All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 212 Heartbroken and unable to breathe

After confirming the master-disciple relationship, little Yang Chan followed behind Nuwa Saint.

Tongtian Patriarch and Nuwa Saint stood side by side, and from time to time gave instructions, so that Yang Chan could better comprehend the Zhuxian Sword Intent in her mind.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at this scene, his face a little ugly: "Since Yang Chan's belonging has been confirmed, let's forget about this matter. Tongtian, don't forget what our real purpose of coming to Yuquan Mountain this time is."

Tongtian Patriarch saw Yuanshi Tianzun's expression, and for some reason he felt particularly comfortable: "I naturally know about this matter,

but now the secrets are obscure, and the deduction technique is almost ineffective.

Without the deduction technique, I can only be sure that Yuquan Mountain is indeed related to this great change in the world, but there is no way to find out the specific reasons."

Nuwa Saint also nodded aside: "As Brother Tongtian said, we did find many heavenly and earthly gods that are being nurtured on the way up the mountain,

But there are no new discoveries other than that.

Now it is certain that the only extraordinary place on the entire Yuquan Mountain is the cave of Yuding, and the density of the divine objects around it is much denser than other places.

But other than that, there are no other discoveries here, which is really a headache. "

Yuanshi Tianzun also nodded helplessly: "In this case, we will investigate it carefully again, and collect all the divine objects in the world that are in the process of development, and then see what we will find. "

The execution ability of several saints is naturally very strong. Only two or three hours after Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, all the divine objects in the world on the entire Yuding Mountain were collected by the saints.

However, these divine objects did not solve the doubts in the hearts of the saints, because although the number of these divine objects in the process of development is dense and the quality is indeed extraordinary, there is nothing special about them, and it is far from being the source of this great change in the world.

Yuanshi Tianzun lowered his head and said, "It seems that this clue is going to be broken again, but this is normal. Even the teacher can't see the source of this great change in the world, so how can it be so easy for us to discover the abnormality.

At least this time, we can confirm that there is indeed something abnormal on Yuquan Mountain. We can pay more attention and explore the situation here from time to time. Maybe there will be unexpected gains."

While speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes hesitated between Yuding Zhenren, Yang Jian and Yang Chan, and the chaotic energy in his eyes kept floating, as if he wanted to see through all the secrets of these three people.

But after looking for a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't find any clues.

This made Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes appear with a trace of doubt again.

In theory, if the special thing is not in Yuquan Mountain itself, then it can only be in the people living on Yuquan Mountain.

There are currently only three creatures living in Yuquan Mountain, namely Yuding Zhenren Yang Jian and Yang Chan.

Not to mention Jade Ding Zhenren, his own disciple, Yuanshi Tianzun knows him inside out, and he absolutely does not believe that Jade Ding Zhenren has the ability to do anything in front of him.

And Yang Jian and Yang Chan, the two siblings, are even more impossible. The cultivation of these two little guys is so shallow that Yuanshi Tianzun can see their details clearly at a glance.

Even if these two people are the reincarnations of the three thousand gods and demons before the chaos, as long as they were born in the prehistoric times, it is impossible for them to hide so perfectly in front of the saints.

Yang Chan also noticed Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes. Nebulae flowed in his eyes, and there were ups and downs of the great way, which made little Yang Chan feel that she was completely seen through.

But little Yang Chan could feel that a higher level of power was also shrouding her, covering all her powers that did not belong to this world in the mist, and even her innate merit body and the merit treasures on her body were tightly covered by this power.

Even if Yuanshi Tianzun's divine eyes can see through the past, present and future, and understand all the changes in the world, it can't do anything about this power from a higher dimension.

Moreover, Yang Chan can feel that the hidden function of the chat group is extremely intelligent. The part of her cultivation that belongs to the prehistoric world is not hidden, and it is presented in the eyes of the saint.

After all, if the saint can't even detect her immortal cultivation, it will expose her.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes patrolled back and forth, and finally stopped his gaze on Yang Chan.

From his point of view, Yang Chan is the most suspicious person in the entire Yuquan Mountain. After all, the little girl's cultivation speed is too fast, and her sword talent is so shocking. But no matter how he investigates, he can't find any definite evidence from Yang Chan.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun's heart has a heavy stroke for Yuding Zhenren.

Yuquan Mountain was originally the sphere of influence of the Chan Sect. Logically speaking, everyone living on Yuquan Mountain was his disciple. No matter what tricks he had, he could not escape his control.

As a result, now it is good. The magic operation of Yuding Zhenren has pushed the most suspicious Yang Chan to the side of Nuwa Saint and Tongtian Sect Master.

Thinking of this, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Yuding Zhenren with a smile, and then he waved his hand, and the heaven and earth gods collected by the saints were divided into four parts, and then Yuanshi Tianzun pushed the smallest part to Yuding Zhenren.

"Since this investigation can't find any clues, let's stop here.

These divine objects on Yuquan Mountain will be divided into four parts, one for Yuding, and the other three will be divided equally among the three of us. We will take them back to Sanqing Academy to train disciples later. You can take them as you like. "

Yuquan Mountain is the territory of the Chan Sect. The two saints were busy in Yuquan Mountain and spent half a day to collect these divine objects. Yuanshi Tianzun, as the landlord, naturally had to express his opinion.

For Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Nuwa Saint and Tongtian Jiaozhu naturally had no meaning. They waved their hands and put the divine objects underground into their pockets.

In fact, the saints did not take the divine objects of heaven and earth to heart. If Yuanshi Tianzun did not speak, they would not take these divine objects of heaven and earth away.

At this time, the new way had just integrated into the prehistoric world. The huge prehistoric world bred countless divine objects of heaven and earth, but the divine objects of heaven and earth in other places were not as dense as those in Yuquan Mountain. But even so, with their saintly cultivation, if they were willing to spend time collecting As for the divine objects of heaven and earth, it is not a difficult task.

Moreover, ordinary divine objects of heaven and earth are actually useless to them, and their function is just to train disciples.

Only the top batch of divine objects of heaven and earth can help them.

At this time, the avenue of the perfect world has just been integrated into the prehistoric world, and several saints have not yet studied it in depth. What kind of flowers and fruits will these divine objects of heaven and earth that are still in the process of development produce, even the saints cannot predict. Although there are many divine objects of heaven and earth on Yuquan Mountain, they may not be able to produce fruits that are helpful to them.

But, since they are here, they are here.

Since Yuanshi Tianzun has spoken, the two of them naturally have no reason to be polite.

And Yuding Zhenren, who was standing aside, was already heartbroken at this time. To the point where he couldn't breathe, but he didn't dare to show it at all.

He secretly wailed in his heart, Master, why do you do this, these are all your apprentice's treasures.

He went down the mountain this time to find the divine objects of heaven and earth, so as to find an opportunity to break through the immortal golden immortal.

After going down the mountain, he received the talisman from Yuanshi Tianzun, and then went to Sanqing Academy to teach.

Of course, even if Sanqing Academy is the teacher's dojo, it is impossible for him to work in vain, and Yu Ding Zhenren also has a reward.

His reward for teaching at Sanqing Academy is the divine objects of heaven and earth and the new method secret book.

You must know that he worked hard to teach at Sanqing Academy for ten years, and the reward was only one divine object of heaven and earth.

And the divine objects of heaven and earth that were taken away and divided by Yuanshi Tianzun in front of him were at least 3,000 pieces, enough He was asked to teach for 30,000 years.

These 100,000 divine objects were all found on Yuquan Mountain, and they should have belonged to him.

After realizing this, Jade Ding Zhenren felt even more miserable.

He understood that the three saints had worked hard to collect the divine objects, so they must show their appreciation, but there was no need for such a grand expression.

Jade Ding Zhenren looked at the pitiful 100 divine objects in his hands, and then looked at the 3,000 divine objects in the hands of the saints, and he really wanted to cry but had no tears.

Seeing Jade Ding Zhenren's expression of wanting to cry but having no tears, Yuanshi Tianzun felt relieved and asked you to backstab your teacher, so that you can also taste the feeling of being backstabbed.

Yuanshi Tianzun touched his white beard and said softly: "Two Taoist friends, Yuanshi is leaving! See you at Sanqing Academy! "

After saying this, Yuanshi Tianzun paused, and thousands of great ways flowed on his body, as if he had escaped into the primordial heavenly way, and disappeared on Yuquan Mountain in an instant.

Sage Nuwa also turned to look at Master Tongtian and Master Yuding: "For this matter, I will take Yang Chan back to the Wa Palace to hold the apprenticeship ceremony. After a week, I will take this little girl to Sanqing Academy, and then let him worship under Brother Tongtian to learn swordsmanship. "

After saying this, Nuwa Saint turned around and planned to take Yang Chan away, but then a gentle look appeared in her eyes again, and she stood there quietly waiting.

It turned out that little Yang Chan was huddled together with Yang Jian at this time, whispering and exchanging information.

Although Yang Jian looked more mature, he was actually only five years older than Yang Chan. It was the first time he had been separated from his sister for so long, and they finally met again after a long separation, so naturally he had a lot to say.

Seeing the two little guys chatting so happily, Nuwa Saint couldn't help but think of herself and her brother Fuxi. The relationship between the two siblings was so deep at the beginning.

Unfortunately, many things happened later. After his brother was reincarnated, he became the emperor of the human race, and he became a saint in one step with his merits of creating humans, and his status There was a conflict in status and even position. Since then, the exchanges between the brothers and sisters have become much less frequent, and there has been some estrangement.

Nuwa Saint's eyes showed a nostalgic look. She looked at the two little guys whispering to each other, and she was reluctant to disturb their time together.

After a long time, the two little guys stood up reluctantly. Under Yang Jian's farewell, little Yang Chan left her brother with tears in her eyes and followed Nuwa Saint to the Wa Palace.

Originally, with Nuwa Saint's magical power, although the distance between Yuquan Mountain and Wa Palace was far, as long as he wanted, he could connect the two places with one step.

But Nuwa Saint did not do so. She unfolded the map of mountains, rivers, and states, took Yang Chan to sit on the map of mountains, rivers, and states, and slowly toured the scenery of the prehistoric land.

Although she was born and raised here, this was the first time that Yang Chan looked down at the entire prehistoric world from this perspective. In her eyes, the entire prehistoric world was extremely vast, with dragons flying and phoenixes soaring into the sky from time to time, countless exotic flowers and plants, steep mountains and rivers, and occasionally you could see powerful people fighting each other to snatch the finished divine objects of heaven and earth.

The aftermath of these powerful people's battles was extremely terrifying, setting off a fire of hundreds of billions of feet to burn the sky, and a terrifying flood from east to west, destroying all living things within trillions of miles.

However, the aftermath of these battles could not hit the map of mountains and rivers, and was dissipated by an invisible force from a long distance.

This journey made Yang Chan feel eye-opening.

Seeing Yang Chan's happy expression, Nuwa Saint couldn't help but smile.

While watching, Yang Chan did not forget to start the live broadcast to let the group friends participate in this sightseeing tour of the prehistoric world.

At this time, the group chat was also extremely lively.

Zhang Junbao and Lu Mingfei were holding the Classic of Mountains and Seas in their hands, constantly debating the many rare and exotic animals that appeared in the prehistoric world.

The amazing thing is that many rare and exotic animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas actually appeared in the live broadcast started by Xiao Yangchan, including Bai Ze, Yu Yu, Xuan Gui, and Qiongqi.

However, the real prehistoric world is naturally more magical than the records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

For example, there is a giant made of purple crystals, who feeds on mountains and keeps running on the land. Wherever he passes, he will leave huge footprints. It is said that as long as a female animal lies on the footprints and sleeps, she will get pregnant. There are also divine turtles carrying mountains on their backs, magic dragons with thousands of eyes and feet, and so on.

As everyone was chatting, Yang Chan suddenly spoke in the group.

Yang Chan (the descendant of Nuwa): "Today was really exciting. I was just thinking about establishing a good relationship with Teacher Tongtian through the Qingping Sword, but I didn't expect that there would be so many gains later.

By the way, I will upload these two secret books of the Great Dao to the chat group first. As for Teacher Nuwa's skills, I haven't had time to learn them yet. I will upload them to the chat group after I learn them.

There is one more thing. When the Yuanshi Saint taught me the Four Symbols Seal, he also placed a Heavenly Dao ban in it. Once I dare to pass it on, the Heavenly Dao law will be triggered immediately, and I and the punished will be ground into powder.

However, what the Yuanshi Saint didn't know was that the person I taught was not in the prehistoric world. No matter how powerful the prehistoric Heavenly Dao is, it can't control the affairs of other heavens and worlds.

And I still use the chat group as a medium to upload the skills. With the status of the chat group, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao can't detect it at all, let alone punish me."

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