All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 218 The Great Creation Sect's Plot

Xu Chenzhou even couldn't wait to meet the mastermind behind the scenes.

Regardless of whether the visitor is the Immortal Cultivators Association or the Supreme Creation Sect, as long as there are no supernatural beings at the divine or demon level, Xu Chenzhou is fully confident at this time.

Xu Chenzhou stretched out his hand, and a four-color vortex slowly rotated in his hand, absorbing the power from heaven and earth.

Under the blessing of terrifying and surging power, this four-color mixed hole became more and more terrifying. The escaping power fluctuations set off strong winds in Xu Chenzhou's home. Even the glassware placed on the cabinet was blown by the strong winds. Keep shaking.

Seeing that the four-color mixed hole was about to escape Xu Chenzhou's control and began to evolve into a terrifying black hole of power, at this moment Xu Chenzhou waved his hands lightly, and the four-color mixed hole actually turned slower and slower under his control, and then slowly Staying in mid-air.

Then he held it with his backhand and held the four-color mixed hole in his palm, turning it into a burst of light and dissipating it.

If other warriors practicing the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Hundong Gong saw this scene, they would definitely think that they were seeing hallucinations.

The power of the Five Elements Great Chaotic Hole is certainly extremely terrifying, but one drawback is that it is difficult to control after it is activated. Even a practitioner who is very skilled in this move can only roughly control the attack position of the Five Elements Great Chaotic Hole, which is simply impossible. Do precise operations.

At this time, this four-color mixed hole actually looked so well-behaved in Xu Chenzhou's hands. This scene was really incredible.

Xu Chenzhou nodded with satisfaction. Although there are many differences between the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire and the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, there are also many manipulation techniques in the core that can be used universally.

The skills he learned from the Four Symbol Seals to control earth, water, wind, and fire can indeed be used in the Five Elements Great Huddle Cave.

He can even control this violent power in a fine way.

With the blessing of the Four Elephant Seals, not to mention that there are no god-demon-level extraordinary beings on the Aqua Planet, even if there are god-demon-level extraordinary beings, they may not be his opponents.

The city center of Tiancheng City is bustling with traffic. There are high-rise buildings everywhere, flashing neon lights, and countless hover cars speeding past in mid-air like the wind.

In the most prosperous location in the city center, there stands a huge building that looks like a giant Rubik's Cube.

This building is very strange. It looks like a square tetrahedron. But unlike ordinary buildings, the connection between this building and the ground is not the plane of the tetrahedron, but a point at the edge of the tetrahedron. vertex.

This structure could make Mr. Newton couldn't help but lift the board of his coffin. How could this small vertex support such a huge regular tetrahedron?

And this tetrahedron is the headquarters of the Immortal Cultivator Association in Tiancheng City.

In an antique office in the headquarters, Master Qingyunzi sat on a futon with a whisk in hand, and in front of him was a smooth mirror made of water vapor.

A figure appeared on the mirror. This figure had white hair and a white beard. He was wearing a water-blue Taoist robe. He was holding an ancient bronze sword in his hand. The hilt of the ancient sword was engraved with ancient seal script. There are four big characters: Taishang Good Fortune.

At this time, the figure's face was cold, with a hint of anger.

"I gave you so much resource support, but you can't even do this little thing."

At this time, Qingyunzi's face changed from the previous kind and kind expression, and only fear remained.

"Elder Jun Chen, I didn't expect that boy to refuse the temptation of the Nine Heavens Dragon Order.

No cultivator would give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Entering Jiuxiao Dragon Island not only has the Jiuxiao Dragon Order to ensure safety, but also has various opportunities. It is like giving him a chance to pick up money for nothing.

Moreover, I also made secondary preparations and bribed the deacon of the Martial Arts Association. My original plan was to take action directly if the boy refused.

In this case, even the Martial Arts Association would not be able to say anything wrong in the follow-up. After all, all of this was done in the company of the deacons of the Martial Arts Association.

Moreover, our Nine Heavens Dragon Order was actually given out. No one would think that this boy could refuse the temptation of the Nine Heavens Dragon Order. At most, they thought that he was unlucky and died in an accident on the road.

But for some reason Liu Sanbian from the Martial Arts Association suddenly took the place of the deacon and acted with me.

In order not to affect the relationship between the Martial Arts Association and the Immortal Cultivator Association, I had no choice but to give up.

Please give me another chance. I will definitely handle this matter and I will not let you down. "

The figure on the other side of the water mirror slowly said: "Forget it, you are a loser and can't do anything.

There is no need for you to take action again. After all, your identity represents the Immortal Cultivator Association. If you leave any clues, it will be very troublesome in the future.

Fortunately, I was prepared and arranged for a more suitable manpower. "

Hearing the words of the figure in the mirror, Qingyunzi's face showed an expression of extreme fear. He could no longer sit upright on the futon, directly threw down the whisk in his hand, then rushed forward and knelt on the ground and rushed The person in the mirror kept kowtowing.

"Elder, spare your life, elder, spare your life. Qingyun knows that I was wrong. Please spare my life, elder. I will go through fire and water for the elder without any hesitation."

Hearing Qingyunzi's words, a cold smile appeared on the face of the figure in the mirror: "You have done a lot of things for me since you joined the Immortal Cultivator Association, and you are indeed a good dog.

If you are an immortal cultivator, I can even make an exception and bring you into the Supreme Creation Sect.

But you handled things so crudely this time, which disappointed me so much. You can avoid the death penalty, but you can't escape the punishment of living. "

The figure in the water mirror snorted softly, and then said again: "The loss of hands and souls is just some physical pain, which is a bargain for you, a dog."

As the figure in the water mirror snorted, golden lines lit up on Qing Yunzi's hands, and then his hands were broken at the wrists in an instant, and then runes lit up on his eyebrows. Under the effect of the runes, a trace of white gas emerged from the tip of Qing Yunzi's nose. As the white gas left his body, Qing Yunzi's eyes gradually became dull, and there was no longer the cunning look of an old fox.

The figure in the water mirror stretched out his hand and flicked it gently, and a deep blue flame broke through the air along the crystal mirror, wrapping the white gas in the air. Under the burning of this flame, the white gas in the air floated out one after another. wailing.

The figure in the water mirror just watched quietly. He watched this scene, and only after ten minutes did he slowly wave his hand and retract the flame.

The white gas slowly fell back into Qing Yunzi's body, and then Qing Yunzi's eyes slowly regained their spirit.

Until the water mirror in the room slowly spread in the air, Qing Yunzi regained some spirit. Two green energy floated out of his body and picked up the broken hand on the ground, and a strong resentment flashed in his eyes.

He is not a cultivator, but a warrior.

This is actually not surprising. After all, there are many chores in the Cultivator Association, and every cultivator is a child of destiny, and it is impossible to waste too much time on these chores.

So the Cultivator Association In fact, most of the members are extraordinary warriors like him, and only some key positions are held by immortal cultivators.

Before joining the Immortal Cultivator Association, he was also a genius-level warrior with his own pride, but now he was treated like a dog.

On the other side, in the Xu family villa, with a ding sound, Xu Chenzhou opened the smart bracelet he carried with him.

A payment message appeared on the light screen in front of him, Liu Sanbian has transferred 600 million credit points to your Star Domain Bank account, please check.

Seeing this payment message, Xu Chenzhou's eyes flashed a little.

Liu Sanbian is indeed an open-minded person.

According to him, this kind of The market price of high-quality tea is one or two billion credit points.

However, the market price is only the market price after all. This kind of new tea is not in demand, so it is generally available at a premium.

Xu Chenzhou's can of tea is only half a tael. If it is based on the market price, Liu Sanbian only needs to give him 500 million credit points, but Sanbian took this into consideration, so he added 100 million credit points, which made Xu Chenzhou's impression of Liu Sanbian a little better.

There is also an attachment behind this message, which contains the information about Qing Yunzi investigated by Liu Sanbian.

Xu Chenzhou took a quick look and found that Qing Yunzi's past was really not simple. Qing Yunzi was also a member of the Martial Arts Association. A-level genius, once a brilliant warrior, even went to the border and the battlefield outside the domain to participate in the war, and made a great contribution, but later for some reason he gave up his identity as a warrior and turned to join the Association of Immortal Cultivators as a small deacon.

At this moment, Xu Chenzhou's smart bracelet dinged again, and then another message appeared.

[Brother, this joint military training was too hasty, I didn't have time to prepare well, and I forgot to buy a few things.

The military training base is forbidden to enter express delivery, and we are locked in a closed base and cannot go out.

However, the military training base allows family visits, so can you buy it for me and send it to me. ]

There is also a list attached to the message, which lists the names of several items that Xu Mo Ran forgot to buy.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the message and showed an ambiguous smile on his face.

This message came very problematically. First of all, the time of this message was too coincidental.

He had just rejected the invitation of the Association of Immortal Cultivators to go to Jiuxiao Dragon Island, but he received another message asking him to go out.

Secondly, Xu Chenzhou knew that his sister had been a very careful person since she was a child, and she would never forget anything.

The things on the list were not particularly rare, and Xu Mo Ran's personality would definitely prepare them in advance.

The most important thing was that the location of the military training base was too perfect.

This military training base was not in the city, but in a wilderness in the suburbs.

The area around the military training base was almost uninhabited, and on the way to the military training base, seven or eight high mountains had to be crossed.

This kind of uninhabited place was very suitable for sneaking, and it was no less suitable than the way to Jiuxiao Dragon Island.

Xu Chenzhou carefully checked the sender's name and the number of the smart bracelet, and found that there was no discrepancy with his sister's information.

There were no virtual numbers on Shuilan Star. In order to prevent fraud, all smart bracelet numbers were stored in the operator's database, and the page showing the number was directly connected to this database. Unless there was a problem with the operator, there would be no error.

It was obvious that no matter from what angle, this message should have been sent by Xu Mo Ran.

Xu Chenzhou sighed silently, what a good trick, worthy of being the Supreme Creation Sect.

This huge power can even affect the operator of the smart bracelet and change the sender's number information at will, which is simply too terrible.

Whether this method is used for fraud or to lure opponents, it is simply impeccable. Due to the long-term environmental influence, almost no one will doubt the authenticity of the smart bracelet number.

Mainly at this time, it is really too clever.

During the joint military training, all the smart bracelets carried by students were confiscated, and they can only use smart bracelets to contact the outside world during a specific time every day.

And due to confidentiality regulations, students can only contact the outside world in the form of text, because this is convenient for monitoring and prevent leaks.

This also led to Xu Chenzhou only being able to contact Xu Mo Ran by sending and receiving messages.

Xu Chenzhou tried to use his smart bracelet to send several messages to Xu Mo Ran's number stored in his bracelet, but the other party responded one by one and even took the initiative to mention the matter of sending things.

Then Xu Chenzhou contacted Xu Mo Ran through the chat software, and Xu Moran in the chat software also acquiesced to the matter of sending things.

Obviously, the Supreme Summoning Gate even hijacked all the channels for Xu Chenzhou to contact Xu Mo Ran.

Xu Chenzhou suspected that even if he could make a call, it would not be safe. As long as the line could be hijacked, it would not be difficult to simulate Xu Mo Ran's voice with intelligent technology.

Just as Xu Chenzhou was thinking, Xu Mo Ran sent another message.

[Okay, brother, the daily wind-up time is about to end. I will return the smart bracelet to the instructor.

Remember to send those things to me quickly. Without them, your sister and I will suffer a lot more.

Remember to hurry up, brother! ]

Seeing this message, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but smile. Since you are so eager to die, don't blame me for being rude.

And Xu Chenzhou also knew that these people seemed to be coming for him, but in fact their real purpose was Xu Mo Ran.

This touched Xu Chenzhou's reverse scale. It was nothing to attack him. He would kill anyone who dared to attack him.

But if he dared to attack his family and friends, Xu Chenzhou would definitely let him know what it meant to kill them all and eradicate them.

Xu Chenzhou also replied with a message using the smart bracelet.

[Got it, sister. I'll go to the department store right now. I'll be able to deliver the stuff in about two hours. Wait for me!]

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