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Chapter 216 Nine Heavens Dragon Order

Seeing Liu Sanbian at the door, Xu Chenzhou's face changed, because he didn't know what Liu Sanbian's purpose was this time.

Could it be that Zhou Xuanyi was really in trouble? This guess made Xu Chenzhou's heart tighten.

Xu Chenzhou's eyes stayed on the old Taoist priest with a white beard next to Liu Sanbian.

The old Taoist priest was wearing a green Taoist robe. He looked about sixty years old, with a ruddy complexion and a long beard on his chin. He looked like an immortal.

Moreover, the Taoist robe worn by the old Taoist priest was very exquisitely made. There were auspicious cloud patterns engraved on the Taoist robe. Each auspicious cloud pattern was embroidered with gold thread, which looked luxurious and compelling.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was still thinking about their purpose, Liu Sanbian spoke: "Chenzhou, I'm sorry to come to visit you. Let me introduce you to Qingyunzi, the executive director of the Xiandao Association."

Qingyunzi raised his mouth slightly when he heard the words, and his eyebrows gave people a kind feeling.

He raised his hands and said to Xu Chenzhou: "Xu Xiaoyou, my purpose of coming to you this time is very simple, mainly to apologize to you."

As he spoke, Qing Yunzi stretched out his hand, and a wooden box appeared in his hand. Xu Chenzhou could feel a strong medicinal fragrance coming from the wooden box, which made people feel refreshed just by smelling it.

After taking out the wooden box, Qing Yunzi continued: "After you were attacked last time, Mr. Zhou Xuanyi came to our Xiuxian Association to ask us to give him an explanation. After this period of investigation, we learned the whole story of this matter.

Li Xuangang of Jiulong Xianmen ignored the regulations of the Xiuxian Association and intervened in the affairs of the mortal world for personal grudges, and even attacked the S-level contracted genius of the Martial Arts Association. We deeply apologize for this matter.

This wooden box contains the Tianyuan Xisui Great Pill, which is our compensation for you this time. I hope you can accept it with a smile."

Hearing Qing Yunzi's words, Xu Chenzhou nodded slightly.

As an S-level contracted genius of the Martial Arts Association, he was attacked by a cultivator. This matter is not a big deal, but it is not a small matter either.

Because if it gets bigger, this matter will be a dispute between the two associations, and if it is not handled properly, it will have a huge chain reaction. However, if there is no one to support Xu Chenzhou, then this matter can be diluted into an ordinary conflict, and a big thing will be reduced to a small thing, and a small thing will be reduced to nothing.

Behind Xu Chenzhou is Zhou Xuanyi, who is not only a god-demon-level warrior but also a veteran member of the Martial Arts Association. He has a great influence in the Martial Arts Association. Under Zhou Xuanyi's promotion, this matter has become a dispute between the two associations, and the Cultivator Association must pay attention to it.

Before Qing Yunzi finished speaking, Liu Sanbian, who was beside him, suddenly changed his face, and even showed a trace of disbelief, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"What's going on? What's going on with the Xiandao Association? They are willing to give out the Tianyuan Xisui Pill as compensation. You should know that the Tianyuan Xisui Pill is one of the magical medicines that came out of the Taishang Creation Sect. It can cleanse the marrow and enhance talent. The best part is that this pill can also be used as a life-saving medicine. As long as you have a breath left, you can survive by taking this Tianyuan Xisui Pill.

This thing can be regarded as a rare treasure among the immortal cultivators. How could the Immortal Cultivator Association give out such a precious pill as compensation?

Even if the Immortal Cultivator Association was indeed at fault in this incident, the person who took action was Li Xuangang of the Jiulong Immortal Sect after all. To put it bluntly, he was in conflict with the Immortal Cultivator Association. The association has nothing to do with it.

If the teacher hadn't come out personally, the Cultivator Association wouldn't even need to respond, but even with the teacher's power, the Cultivator Association wouldn't have to do this. "

Qing Yunzi, who was standing by, naturally didn't know what Liu Sanbian was mumbling in his heart. He still kept that kind and gentle smile on his face and continued to say to Xu Chenzhou: "In addition to this pill, our Cultivator Association has also prepared a big gift for you."

Qing Yunzi handed a bronze token to Xu Chenzhou. The surface of this token was painted with five flame patterns, and each flame pattern exuded a desolate and ancient atmosphere.

And this token made Liu Sanbian, who was standing by, feel particularly incredible, because he recognized the origin of this token at a glance.

Bronze token, flame pattern, Jiuxiao Yunlong Jingtian Change, this token is the admission qualification to the secret Jiuxiao Dragon Island.

This Jiuxiao Dragon Island is very famous on the Blue Water Planet. It is known as one of the four secret realms on the Blue Water Planet and is also a secret realm that is almost exclusively for cultivators.

Jiuxiao Dragon Island is controlled by the Supreme Creation Sect, the overlord of the Blue Water Planet. Every thirty years, the Supreme Creation Sect will issue one thousand Jiuxiao Dragon Orders to the major forces on the Blue Water Planet. Those who hold the Jiuxiao Dragon Orders can enter the Jiuxiao Dragon Island with this order.

The major forces that can receive the Jiuxiao Dragon Orders are basically the immortal sects on the Blue Water Planet. Only a small number of Jiuxiao Dragon Orders will be given by the Supreme Creation Sect to the top forces of other cultivation systems.

Jiuxiao Dragon Island is said to be a secret realm that existed before humans landed on the Blue Water Planet. In ancient times, the Blue Water Planet was once the habitat of the ancient dragon clan. These ancient dragon clans originally lived on the Jiuxiao Dragon Island. Later, for some unknown reason, these dragon clans left the Blue Water Planet, leaving only the empty Jiuxiao Dragon Island.

Later, after humans landed on the Blue Water Planet, Jiuxiao Dragon Island was occupied by the most powerful force on the Blue Water Planet, the Supreme Creation Sect.

There are many precious spiritual herbs and fruits, as well as powerful beasts in Jiuxiao Dragon Island. The most attractive thing is the dragon bones left by the ancient dragons in the secret realm.

There are ten ways of cultivation for humans in the Star Domain World, which are called the Ten Extraordinary Paths. Some of the Ten Extraordinary Paths are completely created by the human race, while some are learned by the ancient ancestors from other races.

The source of the cultivation system of the immortal cultivators is the ancient dragon clan.

The most powerful thing about the dragon bones of the ancient dragon clan is that they can transform a person's physique. It can not only make the talent of an immortal cultivator stronger, but also make a person without the talent of immortal cultivation become an immortal cultivator through the transformation of dragon bones.

This is too tempting for some people who do not have the talent of immortal cultivation.

Even if you don't plan to use it yourself, it is also a good choice to sell the dragon bones of the ancient dragon clan for money. A pair of dragon bones of the ancient dragon clan can easily cost tens of billions of credit points, and there is no market for it, so it is impossible to buy it.

You should know that the way of cultivating immortals is the easiest profession in the early stage of human transcendence practice. As long as you have the talent of a cultivator and follow the steps, you can definitely become a 5th-level transcendent, and there is even a high probability that you can break through to become a 6th-level god-demon-level transcendent.

God-demon-level transcendents have extremely long lifespans, and this level of existence is enough for some wealthy people to spend all their money.

So no matter which cultivation system the cultivators are from, the Jiuxiao Dragon Order is an extremely precious existence, and it can even set off a bloody storm and make countless people fall to the ground.

However, in Jiuxiao Dragon Island, the number of dragon bones left by the ancient dragon clan is also extremely rare, and only those with extremely good luck can obtain them.

Liu Sanbian, who was standing aside, was staring at Qingyunzi at this time, and he was a little confused about what the Cultivator Association was thinking.

The relationship between Liu Sanbian and Qingyunzi was not particularly familiar.

Originally, the person who brought Qingyunzi to find Xu Chenzhou this time should be another deacon of the Martial Arts Association. Generally speaking, such diplomatic affairs do not require him, the president, to personally take action.

But thinking of Zhou Xuanyi's regard for Xu Chenzhou, Liu Sanbian personally brought Qingyunzi to find Xu Chenzhou.

It is true that the gift given by the Cultivator Association is very generous, but Liu Sanbian also knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The Cultivator Association inexplicably gave Xu Chenzhou such a generous compensation, which made Liu Sanbian secretly alert. After all, Xu Chenzhou was the person Zhou Xuanyi asked him to take good care of, and he didn't want to see Xu Chenzhou get into trouble.

However, he couldn't hit a smiling person, so he could only wait and see.

Xu Chenzhou was confused. After all, he had only traveled to this world for less than half a year, and he didn't know much about the knowledge of the star domain world. For example, Xu Chenzhou didn't know the Jiuxiao Dragon Order in front of him at all.

However, it's better not to take the benefits that come for free. Besides, this is the compensation given to him by the Cultivator Association, so he has nothing to be polite about.

After seeing Xu Chenzhou take over the Jiuxiao Dragon Order, Qingyunzi's eyes flashed with a strange light, as if he was relieved.

Then he began to introduce the origin of the Jiuxiao Dragon Order and the function of the Jiuxiao Dragon Order to Xu Chenzhou.

Through Qingyunzi's introduction, Xu Chenzhou finally understood how valuable this small token was.

This inconspicuous token was actually the key to one of the four secret realms of Shuilan Star.

Qingyunzi touched his beard and continued: "The opening time of Jiuxiao Dragon Island this time is very close. According to the news from the Supreme Creation Gate, Jiuxiao Dragon Island will be officially opened in three days.

We are ready here. As long as you nod, we will set off immediately and take you to Jiuxiao Dragon Island."

Xu Chenzhou pondered slightly: "Only three days? Then I have to think about it."

Liu Sanbian's face also changed slightly: "Why is it so hurried, there are only three days left."

Liu Sanbian faintly smelled a hint of conspiracy, but he couldn't figure out why.

He secretly calculated in his heart that Xu Chenzhou was indeed an S-level genius, and even made his teacher look at him differently, but what could a genius of this level be considered for the Cultivator Association.

You must know that the gap between ordinary warriors and cultivators is too big. Any genius-level cultivator is fully confident that he can become a god-demon-level extraordinary person. This alone is enough to surpass the S-level genius of the Martial Arts Association.

Could it be related to Li Xuangang? But it shouldn't be, let alone Li Xuangang, even his master can't do this.

The Jiulong Immortal Gate where Li Xuangang is located is just a small immortal gate, far from affecting the ability of the Cultivator Association.

Liu Sanbian wanted to stop Xu Chenzhou from going to Jiuxiao Dragon Island, but he didn't know how to start. After all, Jiuxiao Dragon Island is a rare opportunity for any cultivator.

Qing Yunzi ignored Liu Sanbian's reaction and just stared at Xu Chenzhou: "I see that you look a little hesitant. Are you worried about safety?

You don't have to worry about this at all. The secret realm of Jiuxiao Dragon Island is very safe. The Jiuxiao Dragon Order was made by the Supreme Creation Sect, and it is engraved with a formation to ensure the safety of the participants.

As long as the explorer encounters a situation that threatens his life, this formation will be activated instantly and teleport the participant out of Jiuxiao Dragon Island, so there will be almost no casualties in every Jiuxiao Dragon Island secret realm."

Looking at the anxious expression on Qingyunzi's face, Xu Chenzhou shook his head slightly: "I'm not worried about safety issues. I'm not very interested in Jiuxiao Dragon Island. Forget it. Deacon Qingyunzi, you should take back this Jiuxiao Dragon Order."

In fact, Xu Chenzhou is still somewhat interested in Jiuxiao Dragon Island, but only a little.

And Xu Chenzhou's interest in Jiuxiao Dragon Island is more about his interest in the ancient dragon clan, and he wants to know the source of this legendary cultivator.

As for the spiritual herbs and fruits and ancient dragon bones on Jiuxiao Dragon Island that everyone is flocking to, Xu Chenzhou is a little uninterested.

The various precious materials produced in Jiuxiao Dragon Island are basically exclusive to the cultivators in the Star Domain World. There are very few materials suitable for extraordinary warriors. To be honest, he can't use them at all.

As for exchanging these materials for money, it is even more unnecessary. Since the two senior brothers' companies began to operate officially, the degraded Qiankun Yiqi rice has been killing in the entry-level extraordinary warrior market. Money is pouring into Xu Chenzhou's small treasury like water. He has no need to go to the secret realm for money.

As for the effect of the dragon bone of the ancient dragon clan that makes people become immortals, Xu Chenzhou is even more disdainful.

What kind of physical enhancement and Yijing marrow washing are nothing compared to the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit in his hand.

What's more, the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit is not a top-level spiritual fruit in the prehistoric world, let alone Huangzhongli and ginseng fruit, which are the ten innate spiritual roots. Even Jade Ding Zhenren has treasures that surpass the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit.

With the prehistoric world as his warehouse, Xu Chenzhou doesn't need to worry about resources at all.

If Jiuxiao Dragon Island is opened in a few months, Xu Chenzhou is still a little interested,

but at this juncture, Xu Chenzhou feels that there is really no need to participate in an inexplicable secret realm for some treasures.

Moreover, Qing Yunzi's eagerness made Xu Chenzhou feel that something was wrong.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Qing Yunzi was a little unbelievable. He stared at Xu Chenzhou and said, "My friend, have you really thought about it? This opportunity is rare. If Li Xuangang's behavior this time was not so bad, the Immortal Cultivator Association would not have shown such great sincerity to compensate you. You know, if you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again. Are you really going to give up?"

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