All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 219: Permanent Residence

Xu Chenzhou walked out of the department store slowly, looking relaxed.

He was holding a bag in his hand, which contained the items on Xu Moyan's list in the message.

Xu Chenzhou knew that he had to play a full role. Since the other party could manipulate the communication company to tamper with the phone number, he could naturally detect his whereabouts through the monitoring network in the city.

After coming out of the department store, Xu Chenzhou waved on the side of the road, and an unmanned maglev car slowly fell from the air and stopped beside him.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou did not have a maglev car. As a man, how could he resist the temptation of a maglev car with smooth lines and a full sense of technology.

In fact, as early as after receiving compensation from the Martial Arts Association, Xu Chenzhou had already bought a luxury car worth tens of millions.

However, Xu Chenzhou was reluctant to drive his beloved car to fight with others.

This is not in a game. If the car is destroyed in a fight, the system will automatically refresh a new one.

For him, although the money was no different from the wind, he still had to save some. This unmanned maglev car only cost hundreds of thousands of credit points. Even if it was destroyed later, Xu Chenzhou would not feel bad about paying for it.

Moreover, on the Blue Water Planet, the taxi industry has almost been occupied by unmanned maglev taxis. Except in some underdeveloped small cities, there are basically no real-person taxis in other places.

This is convenient for Xu Chenzhou, and he doesn't need to think of ways to protect the safety of the driver.

Sitting in the car, Xu Chenzhou closed his eyes and opened the chat group interface in his mind, and started to chat with the silly group members.

He had told the group members about this matter before he went out.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Group leader, although according to Liu Sanbian's intelligence, there are no God-Demon-level warriors on the Blue Water Star, you must not be careless.

The Supreme Creation Sect has a dominant position on the Blue Water Star. Such an existence must have its own background. No one knows whether they have left any backup on the Blue Water Star.

If you really encounter danger, don't be polite. Just call us at any time and we will definitely arrive in time."

Hong Yi was standing on the Boat of Creation at this time, holding a palace in his left hand. The palace seemed empty, but if you look closely, you can see shadowy figures and powerful auras circling in it.

Although there was no enemy in front of him, Hong Yi's countless thoughts had already sneaked into the Boat of Creation at this time, brewing a powerful attack, ready to cross the border to support Xu Chenzhou at any time. "

Misaka Mikoto (Super Railgun): "Group leader, don't worry, I have also made preparations for support and can carry out cross-border strikes at any time. "

At this time, Misaka Mikoto was leaning on an instrument that looked extremely sophisticated.

This instrument was suspended in the air and consisted of countless tracks. On the tracks, one after another star-shaped clouds flashing with dazzling light kept running.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto had used the Yangshen Taoism and the knowledge of the prehistoric world to refine the external super-electromagnetic gun auxiliary device she had made before into a portable magic weapon, so that she could use the external super-electromagnetic gun to amplify the power of the attack at any time.

And below Misaka Mikoto's body was a huge open space, on which stood densely the Misaka sisters who looked the same as Misaka Mikoto.

These Misaka sisters were concentrating on practicing at this time, and lightning flashed on their bodies one after another.

In these thunder Under the effect of electricity, each Misaka sister's fists and feet are full of power. With a random jump, they can fly dozens of meters like a tiger, and a light punch can bring a sound of explosion in the air.

They fought each other, and the cement ground could not bear the sisters' fierce power at all, leaving spider-web-like cracks under the sisters' ravages.

Seeing this scene, Misaka Mikoto nodded slightly. Sure enough, the sisters with electromagnetic manipulation abilities practiced the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist, which was like a tiger with wings. After only a few days, the sisters basically mastered the power of electromagnetic propulsion.

In this way, they will soon be able to truly touch the power of magnetic field rotation.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "What Hong Yi said is right, safety first!

But I don't think it should be very dangerous this time, after all, the people of Tai Shang Zaohuamen don't know the real strength of the group leader.

Even if they sent people to target the group leader, they can't use their foundation. "

Although Zhang Junbao said this, he had already grasped a black and white sword in his hand. The true energy in his body surged like a gust of wind, silently brewing the sword intent.

In addition to the three of them, other group members also sent messages, saying that they were ready and could support at any time.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't worry, it's not a big problem. I know what I'm doing. If I can fight, I'll fight. If I can't beat them, I'll call for help. If I can't beat them, I'll just run away."

Looking at the performance of the group members, Xu Chenzhou felt warm in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't choose to play tricks to fool the group members at the beginning, otherwise how could the atmosphere of the group chat be as warm as it is now.

With the support of the group members, Xu Chenzhou was more relieved.

With his current strength, he was enough to travel across the Blue Water Star, not to mention that there were group members in the chat group standing behind him.

Even if the Supreme Creation Sect really kept a backhand this time and directly dispatched the gods and demons, what would happen.

Think about who is standing behind him, the low-key and calm but quietly developing Han Lao Mo, Hong Yi who controls the boat of good fortune, Zhang Junbao who absorbs the knowledge of the heavens and super-evolves, Misaka Mikoto, the thunder god of war, and even Yang Chan, the direct disciple of the Wa Palace

No matter who comes, even if the Supreme Good Fortune Sect comes out in full force, Xu Chenzhou has the confidence to chop them all into meat paste.

Yang Chan (direct disciple of the Wa Palace): "Brother group leader, I am still in the Wa Palace. The queen is watching too closely, and I may not be able to come later.

Brother group leader, take this sword for protection first. If you really encounter a situation where I need to take action, even if the queen discovers the secret of the chat group, I will definitely arrive in time."

As he said this, little Yang Chan sent a red envelope in the group.

[Qinglian Sword (imitation of the innate treasure Qingping Sword)]

Seeing the red envelope from little Yang Chan, Xu Chenzhou clicked to receive it without hesitation.

Having been the group leader for so many days, Xu Chenzhou is very familiar with the rules of the chat group. No matter whether it is a person or an object, they can keep their memories after crossing the heavens and the worlds through the chat group.

If Xiao Yangchan was holding the Qingping Sword, Xu Chenzhou would not dare to take it over so carelessly.

Because the Qingping Sword has intelligence and has a master, unless the intelligence of the Qingping Sword is erased, otherwise it will be allowed to cross the heavens and the worlds to come to the star domain world, which will undoubtedly reveal the secret of the chat group directly to Tongtian Sect Master.

The Qinglian Sword is different. They have already checked through the chat group that there is no back-up left by Tongtian Sect Master on the Qinglian Sword, so they can safely let it cross the heavens and the world.

As this ancient green long sword appeared in his hand, feeling the extremely sharp and terrifying sword in the Qinglian Sword, as if it could destroy everything in the world, Xu Chenzhou felt even more relieved.

With this sword, even if he goes to the front line of the war zone, he has the confidence to retreat unscathed.

The speed of the maglev car was extremely fast. Since it was traveling in mid-air and there was a route planning, there was no worry about traffic jams. In just ten minutes, it had already driven out of the city and arrived at a barren mountain.

Even from a distance, Xu Chenzhou looked at the barren mountain as if he had sensed something. He closed the chat group interface in front of him, clicked the live broadcast button casually, and then opened his eyes slightly with a hint of expectation on his face.

A very bright sword light rose from the ground between the lush mountains.

This sword light was extremely fast, and the maglev car Xu Chenzhou was riding was hit by this sword light in a flash.

At the moment of hitting, this sword light split into thousands of sword qi.

The energy used by the maglev car of Shuilanxing is a kind of ore, Fiery Fire Stone, which is mined from the depths of the volcano. This ore will produce violent explosions under high temperatures, and its power is extremely terrifying.

With a swish, cracks appeared on the maglev car one after another, and then with a bang, it turned into sparks in the air, as if it turned into a scorching sun, and then splashed out countless fragments.

A young Taoist priest in his early twenties walked out from the depths of the forest. He was wearing a green Taoist robe. The collar of the Taoist robe was very messy, revealing half of his left chest, as if the Taoist robe was just casually draped over his body.

He had a cynical smile on his face, and his hair, which was tied by a Taoist crown, was not very regular and crooked.

While walking out of the forest, he swung the long sword left and right with his wrist, and sometimes drew a beautiful sword flower.

"It's a bit boring. It's so easy to succeed, and the old man is still so serious. It's really unnecessary. Okay, it's time to go back to sleep."

The Taoist priest walked towards the location of the exploded maglev car. Halfway through the walk, he couldn't help yawning, looking like he hadn't woken up.

Then he walked in front of the maglev car and used his sword to pull aimlessly, trying to find Xu Chenzhou's body.

But he didn't find any human tissue until he pushed away the pile of scrap iron that had been burned black by the explosion.

The Taoist priest then found something wrong: "The explosion of the blazing fire mine can produce a temperature of 3,000 degrees, but this temperature is impossible to burn a super warrior to ashes.

It's interesting that he was able to dodge my sword in advance. It seems that the intelligence is true. This person is indeed not simple.

But it's better this way. It's just right to move my hands and feet, otherwise I'll fall asleep."

The Taoist priest began to get interested. His spiritual sense was fully developed, constantly sensing the surrounding environment, trying to find out where Xu Chenzhou was hiding.

At this moment, a hand quietly patted the Taoist priest's shoulder from behind him.

"What are you looking for? So serious?"

The voice startled the Taoist priest. He reacted very quickly. With a flash of cold light, he used the sword in his hand to slash backwards with a sharp sword energy. Wherever the sword energy passed, all birds flew away, all living things died, and countless trees were directly cut off by this sword energy. From a bird's eye view, a very conspicuous white strip appeared in the lush green mountains and forests.

After swinging the sword, the Taoist priest turned his head, but what frightened him was that there was no one behind him.

At this moment, another hand patted his shoulder, and then he felt an extremely fierce force coming from his abdomen.

With a bang, the Taoist priest flew backwards, and he didn't know how many trees he knocked down along the way.

It was not until this time that the Taoist priest saw a handsome young man in casual clothes standing in front of him, and it was his target Xu Chenzhou.

"The Supreme Pure Spirit, gods and demons obey orders, there are three caves in the sky, ten palaces are infinite, the Supreme Pure Creation returns to the innate world, my body is always there, my body is always here."

The Taoist priest who was knocked away by Xu Chenzhou's punch slowly sat up. Under Xu Chenzhou's fierce punch, his body had already been broken into two parts. The broken parts of the body were burnt, and his five internal organs were... The six internal organs flowed out from it along the gap, and there was still a faint smell of meat in the air.

But the Taoist priest didn't change his expression, as if he didn't feel any pain, and instead kept mumbling something.

As he chanted, a permanent aura that was the foundation of all things emerged from the young Taoist priest's body. His body, which was already in tatters, actually returned to its original state in an instant.

However, there was still a trace of surprise on his face: "The warrior's inferior cultivation path, containing all kinds of messy powers in his body, transforming his body into something unnatural, is simply a time bomb. What on earth are you using?" The method hides the aura so well that it even hides it from my supreme telepathic power."

Xu Chenzhou did not answer the Taoist priest's question. He put his hands behind his back and glanced sideways at the young Taoist priest. He was not the young Taoist priest's father, so naturally he would not tell him the reason.

Ordinary extraordinary warriors are naturally as Taoist priests said. As extraordinary warriors transform various parts of their bodies into various extraordinary organs, and then there are conflicts between different extraordinary organs, so generally speaking, the breath of extraordinary warriors is as hot as a furnace. , it can be sensed by other cultivators from a long distance away.

But Xu Chenzhou is a being who can tame and control even the terrifying and chaotic power of the Great Chaos Cave of Five Elements. He possesses the knowledge of regulating earth, water, wind and fire in the secret book of the Four Elephants and Seals, and can mediate the conflicts of extraordinary organs in the body. It is simply impossible to hide the aura. It's a piece of cake.

Seeing that Xu Chenzhou didn't answer and even had a look of contempt in his eyes, the young Taoist priest showed a hint of sullenness on his face. He had never met a warrior who dared not to take him seriously.

"Forget it, no matter how powerful you are at hiding your aura, you are just a mouse. You can be proud of yourself just by hurting me with sneak attacks.

But that's it for you. The mysterious methods of immortal cultivators are beyond the imagination of a lowly warrior like you. "

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