All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 213 Lu Mingfei wants to become a swordsman

After staying in the chat group for a long time, Yang Chan was very decisive in doing things, and soon the chat group was prompted.

Yang Chan uploaded: [Four Symbols Seals of the Nine Seals of Yuanshi], [Sword Intentions of the Four Swords of Zhuxian]

In an instant, the entire group chat became quiet, and everyone silently opened the chat group's practice space to download the two secret books of the Great Dao.

Xu Chenzhou was of course no exception. This was the magical power taught by Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Jiaozhu himself, so how could he not be curious.

For the sake of caution, Xu Chenzhou downloaded these two exercises in the group practice space.

After all, this level of practice contains the laws of the Great Dao, which is likely to trigger images, so you must be very careful.

In the blink of an eye, a jade seal and a sword-shaped jade slip appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou observed carefully that the two things in front of him were exactly the same as the practice carriers that appeared in the hands of the two saints at the beginning, and even the charm on them was exactly the same.

Obviously, with the ability of the chat group, even the skills of the saints can be perfectly reproduced one-to-one.

But unfortunately, at that time, Tongtian Sect Master had four sword-shaped jade slips in his hands, and because Yang Chan only inherited the Zhuxian Sword Intent, there was only a small jade sword carrying the Zhuxian Sword Intent in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou was more interested in the inheritance of Tongtian Sect Master, after all, this was the legendary Zhuxian Four Swords.

Xu Chenzhou's hand gently grasped this small jade sword, and in an instant, a Taoist appeared in his mind, standing in the universe, destroying thousands of worlds with a long sword.

Under Xu Chenzhou's observation, this long sword surged with endless Zhumie Sword Intent, and all living beings and all things within the scope of the sword intent were turned into nothingness under the effect of the sword intent.

Xu Chenzhou has urged countless thoughts in his mind to comprehend the sword intent in front of him, but he is still somewhat helpless.

Zhuxian Sword Intent is indeed the great magical power passed down by Master Tongtian. It contains the law of the great way of extermination, which is obscure and difficult to understand.

Even if Xu Chenzhou gathered Hong Yi and Zhang Sanfeng's comprehension at this time, he still couldn't comprehend the mystery.

After observing for a long time, Xu Chenzhou had nothing else to gain except a faint shadow of Zhuxian Sword Intent left in his soul.

Seeing this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh.

There is no way. It seems that it is still a bit difficult for him to learn Zhuxian Sword Intent directly by his own comprehension without the help of the power of the Caozi Sword Jue.

Xu Chenzhou certainly knows that the Caozi Sword Jue is very helpful for learning Zhuxian Sword Intent.

Having been a group friend with Xiao Yangchan for so long, Xu Chenzhou certainly understands Yangchan's kung fu talent.

To be honest, Yang Chan does have a good talent in swordsmanship, and is even the strongest genius in the entire chat group, but she is far from being a genius who can instantly comprehend the Zhuxian sword intent to the entry level.

Due to the cover of the chat group, several saints did not see the clues.

However, the group live broadcast watched by the group members did not cover up with special effects. Xu Chenzhou could of course see that little Yang Chan could comprehend the Zhuxian sword intent. The most important reason was that the Zhuxian sword intent and the grass sword formula in Yang Chan's body produced a mysterious reaction.

The two different sword intentions gradually approached each other under resonance, and then resonated with each other. With the grass sword formula as fuel, little Yang Chan could comprehend the Zhuxian sword intent to the entry level in such a short time.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou slowly released the grass sword energy that he had suppressed in the lungs of the White Emperor Golden Dragon. In an instant, endless sword energy spewed out from his lungs.

These sword energies quickly traveled through his body, wandered through the heavens, and then slowly merged into his soul, and began to resonate with the shadow of the sword intent of Zhuxian in his soul.

As countless grass-shaped sword energies were brewing, the seed of the sword intent of Zhuxian in his soul gradually became solid, and countless knowledge about the laws of the great way of extermination also flowed into Xu Chenzhou's mind from the sword-shaped jade slip in front of him, allowing him to have many insights into the great way of extermination of Tongtian Sect Master.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun rose and fell in the sky, and Xu Chenzhou opened his eyes.

The sword energy of the grass-shaped sword tactic in his body had been completely exhausted, and even the grass-shaped sword tactic runes engraved on the lungs of the White Emperor Golden Dragon had become dim, as if they had been squeezed dry, and the seed of the sword intent of Zhuxian in his mind had now completely taken root, and was constantly brewing one sword energy after another of Zhuxian.

He also cultivated the sword intent of Zhuxian to the entry stage.

The time he spent on cultivation this time was much longer than the time Yang Chan spent at that time.

But this is also normal, because after he cultivated the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry stage, he spent a lot of time consolidating his realm.

After all, his entry realm was not cultivated by his own efforts, but was fueled by the Caozi Sword Art.

His grasp of the Zhuxian Sword Intent is still a bit superficial, and he must spend more time consolidating it before he can truly make his realm and perception his own.

After completing the practice, Xu Chenzhou drew the Zhuxian Sword Intent and injected them into the White Emperor Golden Dragon Lung. With the arrival of these sword energies, the runes of the Caozi Sword Art engraved on Xu Chenzhou's White Emperor Golden Dragon Lung lit up one by one.

From the beginning of illusion to almost indistinguishable, it slowly became as shiny as a layer of gold paint,

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou's eyes were filled with joy. As he thought, there was a mysterious connection between the Caozi Sword Art and the Zhuxian Sword Intent.

Xu Chenzhou didn't know why this was the case. After all, whether it was the Caozi Sword Art or the Zhuxian Sword Intent, Xu Chenzhou was still in the entry stage. However, Xu Chenzhou guessed that this might be related to the similarities between the cores of these two sword arts.

So he guessed that the sword energy of the Caozi Sword Art could assist the practice of the Zhuxian Sword Intent, and then the Zhuxian Sword Energy could naturally promote the practice of the Caozi Sword Art in turn.

Sure enough, the facts verified his guess.

After studying the Zhuxian Sword Intent, Xu Chenzhou picked up the seal next to him.

On this seal, the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire kept circulating, the four phases were mixed, and the heaven and earth opened and closed, as if to recreate the world and practice the prehistoric world again.

Xu Chenzhou could feel that this seal showed the mystery of the Four Symbols Avenue, and the various changes in it made him intoxicated.

The process of observing the Four Symbols Great Dao gave Xu Chenzhou a special feeling.

He had never looked at the world from the perspective of earth, water, wind and fire. All things in the world started from fire, condensed along the water, moved from the wind, and settled when they met the earth. The four elements perfectly explained the process of the world from chaos to the birth of all things.

This perspective is very unique, which made Xu Chenzhou feel that many questions he encountered in his past cultivation were solved in an instant, as if he had completely understood the true meaning of the whole world, and he gradually knew everything!

However, Xu Chenzhou also knew that the changes of all things shown in the Four Symbols Seal were just a process of the real Great Dao change.

Chaos gave birth to two yin and yang, two yin and yang gave birth to three talents, three talents gave birth to four symbols, and four symbols performed five elements. All of them explained the processes in the changes of the Great Dao.

Take any of the Great Dao concepts out and look at them, and its theory can be self-consistent, but they are not the real Great Dao, but just a microcosm of the Great Dao.

It was like a blind man touching an elephant. Different people touched different parts, and then they all thought that the parts they touched were the real elephant. In fact, these parts were indeed elephants, but they were not complete elephants. Only by piecing together all these parts could we see the real elephant.

Just like the fundamental technique he practiced was the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Mixed Cave Technique. This technique exhausted the changes of the five elements and used the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to interpret all things in the world. From Xu Chenzhou's perspective, the Five Elements Avenue can also interpret the entire process of the world from chaos to the birth of all things.

And Xu Chenzhou knew that Yuanshi Tianzun also understood this truth. After all, the Yuanshi Nine Seals also included the Liangyi Seal and the Five Elements Seal, which contained Yuanshi Tianzun's perception of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements Avenue.

After a period of practice, Xu Chenzhou found that his talent in the Four Elephants Avenue was obviously much stronger than his talent in the sword.

When learning Zhu Xian Sword Intent, Xu Chenzhou felt like a dog biting a hedgehog but couldn't bite anywhere. Fortunately, he had the Grass Sword Art. Otherwise, with his current state, he would have a hard time learning Zhu Xian Sword Intent even if he was given another hundred years.

But this is also normal. After all, Zhu Xian Sword Intent is the great magical power of Master Tong Tian. In such a large Jiejiao, with thousands of immortals coming to pay homage, no one can inherit Master Tong Tian's sword cultivation. From this, we can also see how difficult it is to learn the four sword arts of Zhu Xian.

It was different when learning the Four Symbols Seal. Xu Chenzhou had new insights every minute and every second. With the blessing of countless thoughts, Xu Chenzhou felt that if he was given another hundred days, he would be able to understand the Four Symbols Seal.

This learning speed is already amazing. If someone in the prehistoric world can achieve such a cultivation speed, he can instantly become the thirteenth golden immortal of the Chanjiao.

Xu Chenzhou forgot the passage of time when he was immersed in cultivation. It was not until his chat group reminded him to renew after his 100 points were used up that Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that he had been practicing for ten days.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head, stood up, and walked out of the group practice space. This did not mean that he had no determination to continue practicing.

He was very interested in the Four Symbols Seal. If possible, he would like to spend another ten days to accelerate and directly practice the Four Symbols Seal.

But now the situation on the Blue Water Star is undercurrent, and it is not suitable for long-term closed-door cultivation. He needs to return to the star domain world from time to time to understand the situation.

Xu Chenzhou turned on the smart bracelet and checked the information sent by his sister, Chen Mu, and two senior brothers. He found that there was nothing unusual for the time being, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he opened the news and carefully observed every report to check the news about the 300 sacrificed gods and demons.

Old Zhou is still in danger of death, and Xu Chenzhou does not want to miss any channel to obtain information.

Unfortunately, perhaps in order to reassure the frontline gods and demons, the Star Domain Alliance has done its best to block the news this time, and will definitely not let the turmoil in the rear affect the morale of the army, so there is no news about the 300 gods and demons in the media.

After doing all this, Xu Chenzhou opened the chat group, wanting to see what this group of friends who have gradually become a bit silly under the influence of him and Lu Mingfei talked about in the chat group during his retreat.

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "I can't learn it, I can't learn it at all. This Zhuxian Sword Intention and Four Symbols Seal are too difficult.

I feel dizzy after just one look, and my head starts to hurt when I look at it again. "

Ying Zheng was lying on the ground in a white robe, holding a wooden sword beside him. His eyes were full of swirls, and the expression on his face was extremely confused.

He had some doubts about life. When he was in Zhao State, he was practicing martial arts like the tail of a crane, but he finally joined the chat group and was still the tail of the crane.

It only took Yang Chan a few dozen minutes to get started with the cultivation of Zhu Xian Sword Intent, but he couldn't even understand it. This was really shocking.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Ying Zheng is right, you can't learn this technique at all!

Yang Chan, how did you do it? Why is it that it took you only a short period of time to cultivate the Immortal Killing Sword Intention to the entry level? "

Lu Mingfei was also practicing hard. He held the huge iron sword in both hands and kept waving it, imitating the path of the Taoist sword in the jade slip. However, no matter how hard he studied, he could not learn the kind of annihilation. The essence of it all.

Little Girl (Episode Killer God): "Ah, brother Mingfei, brother Yingzheng, what are you talking about?

The Four Symbol Seals are indeed difficult, but I think the Zhuxian Sword Intent is very simple. I only practiced it for a while and reached the entry level. "

As she spoke, the little girl sent out a video. In the video, the little girl was sitting quietly on the top of the mountain. Her white robe was fluttering in the wind. She raised her delicate little hands like lotus roots, stretched out two fingers and gently touched them. With a wave, a gray sword energy flew out from the delicate white fingers, directly cutting a mountain peak in front of her in half. The cut was extremely smooth, even smooth enough to be used as a mirror.

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "Ah, how could this happen? Do I really not have the talent to become a sword fairy?"

Lu Mingfei's tone was a little low. He was used to being a big-muscled tyrant in the world of monster hunting, and he had long wanted to change his style and become a swordsman in fluttering white clothes.

However, there were really few kendo techniques in the chat group. Among them, Lu Mingfei, the most outstanding swordsman with cursive characters, was unable to practice because he did not choose the perfect world training system, so he put his hope in Zhuxian Sword Intent. Unexpectedly, After working hard for seven or eight days, there was no way to get started.

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