All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 214 Zhang Junbao surpasses Zhang Sanfeng

Hong Yi (Son of Daqian): "Okay, Xiao Nannan, stop teasing them.

The Grass Sword Art can promote the cultivation of Zhuxian Sword Intent, and your main killing magic is the Grass Sword Art. It is naturally twice as effective to cultivate Zhuxian Sword Intent with half the effort, and the realm is extraordinary.

Mingfei and Ying Zheng have not practiced the Grass Sword Art, and Zhuxian Sword Intent is so mysterious, it is normal that they cannot get started."

Although Hong Yi has not practiced the Grass Sword Art, he can still see the relationship between the Grass Sword Art and Zhuxian Sword Intent with his eyesight, and he immediately pointed out the key.

After hearing Hong Yi's guidance, Lu Mingfei and Ying Zheng suddenly realized that Yang Chan and Xiao Nannan's progress in practicing Zhuxian Sword Intent was so fast because they practiced the Grass Sword Art.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Then what should I do? If I want to practice Zhuxian Sword Intent, do I have to practice Perfect Magic at the same time?

I can feel that if there is no other help, with my current cultivation level, I may not be able to comprehend Zhuxian Sword Intent in another thousand years.

Is there a way to comprehend Zhuxian Sword Intent without practicing Perfect Magic?"

What Lu Mingfei said was not an exaggeration. Zhuxian Sword Intent is, after all, a great secret book passed down by a saint.

Even an immortal golden immortal may not be able to comprehend this level of unique skills, let alone Lu Mingfei who is still in the Nascent Soul stage.

He was able to comprehend Zhuxian Sword Intent in a thousand years with his current cultivation level, because he had the help of the chat group, and he had learned the cultivation paths of many worlds as his knowledge base.

Lu Mingfei was a little distressed. After this period of exploration, he had already decided on his own cultivation path.

Among the dozen cultivation paths in the chat group, Lu Mingfei chose the Honghuang Immortal Path and the Human Immortal Martial Arts as his main cultivation paths.

His cultivation path was carefully considered. There are now more than a dozen cultivation paths in the group, including the Great Immortal Path, the Mortal Immortal Path, the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, the Human Immortal Martial Arts, the Star Domain Martial Arts, the Perfect Method, and the Heaven-Covering Method. Each cultivation path has various subdivisions.

Lu Mingfei knew that he would not be able to chew too much, so he chose two cultivation systems that he was more interested in.

He knew his level. Although he was not stupid, he was definitely not a person with a high level of understanding. He could not combine the strengths of many schools to open up new paths like Hong Yi or Zhang Junbao. Instead of doing those fancy things, it is better to choose the existing cultivation system in a down-to-earth manner.

In fact, before joining the group chat, Lu Mingfei once felt that his talent was quite good. He had mastered several weapons in the Monster Hunter World to the pinnacle in 8 years after traveling to the Monster Hunter World, and even became a powerful hunter who could hunt black dragons.

But after joining the group chat and spending a long time with Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi, Lu Mingfei was completely hit. It was not that Lu Mingfei had no confidence in himself, but it was really that people can really make people angry.

You dare to imagine that they practiced the same method, and he had not yet fully understood it, but Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi had already gathered together to discuss how to improve and optimize it.

Speaking of these two cultivation paths, they were actually decisions made after Lu Mingfei carefully selected them. These two cultivation systems have a good fit with the power of the dragon world.

Lu Mingfei knew that he could completely abandon the power of the dragon world with the chat group, and directly practice the cultivation system of other worlds, which would also make him invincible.

But Lu Mingfei didn't want to do this, and he couldn't say clearly whether he did this because he was influenced by Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao, or because of other reasons.

He thought he was not as smart as Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi, the two group members, but with such rich resources in the chat group, Lu Mingfei would never be willing if he didn't try to develop the potential of the power of the dragon world.

These two cultivation paths are of great help to Lu Mingfei in developing the power of the dragon race.

Needless to say, the Honghuang Immortal Path, the spiritual energy cultivated can conquer the effect of the Word Spirit, which can be said to be a must-have option.

And the Human Immortal Martial Arts is even more helpful to him.

The Human Immortal Martial Arts in the Yangshen World is a very special martial arts. The cultivation of this martial arts is almost all about seeking inward.

Practicing the skin, bones, marrow and organs, each step is a tempering of the body. During the tempering, the warrior gradually masters all the functions of his body, and even reaches the realm of no leakage.

After practicing to the human immortal realm, the warrior's development of the body reaches a deeper level, the vitality is so strong that it can be reborn with a drop of blood, and the control is so strong that it can control every particle of the body to change.

And this is exactly what Lu Mingfei wants. If he wants to truly develop the power of the dragon race itself, the first thing he has to do is to thoroughly analyze the blood of the dragon race, and the human immortal martial arts just has this power.

The method he researched that could purify blood and sort out rules was based on the human immortal martial arts, and was developed after integrating the knowledge of many different world cultivation systems.

This also led to him having no energy to get involved in the cultivation systems of other worlds at this time, such as the Perfect Method and the Heaven-shaking Method.

In fact, Lu Mingfei was also quite envious of these two cultivation systems. Not to mention the various magical and unparalleled treasures of the Perfect World, just the words in the information provided by the group leader at the beginning made Lu Mingfei feel very moved by them.

When Lu Mingfei was bored in class, he once imagined what if he could hold the sun and moon in his hands and step on the stars in front of everyone, and then said softly: "Even if I hold the original imperial city in one hand and go to the abyss with my back, I, Lu Mingfei Invincible in the world!"

Or he defeated a group of powerful enemies, with purple energy lingering around his body, but only a lonely back was left, sighing softly: "Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road? When you see the wrong road, it becomes empty."

However, Lu Mingfei understood that these were just imaginations. Each of the cultivation systems in the group chat was extensive and profound and required a lifetime of study. He used his energy to dabble in both the ancient immortal way and the human immortal martial art, plus he also had to study the dragon world. Bloodline power has already spent all his time, and there is really no way to open a new pit.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): “Actually, it’s not completely hopeless. I have three strategies: upper, middle and lower.

The next step is simple. I know why Mingfei you don't want to practice the perfect world's cultivation system. It's just that you don't have enough time.

However, if your purpose is just to learn the Immortal Killing Sword Intent, then there is actually no need to actually practice the Perfect World's cultivation system. You can completely use the Perfect World's cultivation system as a springboard to practice the Grass Script Sword Art.

In fact, you only need to practice the perfect method to the realm of cave heaven before you can get started with the grass-character sword art.

When the time comes, after comprehending the meaning of the Zhuxian Sword, you can directly give up practicing the Perfect Method.

However, this also has a disadvantage, that is, the sword energy effect of the grass-character sword art in the entry-level stage should be quite different. At most, it can help you cultivate Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry-level stage, and it is difficult to follow up.

And since the Perfect Method is stagnated in the Cave Heaven Realm, you can't use the Zhuxian Sword Meaning to cultivate the Caozi Sword Technique.

What Zhang Junbao said caused Lu Mingfei to think deeply. This is not impossible. After all, with the help of the chat group, it is not particularly difficult for him to practice the perfect method to the cave heaven realm. With the resources provided by the group friends and the With his own cultivation base, he could do it in about one to two months.

Spending a month or two in exchange for a peerless killing swordsmanship is definitely a profitable business.

However, Lu Mingfei did not make a decision immediately. After all, Zhang Junbao said that this was just a bad idea, and he could only cultivate the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry level. It was indeed a bit regretful.

He knew that given Zhang Junbao's reliability, the above two strategies would definitely be better.

Sure enough, Zhang Junbao immediately sent a message in the group.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology) “The middle strategy is also very simple, that is, Ming Fei, you practice hard and strive to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal as soon as possible.

The biggest reason why you feel that the Zhuxian Sword Intention is so difficult to comprehend is because your current cultivation level is too low.

If one's cultivation level at the Nascent Soul stage is not protected by the chat group, I am afraid that even the secret book of Zhu Xian Sword Intent cannot be read. With such a low cultivation level and without the protection of Cao Zi Sword Art, it is naturally difficult to comprehend the Zhu Xian Sword Intent. Ascend to heaven.

But if you can cultivate the prehistoric immortal way to the realm of golden immortal, you should have hope to get started with the cultivation of Zhuxian Sword Intention by your own strength.

What's more, there are several group friends in the group chat who can cultivate the Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry-level state with the help of the Caozi Sword Technique, and they can also be your teachers when the time comes. In this case, why don't you worry about not learning it. "

Knowing Zhang Junbaofa's strategy, Lu Mingfei nodded first and then shook his head. Why didn't he know that if he cultivated to the realm of the Immortal Golden Immortal, he would be able to master the Immortal Killing Sword Intention, but how difficult it would be.

Immortal Golden Immortal, whose golden body is flawless, eternal and free, and indestructible. What kind of existence is this? His status is so high that he is simply a creature on another level. It is extremely difficult to cultivate to such a state.

You must know that the cultivation environment of the dragon world is far inferior to that of the prehistoric world, and even inferior to the star domain world. To be able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage in such a short time, Lu Mingfei did not know how much effort and energy he spent on it. resource.

There are countless difficulties in cultivating from the Nascent Soul realm to the Golden Immortal realm. Even Lu Mingfei is not sure whether the environment of the dragon world can support his breakthrough to the Immortal Golden Immortal.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Jun Bao, please stop showing off and just tell me the best idea."

Zhang Junbao smiled and nodded. He knew that Lu Mingfei would be dissatisfied with both strategies.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "It would be easier if I were to make the best decision. I have been thinking about why the Caozi Sword Jue is so helpful to the cultivation of Zhu Xian's Sword Intention these days. But even if I am extremely poor, I don't know all the knowledge I have now." There's no way to find out what's going on.

But I am not without gains. After these few days of research, I have comprehended a sword art book called Wentian Nine Swords in Caozi.

This swordsmanship was born out of the Caozi Sword Art. Although it is based on Jindan Martial Arts, it is different from the Caozi Sword Art in various ways, but the sword intention is in the same vein and is almost the same.

When one reaches the peak of his cultivation of the Caozi Sword Art, he can cut through the universe and destroy time, and the Nine Swords of Caozi Wentian can also do the same.

After my test, the sword energy of Caozi Wentian Nine Swords is also helpful for cultivating Zhuxian Sword Intent, but it is not as fast and powerful as Caozi Sword Jue, and is only one-third as effective as Caozi Sword Jue.

However, my Nine Swords of Wentian with Caozi also has an advantage, that is, the entry threshold for Jindan Martial Arts is relatively low. You only need your body to be able to withstand the sword energy of the Nine Swords of Wentian with Caozi to practice.

The most important thing is that the Caozi Wentian Jiujian is different from the Caozi Sword Art. The Caozi Sword Art is just a magical power.

The Caozi Wentian Jiujian is not just a sword technique. It includes the mind training method and the killing method. It can be used to continuously break through the realm. It is a complete secret book of cultivation.

So after practicing the Caozi Wentian Jiujian, you can also use the Zhuxian Sword Intent to feed back the practice of the Caozi Wentian Jiujian, forming a benign mutual assistance relationship between the two. "

After Zhang Junbao finished speaking, the group chat fell silent. Everyone digested what Zhang Junbao said for a while, and then people started to send messages.

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "Big brother is awesome (pass a cigarette to the big brother.jpg)"

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Gate God One): "Big brother is awesome (pass a cigarette to the big brother.jpg)"

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "Big brother is awesome (pass a cigarette to the big brother.jpg)"

Luo Feng (martial arts apprentice): "Big brother is awesome (pass a cigarette to the big brother.jpg)"

Shi Hao (overlord of the virtual god world): "Big brother is awesome (pass a cigarette to the big brother.jpg)"

The entire chat group was instantly flooded with this message, and even Xu Chenzhou mixed in and followed the water group.

In fact, his He was indeed shocked by what Zhang Junbao did.

The Caozi Sword Art is one of the Ten Evil Treasures, a unique skill of the Immortal King level, and can be regarded as one of the strongest sword arts in the entire Perfect World.

As a result, Zhang Junbao actually used this as a blueprint to comprehend a new sword art, and the Caozi Wentian Nine Swords obviously got the essence of the Caozi Sword Art, so he was able to use it to practice the Zhuxian Sword Intent.

Xu Chenzhou thought to himself that although he had the peak Zhang Sanfeng's comprehension core, even if he fully operated Zhang Sanfeng's comprehension core, he could not do the same thing as Zhang Junbao.

Xu Chenzhou secretly understood that although the comprehension core given to him by the chat group was a strong help, it also had limitations.

Indeed The comprehension core given to him by the real chat group completely inherits all the comprehension of peak Zhang Sanfeng and can perfectly imitate all the thinking methods of peak Zhang Sanfeng.

But the problem is that Xu Chenzhou is not Zhang Sanfeng, and this spiritual core cannot think for itself. To put it bluntly, it is just a set of thinking logic, not a real replica of a living Zhang Sanfeng in his mind.

So this comprehension core was the biggest help to Xu Chenzhou at the beginning, but it gradually couldn't keep up with the version later.

Because it can't grow, the upper limit is always locked in the version of peak Zhang Sanfeng.

Although it can use Xu Chenzhou's thinking reserve, it can no longer absorb knowledge to update the thinking mode.

And the real Zhang Although Junbao has less experience than Zhang Sanfeng at the peak, he also has advantages, that is, a broader vision and a new way of thinking developed in the process of contacting different cultivation systems in the heavens and the worlds.

In the process of continuous learning and growth, Zhang Junbao now has done things that Zhang Sanfeng at the peak could not do.

Chat group Zhang Junbao has surpassed Zhang Sanfeng!

However, Xu Chenzhou did not mind this. He did not intend to always rely on the core of other people's understanding. His practice has always been to observe and learn in the process of use, understand Hong Yi and Zhang Sanfeng's way of thinking and turn it into his own use.

The current Zhang Junbao has indeed surpassed Zhang Sanfeng, but who says that Xu Chenzhou is not as good as Zhang Junbao now?

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