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Chapter 220: The Grass Sword Technique Shows Its Power

Xu Chenzhou didn't pay attention to what the young Taoist said, but instead observed the aura that always lingered on him with interest: "Mysterious means of cultivators? For example, the resurrection spell you just used?

This spell is indeed a bit mysterious. Logically speaking, you were hit by my punch, and your internal organs should have been burned to charcoal. Even an extraordinary warrior can't bear this level of injury, not to mention the physical strength of a cultivator, which is almost certain to die. But after using this spell, you are now unharmed."

The moment this aura appeared, Xu Chenzhou felt a strong sense of familiarity. He remembered that he had comprehended the three Tai Shang pictures from the Tushita Bagua Immortal Refining Furnace, and the figure of the Tai Shang Saint who appeared on the three Tai Shang pictures also had such a permanent taste.

Xu Chenzhou recalled the scene he saw at that time. The Tai Shang Saint seemed to be sitting in the void, but he could feel that the entire void actually existed because of the existence of the Tai Shang Saint.

In that picture, the Supreme Saint is the basis of the existence of all things. Everything seems to extend from the figure of the Supreme Saint, and can only exist with this figure as a support.

Xu Chenzhou recalled the picture at this time, and had some insights. The permanent and eternal aura of the Supreme Saint is actually just an extension of his identity as the basis of the existence of all things.

I am not annihilated if all things are annihilated, and I am not annihilated if all things are annihilated. When I annihilate, all things will be annihilated.

Compared with the aura of the Supreme Saint, the aura of the young Taoist priest in front of him is simply a low-quality counterfeit, which only has the form but not the spirit.

The young Taoist priest smiled proudly upon hearing this: "You have some knowledge. This is the peerless magical power of our Taishang Creation Sect, the Taishang Immortal Mantra. Our disciples often practice this mantra, which can clear their souls, prevent them from being affected by calamities, avoid water and fire, and survive all calamities as if walking on flat ground.

Now you know how powerful I am, but it's too late for you to beg for mercy now."

As he spoke, the young Taoist priest pushed his left hand forward, and a huge golden floating bridge appeared out of thin air, instantly covering half of the forest.

There were shadowy figures on the golden floating bridge, and countless human figures with golden light appeared on the bridge. Some of them held sharp swords, some held glass treasure bottles hanging upside down in the air, some held up divine hammers flashing with lightning, and some had flames burning on their hands and feet.

The specific appearance of these human figures could not be seen clearly, but it could be seen that their clothes were quite exquisite, with carved flowers and embroidered phoenixes, and wearing golden armor.

"The floating golden bridge reaches the ears of the heavens. The six Dings and six Jias, the four divisions of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, listen to my command, and slay the demons and evils at this moment."

As the young Taoist priest gave the order, the figures on the golden floating bridge took action one after another. Some jumped off the bridge and attacked Xu Chenzhou with swords in hand, while others raised the glazed treasure bottles and sprayed out seven-colored streams of light.

These figures were filled with extremely terrifying auras, and the magical powers they used were also extremely extraordinary, containing the mysteries of various laws. Xu Chenzhou could feel that each of these figures could easily defeat a fourth-level extraordinary warrior.

In an instant, these dozens of golden figures surrounded Xu Chenzhou in the center with various attacks.

The young Taoist priest was slightly proud: "I originally just wanted to kill you with one sword and give you a quick death.

But you just want to make yourself unhappy, so I will let you see the unique skills of my Taishang Creation Sect."

Faced with these attacks, Xu Chenzhou was not in a hurry. He took a deep breath, and as the breath was swallowed into his stomach, a dazzling light shone in his lungs.

This light was extremely dazzling, like the scorching sun at noon, making people unable to move their eyes away.

Under the illumination of this light, a golden dragon could be faintly seen swimming on the surface of Xu Chenzhou's body.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Chenzhou opened his mouth and spit out, and then a terrifying sword energy spurted out from Xu Chenzhou's mouth and nose. Ten thousand sword lights appeared in the air in an instant, and there was a white and gold dragon coiled on each sword light.

These sword lights collided with the attacks of the golden figure in the void, making bursts of explosions.

Seeing this scene, the young Taoist's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's actually the White Emperor Golden Dragon Lung?

But I remember that your information said that you have just become a super warrior for less than three months.

How is this possible? Your cultivation speed is so terrifying?"

As one of the most powerful magic skills in the Blue Water Star Martial Arts Association, the young Taoist is very familiar with the Five Emperors, Five Elements, and Five Dragons Mixed Caves, so he recognized at a glance that the move Xu Chenzhou used was the White Emperor Golden Dragon Sword Qi, which comes with the White Emperor Golden Dragon Lung. And according to the power of this sword Qi, Xu Chenzhou's cultivation has reached the level of the fourth level of super warriors.

The young Taoist was a little surprised at this time. He naturally knew what kind of skills Xu Chenzhou practiced, but he clearly remembered that the information given to him by his teacher clearly stated that Xu Chenzhou became a super warrior three months ago.

In just three months, he had cultivated from a first-level warrior to a fourth-level realm. This cultivation speed was so terrifying that even the most talented cultivators in the Supreme Creation Sect could not achieve such a cultivation speed, let alone the extraordinary warriors whose cultivation speed was far inferior to that of the cultivators.

For extraordinary warriors, those who could achieve a breakthrough once a year were already peerless geniuses. Xu Chenzhou's performance was so outrageous that he seemed a little non-human.

Of course, although he was a little surprised, the young Taoist priest did not show mercy. Instead, he kept forming seals with his hands to increase the output of magic power.

Not only that, the expression on his face also became more serious, no longer as cynical as it was at the beginning.

Xu Chenzhou's cultivation speed really surprised him. The young Taoist priest who was familiar with the sect's biography knew that if he had an enemy with such a genius, the best choice would be to kill him directly.

As the young Taoist priest increased the output of his magic power, the shapes of the golden figures in the air gradually became more solid. The shapes of the armor on the figures wearing golden armor became more lifelike, and the texture of the metal could even be seen.

The attack power of these figures has also been greatly improved. The golden figure carrying a sword slashed out with his sword, and the sword energy cut a mountain peak in the distance into two pieces. The golden figure holding a glazed vase in his hand even pushed forward. The brilliance smashed into the ground one after another big holes comparable to meteorite craters.

Xu Chenzhou silently felt that this powerful attack was already close to Li Xuangang's immortal magic.

However, Xu Chenzhou was not the original Wu Xia Amen. At that time, he was only a first-level extraordinary warrior, and naturally had no resistance to the fifth-level immortal magic.

After this period of development, he not only survived the thunder tribulation in the world of Yangshen and became a sixth-level ghost immortal, but also cultivated his martial arts cultivation to the extraordinary fourth-level level in one go, plus many other things. With the blessing of the world's cultivation system, his combat effectiveness at this time has long been out of the ordinary.

Xu Chenzhou didn't even show his trump card. He just replaced the White Emperor's Golden Dragon sword energy with the sword energy condensed from the Cao Zi Sword Jue, and blocked all the powerful attacks of the golden figure.

Not only that, under the terrifying power of the grass-character sword energy, several golden figures were directly pierced through the chest by the sword energy of the grass-character sword art and cut into countless pieces.

Seeing this scene, the young Taoist priest's eyes moved slightly: "You actually have a trump card? Good boy, you really exceeded my expectations.

Even if you can hit my Dharma Protector General, so what. The Dharma Protector Summoned by my Supreme Descendence Dharma Protector Spell is immortal and has the same characteristics as me of always being there. Even if you kill them a hundred times. , and there is no way to cause any substantial harm to my protector. "

As he spoke, the young Taoist priest clasped his hands repeatedly. As he cast spells, countless golden light particles appeared in the void. They floated toward the golden bridge along mysterious trajectories, and then those golden particles were chopped into pieces. The figures slowly gathered on the bridge again.

Just at the moment when these golden figures were about to regroup, their bodies lit up with countless lines flashing with dazzling light, and then one after another terrifying sword energy shot out from these lines, actually killing these golden figures again. Into countless pieces.

When the young man saw this scene, he was extremely shocked and even a little frightened: "How is this possible? Your sword energy can actually hurt my protector."

The young Taoist priest continued to seal, trying to unite the protector again, but what made him despair was that no matter how hard he tried, as soon as the golden figure appeared, he would be chopped into pieces by countless sword energies. These sword energies seemed to be rooted in the golden color. At the origin of the human figure's existence, no matter how hard he tried, he could not remove it.

Xu Chenzhou was not surprised by this. The young Taoist priest's magical powers were indeed mysterious, and he even had a hint of the original aura, but so what.

The skills he practices are not soft and can be bullied.

As one of the most powerful swordsmanship in the perfect world, the Grass-Character Sword Technique is the natal magical power of the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, one of the Ten Evils. When practiced to the depths, it can cut through the universe and cut off time, and it has reached the original level.

The scars left by the sword intent of the Cao Zi Jian Jue are close to Dao wounds, which directly act on the roots of the things that were cut off. The wounds can be erased by simply condensing them again.

While the young Taoist priest was shocked, Xu Chenzhou secretly strengthened the power of his sword energy. The White Emperor's Golden Dragon Lungs in his body emitted sword sounds like dragon roars, and then the countless pores all over his body were filled with sword energy. The dense sword energy spurted out like a tide.

These sword energy kept shuttling in the void, and in an instant, more than a dozen golden figures were stabbed into the shape of a hornet's nest. Even the golden bridge in mid-air was cut into half by a sword energy. Bridge pillars.

Seeing this scene, a trace of panic flashed in the young Taoist priest's eyes.

He hurriedly pinched his handprints again and again, so fast that he even left countless afterimages in the air.

As his spell was lifted, the golden figure in mid-air and the golden bridge also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the young Taoist breathed out a long breath. The Supreme God's Protector's Curse was one of the several magical powers he majored in. The most powerful part of this magical power lies in the protracted battle. His Protector's Curse It can be reborn endlessly with almost no consumption.

Ordinary opponents simply do not have any means to effectively kill the Protector God, so no matter how tough the opponent is, they will be defeated by the continuous attacks of the Protector God like a tide.

But Xu Chenzhou is different. His sword energy can actually cause damage to the protector, and judging from the situation just now, this damage is probably permanent. If Xu Chenzhou continues to kill him like this, his magical power will really Wasted.

At this time, the young Taoist priest no longer had any contempt for Xu Chenzhou in his eyes.

He stared at Xu Chenzhou, his eyes becoming extremely serious.

Seeing the young Taoist stop for a while, Xu Chenzhou said: "Can I ask you a question? I have no grudges against your Taishang Zaohua Sect, why do you want to kill me?"

Xu Chenzhou actually had some guesses about this question, but he still wanted to know a more accurate answer.

After all, he knew that the answer was related to the safety of his sister Xu Moyan.

The young Taoist was not in a hurry to take action. He now knew that Xu Chenzhou was not easy to deal with, so he secretly thought about how to take Xu Chenzhou down more safely.

He spoke slowly: "If you asked me this question before, I wouldn't tell you, but now you are qualified to let me answer, you should have known your sister's identity, right?"

Xu Chenzhou nodded slowly: "Mo Ran has told me that he worshipped a master some time ago and followed his master to join the Supreme Summoning Sect.

So your targeting me is related to my sister?

If I'm not mistaken, it should be related to the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter mentioned by Mo Ran"

The young Taoist nodded: "In fact, you didn't have to die, and you could even have the background of the Supreme Creation Sect because your sister joined the Supreme Creation Sect.

But your sister is stubborn and unwilling to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, and her behavior goes against the interests of the Supreme Creation Sect, so in order to make your sister willing to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, my master took this bad idea. "

Xu Chenzhou silently raised his eyebrows: "Is there any specific connection between killing me and letting Mo Ran practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter?"

The young Taoist nodded slightly: "Of course there is. According to our investigation, Xu Mo Ran's interpersonal relationships are very simple. She has almost no close friends in school. Her life mainly revolves around you, her brother.

So the master speculated that the main reason why Xu Mo Ran was unwilling to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter was because she didn't want to forget the feelings between you.

In addition, after we killed you, we would also blame your death on other people. In addition to practicing the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, Xu Mo Ran's cultivation qualifications are very ordinary, so if she wants to avenge you, she has no other choice but to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter. "

As the young man was talking, his eyes suddenly looked to the horizon, and a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

Then with a sonic boom, a figure fell from the sky!

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