All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 215 Yuanshi Tianzun's self-defeating behavior

Zhang Junbao sat on a mat in a white robe, his cheeks slightly red as he read the messages in the group chat.

The entire group chat was full of big guys being awesome (passing a cigarette to the big guy.jpg).

If it was someone else's flattery, he wouldn't have any emotional fluctuations, but for some reason, seeing the messages flooding the screen made Zhang Junbao feel a little shy.

He quickly sent the grass-character Asking the Sky Nine Swords Jue that he had comprehended to the group chat.

Group members also downloaded the grass-character Asking the Sky Nine Swords Jue one after another.

Only Luo Feng had a bitter face and looked a little distressed.

The reason was simple, the number of times his group's martial arts space was shared had been used up.

The rules of the chat group's martial arts space were relatively loose. As long as group members were willing to collect martial arts from this world, they would basically not be blocked by the number of shares.

But Luo Feng's situation was special. He was still in high school and had not joined a martial arts school, which resulted in him not having a suitable source of martial arts for the time being.

Although Luo Feng also relied on some of the superficial techniques circulating on the market to exchange for some sharing times, these sharing times still could not meet his needs.

He has always adhered to the principle of carefully selecting and only downloading the techniques that are particularly suitable for him in the chat group, but even so, the number of times he shared the techniques quickly reached the bottom.

This is actually very normal, after all, the techniques in the chat group are too rich.

First of all, Luo Feng knew that he had the talent as a spiritualist, so Yangshen Taoism became a must. This cultivation system can enhance the strength of his soul and is extremely compatible with the profession of spiritualist.

There are too many secrets of Yangshen Taoism in the group. After Hong Yi became the Lord of Daqian, in order to better compile the Book of Changes, he relied on the power of the Daqian Dynasty to collect the techniques of the world. No matter the power of the Jingyuan Temple or the Tiancan Pavilion, it could not stop Hong Yi at this time.

As long as those old monsters do not come out, the entire world is Hong Yi's back garden,

so the number of secrets about Yangshen Taoism in the group chat is so large that it is almost impossible to count.

Whether it is the fundamental law of the past Amitabha Sutra, the two sutras of the universe, or the attack and killing Taoist arts such as the Light and Dark Mandala and the Supreme Magic Seal, Luo Feng needs to consume a lot of sharing times.

In addition to the Yangshen Taoism, Luo Feng has many other cultivation methods that he covets, because only by trying them all can he find the cultivation path that is truly suitable for him.

And this time, Luo Feng will certainly not let go of the two saintly cultivation methods uploaded by Yang Chan.

However, after changing these two cultivation methods, Luo Feng embarrassedly found that his cultivation method sharing times have all been exhausted.

If he does not find a new channel to obtain new cultivation methods and upload them to the group chat, he will no longer be able to download the grass-character Asking the Sky Nine Swordsmanship uploaded by Zhang Junbao.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged on the floor of the martial arts hall, his eyes flashing, and fell into deep thought.

It seems that it is no longer feasible to keep a low profile, and it is time to join the martial arts hall to obtain more cultivation resources.

First, he can obtain the resources of the chat group with the resources in the martial arts hall.

Second, he has been enjoying the benefits brought to him by the chat group during this period, but he has not contributed at all.

Even the skills he uploaded to the group chat were just some superficial fist and foot skills, which made Luo Feng feel a little embarrassed. He felt that it was time for him to give back to the chat group.

While Luo Feng was thinking, the group members chatted about many messages again.

Xiao Shihao (the overlord of the virtual world): "Speaking of which, Yuanshi Tianzun is really too stingy. As a saint, Tongtian Jiaozhu taught all the essence of Zhuxian Sword Intent to Sister Yang Chan without reservation.

But Yuanshi Tianzun hid it and only taught the entry-level part of the Four Symbols Seal. The pattern is really too small."

Xiao Shihao practiced the changes of the Four Symbols Seal in front of Liu Shen while talking.

Since Liu Shen discovered that he practiced the Heaven Covering Method, Xiao Shihao no longer avoided Liu Shen when practicing.

In Xiao Shihao's hands, the earth, water, wind and fire kept circulating, connecting from beginning to end, like the sky.

Gradually, the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire were almost building a small world in Shi Hao's hands, but suddenly, Shi Hao's control was somewhat offset, and the howling wind brought a huge fire all over the sky, sweeping across the entire small world in an instant, burning the miniature world in Shi Hao's hand into ashes in an instant, turning it into a dream bubble.

Shi Hao also lowered his head in disappointment and sighed.

Building the Four-Elephant World in the palm of your hand is the basic method of the Four-Elephant Seal. Of course, even if you know this, you are still a long way from practicing the Four-Elephant Seal, but doing this means that the practitioner can already use the Four-Elephant Seal in actual combat.

Shi Hao has been practicing for a long time, but he still can't do this.

Seeing this scene, the willow branches of the Willow God fluttered gently in the wind, and the emerald green willow branches touched Shi Hao's head, as if wanting him not to be so discouraged.

Little Shi Hao grumbled, "It's all because that senior was reserved when he taught my friend the technique. He only taught the introductory stage of the Four Symbols Seal, lacking many of the Four Symbols changes. This is why I failed frequently and couldn't build the Four Symbols in my palm."

The willow branch of the Willow God flicked Little Shi Hao's forehead, and then a clear and pleasant female voice came: "

You haven't yet mastered the Four Symbols Seal. What does it have to do with the subsequent techniques? Or is it that you haven't practiced enough?

Although this technique is not consistent with the system I practice, I can feel that the subtlety of this technique contains infinite changes in the future.

But you are right, this fellow Taoist is indeed a bit stingy. When he was teaching, he actually used his supreme wisdom to strip away all the subsequent changes in the Four Symbols Seal, leaving only the most basic part.

This method is very unusual, because the practice of techniques is generally step-by-step, from low to high, from nothing to something, there is a vein to follow.

But there is no vein that can be deduced from the future in this Four Symbols Seal, only the foundation of the Four Symbols Avenue is left, even I can't deduce its subsequent development.

But I say that only getting the introductory stage of the Four Symbols Seal is not necessarily a bad thing.

In my opinion, the real preciousness of this Four Symbols Seal is precisely the framework of the introductory stage. "

Beside the willow branch of the God of Willow was a jade seal, and her other willow branch was wrapped around the jade seal.

"The Four Symbols Seal that others have comprehended is ultimately someone else's Four Symbols Seal.

The deeper the understanding of the Tao, the stronger the personal color is. The Tao that each person understands is different.

If you practice the Four Symbols Seal that others have realized, your thinking will be colored by the color of others' understanding. It will be very difficult to reverse and open up a new path later.

It is precisely this introductory framework of the Four Symbols Seal that allows me to truly understand the mystery of the Four Symbols based on this. "

Speaking of this, Willow God stretched out several more willow branches, and different visions emerged on each willow branch.

Some willow branches were burning with fire, burning a world full of flames in the void, and some willow branches were blowing with strong winds, and countless strong winds entangled with each other to cover a world of wind with countless strong winds rippling, while some willow branches had all the earth, water, wind and fire, and the four elements interacted with each other, fire gave birth to all things, and water condensed into impermanence, creating a small world like reality.

Xiao Shihao was stunned when he saw this scene. He had just handed the seal with the Four Symbols Seal to Willow God, and it was only a short while ago that Willow God had already... He has comprehended the Four Symbols Seal so deeply.

Xiao Shihao could feel that Liu Shen's understanding of the Four Symbols Seal had surpassed the entry level recorded on the seal, and he had opened up a Four Symbols Seal method of his own.

Xiao Shihao couldn't help but feel envious when he saw Liu Shen demonstrating the Four Symbols Seal. Countless willow branches created various small worlds in the void in front of him. Each small world had its own power. Some worlds gave birth to flames that could burn everything, and some worlds gave birth to heavy water that could corrode the world. The four elements of earth, water, wind and fire were played by Liu Shen.

But he didn't ask Liu Shen for the four elements he had comprehended. Four Symbols Seal, because after the demonstration of Willow God, Xiao Shihao already understood the correct way to use this incomplete Four Symbols Seal.

He silently compared the difference between Zhuxian Sword Intent and Four Symbols Seal. The Zhuxian Sword Intent taught by Tongtian Patriarch was indeed very complete. With the help of Caozi Sword Art, Xiao Shihao had already cultivated Zhuxian Sword Intent to the entry stage.

But if he was asked to deduce his own Zhuxian Sword Intent out of the framework of Tongtian Patriarch, he simply couldn't do it.

Because this Zhuxian Sword Intent was so complete, it contained all of Tongtian Patriarch's understanding of the Great Dao of Destruction, so at the beginning of cultivation, Xiao Shihao already had Zhuxian in his heart. The cognition of the sword intent even formed an inherent mark, which was firmly nailed in Xiao Shihao's heart. It was too difficult to get rid of this sword intent and comprehend a different way of extermination.

But the Four Symbols Seal is different. The Four Symbols Seal only has the entry stage. The impact on Xiao Shihao is simply negligible, and there is no anchor point at all.

So he can completely deduce his own Four Symbols method based on this framework in the future.

In the chat group, Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi also put forward almost the same views as Liu Shen.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "I don't think so. Although the sword intent of Zhuxian is good, it doesn't mean much to me.

After all, the sword intent of Zhuxian is the sword intent of Zhuxian realized by Tongtian Sect Master. For me, it is just an invincible killing method. I am already invincible in the world of Yitian. I can suppress the whole world with or without the sword intent of Zhuxian.

So I value the Four Symbols Seal more. My fundamental skill is Taiji Magic. Nine Yin and Nine Yang condense into Taiji, two yin and yang play three talents, three talents give birth to four images, and four images become five elements.

This Four-Elephant Seal is only at the entry level, but precisely because of this, it also has a strong plasticity. I can integrate the Four-Elephant Avenue that I have comprehended into it, and deduce my Four-Elephant Seal, and I can also use it as a blueprint to deduce my Two-Elephant Seal.

If I were to say, this Four-Elephant Seal can simply be regarded as the foundation of my enlightenment. ”

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): “Indeed, Jun Bao is right, and I also value the Four-Elephant Seal more.

Although the Zhuxian Sword Intent is extremely powerful, its plasticity is far less than that of the Four-Elephant Seal.

And if Jun Bao can successfully comprehend the Two-Elephant Seal and the Four-Elephant Seal, he can definitely deduce the Three Talents Seal sandwiched in between through these two sets of magical powers, and even deduce a set of Three-Feng Nine Seals belonging to Jun Bao based on this. ”

Hong Yi sat on the boat of good fortune, playing with a small seal in his hand, with the four-elephants flowing in his eyes, and countless thoughts turned into earth, water, wind and fire behind him to evolve a dazzling and bizarre small world, and his soul was faintly more condensed.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "In order to maintain his power, Yuanshi Tianzun stripped away all his subsequent understanding of the Four Symbols Dao, leaving only the basic framework.

This is definitely a bad thing for ordinary mediocre people, because no matter how hard they try, they can only practice the Four Symbols Seal to the entry-level power.

But it is not necessarily a bad thing for those who want to comprehend the Dao and open up their own roads. Especially since we are in different worlds, the Four Symbols Dao in different worlds are also different. Such a Four Symbols Seal is more valuable to us than the complete Four Symbols Seal. It can only be said that Yuanshi Tianzun's approach has helped us by accident."

Xu Chenzhou laughed at the discussion in the group. Yuanshi Tianzun really had a plan in the prehistoric world.

He stripped away the subsequent changes in the Four Symbols Dao just to test Yang Chan at the lowest cost.

In fact, if his approach was indeed correct in the prehistoric world, because in the prehistoric world, Yuanshi Tianzun's understanding of the Four Symbols Dao was almost equal to the Four Symbols Dao itself.

The saint is the Dao, the saint is the law.

After Yuanshi Tianzun mastered the power of the Four Symbols, the Four Symbols Avenue of the prehistoric world had been defined by him.

In the prehistoric world, no matter how much Yang Chan comprehended, he could not comprehend the Four Symbols Avenue that surpassed Yuanshi Tianzun, so the best way to practice the Four Symbols Avenue in the prehistoric world was to follow Yuanshi Tianzun's footsteps and move forward step by step.

But it was different in the heavens and the worlds. The Four Symbols Seal, which had been stripped of all subsequent changes, was more suitable for group members who wanted to walk their own path.

Xu Chenzhou followed the group members to chat for a while, and then closed the group chat.

He was almost done resting, and he planned to continue practicing and continue to break through in one go.

The current star field world was extremely turbulent, and he could not tolerate his slow practice.

But at this moment, Xu Chenzhou suddenly heard a doorbell ringing at the door, and the crisp and melodious sound seemed to urge him to open the door quickly.

Xu Chenzhou was a little confused. His sister was in training, and Chen Mutou was digesting the benefits brought to him by the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spiritual Fruit in Ci'en Temple. Even his two senior brothers had just reported to him that they were safe and were now handling company affairs. Logically, no one should come to the door at this moment.

So who is the person at the door?

After thinking about it, Xu Chenzhou walked to the door and opened it.

After opening the door, there were two people standing at the door, namely Liu Sanbian, the president of the Martial Arts Association, and an old Taoist priest with a white beard wearing a Taoist robe.

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