Yang Chan.

The current Lotus Lantern is indeed an innate spiritual treasure without an owner. Innate spiritual treasures in this state will never behave like this unless they meet their destined master.

Yuanshi Tianzun was a little overjoyed. Good guy, I was originally going to watch Jiejiao add another general, but he didn't expect that there were still variables.

The depression on his face was wiped away, and he said with a faint smile: "Tongtian, I really have no choice. I had already planned to give Yang Chan to you and let her join the Jie Cult.

But judging from the current situation, we have indeed made a miscalculation. Yang Chan's master-disciple fate should really lie with Nuwa.

After all, the lotus lantern is a treasure given to Nuwa by the teacher, and the fact that this treasure is so destined to Yang Chan shows that the fate between Yang Chan and Nuwa as master and disciple is destiny, and we must not interfere in it.

well! It’s all thanks to the great changes in heaven and earth that make this heavenly secret so obscure and unclear that even our saints’ realms can be miscalculated. "

Leader Tongtian was also a little speechless. He wanted to refute the Yuanshi Saint's statement, but he didn't know how to refute it.

He let out a long sigh: "That's all, little girl, maybe there is really no master-disciple relationship between you and me.

But I will never go back on what I promised you. If you want to learn the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, you can come to me.

In addition, if you return the Qingping Sword to me, I will have another reward. I will definitely find you a sword that is not inferior to the Qingping Sword as compensation. "

Sage Nuwa also had a smile on her face. She turned to look at Yang Chan: "How about it, Yang Chan, are you willing to join my sect and join the Wa Palace?"

Yang Chan looked up at Saint Nuwa, with a look of admiration in her eyes.

Saint Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race and the mother of all races. Yang Chan grew up hearing the name of Saint Nuwa since she was a child, so naturally she has a feeling of admiration for her.

But she turned around and looked at the Tongtian Sage. This Tongtian Saint had a straightforward temper, kept his word, and was forthright and generous. Therefore, Yang Chan had a very good impression of the Tongtian Sage.

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