All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 211 My choice is that I want them all!

Yang Chan's face became a little tangled, not knowing how to choose. It was certainly a joyful thing to be able to worship under the tutelage of Nuwa Saint.

But looking at the somewhat disappointed expression of Tongtian Sect Master, Yang Chan felt a little reluctant.

Yang Chan played some tricks at the beginning. Before she spoke, Yang Chan recognized that Tongtian Sect Master's sword was the Qingping Sword.

Her initial purpose of asking Tongtian Sect Master for the Qingping Sword was very simple, just to establish a good relationship with Tongtian Sect Master by returning the Qingping Sword.

After all, living in the prehistoric world, there is a world of difference between having a saint as a backer or not.

But later, Tongtian Sect Master's performance touched Yang Chan a little. Tongtian Sect Master not only gave her the Qinglian Sword, but also taught her his own secret book of the Great Dao, the Four Swords of Zhuxian, and even wanted to accept her as a disciple, so she didn't really want to disappoint Tongtian Sect Master.

Nuwa Saint also saw Yang Chan's tangled look.

Nuwa Saint not only had no grudges against this, but also admired little Yang Chan even more in her heart.

She liked this kind of child who knew how to be grateful and repay kindness.

Nuwa Saint spoke softly, and her gentle and graceful voice sounded: "Yang Chan, you don't have to be too entangled. Although your master-disciple fate should be with me, I won't force some things.

If you want to learn swordsmanship from Tongtian, then join Jiejiao. No matter what you choose, I won't blame you."

Hearing Nuwa Saint's words, Tongtian Sect Master's expression moved, he stood up again and turned to look at little Yang Chan, waiting for her answer.

Yang Chan bowed to Nuwa Saint: "Reporting to the Queen, as a human being, I have been blessed by the Queen since I was a child. Now I have the opportunity to worship under the Queen, so I naturally want to join the Wa Palace.

But Master Tongtian is also very good to me, and I don't want to disappoint Master Tongtian, so I am particularly entangled."

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Nuwa Saint nodded with satisfaction: "Good child, it's really good to know how to be grateful.

In this case, you should think carefully about whether to join Jiejiao or worship in Wa Palace.

Don't worry.

Brother Tongtian and I are both open-minded people. No matter who you choose to join, we will not blame you."

Master Tongtian also nodded: "No matter what choice you make in the end, I will not blame you."

In an instant, the two saints handed the right of choice back to Yang Chan, which made Yang Chan feel a huge pressure.

And the people in the chat group were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Today's live broadcast of Yang Chan was really full of twists and turns. In just two hours, so many variables happened.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Ah, how should little Yang Chan choose? On one side is the Holy Mother of the Human Race, the Goddess of Nuwa, who created all living things and has been kind to every human being. On the other side is the leader of the Jiejiao, the Saint Tongtian with unparalleled combat power and great personal charm.

I felt that I was going to have difficulty making choices when I watched from the side. I really didn't know how to choose.

But if I really had to choose, I should choose the leader Tongtian. After all, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is so domineering and handsome, and the sword is the romance of men."

At this time, Lu Mingfei was in the cultivation space, watching the live broadcast while cultivating to relieve boredom.

He waved a huge steel sword in his hand, which was almost as wide as his body and looked very scary.

The giant sword crossed the sky and smashed the ground again and again, smashing huge pits one after another in the sandy ground.

The sword technique was fierce and powerful, with endless murderous aura.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Come on, Ming Fei, your swordsmanship is not compatible with the Zhuxian sword formation.

If you ask me, although Tongtian Jiaozhu's performance today is indeed very attractive, if you really have to choose, you still have to choose Nuwa Niangniang.

After all, Jiejiao is not a place to stay for a long time. Since Yang Jian has already become a disciple of Yuding Zhenren, it means that the timeline of the prehistoric world is not far from the Conferred God.

Joining Jiejiao at this point in time will not only fail to enjoy the protection of Tongtian Saint, but will instead fall into the vortex of the three religions fighting.

But the Wahuang Palace is different. It has been safe from the Conferred God Tribulation. Except for Lingzhuzi who entered the world to respond to the tribulation, no one else was involved in the tribulation."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "My opinion is different from that of the group leader. The essence of wanting to avoid the Conferred God Tribulation is not to join a certain force.

The key lies in cause and effect. Those who died in the tribulation have cause and effect entanglements.

This cause and effect entanglement is like a mess, The more it rolls, the more chaotic it gets, and the wider the scope of the impact.

The best way to avoid the entanglement of cause and effect is to practice in the mountains and recite Huangting quietly.

If the disciples of Jiejiao can really do the two points that Tongtian Patriarch has instructed, even the Twelve Golden Immortals will not dare to break into the influence of Jiejiao and kill Jiejiao disciples to let them face the calamity.

Yang Chan learned the sword meaning of Zhuxian from Tongtian Patriarch, and then her brother Yang Jian joined the Chan Sect and became a third-generation disciple.

This also means that there is a deep cause and effect entanglement between little Yang Chan and the two major forces of the Conferred God Calamity.

When the calamity comes later, I am afraid that I will not be able to help myself, even if I worship in the Wahuang Palace, I will not be able to escape the entanglement of this calamity.

If I say that since it is difficult to escape the calamity, I say that it is better to simply join Tongtian Patriarch, become a chess player directly, pull up the Jiejiao forces that belong to you, and seek luck from the calamity, so as to rise.

This is worse than being involved in this calamity as a chess piece, being unable to help myself, and becoming calamity ashes. "

The remaining group members also had different opinions. Some were more optimistic about Tongtian, while others thought that Nuwa was better.

Yang Chan looked at the ideas given to her by the group members and thought about it in her heart.

At this time, Yu Ding Zhenren, who had been standing quietly for a long time, suddenly said: "Master, uncle, Nuwa Saint, I have a good idea, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Hearing this traitor speak, Yuanshi Tianzun was secretly annoyed. If it weren't for Yu Ding Zhenren's inconsiderate work, Yang Chan would have belonged to Yuxu Palace long ago, and there would be no Tongtian and Nuwa.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't be too straightforward in front of the other two saints, so he rolled his eyes at Yu Ding Zhenren and said, "If you have an idea, just say it, why are you hesitating!"

Nuwa Saint smiled gently and said softly, "Yu Ding, if you have any ideas, tell me."

Yu Ding Zhenren then spoke, "I was thinking about how Master Uncle, Master, and Third Master Uncle founded Sanqing Academy together, and personally opened the Three Veins Teaching New Method in Sanqing Academy.

At that time, when Sanqing Academy was recruiting students, it was open to all. No matter whether the disciples who joined Sanqing Academy had a master or not, as long as they had the right qualifications, they could join Sanqing Academy. .

When I joined the academy, the master and his friends said that although the students in Sanqing Academy worshipped their lineage, they could not be regarded as their disciples, but only as their students.

There is a master-disciple relationship in reality, but only in name.

I thought that if this is the case, it would be better to let Xiao Yangchan join the Nuwa Palace first and worship the Saint Nuwa, and then let the Saint Nuwa take her to Sanqing Academy to join the lineage of the third uncle, and learn the new method and the four swords of Zhuxian from the third uncle. "

The three saints founded Sanqing Academy in part to explore the mystery of the new method, but the more essential purpose is actually to spread the merits of the new method.

When Hongjun founded the Taoism, he gave lectures in Zixiao Palace and preached to 3,000 guests. He gained a huge amount of merits from preaching, so that he could be in harmony with the Tao and become the agent of the Heavenly Dao.

Now there is a new avenue between heaven and earth, which means there is an opportunity to gain merits of preaching, and the three saints will naturally not let it go.

At first, the three saints planned to build their own temples, but in the end, under the proposal of Tongtian Saint, the three saints jointly founded Sanqing College in order to avoid hurting each other's feelings, and shared the merits of preaching the new law.

There are three colleges in Sanqing College, namely Shangqing College, Yuqing College, and Taiqing College. These three colleges inherited the new law passed down by Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Jiaozhu respectively.

The scope of Sanqing College's disciples is quite broad. As long as the disciples are willing to learn the new law and have good qualifications and character, they can join Sanqing College.

Although these disciples of Sanqing College have joined Sanqing College, they are not considered to have joined the forces of the three religions.

The relationship between them is similar to the guests in Zixiao Palace at the beginning. Although they all listened to the lectures under Hongjun, only six saints dared to call themselves Hongjun's disciples.

As for the other guests in Zixiao Palace, they dared not say that they were Hongjun's disciples at all. At most, they called themselves Hongjun's students.

As soon as Yu Ding Zhenren finished speaking, Tong Tian Jiaozhu showed a satisfied expression on his face, and he nodded: "Yu Ding's proposal is quite good, I agree."

In fact, he didn't have to let Yang Chan join Jiejiao. To be honest, for Tong Tian Jiaozhu, Jiejiao has thousands of immortals coming to pay homage, and there are many talents. It doesn't matter if there is one more Yang Chan or one less Yang Chan.

He just saw that Yang Chan's swordsmanship talent was so outstanding, and he was excited to see the prey, so he wanted Yang Chan to inherit his Zhuxian swordsmanship.

Yang Chan was able to join his lineage in Sanqing Academy and had the name of teacher and student with him, which was enough for Tong Tian Jiaozhu.

As for saying that Yang Chan was just his student, it was not a big deal. You must know that there are differences between students.

Some students have a very close relationship with their teachers, and they often have exchanges, which is not inferior to their direct disciples.

And the relationship between some students and teachers is really just teaching and imparting knowledge, and there is no connection at all afterwards.

Yang Chan is very tolerant of his temper, and she knows how to be grateful, so she will not have the same relationship with him as the latter.

In this regard, Nuwa Saint also nodded: "Since Tongtian agrees with this plan, I naturally have no objection.

Then let's do it according to Yu Ding's suggestion. Yang Chan will become my disciple, and then I will bring her to Sanqing Academy."

Nuwa Saint was also very satisfied with this plan. Every saint is very cautious when accepting disciples, because after the disciple becomes his disciple, he will share the luck of his lineage.

This is also the reason why Nuwa Saint and Tongtian Sect Master did not accept Yang Chan as a disciple together before. In this way, the luck between Jiejiao and Wahuang Palace will be connected, and then various causes and effects will occur, which is a very troublesome thing for the saint.

And now this solution is wonderful. Although Yang Chan has become her disciple, Tongtian Sect Master's student. But because Yang Chan did not join Jiejiao, Yang Chan's luck will only be connected with the luck of Wahuang Palace, not Jiejiao.

As for Sanqing Academy, there is nothing to worry about, because although Sanqing Academy was founded by three saints, its status is more like a Taoist temple, not a fundamental religion, and it is not related to the fortune of the saints themselves.

Moreover, Sage Nuwa also has the identity of the vice president of Sanqing College. Yang Chan's joining Sanqing College is equivalent to joining his own family's power, which has no impact.

Saint Nuwa and the three saints lived together in the east of the prehistoric world. This vast world was the sphere of influence of the four of them.

Moreover, the four of them are brothers and sisters under Hongjun, and their relationship with each other is quite good, so it is naturally impossible for Sanqing to abandon Nuwa to share the merits of preaching.

However, because Saint Nuwa did not like to take care of things, she did not create her own lineage in Sanqing Academy.

She was aloof from the world and was not even willing to leave her own name in the name of the school. She just wanted to be a vice president and share some of her preaching skills. She was very satisfied.

To put it simply, Saint Nuwa's status in Sanqing Academy is that of a hands-off shopkeeper. Although she receives few preaching merits, the advantage is that she does not need to do any work herself and can let the three saints work for her.

After hearing the affirmative answers from the two saints, Yang Chan did not hesitate for a moment. She knelt down directly in front of the saint Nuwa, kowtowed and said, "Disciple has met the teacher."

Seeing this scene, Saint Nuwa was very satisfied and showed a smile. She stretched out her hand and Yang Chan's kneeling body straightened up.

"Okay, okay, I'm most annoyed by these red tapes in my life. You don't have to kneel down when you see me in the future, you just have to bow your hands and salute."

As for the apprenticeship ceremony, we will wait until we return to Wa Palace to make up for it. "

Yang Chan happily ran to Saint Nuwa and stood behind her, looking very well-behaved and sensible.

Seeing this scene, Master Yuding couldn't help but nodded. It was all his fault that Yang Chan's matter was resolved so smoothly.

He felt a little proud in his heart. His idea was so brilliant that it actually solved a difficult problem that both saints found difficult.

But inexplicably, Master Yuding felt some chills on his back.

This made him a little confused. With his cultivation of the Immortal Golden Immortal, more than a dozen Huiyuan had not felt this feeling.

What he didn't notice was that the master behind him had a cold look in his eyes, staring at his triumphant back fiercely.

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