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Chapter 223: The foundation of swordsmanship, learning from the master on the spot

Xu Chenzhou's eyes were slightly solemn when he saw this scene. The sword energy swung by Li Xuangang made him feel a huge threat.

It turned out that Li Xuangang, who had been trained to become a Wuji Immortal, was the trump card of the Taishang Creation Sect.

As expected, the foundation of these old-fashioned sects is extremely profound. With a Wuji Immortal who is half a step to the sixth level sitting in the sect, even if the masters are transferred away, the Taishang Creation Sect is still as stable as Mount Tai.

After comprehending the sword intent of Zhuxian, Xu Chenzhou has a very deep understanding of the sword.

He could vaguely feel that the core of the sword of beheading the immortal was extremely complicated. It was already close to the level of law attack. This sword cut the sky and the earth, cut the soul of the people, cut the past, cut the opportunity, cut the luck, and everything is within the attack range of the sword of beheading the immortal.

This sword energy cannot be avoided, because it cannot be avoided, and it cannot be hidden, because it cannot be hidden.

Because the sword of beheading the immortal is not attacking his body in the world, but a deeper existence, cutting the foundation of Xu Chenzhou's existence in this world.

Of course, Li Xuangang didn't touch this point at this time. He only mastered the tip of the sword of beheading the immortal.

His sword of beheading the immortal mainly attacked Xu Chenzhou's body in the world.

But even so, the sword of beheading the immortal he used would still weaken Xu Chenzhou's luck, opportunity, and destiny.

This move was not the first time he had seen it. Li Xuangang had used this sword of beheading the immortal on him once before, but that time Li Xuangang did not learn the sword of beheading the immortal, but relied on a talisman circulated in the Supreme Creation Sect to perform this move.

And this time, after being refined into the Wuji Immortal of the Supreme Creation Sect, Li Xuangang actually obtained the inheritance of this magical power from the Supreme Creation Sect.

Li Xuangang's sword light was extremely fast. With one sword, the void was shattered, the heaven and earth were repeated, and even the scorching sun in the sky lost its brilliance at this moment.

Facing this sword, a huge bell-shaped air cover appeared on Xu Chenzhou's body for the first time in a long time.

Waves of dark yellow energy descended, protecting Xu Chenzhou in the middle. The dark yellow bell suddenly collided with the sword energy.

Dong, a bell rang, and the long and long bell sound resounded through the mountains and forests.

Then there was a huge explosion.

The whole earth was cut by the sword, and a huge crack was cut. This big crack spanned hundreds of meters and was bottomless. Even faintly, you could see bursts of red light under the crack, as if magma was rolling inside.

In the center of this crack, there was a small black dot, and Xu Chenzhou was in the dot.

The land about three feet under his feet was still intact, and a slender stone pillar stood in the huge crack, which looked a little strange.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuangang was shocked. Xu Chenzhou really brought him too many surprises today.

"I didn't expect you to survive my Immortal Sword. You should know that even a fifth-level Martial King cannot block the power of my sword.

But so what? You can block my one sword, and can you block thousands of my swords?

Besides, the most powerful part of the Immortal Sword is not its power."

Liu Yun, who was standing aside, nodded: "Indeed, the Immortal Sword is one of the Eight Supremes, and its strongest point is to kill the luck. Every move of the Immortal Sword can weaken the opponent's luck and disintegrate the opponent's soul.

Do you feel that your body is a little weak, and you have a bad premonition in your heart? This is the performance after the luck is dissipated. You can block the tangible sword energy, but how can you block the invisible attack.

Wait until Your luck has declined to the extreme. You will go crazy and die without our help.

I think you should surrender obediently and return to the Supreme Creation Gate with me, and then obediently reveal your secrets. In this way, you still have a way out.

To be honest, your aptitude is really good. You have such a strong combat power at the fourth level, and you are qualified to become the teacher's Wujixian.

Although the teacher always looks down on warriors, he will still look at a genius like you differently.

At that time, I will beg the teacher to let him refine you into a Wujixian, so that you can keep your life. "

The two did not stop their attacks while talking. Li Xuangang, as a Wujixian with a status similar to that of a slave, could learn the sword of beheading the immortal, so as a direct disciple, Liuyun could naturally learn the sword of beheading the immortal.

The two attacked simultaneously, and countless sword energy kept flowing in the sky.

Countless sword qi attacked the bell-shaped gas shield, and the bell rang one after another. The dark yellow aura shrouded in the bell-shaped gas shield also kept fluctuating, and it became a little dim.

However, Xu Chenzhou, who was hiding in the bell-shaped gas shield, did not have the slightest anxiety on his face. Instead, he looked at the sword of beheading immortals performed by Li Xuangang and Liuyun with an interested look.

The more he looked, the more excited he became, because the mysteries contained in the sword of beheading immortals coincided with the sword intent of beheading immortals in his mind.

This was an opportunity for Xu Chenzhou.

If it was the kind of person who practiced the sword of beheading immortals to the Mahayana stage, it would be too difficult to see the essence of this set of magical powers from their hands.

On the contrary, the two people in front of him were not well-trained, so they revealed many flaws in their moves, but showed the essence of this sword art in front of Xu Chenzhou, allowing Xu Chenzhou to study the mysteries of this set of magical powers to his heart's content.

The more Xu Chenzhou looked at it, the more he felt that the Immortal Slashing Sword was closely related to the Immortal Execution Sword Intent, because many of the sword techniques used in the Immortal Slashing Sword were very similar to the Immortal Execution Sword Intent, and were inherited from the Sage Tongtian, but the laws contained in it were somewhat similar to the three Tai Shang diagrams that Xu Chenzhou had comprehended at the beginning.

It was as if this was a magical power created by an existence that was proficient in the inheritance of both the Sage Tongtian and the Sage Tai Shang.

The two people on the opposite side attacked for a long time before they stopped with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

At this time, with Xu Chenzhou as the center of the circle, the scene within a radius of several thousand meters was like a purgatory, leaving a bottomless hole. The sword energy of the two had even penetrated the earth's crust, and magma continued to gushed out from the ground, and then quickly cooled and turned into hard volcanic rock.

Liuyun sighed: "Good fellow, this turtle shell is ridiculously hard, it can't be broken even like this."

Li Xuangang also showed helplessness. He had not held back at all, but he still couldn't break Xu Chenzhou's bell-shaped gas shield.

Especially, he had clearly beaten the bell-shaped gas shield to the brink of breaking, but Xu Chenzhou in the gas shield took out a pill from somewhere, and after eating it, he instantly recovered to his peak state, which made people feel a little desperate just by looking at it.

But Li Xuangang was not discouraged, because he knew that even if Xu Chenzhou blocked all the sword energy, it would be meaningless.

Because he blocked only the tangible sword energy, so many sword energies of the immortals were enough to weaken Xu Chenzhou's luck to the bottom.

Now Xu Chenzhou would even get stuck in his teeth when drinking cold water, and the most basic true energy circulation would have problems. It wouldn't take long for him to go crazy.

He no longer needed to do anything. He only needed to trap Xu Chenzhou and grind him to death here.

Xu Chenzhou didn't care what the two people were thinking. His attention was all on the Immortal Sword.

He knew that the two people would never leave without getting rid of him. In that case, there was no need to care about them.

The Immortal Sword was extremely subtle. Ordinary practitioners would find it difficult to comprehend the mystery even in their lifetime without the secret book.

However, Xu Chenzhou was very familiar with the two foundations of the Immortal Sword. Whether it was the swordsmanship framework of the Master Tongtian or the source of the law of the Supreme Saint, Xu Chenzhou had some understanding.

The operation of the Immortal Sword was indeed very clever. It combined the existence law of the Supreme Saint with the swordsmanship of the Saint Tongtian, but the creator of this magical power did not necessarily have a deeper understanding of the two than Xu Chenzhou at this time.

After all, he relied on himself to comprehend the existence of the three Taishang pictures, faced the origin projection left by Laojun, and the Zhuxian sword meaning he comprehended was taught by Tongtian Sect Master.

Xu Chenzhou only needed the operating framework of the sword of the immortal, and he could fill in the other missing cores in the comprehension with his knowledge reserves.

As he took thousands of sword attacks, he had basically comprehended the framework of this magical power at this time, and at the same time, he also comprehended most of the swordsmanship principles in this magical power.

This kind of comprehension is also very beneficial to Xu Chenzhou himself. If the sword of the immortal is a textbook for doctoral students, then the swordsmanship principles contained in the sword of the immortal is a high school textbook.

Although there is still a big gap, it is still very beneficial to Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou's own swordsmanship is very ordinary. After all, he has been practicing for too short a time, so how can he practice and master a good swordsmanship at the same time.

The reason why he was able to comprehend the Immortal Sword Intent was entirely due to cheating with the Grass Sword Technique.

Although his sword realm was high after he mastered the Immortal Sword Intent, it was still a bit superficial, so if he wanted to go further, he had to make up for the foundation, and the sword knowledge in the Immortal Sword could just make up for this shortcoming for him.

This is also one of the reasons why Xu Chenzhou attached so much importance to the Immortal Sword.

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