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Chapter 222: The Eight Supreme Wonders: Immortal Slaying Sword

Faced with such a dangerous scene, Xu Chenzhou did not panic at all. He has now reached the fourth level of the extraordinary warrior. He has mastered the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Hundong Kung Fu to the fourth level, and can differentiate four emperor dragon clones at the same time. Li Xuangang's nine-day sky patrol with the Immortal Technique was certainly powerful, but Xu Chenzhou didn't think he could beat his Black Emperor Water Dragon clone.

The blood in Xu Chenzhou's body rushed through the blood vessels at an extremely turbulent speed, making the sound of surging water one after another. The countless divine lights in the blood gave off thousands of rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, a giant dragon that was completely black and showed its fangs and claws appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

The black divine dragon spread out its body and hovered in the air. Streams of jet black water gathered on the dragon's body. Then the giant dragon soared towards the sky and collided with the nine falling suns from the sky. Together.

The scene was extremely spectacular. The sun hit the black dragon one by one. Every time the sun fell, it would cause a terrifying explosion. The explosion formed mushroom clouds in mid-air, emitting scorching heat.

The body of the Black Emperor Water Dragon is covered with black water. Under the protection of these water flows, the explosion caused by Nine Days' Fall cannot really harm the Black Dragon's body.

Then the black dragon jumped into the air and pounced on Li Xuangang. Its body was flashing with colorful lights, and it fought with his intact half of the body.

And the most shocking thing is that during the attack, the black dragon actually used many magic arts from the perfect world. In its body, Shen Xi flickered and used the green-scaled eagle magic and the suanni magic, etc. .

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou nodded slightly. Sure enough, the Five Emperors Dragon Transformation Technique can perfectly inherit all the abilities of extraordinary organs with specific attributes.

His Black Emperor Black Dragon blood is based on the blood cultivated in the Perfect World Blood Movement Realm, so it is logical that the condensed Black Emperor Black Dragon can use the perfect world's treasures.

While being attacked, Li Xuangang kept holding his hand seals and using various magical techniques, but he still couldn't get rid of the black dragon's attack.

The power of the black dragon completely shocked Li Xuangang and Liu Yun.

Especially Li Xuangang couldn't believe his eyes. Nine-day sky patrol was his most proud immortal technique. He was confident that this move was powerful enough to defeat the fifth level of immortal cultivators.

But now his immortal technique was caught by a fourth-level warrior using his external incarnation. This was a devastating blow to Li Xuangang.

Li Xuangang and Liu Yun looked at each other, and then he said, "Liu Yun, there's something wrong with this kid. His dragon incarnation is a bit ridiculously strong."

Liu Yun also nodded: "That's true. As far as I know, the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Hundong Gong does have the magical power of the Five Emperors to Transform into Dragons. Legend has it that after using this magical power, practitioners can transform into five emperor dragons inside and outside the body." , and the strength of the Emperor Dragon's incarnation is not inferior to the original body in terms of a single attribute, or even exceeds it.

But Xu Chenzhou is obviously only a fourth-level warrior. No matter how powerful his emperor dragon incarnation is, he can't compete with us. "

Li Xuangang nodded: "Indeed, I have also met other extraordinary warriors who practice the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Hundong Kung Fu, but their emperor dragon incarnations are not so powerful.

Don't say they come one by one, even if five of them come together, they can't be my opponent.

Not to mention that this kid is only at the fourth level of extraordinary level and is still a big level behind me.

With such a huge gap, he could still use an emperor dragon to stop me. This is no longer a problem that martial arts talent can explain.

There must be a secret in this kid's body, and it's a big secret. "

Liu Yun nodded: "Since there is a big secret, we can't let him die so happily.

Let's change the plan a little, catch him later and hand him over to the teacher. If the teacher can ask something from it, we will all benefit together. "

Seeing the two of them chatting as if no one was around, Xu Chenzhou also let out a laugh: "You guys are all taking this into account before you even mention the eight characters?

Obviously the two of you together are no match for me. I really don’t understand what confidence you have that makes you so arrogant. "

While Xu Chenzhou was chatting with the two of them, he activated the White Emperor's Golden Dragon Lung in his body. Countless sword energy surged in Xu Chenzhou's belly, and then another white-gold dragon appeared next to him.

After this giant dragon joined the battlefield, it immediately broke the tie that had been barely maintained before.

The White Emperor's Golden Dragon kept swimming in the air. Countless sword energy spurted out from the white dragon's body. Every part of its body, every scale, and even the dragon's whiskers were transformed into Countless swords.

With the attack of the White Emperor Golden Dragon, the pressure on Li Xuangang and Liu Yun suddenly increased. The White Emperor Golden Dragon's sword energy was not only dense, but also contained the overbearing sword intent of the Caozi Sword Jue in every stroke. Locusts passing through a border are generally unstoppable and nothing can stop them.

But faced with such an unfavorable situation, Liuyun not only did not panic, but also always had a carefree smile on his face.

He turned to look at Li Xuangang and scolded sternly: "Okay, stop playing around and quickly use your true strength to finish him off. Why are you so annoying? Don't you see that I can't hold on any longer?"

After Liu Yun finished speaking, he looked in the direction of Xu Chenzhou: "Do you know the origin of the name Wujixian?"

Xu Chenzhou shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Then Liuyun continued to talk: "The so-called Wujixian comes from the Taishang Creation Sect's immortal magic, the Taishang Life and Death Void Bliss Curse.

This spell can make the fake come true and the death come alive. It is a first-class secret method.

No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you are not dead, you can use the Taishang Life and Death Void Bliss Curse to repair the injury. Even if you are dead, there is a chance that you can be saved.

For example, Li Xuangang before was messed up by Zhang Xuemei, that crazy woman. His body was full of Taoist injuries and his body could not be repaired at all. He was almost a useless person, but under my master's magic spell, he was not Recovered.

This spell has another use, which is to train other creatures into Wujixian.

The word "Wuji" in the so-called Wujixian means no form and no self, no knowledge and no consciousness. The so-called Wuji is also no self.

However, although being trained into a Wujixian will lose oneself, there are gains and losses.

Wujixian, Wujixian, although it is only a selfless immortal, it is still an immortal after all.

After being trained into a Wujixian, it is equivalent to stepping half a foot into the immortal gate and no longer being an ordinary person. "

Just as Liuyun explained the origin of Wujixian, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from Li Xuangang's body.

A breath of immortality and the vastness of the heaven slowly appeared on Li Xuangang's body.

Feeling this breath, Xu Chenzhou's face changed slightly.

He had also felt this breath on Zhou Xuanyi before. Only when he broke through to the stage of the sixth-level god and demon level extraordinary person could he have this terrifying aura.

Xu Chenzhou looked at Li Xuangang in surprise: "This aura? Have you successfully become a god-demon-level transcendent?"

Xu Chenzhou clearly remembered that the last time he met Li Xuangang, Li Xuangang did not have this faint aura.

Liuyun said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, our Taishang Creation Sect has always been kind to others, and it is impossible for us to disobey the order of the Star Domain Alliance and secretly keep a sixth-level god-demon-level transcendent.

Although Li Xuangang now has a trace of the sixth-level aura, he has not officially broken through to the sixth level, and can only be regarded as a half-step to the sixth level at most.

You must know that before being refined into Wujixian, Li Xuangang had already cultivated to a fifth-level cultivator, and then my master personally took action, and it was a natural thing for him to break through half a level."

At the moment when the two were talking, Li Xuangang made a fierce move.

"The Eight Supreme Wonders, a sword that can slash immortals."

As Li Xuangang stretched out his hand and pointed, a sword light appeared between heaven and earth. This sword light carried endless murderous aura, which could slash immortals and destroy gods. It was extremely terrifying and no one could stop it.

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